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Sulphur-crested cockatoo
Cacatua galerita

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Cacatua galerita



55 cm.. height and a weight between 815 and 975 g..
The Sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) It is a bird with a predominantly white plumage.
In adults, the ear-coverts, bases feathers throat and cheeks, are pale yellow. the arista formed by the 6 Erectile feathers slightly inclined forward, are yellow. The crest You can reach up 14 centimeters in length. The bottom of the wings and of the tail van dyed pale yellow.
The ring surrounding the eye shows a white. The irises is dark brown in the male and reddish brown in the female. The bill is blackish grey, the legs grey.

The immature They are just different from adults. The irises They are pale brown.

Description 4 subspecies
  • Cacatua galerita eleonora

    (Finsch, 1863) – It's like Cacatua galerita triton but smaller and with bill smaller.

  • Cacatua galerita fitzroyi

    (Mathews, 1912) – Yellowed feathers, both ear-coverts, and the throat and cheeks, they are absent. The eye ring It is light blue. Bill but great.

  • Cacatua galerita galerita

    (Latham, 1790) – Nominal.

  • Cacatua galerita triton

    (Temminck, 1849) – Something smaller, the crest WIDER and eye ring pale blue.


They are very noisy and very easy to observe, Although they are more identifiable by their cries.

During the breeding season, they live in pairs or in small family groups, but the rest of the year, They are in flocks that may contain hundreds of birds.

In the urban areas and in places that they are equipped with feeders, adopt a family behavior.
In other places, It inspired his distrust and his usual prudence, the Sulphur-crested cockatoo they are very difficult to deal with.

In open areas these birds are implementing a sentinel system that is organized as follows: while most of the flock feeds, Some birds seen from a nearby perch and are likely to sound the alarm if danger.


Video – "Sulphur-crested cockatoo" (Cacatua galerita)

Cacatua galerita (mini documentary)

Is located in variety of forest areas, forests (including swamps and river areas), mangroves, Open field, on farm land (including rice fields and plantations of Palm), Savannah, Mallee and suburban areas. Found up to 1.500 meters in parts of Australia, 2.400 metres in Papua New Guinea.


In Australia, the breeding season occurs from May to August in the North and between August and January, in the South.

In New Guinea, It takes place during every month of the year, although the most active months are during the period from May to December.

This species occasionally breeds in colonies. The nest is a natural cavity in a eucalyptus large near a stream between 3 and 30 meters above the ground. Sometimes the residence of the Sulphur-crested cockatoo It is located in the holes of the limestone cliffs along the murray river. In this case, the eggs are deposited directly in the sand.

In New Zealand, These birds lay amid bales of hay in barns. The nest generally it contains 3 white eggs. These are deposited on a layer of debris decomposing at the bottom of the cavity.
incubate both parents alternately for a period of 30 days. Hatchlings have a yellowish color and leave the nest after 6 to 9 weeks. Quite regularly, they return to the nest to rest for about two weeks.

The juveniles They remain within the family group for several months. They feed together in small scattered groups.


forages in grasses and herbs. You can take corn and wheat sprouts. It also feeds harmful herbs like cotton thistle. other foods include: estate, Rhizomes, nuts, berries, flowers, bulbs, flower and insect larvae.

They can cause great damage to crops. They dig in lands that were recently planted to eating fruit ripening, It also causes damage to crops that are stored and bales of hay to tear the plastic covering them.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 10600000 km2

This species is endemic to the north and east of Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands, especially islas Aru, Indonesian.
It was imported successfully to Palau Islands in Micronesia, New Zealand and some Maluku islands.

The population in Taiwan It has been estimated at about 100 introduced breeding pairs

Lives mainly below 1.000 m, but sometimes you can see in Australia to 1500 m. and 2000 m in east New Guinea.

Distribution 4 subspecies


State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.

• Population trend: In decline.

It is thought that his population It is greater than 500.000 individuals.

It is not an endangered species. But, despite protection Indonesian this species is followed by trapping wild bird trade. Nor is a protected species in Australia, therefore sacrifices occur.

In New Guinea, sometimes it is hunted for its feathers.

It is suspected that his population is in decline due to ongoing habitat destruction.

"Sulphur-crested cockatoo" in captivity:

and valued species often as a pet.
Very Intelligent, sociable and playful. It is a cockatiel for experienced bird owners. You can be dominant and aggressive. It can be very noisy.

There are anecdotal reports of some Sulphur-crested cockatoo who they have lived more than 100 years. In the news, However, longevity record, according to sources, belongs to a captive specimen called "Cocky" who lived more than 57 years in the London Zoo. Another report suggests that these animals can live up 73.0 years in captivity, but this has not been verified.

Alternative names:

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, White Cockatoo, Yellow-crested cackatoo (ingles).
Cacatoès à huppe jaune, Grand Cacatoès à huppe jaune (French).
Gelbhaubenkakadu (German).
Cacatua-de-crista-amarela (Portuguese).
Cacatúa de Moño Amarillo, Cacatúa Galerita (español).

John Latham
John Latham

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Cacatuidae
Genus: Cockatoo
Scientific name: Cacatua galerita
Citation: (Latham, 1790)
Protonimo: parrot galeritns

Images Galerita Cockatoo:

Species of the genus Cacatua
  • Cacatua tenuirostris
  • Cacatua pastinator
  • —- Cacatua pastinator derbyi
  • —- Cacatua pastinator pastinator
  • Cacatua sanguinea
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea gymnopis
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea normantoni
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea sanguinea
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea transfreta
  • —- Cacatua sanguinea westralensis
  • Cacatua goffiniana
  • Cacatua ducorpsii
  • Cacatua haematuropygia
  • Cacatua galerita
  • —- Cacatua galerita eleonora
  • —- Cacatua galerita fitzroyi
  • —- Cacatua galerita galerita
  • —- Cacatua galerita triton
  • Cacatua ophthalmica
  • Cacatua sulphurea
  • —- Cacatua sulphurea abbotti
  • —- Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata
  • —- Cacatua sulphurea parvula
  • —- Cacatua sulphurea sulphurea
  • Cacatua moluccensis
  • Cacatua alba

  • Sources:

    – Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
    – Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
    – Birdlife


    (1) – commons.wikimedia.org
    (2) – birdsandbirds.com
    (3) – tilcheff

    Sounds: Hans Matheve (Xeno-canto)

    1 comentario en «Cacatúa Galerita»

    1. Good afternoon
      I would like to know about the possibility of getting a triton cockatoo as a pet.


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