▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Blue-eyed cockatoo
Cacatua ophthalmica

Cacatúa Oftálmica



50 cm. length and a weight between 500 and 580 gr.
The plumage of the Blue-eyed cockatoo (Cacatua ophthalmica) is mostly white. Its crest is yellow, large and well rounded back, leaning to the neck.

The feathers that cover the ear, the base of the neck and cheek are pale yellow. The inside of the wings and tail are slightly yellowish. The ring around the eye is blue, the iris is dark brown and gray peak.
Only you can distinguish males and females by iris.


Video – "Blue-eyed cockatoo" (Blue-eyed cockatoo)

Ophthalmic cockatoo.MPG

Primary forest, edges of forests and areas with sparse vegetation to 1.000 m.
It is more common in the plains than in the mountains.

They live alone, in pairs or flocks of birds 10-20. Easy to distinguish and noisy, usually. When you are flying over forests, your flight is sandwiched between glide and powerful flapping. Probably similar habits to the Sulphur-crested cockatoo, screams as she, only that stronger.


There is no information about the reproduction of this species in the wild, but in captivity the female lays around 2 eggs and incubation lasts 28-30 days. The young are altricial (totally dependent on their parents for the first few weeks of life) and they remain in the nest for nine to twelve weeks being fed by both parents; later, young people, they are accompanied for a few months.


They feed mainly on seeds, fruit, in particular the figs, berries and, possibly, insects and larvae.


Ophthalmic Cockatoo Distribution

New Britain and new Ireland in the Bismarck Archipelago (Papua New Guinea).



Conservation status of IUCN: Vulnerable (VU)

This species has been upgraded to Vulnerable because remote sensing techniques indicate that the lowland forest, on which this species depends for nesting, It is disappearing at a notorious enough pace to cause a rapid decline in the population.
The rapid conversion of lowland rainforest to oil plantation use over the past thirty years is likely to have caused significant loss of breeding habitat..

Although it is rare in international trade, even the limited catch would be a cause for concern.

The population is estimated at at least 10.000 mature individuals.

"Blue-eyed cockatoo" in captivity:

Extremely elegant and striking. It is gaining share as a companion pet.
It mimics human speech, is very active, capable of stunts and very close to the people.

Despite his intelligence and skills, not at all a cockatoo that can be kept in an apartment.
On the one hand, due to its high energy, and secondly because of the power of their cries.

Their average lifespan is of 40 years in captivity. Surprisingly their hope for life in nature is longer, of 50 to 60 years. The life expectancy in captivity decrease may be due to inadequate attention.

Alternative names:

Blue eyed Cockatoo, Blue-eyed cackatoo, Blue-eyed Cockatoo (ingles).
Cacatoès à oeil bleu, Cacatoès aux yeux bleus (French).
Brillenkakadu (German).
Cacatua-de-olhos-azuis (Portuguese).
Cacatúa Oftálmica (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Cacatuidae
Scientific name: Cacatua ophthalmica
Citation: Sclater,PL, 1864
Protonimo: Cacatua ophthalmica

Ophthalmic Cockatoo Images:

Species of the genus Cacatua

– Photos: Wikimedia Commons, kisspanda.rajce.idnes.cz/, Gros-becs.net
– Sounds: Frank Lambert

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Salmon-crested cockatoo
Cacatua moluccensis

Cacatúa Moluqueña



40 to 50 cm.. length and a weight of up to 900 gr.
The plumage of the Salmon-crested cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) is predominantly white, except the tuft, that consists of red feathers that is usually when the bird is excited.

The interior of the wings is light salmon color. The the tail feathers they have a yellow-orange and pink color at the base.
The bill is strong, curved and black. The legs also are of color black. A skin bare of color white blue surrounds them eyessexual dimorphism It is in the color of your eyes. Males have dark eyes while females have them red.
The immature are like adults.


Video – "Salmon-crested cockatoo" (Cacatua moluccensis)

moluccan cockatoo

It shows preference for forests. It is from sea level up to the 1200 metres of elevation. In noisy roosts, during the breeding season, alone or in couples; at other times are found in groups of up to 16 birds. Species usually shy. You enable in the early morning and at dusk.


The breeding season exact in the nature is unknown, but the activity of nesting It has observed in mayo, July and August, When the birds are usually seen alone or in pairs. The nests are built in large trees, taking advantage of holes in the trunks to 25 meters above the ground. The implementation size in captivity is from one to three, usually two, the eggs, they are incubated by both parents for 28 to 29 days.


With feeds fruit, grains, seeds, berries, vegetables and dried fruits. It has a peak strong, able to break the hard shells.
Probably also feed on insects and their larvae and from time to time in the coconut plantations, where Peck young fruits, to reach the water and the meat of the content.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 33.800 km2

Lives in the Plains to low height in the islands of the South of the Moluccas in Indonesian, Islands of Ceram, Saparua and Haruku.
It was introduced on the neighbouring island of Ambon.


State of conservation ⓘ

Vulnerable Vulnerable (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Vulnerable.

• Population trend: Decreasing.

Is in the list of species at risk of CIPA (International Council for the protection of birds). It became part of the I in 1989 of the CITES and, in Europe, is covered by the program of protection of the species in extinction (EEP).

Their main threats they are the illegal trade (in great measure responsibility of Indonesian) and deforestation, that has led to a dramatic loss of habitat.

