▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
European greenfinch
Chloris chloris
Character: Social
Life expectancy: 3 years.
Height: 13 to 15 cm.
The plumage of the European greenfinch It is a striking green, more intense in the breeding season, with the sides of the tail and the obispillo, yellow..
It is a bird which fits easily in captivity.
His chirping is quite articulate and interspersed with some typical call notes, It is punctuated by a sustained nose whistle, It seems as if were produced by a forced inspiration. It also mimics the songs of other birds.
This species is found mostly in areas open to the presence of trees, as for example clear forest, huertas, cereal crops, Gardens, … It can be seen frequently in areas with human presence.
This species is present from sea level up to the 1. 900metros, Although the most commonly found among 0-800 m.
They are gradually increasing populations of this species due to the adjustment to urbanized areas.
It is one of the 10 species with greater distribution in Spain.
In captivity a couple needs at least one cage of a meter in length or greater. It is not good to stay in a smaller space because aggression problems may occur between them.
Food almost entirely seeds, wild fruits and berries.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Red-billed leiothrix
Leiothrix lutea
The Red-billed leiothrix It is in Japan, from China. They live in the wild in the mountainous regions of Southeast Asia, to the South of the range of the Himalayas in the North and the South of Indochina. It has a preference for wooded areas.
Some populations have been introduced in Japan and Hawaii where only live from the years 80 of the 20th century,There are also several colonies in Europe of birds breaks present in Portugal, France and Spain where it is recognized as an invasive species due to its establishment in the Collserola mountain range, next to the urban center of Barcelona.
The invasive nature of this species has led to the prohibition of importation, sale, reared and released into the environment in Japan
Physical characteristics
The japanese nightingale measured between 13 and 15 cm.. Your body is robust, the upper part is gray-green. The very round head of the same color. His eyes are black and round. The throat is bright yellow, becoming orange on the chest. The legs are short and strong an amarillo-pardo color, the Orange beak, thin, rugged.
These birds are very curious. Love to see the person who feeds them. They live to almost 1200 meters above the level of the sea in its natural habitat,
The wings are short and strong, with the rounded edges and small feathers of red and grey color, Black at the tip of the tail.
Very resistant to harsh weather conditions.
The sexual dimorphism it is not obvious, It is known with certainty by the song and the color of the chest in the female which is usually less intense. Another small difference is the width at the end of the queue, in the male it is of 1,5 cm in black, in the female this width is of 0,5 cm.. The female does not sing, emits small sharp noises.
Character and skills
The Red-billed leiothrix has many qualities, has a beautiful singing, mellow and pleasant without despising their plumage colorful.
In an Aviary it coexists with ease with other species that live in your House such as the Canaries, exotic small and finches. You will never see any aggression between them.
He is passionate about bathing and washing several times a day with joy.
Individually they can pleasantly live in a cage of 60 cm in length by 30 cm of width by 40 height cm. A couple of isolated re-sell without difficulty in a crate outside of 1 m in length by 1 m wide by 1,5 height m, situated ‘hanging’ under the canopy of a leafy tree and with an internal equipment of branches where able to weave the nest. An outdoor-indoor aviary is much more suitable for the breeding of these animals, but it will not be overcrowded and the other inhabitants should have protected nesting corners.
This so-called Mockingbird has a very varied diet. It is mainly an insectivore, and it has a preference for insects, molluscs and snails. She loves the tender shoots and ant eggs. He is also fond of the fruit (sweet), citrus, apples, Pears, strawberries …. It also feeds on seeds, birdseed, oats, Niger, not to mention the pasta for insectivores and mealworms.
Its nesting extends from May to July. The eggs (3 or 4 accounted for by the) be incubarán during 14 days. The young leave the nest quickly (13 days), Although parents continue feeding them for a while.
Images "Red-billed leiothrix"
Videos "Red-billed leiothrix"
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
White-cheeked turaco
Turaco leucotis
Origin: Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan
Character: Dynamic and curious
Life expectancy: 8 to 10 years
Height: 42 to 43 cm..
