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14 cm.. length.
The plumage of the Sula hanging parrot (Loriculus sclateri) is mostly green.
The chin and throat They are red. There are orange-yellow markings on the mantle and in the back. The coverts, rump and tail upper are crimson, extending to the tip of the tail. Carpal edge red (borde de ataque del ala en el «hombro»). The tail It is green with yellow-green tip. The bill is black.
the female has the irises brown, While the male is pale yellow.
To the Sula hanging parrot Sometimes I have treated as a subspecies of the Moluccan hanging parrot, but the two are treated as separate species based on its clear differences in plumage and size.
- Sound of the Sula hanging parrot.
Description 2 subspecies
Loriculus sclateri ruber
(Meyer,AB & Wiglesworth, 1896) – Similar to the nominal species but red in the mantle and back.
Loriculus sclateri sclateri
(Wallace, 1863) – Nominal.
They are generally distributed in humid areas of subtropical primary and secondary forests or lowland tropical forests. until 450 meters above sea level – mainly on the edge of the forest. Can also be seen in remaining tall trees in plantations and cultivated areas.
viewed solos, or pairs or small groups.
The first breeding season begins in January and lasts until April; and if conditions are right, breeding activities can once again be observed from July to September.
Nest trunks of dead trees, favor of the narrow hollow long with small entrance holes. Noticed it a female carrying nesting material, that can include pieces of bark, leaves and feathers for lining of the nest. Sunset You can consist of 2 to 4 white eggs. Single the female incubates the eggs during 20 days, While the male feeds it. Each egg measures of ~ 15 mm to 18,7 mm.
Its diet natural It consists mainly of red fruits – particularly wild figs, guava and berries, as well as flower buds and flowers. They also feed on nectar and seeds.
Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 30.800 km2
endemic to the Sula Islands (Taliabu, Mangole and Sanana), as well as of Banggai in Sulawesi (formerly known as Celebes)
Distribution 2 subspecies
Loriculus sclateri ruber
(Meyer,AB & Wiglesworth, 1896) – Islas Banggai (Peleng, Banggai, Labobo, Bowokan.)
Loriculus sclateri sclateri
(Wallace, 1863) – Nominal. Sula Islands (Taliabu, Seho, Mangole, Sanana).
• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern
• Population trend: Stable
The size of the world population It has not been quantified, but the species is described as common in its range (pit et to the. 1997).
The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.
A possible threat to its existence are the capture for the bird trade and habitat loss.
"Sula hanging parrot" in captivity:
Practically unknown in captivity.
Alternative names:
– Sula Hanging-Parrot, Sula Hanging Parrot, Sulu Hanging Parrot (ingles).
– Coryllis de Sclater, Coryllis des Sula (French).
– Sulapapageichen (German).
– Loriculus sclateri (Portuguese).
– Lorículo de las Sula (español).
scientific classification:
– Order: Psittaciformes
– Family: Psittaculidae
– Genus: Loriculus
– Scientific name: Loriculus sclateri
– Citation: Wallace, 1863
– Protonimo: Loriculus sclateri
Images "Sula hanging parrot"
Videos "Sula hanging parrot"
«Lorículo de las Sula» (Loriculus sclateri)
– Avibase
– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife
– beautyofbirds
– Photos:
(1) – «Loriculussclateriwolf» by Joseph Wolf – Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1862 (Web). Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
– Sounds: Peter Wilton (Xeno-canto)