In 1982, exported a total of 6.413 birds, around the 15% of all local poultry exports, Since this species is still very desired as a companion bird.

Although the international trade reported fell to zero in the Decade of 1990, them hunters will have maintained very active and the birds are sold openly in Indonesian.

Just 62.400 Salmon-crested cockatoo in the world according to the FWS Federal Register.

In the news Loro Parque Foundation has in place a “field project” for their protection and survival in their country of origin, We hope that this great work to proceed and succeed.

"Salmon-crested cockatoo" in captivity:

In captivity is quite rare and face, but he has adapted well and plays smoothly in the spaces provided.

As a pet is simply exceptional for its docility. The only drawback is the noise it emits at times when its demands are not immediately met.

Despite their exceptional behavior, we should not consider the possession of this cockatoo as a cage bird of this wonderful bird. Trade can lead in a few years to extinction.

Alternative names:

Salmon-crested Cockatoo, Moluccan Cockatoo, Rose cackatoo (ingles).
Cacatoès à huppe rouge, Cacatoès des Moluques (francés).
Molukkenkakadu (alemán).
Cacatua-das-molucas (portugués).
Cacatúa Copete Encarnado, Cacatúa Moluqueña, Cacatúa de las Molucas (español).

Gmelin Johann Friedrich
Gmelin Johann Friedrich

Clasificación científica:

Orden: Psittaciformes
Familia: Cacatuidae
Genus: Cacatua
Nombre científico: Cacatua moluccensis
Citation: (Gmelin, 1788)
Protónimo: Psittacus moluccensis

Imágenes Cacatúa Moluqueña:

Especies del género Cacatua

– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Par
– Birdlife

– Fotos: de.wikipedia.org, Wikimedia

– Sonidos: Frank Lambert (xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

White cockatoo
Cacatua alba

Cacatúa Blanca


Description White Cockatoo


40 to 50 cm.. length and a weight of approximately 550 gr.
The White cockatoo (Cacatua alba) is completely white, with yellowing below wings, bill black and legs dark gray.

The eye ring is blue.
It has a crest exuberant, that is elevated or low, Depending on your state of mind. The wings They are tapered or rounded.

If he irises is brown, then it is male, if reddish, it is female. The females has bill smaller.

The juveniles only they differ by color irises.

White Cockatoo Behavior:

They usually fly solo, in pairs, small groups, or in flocks of up to fifteen birds. In the afternoon, they gather in groups of up to fifty birds. even though they are social, with the exception of mating pairs, usually, they do not form close ties with others. As a result, There is no firmly defined order of dominant position in the community. Son day and they tend to be sedentary, Although some can be nomadic and wander in search of food.

The white cockatoos they are very bright and curious birds. They have the ability to use tools, as the use of a branch to scratch your back. They are monogamous, with couple bonds lasting lifetime. They can fall into a deep depression if you lose your partner.

Habitat White Cockatoo:

Video – "White cockatoo" (Cacatua alba)

Presentation of the cockatoo alba

They live in lowland forests below 900 m, as well as in mangrove forests, plantations and agricultural land.
they are particularly common around the edge of clearings and rivers. They spend most of their time in the tops of the trees. The secondary vegetation high is its preferred habitat.

White Cockatoo Reproduction:

It nests in the hollows of trees. They lay two eggs and two birds hatch for a few 28 days. The larger hatchling tends to take dominance over the smaller hatchling, which will not be able to survive.. The chicks leave the nest to the 84 days old and are independent around 15-18 weeks. These birds reach sexual maturity at the age of 3-4 years.

White Cockatoo feeding:

In nature it feeds mainly on Tree fruits. They are often seen feeding on papaya, Durian, complexioned and rambutan. It has also seen them will eat crickets and lizards. They often feed on corn that grows in the fields, sometimes doing considerable damage.


Size of its range (reproduction / resident): 51.400 km2

The white cockatoo It found in rainforests on the islands of Halmahera, Bacan, Ternate, Ternate, Kasiruta and Mandioli in the north of the Moluccas of Indonesian.


Appears as vulnerable by the IUCN and placed in Appendix II in 1981.

In their natural environment, the white cockatoo is a species vulnerable Due to the decrease in number due to habitat loss natural, as well as for the capture for the illegal bird trade. There are restrictions on the number of birds that can be exported, but BirdLife International He says that this is being exceeded by up to 18 times the agreed number in some areas.

It can cause substantial damage to Corn crops.

World population: 43,000 – 183,000 individuals.

The White Cockatoo in captivity:

The White cockatoo You can live more than 60 years. It is very common in poultry farming and it is perhaps one of the most frequent pet cockatoos.

They are sympathetic, calm, beautiful, sweets and easy to domesticate. Bred to porridge they are usually wonderful pets, You can play some words but are not good talkers. These birds in captivity require mental stimulation almost constant. They are in constant motion, up and doing gymnastics. When lack of mental stimulation, often they are become neurotic, booting the feathers to the point of causing areas of baldness.

They are known for being very affectionate with their human companions, acting more like a dog than a bird in this regard as.

In the absence of a partner, captive white cockatoos will bond with their keeper as if that person were their mate.