This striking bird is native to Africa (area of Ethiopia) and reaches a size of 42 to 43 cm..
It has bright green feathers, with a dark crest on the head, may stands at will, the Underwing coverts are blue like the tail, While the primaries are intense red, and in general only be appreciated with the bird in flight. The beak is orange-red, like the ring around the eyes. Ahead of the eye look “white cheeks” and two oblique also white marks on the neck.
Has several other anatomical features of interest. First of all, they have strong feet and you can turn your fourth finger of the foot forward or backwards to get a better grip on its perch. In second place, the chickens of this species have claws on their wings, a strange and evocative anatomical feature for a bird that almost seems to be reminiscent of its ancient cousin, the Archaeopteryx. The chicks emerging from these claws at the time of leaving the nest.
Most of these birds have green plumage and is the result of a combination of structural coloration and pigments.. They are unique since only the Turacos, among all the birds, they produce a Green pigment, turacoverdin, It is the color of their feathers.
Character and skills
This beautiful and energetic African bird is a very popular bird in the United States and the United Kingdom., they can even be hand fed by what you become very mansas pets.
Another curiosity, and one of the things by which this bird strikes is by singing, which, It resembles the squeal of a wild monkey.
Images "White-cheeked turaco"
Videos "White-cheeked turaco"
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Serinus Canaria
Origin: Spain, Portugal
Character: Cheerful and docile
Life expectancy: 10 to 15 years
Height: 12 to 20 cms.
Canary. Popular cage bird.
Welcome to our blog about the fascinating world of canaries! On this occasion, We will delve into the life and characteristics of these popular cage birds. Los canarios son conocidos por su belleza, canto melodioso y personalidad encantadora. Si eres amante de las aves o estás pensando en tener un compañero emplumado en casa, ¡no te puedes perder este artículo! Descubre todo sobre los canarios: desde sus colores vibrantes hasta sus diferentes nombres alternativos. Sigue leyendo para sumergirte en el maravilloso universo del canario. ¡Empecemos!
El Canario: Un Encanto Alado en Nuestros Hogares
Los canarios, esas pequeñas aves de vibrantes colores y melódicos cantos, han sido compañeros apreciados en hogares de todo el mundo durante siglos. Estas encantadoras criaturas, pertenecientes a la familia de los fringílidos, han ganado popularidad como aves de jaula gracias a sus fascinantes características y cautivador comportamiento.
Características del Canario:
Los canarios son conocidos por su tamaño compacto, con una longitud que suele oscilar entre 10 and 25 centimeters. Su plumaje es sumamente variado, presentando colores que van desde el amarillo brillante hasta tonos más apagados, e incluso combinaciones de colores que pueden incluir naranja, black and white. Estas aves también son reconocidas por sus llamativos picos y ojos expresivos.
Distribución y Hábitat Natural:
Originarios de las islas Canarias, situadas en el Atlántico noroeste, los canarios prosperan en climas cálidos y subtropicales. Aunque sus hábitats naturales incluyen áreas boscosas y zonas de matorrales, su adaptabilidad les ha permitido aclimatarse a diversas condiciones, desde bosques hasta áreas urbanas.
La reproducción de los canarios es un proceso fascinante. La hembra suele poner huevos, que incuban durante aproximadamente dos semanas. Los padres participan activamente en el cuidado de los polluelos, alimentándolos y brindándoles protección. Es esencial proporcionar un entorno seguro y cómodo en la jaula para fomentar un exitoso proceso reproductivo.
Canto Melódico:
Uno de los atributos más apreciados de los canarios es su talento para el canto. Males, in particular, son conocidos por sus melodiosas vocalizaciones. Estas aves pueden aprender diversas notas y patrones de canto, creando una sinfonía única que encanta a quienes tienen el placer de escucharla. La práctica regular y la interacción con otros canarios estimulan su habilidad para desarrollar un canto más elaborado y armonioso.
Precio y Popularidad como Mascotas:
Debido a su belleza y personalidad amigable, los canarios son una opción popular como mascotas. El precio de un canario puede variar según factores como el color, la edad y la habilidad de canto. Los canarios con colores más inusuales o con habilidades de canto excepcionales pueden tener un precio más elevado.
