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Pyrenean Mastiff
España FCI 92 - Molossoid . Mountain

Mastín del Pirineo

The Pyrenean Mastiff he is very tolerant and sweet with children, Watch them as if they were his flock.



The Pyrenean Mastiff is a trotting dog breed, originally from the Aragonese Pyrenees (Spain). By its large size and strength the FCI included it within the Group 2 / Section 2 – molosoids and mountain dogs.

It comes, as all molosoides, Asian dog who came to Europe centuries ago. The first breed standard, It was approved only in the year 1946, since to date the breed had been totally ignored by the official dog world, even though the Pyrenean Mastiff, it had been from its first dawn a very important breed for local development, given that for centuries was used to defend livestock from the attack of bears and wolves.

For a long time the Pyrenean mastiff accompanied flocks of sheep on their transhumance routes from the Aragonese and Navarrese Pyrenees to the Maestrazgo. Its main function was the keep herds and their masters from attacks by wolves and thieves.

During the 20th century and especially after the Spanish civil war, due to economic difficulties, the Mastiff went into decline as it was very expensive to keep a dog of its size.

Over the years 70 a group of fans began a work to recover the breed through the few specimens that were in the field and that still had typical characteristics of the old Molossian.

In the year 1977 created the Spanish Pyrenean Mastiff Club, which organizes the selection and breeding program of the breed. Currently the breed has great international recognition as evidenced by the existence of clubs in many European countries and in the United States..

Physical characteristics

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a large size dog, well proportioned, powerful, muscular and skeletal structure compact. Its head is large, strong and slightly long, with a cráneo-hocico relationship of 5:4.

It has eyes small, almond-shaped, ranging from color avellana to dark brown (what is the most common). The ears are triangular, medium-sized and hanging attached to the head.

The tail is thick at the base, strong, flexible and hangs until the Hock.

Regard to the size, In fact, there is no maximum limit because the idea is that the specimens are as large as possible. But according to the standard, yes, there are some minimums that cannot be lowered. according to standard, years. At that time, the minimums are 77 cm for males (Although it is preferable that they be above the 81 cm.) and 72 cm for the Herms (Although it is preferable that they exceed the 75 cm.).

The the mantle of the Pyrenean Mastiff is thick and quite long (of 6 to 9 cm length). Being longer on the shoulders, the neck and belly. It is hair must be rough to the touch, not soft and woolly.

The color base is white, with a well-defined mask. Some examples are brands of the same color as the mask, irregularly shaped but with sharp contours.

Favorite colors (according to standard) for the mask, and stains are soft grey, intense Golden Fawn, Brown, black and grey silver.

The the tail and distal parts of the legs They must be always white.


It is a breed that is still in the reconstruction phase and on the recommendation of the Club del Pyrenean Mastiff from Spain, not yet been included in the show ring, because he is expected to make the media playback smoother.

Character and skills

Although at the beginning of their walks among us, the Pyrenean Mastiff was used as a guardian of livestock, the time change and animals over time, so today he is a perfect house keeper.

It is a dog aware of its strength and power, reason why never shows aggressiveness, But if you feel threatened, He or his family can be really fearsome.

Let's not forget that it protected livestock from wolves and bears...

Despite the passage of time, The Pyrenean Mastiff preserves its "rusticity" in full form and this means that it does not adapt well to life outside its natural environment, which is the countryside and its tenants..

For that reason, If we decide to integrate a Pyrenean Mastiff into our family, it will be important comply with it as it is, without imposing conditions of life that cercenen your happiness, how would it be… life in a small apartment in the middle of the city. That would play against your emotional balance, and with the size that has this dog, Perhaps the best is to have it happy and balanced (that all animal).

Something characteristic of the Pyrenean Mastiff is that wherever he is with children he is always sweet and very tolerant.. Because the converted part of his flock and the cares much.

He is also super careful with them, because as we said above, he is aware of his strength and might.

Images of the Pyrenean Mastiff

Videos of the Pyrenean Mastiff

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs
  • Section 2.2: Molossoid, mountain type. Without working trial..


  • FCI – Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid type dogs – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Cattledogs. Section 2.2 Molossoid, mountain type.
  • AKC – Dogs working
  • ​KC – Working dogs
  • UKC – Watchdog

FCI breed standard "Pyrenean Mastiff"

FCIFCI - Pyrenean Mastiff

Alternative names:

1. Mostín d’o Pireneu, Mostín, Mostín d’Aragón, Mastí dell’Aragó, Gos ramader, Mastín Español del Pirineo (English).
2. Mastín del Pirineo (French).
3. Mastín del Pirineo (German).
4. Mastin d’Argon, Mastín del Pirineo (Portuguese).
5. Mastín del Pirineo (español).

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