Alternative names:

White cackatoo, Great White Cockatoo, White Cockatoo, White-crested Cockatoo (ingles).
Cacatoès blanc, Grand Cacatoès blanc (French).
Weißhaubenkakadu (German).
Catatua-branca (Portuguese).
Cacatúa Alba, Cacatúa Blanca, Cacatúa Copete Blanco, Cacatúa de Goffin (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Cacatuidae
Genus: Cockatoo
Scientific name: Cacatua alba
Citation: (Statius Müller, 1776)
Protonimo: Psittacus albus

White Cockatoo Images:

Species of the genus Cacatua


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – commons.wikimedia.org
(2) – Adam Lysican

Sounds: Mike Nelson (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Long-billed corella
Cacatua tenuirostris

Cacatúa Picofina



35 to 41 cm.. length. The weight of 500 to 600 g..
The Long-billed corella (Cacatua tenuirostris) has white plumage. The undertail coverts and the parts below from the wings they are bathed in pale yellow, very visible in flight. It has red coloration in the throat and the chest, with a Red Crescent ranked in the upper breast.
The Head shows a small crest white, Red front and a wide, nude and fleshy eye ring blue-grey around the eyes dark browns. The bill is white with blue base. upper jaw is long and hooked. The legs and feet are dark gray.

The female is similar to the male, with the upper jaw more short and less red.

There are two similar species:

Cacatua sanguinea. Lack of forecrown Red and the red color in the neck. The upper jaw is shorter.

Cacatua galerita. Similar in flight, has crest yellow and lacks of colour red. The bill is black.


Video – "Long-billed corella" (Cacatua tenuirostris)

Long-billed corella ~ Cacatua tenuirostris

Common in forests and remnant trees on farmland. It nests in Eucalyptus camaldulensis in the flooded Plains or close to streams. Wild populations living on farms and parks in urban areas.


It´s resident in their area of distribution, some local movements. Outside of breeding season, You can see in large flocks of up to 2.000 birds or more. Son noisy and visible, pronouncing discordant calls.

Pose in large eucalyptus near water. They leave the roost in the morning to drink, and then, go to the feeding areas. Again when the darkness comes to sleep, but not before excited participate in games and stunts .

They move on the floor with stunning movement jump. They do not have the other species waddling gait cockatoo.
It causes damage to crops of cereals and tree fruit, considered as one pest for farmers.

Nest colonies. They can create their nests with other species of Corella, and sometimes they hybridize. Populations feral in Sydney and Perth, from the release of unwanted birds, they may hybridize with endangered species such as the Cacatua pastinator


Held from July to November. Forman couples monogamous. The male and female prepared the nest in the Hollows of large old eucalypts. If you do not find a suitable tree, You can make a burrow in soft soil Bank. They fill the nest of wood chips and often reuse it for several years.

They nest in large colonies, with several nests in the same tree.
The female lays 2-4 eggs White. The incubation lasts a few 24 days, shared by both parents. The young leave the nest 55 days after hatching, being fed by the parents for three weeks more.


Feeds mainly on what obtained from soil, seeds, estate and bulbs that unearths with its upper jaw. They feed in the coolest hours of the day. Also consumes insects.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 382.000 km2

Is located in the southeast of Australia. Introduced in urban centers of Australia and Tasmania.


State of conservation ⓘ

Status Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern.

• Population trend growing

Populations may be declining due to loss of breeding grounds in its original distribution area.
But, the Long-billed corella It common in its range.

Is created that in the world there are more than 250 thousand individuals.

"Long-billed corella" in captivity:

It is very popular as a pet for the most part of Australia, and he has catalogued as the best “talkative” of the australian cockatoos for its ability to mimic words almost to perfection.
Has a personality playful and active.

Out of its area of distribution is rare in poultry farming.

Alternative names:

Long billed Corella, Long-billed Cockatoo, Long-billed Corella, Slender-billed Corella (ingles).
Cacatoès nasique (French).
Nasenkakadu (German).
Cacatua-corella-de-bico-longo (Portuguese).
Cacatúa de Pico Largo, Cacatúa Picofina (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Cacatuidae
Genus: Cockatoo
Scientific name: Cacatua tenuirostris
Citation: (Kuhl, 1820)
Protonimo: Psittacus tenuirostris

Images Slender-billed Cockatoo:

Species of the genus Cacatua

– Photos: Alice Springs in Australia’s Red Centre, commons.wikimedia.org, Ian Barker (ibc.lynxeds.com/)
– Sounds: Marc Anderson (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Western corella
Cacatua pastinator

Cacatúa Cavadora



The Western corella (Cacatua pastinator) is a cockatoo of medium size and quite stocky; 43-48 cm.. in length and a weight ranging from 560 and 815 gr.

Mostly white with a wash of red orange color in prominent lores, a strong washing yellow at the bottom of the wings and tail, orbital ring blue-gray; bill pale grey, and legs and feet grey.

It also, the feathers of the head, the neck and the chest have bases red orange that, Although normally hidden, they may be exposed during the Act of grooming or stands by the wind.

The male and female look the same.

The immature They are very similar to adult birds, but they can be distinguished when viewed up close; the texture Nonsquamous bill, washing pale yellow in ear-coverts, the upper jaw shorter and pale and bare periophthalmic less pronounced.

Description 2 subspecies

  • Cacatua pastinator derbyi

    (Mathews, 1916) – Significantly smaller and with a bill shorter.

