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16 to 19 cm.. length and an approximate weight of 40 g.. The Little Lorikeet (Parvipsitta petty) is the smallest of the Parrots Australian.
The body is bright green, the area of the nose, the forecrown, the neck, part of the forecrown and cheeks They are red.
The ear-coverts are of color green with stripes of color green light. The neck and back top are brown-green. Under the wings brighter yellowish green. The primary flight feathers they have a very narrow yellowish Board, their underparts is yellowish-green.
The feathers of the tail has reddish orange base, the circle around the eyes is narrow and black, the irises is orange, the legs grayscale and the bill black.
Parvipsitta buttercups |
The immature have more off the Red of the face; the Brown of the upper mantle is minimal. Bill Dark Brown and brown the eye.
This small Lori is likely to be confused with the Purple-crowned lorikeet (Parvipsitta porphyrocephala).
- Sound of the Little Lorikeet.
The Little Lorikeet dispatched virtually all areas and at all altitudes with trees. They prefer open areas with flowering or fruit trees and riverbanks.. Found up to one altitude of 1600 m.
Occasionally seen in orchards and farming areas.
Son nomads and outside the breeding season they gather in small groups of 4 to 12 birds.
They prefer tall treetops and are difficult to see due to their small size and green color.. They prefer trees of eucalyptus that they are in bloom and they can attend major meetings when they are feeding, often associated with other lori as the Coconut Lorikeet and the Musk Lorikeet.
Ruidoso. Their flight is flapping fast and straight, accompanied by shrill calls.
The breeding season It is going may in the North, or August in the South, to December. It nests in the Hollows of trees, where sets of 3 to 5 rounded whitish eggs. The incubation hard ones three weeks.
It feeds mainly from fruits and flowers, including native plants such as those belonging to the genera Xanthorrhoea and (Melaleuca and Loranthus, and introduced plants such as the medlar (Eriobotrya japonica). Occasionally visit orchards.
Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 788.000 km2
The Little Lorikeet is located in the East and Southeast of Australia, from the vicinity of Cairns to the South by Queensland and New South Wales from the slopes of the Great dividing range until the eastern coasts to most of Victoria and Southeast of Southern Australia. Also located in Tasmania, although there is little abundant.
• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.
• Population trend: Stable.
The main threats to these small parrots are the loss of breeding sites and of those resources food by the clearing of land in course. Most breeding records come from the western slopes, where has been a great loss of habitat trees. The loss of trees nest along the verges of Highway, often associated with roadwork, It is still a constant threat.
"Little Lorikeet" in captivity:
Although it was exported to Europe for the first time in 1877, the Little Lorikeet rarely seen outside of Australia. And even in the country of which it is native it is rare in captivity. Has a reputation for being difficult to maintain.
Alternative names:
– Little Lorikeet, Little Red Lorikeet (ingles).
– Lori à masque rouge, Petit Loriquet (French).
– Zwergmoschuslori (German).
– Loris Pusilla (Portuguese).
– Lori Carirrojo, Lori de Cabeza Roja (español).
scientific classification:
– Order: Psittaciformes
– Family: Psittaculidae
– Genus: Parvipsitta
– Scientific name: Parvipsitta petty
– Citation: (Shaw, 1790)
– Protonimo: Psittacus Pusillus
Images «Red-faced Lory»:
Videos "Little Lorikeet"
«On Carirrojo» (Parvipsitta petty)
Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
1 – By JJ Harrison ( (Hand darbas) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
2 – By Joxerra Aihartza (à‘ire argazki bilduma / own picture) [FAL], via Wikimedia Commons
3 – Little Lorikeets by Julian Robinson, on Flickr – Flickr
4 – Little Lorikeets (Glossopsitta pusilla) by David Cook, on Flickr – Flickr
5 – Musk Lorikeet [Glossopsitta concinna] again! by Norm Hanson, on Flickr – Flickr
Sounds: Marc Anderson (Xeno-canto)
I think the image at the top of this page is a Musk Lorikeet. With a Little Lorikeet, the red is directly below the bill.