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Australian Ringneck
Barnardius zonarius

Australian Ringneck




Among 32 to 44 cm.. length and a weight between 121 and 200 g..

Two species were traditionally recognized in the genus Barnardius, Barnardius zonarius and Barnardius barnardi, but both hibridaban in the contact area and are currently considered a single species.
The Australian Ringneck (Barnardius zonarius) It has the head of blackish brown with cheeks, both sides of the throat and underside of the headset coverts densely dotted with dark blue (You can display a few red spots on the front of the Crown); the back of the neck of bright yellow.
Middle of the mantle of dark green with thin dark stripes; slightly more bright green rump; a little more off than the rump supracaudales coverts.

External Middle coverts slightly greenish-yellow color, Green the inner coverts, the large green with blue-green and pale inner margins coverts green outer margins in the outermost feathers; curve of the wing of Turquoise, It extends slightly towards small coverts; primary coverts dark brown with vane dark blue external; blackish flight feathers, strongly marginalized in foreign feathers, showing fusion from the blue color in the vane external to the blue gray of the tips.

Under, with turquoise coverts blackish flight feathers. Dark green chest with fine dark stripes; upper part of the abdomen of bright yellow, Green the lower belly area, slightly impregnated yellow; subcaudales coverts greenish-yellow. Central tail feathers of dark green merging to dark blue, the external of pale blue with dark bases and white tips. Under, pale blue tail.

The greyish white Peak: the Brown irises; legs grey

The female It has peak and smaller head, the slightly Browner head, and you can display a mark in the form of bar at the bottom of the wings.

The immature, they are a brand of pale bar on the wings (disappearing earlier in males than in females); they are more turned off, with a head of Brown and dissemination of greyish-Brown mantle and upper chest area; the tail is green above. Adult plumage is reached between 12 and 15 months.

Subspecies Barnardius zonarius

  • Barnardius zonarius semitorquatus

    (Quoy and Gaimard, 1830) – Of 40 cm.. length approximately. It is more than nominal, but with the red front, abdomen green more off, Pico mas grande. Female plumage more pale and head color more Brown, the Red coloration of the forehead is narrower in some absentee.

  • Barnardius zonarius zonarius

    (Shaw, 1805) – Equal to the Barnardius zonarius collared, but with a yellow abdomen and without the prominent crimson red stripe on the forehead, that if you have the subspecies collared.

  • Barnardius zonarius macgillivrayi

    (North, 1900) – Cloncurry Ringneck – Crown and nape of an intense green color and some reddish tones on the cheeks. Is lighter green shades, No red frontal band, and with a broad band uniform across your abdomen. Not recognized by all experts.

  • Barnardius zonarius barnardi

    (Vigors and Horsfield, 1827) – It has an intense green crown and nape and certain reddish tones on the cheeks.. Their underparts are Turquoise green with an irregular band yellow orange across the abdomen. Your back and mantle are blackish blue and also this subspecies has a red band on the forehead.
    Presumably either the nominal race.


Australian Ringneck

The Australian Ringneck is mainly sedentary, with occasional movements during extreme weather conditions. The species occupies a range of habitats, including eucalyptus red zones (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), along water courses, acacia scrub and mallee (Eucalyptus gracilis), eucalyptus open woodlands, agricultural fields, desert shrubland and suburban areas.

In general has adapted better to the effects produced by settlements that the Mallee Ringneck, and it has been particularly successful in the South-West wheat belt, in where the birds are observed while they eat at road verges. The subspecies collared has a more specific habitat, preferring the high forests of coastal eucalyptus, particularly marri (Eucalyptus calophylla).

The Australian Ringneck form strong pair bonds and, normally, is found in small family parties or groups of up to eight birds. They are usually visible, loud and inquisitive, being more active during the morning and evening. They tend to remain silent while they feed on the ground, but they chatter loudly when feeding in the canopy and when gathering to sleep after drinking, remaining assets after the sunset.


The time of nesting is from June to February, starting earliest in the North.

The birds are territorial around the nest, and there are many fights at the beginning of the breeding season. In courtship, the male drops his wings, WAGs tail producing a buzzing sound, He chatters loudly and shakes head. Courtship feeding is also common. The nest is built at different heights, usually in the natural hollow of a tree based on decomposition of waste wood inside.

Between four and seven (normally five) white eggs are laid during the implementation, sometimes producing two offspring. The female incubates during 19 days and leaves the nest only to feed herself or be fed by the male. At the beginning, She feeds the chicks alone, but a week after hatching, the male joins food tasks. The young leave the nest about four weeks after. Family groups remain together for some time after the chicks have fled the nest..


The diet consists of nectar, flowers, seeds, fruit, insects and their larvae (that sometimes stripping the bark of lso trees). The cereal crops and orchards are often attacked by the Australian Ringneck, registering birds digging up onion bulbs (Romulea longifolia).

The more arboreal southwestern subspecies has preference by the ripe fruits of eucalyptus, especially those of marri.