  • Cacatua pastinator pastinator

    (Gould, 1841) – Nominal.


The habitat of the Western corella seems very fragmented. Much of the original habitat has been lost due to logging, the dieback of the field due to processes as soil salinization and degradation.

the Western corella It is now confined to small remnants of their former habitat, including trees isolated in areas cleared of native vegetation. It has been able to persist in small remnants of habitat in agricultural regions because these regions provide permanent water and an abundant food source., but many of these areas are now being converted into plantations Eucalytpus globulus or vegetable crops, which are not suitable for this species.


The breeding season, generally, It covers the months from September to November.
It lays its eggs in rotten wood or at the base of a hollow wood dust, or hole in a dead tree trunk, especially eucalyptus (Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus marginata).

Pairs may use a different tree hollow for breeding each year or may use the same hollow for up to three consecutive seasons.

The clutches They consist of a four white eggs are incubated for a period of 26 to 29 days.
The role of parents in the incubation of the eggs and the care of young people has not been registered, but it is likely that both parents hatch the eggs and feed the young.

The incipient period and the period of independence It is not registered, but it is likely that the young remain in the nest during 53 to 67 days and become independent three months after leaving the nest.

The survival rates adult and immature birds are unknown, but the younger, they probably die until they are able to reproduce.


It feeds mainly from seeds but also takes insect larvae, bulbs, tubers, fruits and possibly nectar.

There is little information available about seasonal variation in the diet, but the seeds of cereal grasses are important in summer and early autumn, and seeds and bulbs R. rosea, that they are common in the diet throughout the year, they are probably the main source of food from late autumn to spring.

It´s gregarious. use your upper jaw long to unearth the underground parts of various native plants growing in the forest. Also pulls bulbs when soil is moist, and unearths the cereals in germination.


Size of its range (reproduction / resident): 258.000 km2

Currently is recognized two separate populations, both confined in southwest Western Australia.
You can find up to 400 meters above sea level.

Distribution 2 subspecies

  • Cacatua pastinator derbyi

    (Mathews, 1916) – It is located in the northern wheat belt of Western Australia.

  • Cacatua pastinator pastinator

    (Gould, 1841) – Nominal. It is found in most southwest Australia, to the South of Perth from the rivers Swan and Avon in the North, to Augusta in the west and Broome in the East.


• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern.

• Population trend: Growing

The total world population not known, It is estimated in 3000 individuals, but it is believed that it may be expanding due to the increase in agricultural areas and with it a greater availability of food. The legal protection by the legislation also plays an important role for the survival of these species.

The decrease in the population of the south is attributed to persecution by farmers who regard the species as a pest for crops.

It keeps in captivity in the Perth Zoo and by licensed poultry farmers as part of a captive breeding program initiated by the Department of Conservation and Land Management WA en 1995.

The Burrowing Cockatoo in captivity:

Very rare in captivity.

It can be loud and aggressive with other birds. Has the ability to imitate and creates strong bonds with their caregivers.
In captivity it can live more than 50 years.

Alternative names:

Western Corella, Bare-eyed Long-billed Corella, Corella, Eastern Long-billed Corella, Western Long-billed Cockatoo, Western Long-billed Corella (ingles).
Cacatoès laboureur, Cacatoès à nez rose, Cacatoès à oeil nu, Cacatoès à oil nu (French).
Wühlerkakadu (German).
Cacatua-pastinator (Portuguese).
Cacatúa Cavadora (español).

John Gould
John Gould

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Cacatuidae
Genus: Cockatoo
Scientific name: Cacatua pastinator
Citation: (Gould, 1841)
Protonimo: Licmetis pastinato

Images Burrowing Cockatoo:

Species of the genus Cacatua

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Yellow-crested cockatoo
Cacatua sulphurea

Yellow-crested cockatoo



Medium-sized, 35 cm.. long.

Yellow-crested cockatoo

The Yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) It is distinguished by its long, thin yellow erectile crest, that curves forward, and extending upward, above the nape, when it folded. The front of his crown and main feathers crest, are white. The rest of your plumage It is also white, except in yellow suffusion ear-coverts, under the wings and in the innerwebs of the undertail-coverts. The bases of the hackles and underparts, They are yellowed; some birds show a slight yellow tone, particularly on chest and the belly. The bill It is black; eye ring pale bluish; irises dark brown; legs grey. The female is similar to the male but with the irises reddish and slightly smaller.

The young birds They show both sexes irises dark taupe, although females They begin to acquire the red coloration in the first year. The bill and legs immature are also lighter.

Description 4 subspecies
  • Cacatua sulphurea abbotti

    (Oberholser, 1917) – Similar to the parvula, but largest.

  • Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata
  • Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata

    (Fraser, 1844) – Slightly larger than the nominal, with one crest orange & ear-coverts orange yellow. Additional research may provide a basis for improving this subspecies to a specific status..

  • Cacatua sulphurea parvula

    (Bonaparte, 1850) – Similar to the nominal species, but with the ear-coverts paler and less yellow on yellow feathers underparts. the size of the bill in this subspecies it increases clinically towards the west.

  • Cacatua sulphurea sulphurea

    (Gmelin, 1788) – Nominal.


Video – "Yellow-crested cockatoo" (Cacatua sulphurea)


They inhabit at the edges of the forest, wooded areas, farmland, cocoteros, semi-arid areas and forests until the 800 m (locally 1.200 m).