Enfermedades Comunes:
Al criar canarios en cautividad, es esencial estar al tanto de posibles enfermedades. La obesidad, las infecciones respiratorias y los ácaros son problemas comunes que pueden afectar a estas aves. Proporcionar una dieta balanceada, un entorno limpio y realizar revisiones veterinarias regulares contribuirá a mantener la salud de estos delicados compañeros alados.
Colores y Variedades:
Los canarios se han criado selectivamente a lo largo de los años, lo que ha dado lugar a una amplia variedad de colores y patrones. Desde el clásico amarillo hasta el blanco, black, rojo e incluso tonos más exóticos, la paleta de colores de los canarios es tan diversa como hermosa.
In summary, los canarios no solo aportan una explosión de color y melodía a nuestros hogares, sino que también nos conectan con la naturaleza de una manera única. Como compañeros encantadores y entretenidos, estos pequeños cantores han conquistado los corazones de quienes buscan la alegría y la belleza en su vida diaria.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Red-crested Cardinal
It is a beautiful bird colors is appreciated for its beauty and singing, If that be prodige in this activity is recommended to leave only the male.
It feeds on millet, oats, birdseed, wheat, rapeseed, and a long etc. We can also add various herbs and fruits. This bird should be always available fresh water as she loves to bathe. It must be said that it is very strong and resistant and supports hassle-free winter in an outdoor cage. Well looked after is a bird that can live up to 20 years in captivity.
For breeding, its greatest comfort is in a large aviary., with shrubs which can establish its nest, although this is not always the case and sometimes they also nest in open nests.
The implementation consists of 3 to 6 eggs which the female incubates almost always alone, Although in some couples both parents take turns to do so. The incubation period is 15 days and the little ones leave the nest at 17 days although the parents continue to feed them for three more weeks.
The Red-crested Cardinal lives in South America, from the South of Brazil, Bolivia and reaches the central part of Argentina.
The female is indistinguishable from the male as the colorful, but in a quiet State male has bun dropped on his head and Hedgehog it in moments of excitement. Young Cardinals have the head of a brown hue and not present bow, This begins to grow them seven weeks after his birth, Although not harder adult plumage until the second year.
Source: criaderofaunashop
Fuente de la imagen: Brazilian Cardinal Taken on the North Shore of Oahu by Rich Engelbrecht originally posted to Flickr
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Eurasian bullfinch
Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Character: Sociable
Life expectancy: 10 to 15 years
Height: 15 to 17,5 cm.
Its coloration is unmistakable: While the female has more muted colors, the male looks reddish plumage in the chest. It is not threatened and has populations of between fifteen and twenty-eight million copies in Europe.
Es un pájaro altamentesociable, which serves immediately when called by imitating his song.
Despite being a quiet animal, during the early morning hours his State will of euphoria and very active. In the evening turns into a passive pet, lazy and dormilona. Both the male and female sing in a similar way. It is not one of their most notable qualities, since its melody lacks musical notes and is not too powerful. You will observe how your interesting friend will inflate his feathers and throat in unison at the moment of starting the song.
Their costumbresson muy diferentes de las de otros pájaros y muchos ornitólogos piensan que sus parejas son estables, because they are generally of two by two, male and female, in both summer and winter. The male is equipped with a sumptuous plumage, that puts in evidence during courtship. Spongy chest, leaves hanging their wings, to display contrasting drawing of his obispillo and swings conton is.
Those who come to achieve Red siskin it seems that they are satisfied with the sole idea of getting the coveted F1 from him (hybrids of this beautiful exotic with a female canary), completely disregarding more information and knowledge of their particular biology.
The lack of information available on the Customs is very strange, feeding, reproduction and habitat of Red siskin.
“In canariculture and ornithology treatises, only their colors are described., its properties to convey the color red to the Canary and well little more. Perhaps this is due to the fact that those closest to the life of this little finch, such as twitchers & dealers, they jealously keep to themselves, the knowledge of their customs, thus avoiding, "commercial competition". This belief comes to mind because we know perfectly well the illegal trade that exists in their country of origin..