The Australian Ringneck they are in the West, Central and South of Australia. Is distributed from Port Augusta, the Eyre Peninsula and Cordillera Gawler, to the North, through the center of Southern Australia in the Northern Territory, where stretches through of the MacDonnell Ranges and lies to the North of Newcastle Waters and Winnecke Creek.

Birds may also go more towards the East, sometimes up to the border of Queensland, and an off-eastern boundary record comes from Pine Creek in New South Wales.

In Western Australia, the species is increasing in the South West which concentrates around King George Sound, in the South, to murchison river, in the North, reaching inside for Kalgoorlie and Wiluna the east. Further north, is scattered through the Northwest corner, and extends eastward to the upper part of the Grey River system.

There is a small isolated population, probably, at the East end of Western Australia in the Gardiner Range region. Escapes have been recorded in the District of Port Wakefield, about Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Darwin and Hobart, in Tasmania.

A population of probable leak in the Lofty Mountains It was destroyed to prevent cross-breeding with the Mallee Ringneck, but there is a zone of hybridization with the Mallee Ringneck in the Montes Flinders. The two species are found and hybridize in other places also.

The world's population is piobablemente well above the current estimate of 100.000 specimens given by Lambert (1993).

A moderate number of captive.

The birds can be low temperatures under permit in some districts to prevent damage in orchards.

Subspecies B distribution. zonarius



• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern

• Population trend: Growing
The size of the world's population has not been quantified, It is estimated over 100 000 specimens. The species, according to sources, is the most common species of birds in the wheat belt of Australia (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected that it may be increasing. To mitigate the effects of the degradation of the habitat, new areas of suitable habitat are being created.

In the East, numbers are affected by scrub clearing Mallee and forests for agriculture. The Australian Ringneck they were considered vermin in Western Australia and in the seasons of hunting by be considered pests of orchards. Fugadas birds in aviaries are seen around the urban areas in the East.

"Australian Ringneck" in captivity:

Son aggressive toward other birds, especially during the breeding season, and it is better to accommodate them with a couple by Aviary.

Although friendly, they are not as sociable with people like other parrots. They are formidable chewing and require a heavy duty cage. You can learn to imitate.

Una muestra vivió 17,9 years in captivity. According to some sources, these animals can live up to 31,6 years in captivity, but this has not been verified.

Common in Europe, less in the United Kingdom and United States. UU.

Alternative names:

Australian Ringneck, Banded Parakeet, Banded Parrot, Barnard’s Parakeet, Barnard’s Parrot, Bauer’s Parakeet, Buln Buln, Buln-buln Parakeet, Buln-buln Parrot, Cloncurry Buln-buln, Cloncurry Parrot, Eastern Ringneck, Mallee Parrot, Mallee Ringneck, Mallee Ringneck-Parrot, Mrs Morgan’s Parrot, North Parakeet, Northern Buln-buln, North’s Parrot, Port Lincoln Parrot, Port Lincoln Ringneck, Port Lincoln Ringnecked Parrot, Ringneck, Ring-necked Parrot, Scrub Parrot, Twenty-eight Parakeet, Twenty-eight Parrot, Western Banded Parakeet, Western Ringneck, Yellow-banded Parrot, Yellow-collared Parakeet, Yellow-collared Parrot, Yellow-naped Parakeet, Yellow-naped Parrot (ingles).
Perruche à collier jaune, Perruche de Bauer, Perruche de Port Lincoln (French).
Ringsittich (German).
Periquito-port-lincoln (Portuguese).
Perico de Port Lincoln (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Barnardius
Scientific name: Barnardius zonarius
Citation: (Shaw, 1805)
Protonimo: Psittacus zonarius

Images “Australian Ringneck”:

Videos "Australian Ringneck"


“Australian Ringneck” (Barnardius zonarius)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Parromania
– AnAge: The Animal Ageing and Longevity Database – Genomics.senescence.info
– Birdlife


(1) – An Australian Ringneck in Perth, Western Australia, Australia By Luke Durkin (Img_9967 (3)Uploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – An Australian Ringneck at Gloucester National Park, Western Australia, Australia By Ken & Nyetta (Ring Necked CocatooUploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – A Australian Ringneck in Karratha, Pilbara, Western Australia, Australia By Jim Benton from Karratha, Australia (ring necked parrot_1Uploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Twenty Eight Parrot (Barnardius zonarius collared) at Mundaring Weir picnic reserve. It is eating by holding food in is left foot By Casliber (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – “Barnardius zonarius macgillivrayi – Buffalo Zoo” by Dave PapeOwn work. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
(6) – A painting of an jpg Australian Ringneck (originally captioned “Platycercus baueri. Bauer's parakeet.” by Edward Lear 1812-1888. – Edward Lear [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: Patrik Åberg (Xeno-canto)

1 thought on "Australian Ringneck”

  1. Our family 28 parrot George, joined us as a baby in 1987 and will soon celebrate his 33rd birthday. He is nearly blind but otherwise in good health. He lives inside, still sings and whistles and has a good appetite. We have lots of photos of him going back to 1987 and plenty of friends who have known him his whole life,
    Perhaps George is the oldest living Ringneck… perhaps!


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