The Yellow-crested cockatoo usually they found in pairs or small groups of up to ten individuals, although they may meet in larger flocks to feed on fruit trees. They can form flocks with Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus).

They tend to be noisy and visible, but can be difficult to spot when moving silently in the canopy, and they are more often in flight. The groups who leave their resting places in the montane forest areas frequently displace forage at lower altitudes including cultivated fields. Pairs may hover conspicuously above the forest canopy searching for fruitful trees, allowing a reasonably close approach when resting on a branch.

The crest It is generally stands when landing, or when an individual is making calls from a perch. Like most of the Cockatoos They enjoy a bath in the rain.


Specimens of Yellow-crested cockatoo on the island of button in State reproductive during the months of September and October, although Nusa Tenggara the breeding It occurs in the months of April and May. The female It lays two or three white eggs in the hollow of a tree, and incubation lasts around 28 days with both parents participating. Chicks they leave the nest to 10 weeks and are dependent parent for about two months.


They feed in trees and soil. Its diet It includes seeds, corn (Zea mays) of cultivated fields, fruit, berries, egg yolks, flowers and nuts (including large coconuts (cocos nucifera)).

Distribution and status:

Size of its range (breeding/resident ): 1.360.000 km2

The Yellow-crested cockatoo They are confined Indonesian, where they can be seen in the lowlands Isla Celebes (virtually extinct in the north), islands in the Flores sea, in Nusa Tenggara and isolated islands Masalembu in the Java Sea.

introduced in Singapore and Hong Kong. The species is found in both wooded areas and cultivated and is scarce throughout its range. It is estimated that the world population total is less than 40.000 birds and is decreasing. Although populations of the nominal subspecies and of the subspecies parvula may still be close to 10.000 specimens, the citrinocristata subspecies It has an estimated population between 800 and 7.200 only individuals, having declined by 80% between the years 1986 and 1989, while the distinctive subspecies abbotti It is now represented by only nine individuals in nature.

Although habitat loss is clearly a factor in Sumba, where distribution appears to be linked to the extent of primary forest (is only about 15% the original forest), trade is the main threat to the species as a whole. Trade data show that exported almost 100.000 birds in years 1980-1992. The export citrinocristata subspecies It was banned in 1992 by local authorities, and 26 birds were confiscated in September of that year. There are probably at least 50 individuals of each subspecies in public collections and more than 2.000 in private aviculture, although the numbers for the subspecies abbotti They are unknown.

Distribution 4 subspecies


State of conservation ⓘ

Critically Endangered critically endangered (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: critically endangered.

• Population trend: Decreasing.

Its crashing fall It is almost entirely attributable to the unsustainable exploitation for domestic and international trade. Logging to the conversion of forests for agriculture as well as the use of pesticides for land and large-scale.

Justification of the population

Based on recent surveys in various parts of the range of the species, C. Trainor in some (2007) It has been estimated the world population in less than 7.000 individuals: 3.200-5.000 en Sumba (though perhaps only 562 in 2012, Burung Indonesia en preparación), 500 en Komodo, 200-300 en Timor Leste, 200-300 en Sulawesi, 20-50 in West Timor, 40-70 Flores, 50-100 en Sumbawa, 100 in Rinca and other 700 birds in total. The best data is located in the band 2.500-9.999 individuals, equivalent to 1.667-6.666 mature individuals, rounded here to 1.500-7.000 mature individuals.

Conservation actions and research in progress

CITES Appendix I (2005). It has developed and adopted a recovery plan cooperative and has prepared an update 2012 (D. Mulyawati in some. 2012). The populations are found in various protected areas, It is the most important Rawa Aopa Watumohai (55 copies in 2011 [Waugh 2013]) and National Parks Caraente (en Sulawesi), supporting up 100 individuals (transgressed 2006) , Reserva Natural de Wildlife en Pulau Moyo, Komodo National Park and two national parks in Sumba: Manupeu-Tanadaru y Laiwangi-Wanggameti. Nini Konis Santana National Park declared in Timor has a 100 estimated birds (Trainor et al., Without date) . In Rawa Aopa Watumohai nests they have been protected from predators by removing vegetation pendant necklaces and installation of plastic around the tree trunks nesting (Waugh 2013). Moratoriums on international trade are in effect, although it is likely that a large proportion of trade is a national. Several subpopulations of Sulphur-crested Cockatoo have increased in Sumba between 1992 and 2002, due to conservation efforts (including local education, ecotourism and law enforcement), although densities remained below those typical for other cockatoo species (Cahill et al ., 2006) . Capture for trade has declined dramatically in Sumba through a variety of awareness and protection measures of the community (D. Mulyawati in some. 2012).

