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Bismarck hanging parrot
Loriculus tener

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Bismarck hanging parrot



Measured around 10 cm.. length and approximately 12 g. of weight.

The head of the Bismarck hanging parrot (Loriculus tener)(Loriculus tener) is green. Upperparts Green except for the rump and upper coverts of the tail that are yellowish-green. The wings they are green with vane internal darker towards the flight feather.

Under, the wings blue with Feather coverts green. Chin red orange; rest of the underparts green. Upper, the tail green, pale blue view from below.

The bill black; irises yellowish white; legs yellowish brown.

The female have the front part of the crown and face blue.

The young birds they lack the orange patch of the throat and your bill is pale-brown.


A species very little known. Has been recorded along of the edge of forests and partially cleared from the lowlands up to the low hills areas.


There is practically no information. Only a nest found, in the stump of one areca palm.


There is practically no information, but it is suspected that they feed on flowers and small fruit, usually, alone or in pairs, and often hung upside down.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 26.300 km2

Endemic to the Islands in the Bismarck Archipelago, registered in New Britain, New Ireland, Duke of York and New Hanover.



• Current IUCN Red List category: Near threatened

• Population trend: Decreasing

This little known species is classified as Near-threatened, Since it is believed that it has a moderately low population that is limited to the lower forests. These areas are developing rapidly in oil palm plantations and therefore the population is undoubtedly decreasing.

In New England, clearing of lowland forests for conversion to oil palm plantations has been intense in recent decades.

The population size is between the 10.000 and 19.999 mature individuals.

"Bismarck hanging parrot" in captivity:

Usually they are not in captivity.

Alternative names:

Green-fronted Hanging Parrot, Bismarck Hanging Parrot, Bismarck Hanging-parrot, Green fronted Hanging Parrot, Green-fronted Hanging-Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis des Bismarck, Coryllis à front vert, Coryllis des Bismark (French).
Bismarckpapageichen, Goldstirnpapageichen, Zartpapageichen (German).
Lorículo de las Bismarck (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Loriculus
Scientific name: Loriculus tener
Citation: Sclater,PL, 1877
Protonimo: Loriculus tener

Images “Bismarck hanging parrot”:

Loriculus tener. Image from page 18 of "Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club" (2007) - (N. J. Collar © Natural History Museum)
Loriculus tener. Image from page 18 of “Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club” (2007) – (N. J. Collar © Natural History Museum)


“Bismarck hanging parrot” (Loriculus tener)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – “Loriculus tener Smit” by Joseph Smit – Ornithological Miscellany. Volume 2. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons – http://Commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/file:Loriculus_tener_smit.jpg#mediaviewer/file:Loriculus_tener_smit.jpg

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