▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

The body language of cats

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Unlike dogs, cats usually do not cooperate for hunting or form cohesive groups. The colonies of cats are much more informal than the hierarchical Pack of wolves. Cats have no need to evolve their social rules to live in communities. They get together with other cats to cross, raising kittens, and in some social groups such as cat colonies or multi-cat households. The feline language is complex and subtle, with at least twenty-five different visual signals used to sixteen combinations. No doubt there are many others, even more subtle, I are not able to recognize. Most cat owners learn to recognize at least some of their cats' visual cues.


Sometimes a cat rubs against a person, and wraps its tail around the legs. You are trying to know the temperament of the person, and whether it is friendly or not. It is a way of greeting.
If a cat rub against you with the sides of your face or your body, It is only marking your territory.
But, If the cat you rub your forehead or your nose, is a true sign of affection.
If you yell at a cat, and you know that you have done something wrong, they done defensively, as giving up. This is a signal to let you know that he knows that you are angry.
If your cat is angry with you, You can turn around and leave, with their tails up, and shake a leg as if to say "enough, do not want anything more, leave".

The head

If the head forward stretch, to you, you are asking us to touch it, is sign of confidence.
During a conflict, a confident cat raise your head, While an aggressive cat will lower it.
An inferior or submissive cat will also lower its head, in submission. However a less fearful and aggressive cat will also raise your head. To understand the message, You must look at the other end of the cat: its tail.
Two big factors influence in the form of a cat: the birth and the educational. Hence the importance of offering the cat from its first week of life all kinds of cuddles and caresses, both the owners and other cats, to create in them a sense of confidence for its future development.

The meaning of the various positions of the ears is very rich. If leaning them forward; It may be denoting relaxation, Although you can be exploring the territory. Ears down indicate aggression, While the folded back pose, fear and/or aggression (When scolds you, for example).

The tail

The tail is an important tool to communicate with other cats and other species (like humans). It is very mobile, side to side, up and down, with grace and Majesty, quickly or slowly, or as a whip. You can screw in a cat sitting or sleeping, or if you are afraid might “inflate”. A mother can also be used as a “Toy” for her kitties.

The tail of the cat is an expression of how you feel. A queue upward is a happy tail. The cat is saying “See what happy am!”. The lower the tail, lower the mood of that cat. An angry or frightened cat will take the tail between the legs.

When is the cat quietly sitting looking at something, and the tail moves slowly, the cat is concentrated on something.

If the cat shakes its tail from one side to another does not mean that you are happy to see you, quite the contrary: means that you are upset and angry. This is when the cat might bite or scratch.. The more move it, the greater your anger, so is this signal with caution.

Cat wagging his tail very gently if it is happy, and probably want to play.

A straight tail, upright and rigid, tipped to one side, indicates that the cat is curious or interested in something.

a stiff tail, completely vertical, also right tipped, is a demonstration of intense happiness. when he has a tail like this, You can be sure that your cat is happy to see you!

A stiff tail with a twitching tip means the cat is somewhat irritated., so caution!

A puffed and arched tail indicates that the cat is in a defensive position.. Caution, because a defense can easily be converted into attack.

A submissive tail resembles an angry in their movement from one side to another queue, but it is normally positioned lower than the angry tail.

The eyes

Human loves eye contact. He is friendly. For a cat, prolonged eye contact is a sign of “I'm seeing”, or even threat. The typical case is when you receive the visit of several people, and the cat, unfailingly, approaching a person who doesn't like cats. The “lovers of cats” they are usually seen the cat, hoping that this approach then caress. Those looks of strangers are, for the cat, threatening. But, the person who does not like cats pays no attention, hoping that the cat not bothered, and the cat to the threatened sentirze, approaches to socialize with them.
Widely open eyes indicates that the cat is curious and happy.
Through eyes are an obvious sign that your cat is ready to sleep. But, If the eyes are through but your cat is fully awake, it could mean that your cat has an illness or infection.
Dilated pupils indicate that a cat is scared and about to become aggressive.

The ears

The cat ears are extremely mobile. With between 20 and 30 muscles that control it, can rotate 180º and move up and down. They can be placed in tip, or flatten sideways or backward.
The ears of a cat that is happy are up and in constant motion, and they rotate in the direction of each sound you hear.
On the defensive or frightened cats flatten their ears to the side, as a sign of submission. Cats that are fighting also often show this behavior, to avoid injury.
An angry cat shows his aggression pointing ears forward at an angle.

The whiskers

The whiskers serve not only to measure the width of the places where the cat is going to happen, or the proximity of objects. They are also mobile and help to determine the mood of the cat. In a relaxed state, You'll see them slightly to one side.
Its fully extended whiskers has a happy or curious cat. As the cat is more interested in something, the whiskers extending forward, to be in front of the snout.
If the cat is afraid, is irritated, or is sick, its whiskers throw back along his cheek.

The mouth

Rarely a cat uses his mouth as a sign of aggression. A yawn may mean a non-threatening signal. A hissing sound with their mouths open shows that the cat feels threatened and on the defensive. The grunts are issued with just open mouth. Showing their teeth is not as in dogs; It is the way in which the CAT scans scent signals.
If the cat opens its mouth it can be interpreted as a threat and a sign of aggression, especially if it also emits a growl

Other body signals

The purr

It comes from rapid contractions of the muscles of the larynx and diaphragm., appearing from the first week of age. The cat Purring in the presence of another cat or a person. It is an expression of joy or submission.
Most of the time it means they are happy. But, Sometimes a cat Purring in anticipation that they will be happy, like when you you are preparing food, or when you know that you will cherish. Times, a cat Purring when they are scared, or are injured and in pain.
The purr is identified with a pleasant feeling of the cat. These continuous and coarse sounds can give to understand that the cat is comfortable at our side, but they can also occur during a period of illness of the feline to communicate its status of pain and nerve.

CRI du chat.

There are a variety of meows each with its own meaning:
The demand.
The defeat.
The lament (easy to identify, seems a crying).
Growl and the blow, used to defend itself in case of aggression.
The rejection,…
Silent Meow: Your cat can bring closer to you, just turn your head, Open your mouth, and make a tiny noise, almost like a hiccup. It's a cat's way of saying "Please".
The catalogue of meows is broad. You can go short and just inaudible, used to draw attention to something that needs (food, you to open the door), up the long and somewhat choppy, specific to the time she is in heat. These meows are constant during the night and may be uncomfortable for the owner. To avoid this, We have the option of castration or sterilization..

Source: residenciacaninalaluna

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