Following the surveys of 2008 and 2009, the Indonesia Parrot Project and Konservasi Kakatua Indonesia have started meetings with community leaders and villagers in Masakambing and Masalembu, as well as with the military and local police, to raise awareness and gain support for Sulphur-crested Cockatoo conservation (Metz et al. Al., 2009) . A conservation program-awareness-pride has also begun to involve adults and school Archipelago Masalembu (Metz et al. , 2009, Translating et al., 2009) And in Southeast Sulawesi (Anon., 2012). He wrote a “Regulations village” to make it illegal to catch, possess or transport the species and initiate measures to reduce habitat destruction and employ a former village chief to guard and protect nests and study Sulphur-crested Cockatoos (Translating et al., 2009) . Moronone community in Rawa Aopa Watumohai NP, where four members of the village have been hired as Forest Wardens (Anon., 2012), have established similar community-based regulations. The guards protect the species against poachers and perform monitoring activities (Waugh 2013). The pest status of the species can be addressed by planting crops to compensate for losses and to act as a “culture sacrifice”, for example, sunflower fields are used to attract the species out of other crops (Waugh 2013). Mangrove restoration is also being used to increase nesting habitat available (Waugh 2013). a repeat of the population census is planned abbotti , together with studies on its biological history and ecology (Metz et al., 2009) .

Proposed Research and Conservation Actions

Carry out further studies (including Roti, but also more studies on Alor and Pantar) to identify the most appropriate action for conservation areas and to periodically monitor key population surveys repeating ago 8-10 years. Provide relevant support for protected areas and conservation initiatives within its range and protect nests when possible. Strengthen the protection of forest Poronumbu, Sumba, declaring Nature Reserve (Translating y Agustina 2012). Strengthen control, the enforcement and monitoring of trade and establishing greater management of captive populations. Improve law enforcement in designated protected areas and other key areas for trade, including ports, markets, etc. Promote widespread community conservation initiatives. These may include, en la isla de Pasoso, Sulawesi Central, work to protect the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo should involve all five families living on the island and introduce community involvement programs for children and adults on several other islands where the species occurs (Translating y Agustina 2012). The recommendations formulated specifically for the protection of the species in the Komodo National Park consisted of carrying out an annual monitoring, maintain regular patrols, sensitize local communities and studying human activities and impacts within the park (Imansyah et al ., 2005, Benstead 2006) . Conduct ecological research to clarify options for management and conservation. Other objectives should be to study the abundance and distribution of nest holes and water sources.. The provision of artificial sources of water near the nesting sites, that is to say, water ponds, It is essential for the species on the island of Komodo and may also be necessary to protect the nests of young Komodo dragons in Komodo (Translating y Agustina, 2012).

"Yellow-crested cockatoo" in captivity:

The male Yellow-crested cockatoo It is especially aggressive with the female, sometimes to kill her. This phenomenon is known in many cockatoo species..

among the white cockatoos, this is somewhat difficult to breed in captivity. As a pet can be a formidable partner provided it has been raised for that purpose and to provide much attention.

It is very difficult for them to disconnect in the presence of their owners and entertain themselves without seeking continuous interaction.
Great ability to imitate human sound within the world of cockatoos.

Note: Because of its status, CRITICALLY ENDANGERED, only controlled captive breeding is recommended in an attempt to recover this species in the wild.

Alternative names:

Yellow-crested Cockatoo, Lesser sulphur-crested cackatoo, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (ingles).
Cacatoès soufré, Petit Cacatoès à huppe jaune (French).
Gelbwangenkakadu, Orangehaubenkakadu (German).
Cacatua-de-crista-amarela (Portuguese).
Cacatúa de Moño Naranja, Cacatúa Sulfúrea (español).

Gmelin Johann Friedrich
Gmelin Johann Friedrich

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Cacatuidae
Genus: Cockatoo
Scientific name: Cacatua sulphurea
Citation: (Gmelin, JF, 1788)
Protonimo: Psittacus sulphureus

Images Sulphur-crested Cockatoo:

Species of the genus Cacatua
  • Cacatua tenuirostris
  • Cacatua pastinator
  • —- Cacatua pastinator derbyi
  • —- Cacatua pastinator pastinator
  • Cacatua sanguinea
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea gymnopis
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea normantoni
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea sanguinea
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea transfreta
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea westralensis
  • Cacatua goffiniana
  • Cacatua ducorpsii
  • Cacatua haematuropygia
  • Cacatua galerita
  • —- Cacatua galerita eleonora
  • —- Cacatua galerita fitzroyi
  • —- Cacatua galerita galerita
  • —- Cacatua galerita triton
  • Cacatua ophthalmica
  • Cacatua sulphurea
  • —- Cacatua sulphurea abbotti
  • —- Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata
  • —- Cacatua sulphurea parvula
  • —- Cacatua sulphurea sulphurea
  • Cacatua moluccensis
  • Cacatua alba

  • Sources:

    – Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
    – Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
    – Birdlife


    (1) – Cacatua sulphurea by Charles LamFlickr
    (2) – Citron-crested Cockatoo(Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata) in the Walsrode Bird Park, Germany By Quartl (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (3) – A Yellow-crested Cockatoo at Auckland Zoo, New Zealand By Ashleigh Thompson (originally posted to Flickr as Captain) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (4) – Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata, Citron-crested Cockatoo. Photograph of upper body and crest By Ruth Rogers (originally posted to Flickr as Citron Cockatoo) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (5) – Citron-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata). The glass between the camera and this parrot makes the picture just a little bit blurry By Alexander Tundakov (originally posted to Flickr as White Parrot) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (6) – Photo of Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (wings clipped) By Snowmanradio, with permission from Tropical Birdland, Leicestershire, England. (Own work) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (7) – Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) at the KOBE Oji Zoo by opencage.info
    (8) – Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (wings clipped) By Snowmanradio, with permission from Tropical Birdland, Leicestershire, England. (Own work) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (9) – Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) by Darren – Flickr
    (10) – Yellow-Crested Cockatoo, Cacatua sulphurea by Sek Keung LoFlickr
    (11) – Cacatua sulphurea by Charles LamFlickr
    (12) – Cacatua sulphurea by Charles LamFlickr
    (13) – Cacatua sulphurea by Pichon Charles LamFlickr
    (14) – A painting of a Yellow-crested Cockatoo, also known as the Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, (originally captioned “Plyctolophus sulphureus. Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo”) by Edward Lear 1812-1888. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

    Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Little corella
    Cacatua sanguinea

    Cacatua sanguinea



    It measures 35-40 cm.. and weighs approximately 500 g..
    In the Little corella (Cacatua sanguinea), the head and crest (that most of the time stays low) are white. The pink base of the feathers are almost completely hidden and yet barely visible small flakes in the cheeks.
    Dissemination of salmon-rosa color to the area around the eyes. The upperparts and coverts of the wing are white. There is a remarkable spread of yellow color on the bottom of the flight feather and of the tail.
    The bill is grayish white. The skin nude around the eyes is blue grey. The irises is dark brown, the legs grey.

    Both sexes are identical in all aspects, including the color of the irises.

    The immature have a look more white and the skin of the periphery eyepiece less prominent.

    Subspecies description
    • Cacatua sanguinea gymnopis

      (Sclater,PL, 1871) – Features with more naranja-rosa around them eyes and in the bases of the feathers of the head, neck and top of the chest. Its orbital skin is darker.

    • Cacatua sanguinea normantoni

      (Mathews, 1917) – Is smaller.

    • Cacatua sanguinea sanguinea

      (Gould, 1843) –

    • Nominal.

    • Cacatua sanguinea transfreta

      (Mees, 1982) – Displays below the wings and tail infiltrations slightly yellow pulling a Brown.

    • Cacatua sanguinea westralensis

      (Mathews, 1917) – It has bright orange-red colors around the eyes and the bases of feathers, also in the the mantle and in the part inferior of the abdomen.


    Video – "Little corella" (Cacatua sanguinea)


    It nests in riparian forests bordering permanent pasture and cropland. In the breeding season, they can be found in a wide variety of habitats, including areas of acacias and eucalyptus bushes of short grass or pasture with groups of scattered trees. During this time, they are also present in the rice fields, cane extensions, areas of shrubs, at the edges of mangrove areas, in the pastures for horses, on roads and gardens on the outskirts of cities.


    The Bloody Cockatoos they often form large gatherings in crops and pastures.

    Out of it breeding season, It is not uncommon to see flocks of up to 70.000 birds.
    At night they fly to their bedrooms, located near the water.

    Early in the morning, they drink before heading to the feeding sites often many kilometres from the bedroom.
    During the hottest hours of the day, they seek shelter in the shade of the leaves..


    In Australia they can be played back in any month of the year, When are conditions good. But, the nesting seems to be further developed early in the North (from May to October) and in the Southeast (August-December).

    In Queensland, the implementation is carried out mainly from December to April and from July to October. Reproduction is strongly influenced by climate, usually begins 2 or 3 months after the end of the rainy season in northern districts.

    There may be two or three broods per season. Couple ties are very strong and seem to last for life. They are loyal to the same nesting sites year after year. The nest is usually placed in a eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) between 3 and 10 meters above the ground.

    The cavity is approximately one meter in depth. It is fairly easy to detect since crust is often removed around inlet. They also nest on cliffs or termite mounds..

    They put 2-4 eggs in a bed made from chips of wood that is replaced each year.

    In general, two chicks manage to break the shell after 25 days. They remain in the nest for nine weeks, After this take off.


    It has a diet mainly vegetarian. They feed on seeds you are in the trees of the genus EMEX, green areas or fields of melon (cucumber myriocarpus). They also eat nuts, fruit, berries, flowers, estate, bulbs, shoots as well as insects and larvae.


    Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 5.300.000 km2

    The Little corella lives in New Guinea and Australia. In Australia, We found in the Northwest, on the plateau of Kimberley and Arnhem in the this of the Cape York Peninsula. They are absent from the east coast and the entire southwestern part of the country..

    Subspecies distribution
    • Cacatua sanguinea gymnopis

      (Sclater,PL, 1871) – Within the Centre and it's Australia.

    • Cacatua sanguinea normantoni

      (Mathews, 1917) – To the West of the cape york peninsula

    • Cacatua sanguinea sanguinea

      (Gould, 1843) –

    • Nominal.

    • Cacatua sanguinea transfreta

      (Mees, 1982) – Plain to the South of New Guinea.

    • Cacatua sanguinea westralensis

      (Mathews, 1917) – Basin of the murchison river, Western Australia.


    State of conservation ⓘ

    Status Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

    • Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern.

    • Population trend: Growing.

    Its population is estimated at more than 1 million of birds and it believes that is in constant increase, especially in the South of Australia.

    Its growth and expansion depends on the development of agriculture and the availability of artificial reservoirs. It is a Bird protected, except in the the Australia South. In this last area, the landowners are allowed to kill birds to prevent the formation of large destructive meetings for crops.

    "Little corella" in captivity:

    The Australian poultry to the blood cockatoo is it considered common.
    They are very docile and Welcome to as pets, but you must pay them attention.