“Due to the great demand for Cardinals, coming from all the countries where canariculture of color is practiced, This bird has become the most coveted by stealthy casual and hunters merchants. In Caracas, as well as in La Guaira, its famous seaport, the trade of buying and selling of Red siskin constituted, until very recently, an authentic international business. Sailors and travelers came to pay exorbitant amounts for a Red siskin. The few who came alive to Europe listed to astronomical prices.
“It is not strange to think, because, that the scientific ignorance of its wildlife is the result of a tacit agreement between hunters and clandestine traders. As you want it, This disregard for his life and customs brings, as a result, the early illness and death of most Red siskin who manage to reach Europe alive.
"Secondly, This species is seriously threatened with extinction. This beautiful winged ruby from the northern regions of Venezuela, It is already very sparsely found by have turned, inevitably, in one more victim of selfishness and the irrational whim of man. Fortunately, the measures taken by the Government, rigorously applying existing laws for the protection of Venezuelan fauna, they come to alleviate, as far as possible, the damage caused to this species. These laws are being strongly enforced today and trade, as flourishing in past years, This disappearing, with the natural joy of ornithologists and nature lovers from all over the world.
“ This beautiful American finch measures 11 to 12 centimeters. It is known by various vernacular names, such as Tarín, in Argentina, Lúgano Rojo, in other South American countries, Cardenalillo, in Spain, Cardenalito, in Venezuela, etc. The scientific denomination is also varied and confusing: Spinus cucullatus, Carduelis cucullatus and Crhysomitris cucullatus. As we see it, ornithologists have also not delved much into its study and taxonomy: Some include him among theCarduelis”, others among theSpinus”, etc.
“All this contributes negatively to the authentic scientific knowledge of this beautiful tropical bird., so fundamental to the canaricultor of color. What we have no doubt about is that the Red siskin is closely related to a large group of American finches: los “Spinus”.
"Head, the neck and throat are black Jet, in the form of Hood; the back is dark red; the chest and the obispillo are red fire, beautiful; the tail, completely black. The wings are black, with a beautiful and wide strip of color orange through primary and secondary shirts. The legs and beak, dark brown. The eyes are amber.
"The female of Red siskin has a head, the neck, the back and the flanks of ash grey streaks, with little red colouring on the chest and obispillo. The tail is black; the wings of the same color, taking the same strip Orange wing than the male.
“Immature young are perfectly identified by their uniform grayish-brown coloration. The color of the wing band is barely noticeable in the first days after leaving the nest.. Similar to the adult female Saint, but without the black and red colours, being the shade of grey, duller.
“This beautiful finch is native to the northern regions of Venezuela, characterized by mountain ranges, hills and Plains. This wide strip is characterized by its totally different weather stations.: A , rainy and humid, comprising of April to U.k. and other dry, from November to March. The vegetation is itself the American Savannah, This is, shrubs, grasses and herbs of all kinds, with very little Grove. The average temperatures in this area vary considerably, depending on the wet or dry season.
"Live the Red siskin in wandering flocks, on the plains of lower floors. It feeds on seeds, tender stems and small insects. It nests in the spring. The female lays three to five eggs, pure white, that incubates alone. The male brings food, providing a longer regurgitado. The nest is built in the shape of a cup, with abundant dry material of grasses and hairs. The female so carefully lined with feathers and other soft materials. To the 11-12 days of being incubated the eggs, hatch chicks, covered with a fine low down. They are fed with insects, larvae and seed peeled and regurgitadas, by both parents. To the 15 days, they leave the nest. The female makes two to three released per year.