    Alternative names:

    Little Corella, Bare-eyed Cockatoo, Bare-eyed Corella, Blood-stained Cockatoo, Blue-eyed Cockatoo, Corella, Dampier’s Corella, Little Cockatoo, Short-billed Cockatoo, Short-billed Corella (ingles).
    Cacatoès corella, Cacatoès à oeil nu (French).
    Nacktaugenkakadu (German).
    Cacatua-corella-pequena (Portuguese).
    Cacatúa Sanguínea (español).

    scientific classification:

    Order: Psittaciformes
    Family: Cacatuidae
    Genus: Cockatoo
    Scientific name: Cacatua sanguinea
    Citation: Gould, 1843
    Protonimo: Cacatua sanguinea

    Blood Cockatoo Images:

    Species of the genus Cacatua

    – Photos: Wikipedia, John H. Boyd, murrundi.org
    – Sounds: Nigel Jackett (Xeno-canto)

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Palm cockatoo
    Probosciger aterrimus



    51 to 64 cm. height and a weight between 910 and 1200 g.
    The Palm cockatoo (Probosciger aterrimus) it is one of the largest cockatoo species. Unmistakable with a Erectile Crest of 15 cm.. Mainly arboreal.

    Both sexes differ in size. Immatures are differentiated by the pale yellow at the bottom and the tip of the bill and the eye ring in color white.
    Usually black with a bare area around the cheeks and eyes red. The feathers of the crest they are long and thin, black streaks.
    The bill is dark gray, smaller in the female. The legs son grises. The language is black and Red.
    The cheek skin changes color according to its health or stress level, a pink / beige to a yellow when it is excited.

    Description 4 supespecies

    • Probosciger aterrimus aterrimus

      (Gmelin, 1788) – Nominal.

    • Probosciger aterrimus goliath

      (Kuhl, 1820) – Larger than the subspecies macgillivrayi.

    • Probosciger aterrimus macgillivrayi

      (Mathews, 1912) – Larger than the species nominal.

    • Probosciger aterrimus stenolophus

      (Oort Cloud, 1911) – As the subspecies goliat, but with feathers crest closer.


    The presence of this cockatoo is documented from sea level to 1350 metres in height.

    In New Guinea they are in tropical rainforests, including gallery forests, edges of forests and monsoon forests. In Australia they live in forests of eucalyptus, forest of Melaleuca, partially cleared areas and sheets.

    You are travelling individually, in pairs or in groups of five or six. About an hour after sunrise they gather in the treetops.


    The nesting occurs between August and February.
    Nest in the cavities of trees which tend to be of approximately 1 m depth and 25 to 60 cm in diameter. These are full of branches broken at the bottom on which rests the egg. The site is often used year after year.
    Reproduce every two years. They put a single egg and both parents the hatch for a period of 28 to 31 days, at around 3 to 4 more days to hatch. The squab was born completely naked and does not develop marker, unlike other Cockatoo chicks. They are taken from 100 to 110 days to leave the nest, the longest period among all parrot species. After leaving the nest, the young bird depends on the parents at least others 6 weeks because of its inability to fly.


    Seeds, dried fruits, fruit, berries, sprouts leaves and insect larvae.
    They feed mainly in the forest canopy, but can also feed on the ground on fallen fruits and seeds.


    Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 716.000 km2

    New Guinea and adjacent islands, North of Queensland, Australia.

    Distribution 4 subspecies:


    State of conservation ⓘ

    Status Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

    Least concern according to IUCN classification.

    • Population trend: Decrease

    This species has a very large range, and therefore not approaching the threshold of vulnerability. While the trend of the population seems to be decreasing, the decline is not believed to be fast enough to approach vulnerable bird thresholds based on population trend criteria.

    In some parts of its area of distribution, the forest habitat in which occur the hollow trees is being invaded by the rainforest.

    "Palm cockatoo" in captivity:

    Rare bird cage, Although they have a great demand for the market of pet due to its unusual appearance.
    They can live more than 55 years of age in captivity.

    They may develop compulsive behaviors, as the pecking of feathers. They can also mimic sounds and human language.

    Aggressiveness within pairs is taken into account for captive breeding., Sometimes the male usually kill the female. As such, There are more different management methods, from bringing both cockatoos together only during the breeding period and quickly removing the male, cut the male that the female escape flying, or create complex installations that are carried out next to a cutout of the male, so that the female always has an escape route in the face of aggression.

    There are currently laws that prohibit the export of any Palm cockatoo without a permit.

    Alternative names:

    Palm Cockatoo, Black Macaw, Goliath Aratoo, Goliath Cockatoo, Great Black Cockatoo, Great Palm Cockatoo (English).
    Cacatoès noir, Microglosse noir (French).
    Arakakadu (German).
    Cacatua-das-palmeiras (Portuguese).
    Cacatúa de las Palmas, Cacatúa Enlutada (español).

    scientific classification:

    Order: Psittaciformes
    Family: Cacatuidae
    Genus: Palm
    Scientific name: Probosciger aterrimus
    Citation: (Gmelin, JF, 1788)
    Protonimo: Psittacus aterrimus

    Images of the Black Cockatoo:

    – Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
    – Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
    – Birdlife

    – Photos: avianzoo, papageien.org, avianzoo, Wikimedia.org

    – Sound: Frank Lambert