THE “Red siskin” IN CAPTIVITY.-
"The Red siskin easily gets used to life in captivity; he is trusting and affectionate with whoever takes care of him and is not quarrelsome with other birds that come into his company. He is cheerful and very cantor. His singing resembles our serin (Serinus serinus). Is always on the move. Much like the green food, especially the lettuce. He is so loving the Whitehorn that if, by your tastes outside, I would only eat this seed and lettuce. Some consent to die than testing other grains. But the Whitehorn just becoming ill will. They must eat of this oilseed seed, but not in excess, because they resist not a diet continued on the basis of this food.
“It is necessary to make them eat birdseed too, millet, Turnip rape, Thistle and rapeseed seed, as well as some fruit and green food. Should they also be lettuce seeds, Blue poppy and some crushed cañamones. Should not be given egg pasta, as is done with the Canaries, because they end up becoming ill hepatitis and die soon.
“The most difficult thing is its adaptation and acclimatization to our latitudes. Must acclimate them very slowly and to ensure that the temperature does not fall from the 10 degrees Celsius. It is a very chilly bird, immediately accusing the lack of heat. Once made the first move in the cage, already does not require special care.
"The evident proof of his health is the singing. Yes a Red siskin Canta, We can think of to raise with him with many chances of success. Is very hot in nature and if this strong and healthy, can attach you with two female perfetamente.
“But in this work we are not going to deal with their reproductive and genetic qualities, Neither of its extraordinary influence on color canaricultura. This item, together with a deep scientific-practical study of its reproduction in captivity with its own female, It will be developed, in detail, in a next job. We advance, However, that this ornithological event has taken place in Spain with Red siskin brought from Venezuela and adapted to our climate. This achievement has been achieved, after long years of tests and trials by the author of this article”.
by José Moreno Sánchez
Judge of the F.O.E. (Spain)
Several tests have been carried out to try to estimate the number of wild individuals that currently survive; However, Dear sayings are characterized by their inaccuracies and is not really known the current population. Estimates range from as low as 600 until 800 birds across the country, of which are calculated each 350 to 500 individuals in the West, and other 300 in the central zone. Other estimates indicate that they currently survive around 4.000 Red siskin wild in total, of which approximately 2.500 they live in the States of Lara and Falcón. The numbers of birds captured would support the second estimate more than the first.. It is necessary to clarify that, While you can ensure that the figure is low, information is still lacking to accurately estimate the population. In any case, the current figures are lower than the previous ones and most of the populations referred to in the past are now extinct.
Source: Wilkipedia
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Red-cheeked Cordonbleu
Uraeginthus bengalus
Character: Social
Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years.
Height: 12 to 13 cm.
Bluebirds from Senegal are from Equatorial Africa and East Africa. They live in pairs or in groups of a few individuals in semi-arid areas.
They have a melodious song, that varies by species. Males have more brightly colored than females. The cheeks of the males are red. The female has a blue paler . Sometimes the female also sings, so you can't rely on the voice to determine the sex of the bird.
It is a large bird, It can co-exist with other small exotic birds. Small species of the Azulito of Senegal can co-exist if there is sufficient space, but the larger species are very aggressive and should not be mixed with other species of Azulitos.
They are insectivorous and granivorous.. Must be accustomed gradually to fruit and vegetables to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea). Must be given in small amounts, washed and dried at room temperature, withdrawing them as soon as they lose their freshness. Vitamins can also be put in drinking water, especially in times of illness, stress, molting and reproduction.
The best thing is to install them in the Aviary, so they can fly to and organize themselves into a social group. These birds are sensitive to cold and humidity.. They need to keep at a temperature between 20 and 25 ° C. They must be protected from the cold currents and air, Although over time can be adapted to more extreme temperatures.
Reproduction must stay in pairs in a large cage (100 * 50 * 50 cm minimum for a couple), in groups of the same species in a spacious Aviary, with a lot of places to hide, allowing them to build their nest in peace. Reproduction is usually easy, when birds are calm and have sufficient space. They must have variety of foods (seed mix, germinated seeds, spray millet and living insects (are essential during the breeding season).
The female lays from 3 to 7 eggs, the parents take turns incubating and hard incubation of 15 to 17 days. The young leave the nest to the 3 weeks and are weaned at the 6 weeks. The sexual dimorphism appears to the 5 months.