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Brehm's Tiger-Parrot
Psittacella brehmii

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Brehm's Tiger-Parrot



24 cm. length and a weight between 94 and 120 g..

The head of the Brehm's Tiger-Parrot (Psittacella brehmii) is marron-oliva. The neck It is colored with black and green bars. The front and sides of the neck they are surrounded by a bright yellow stripe. The chest It is slightly striped in green and black colors.

The center of the back is very green and it integrates perfectly, with yellow and black striped, the area of the rump. Black fusion is absent from yellowish green to the extent lumbar and Hip. Wings they are a dark green color with dark edges in the covered medium-sized. The flight feather are blackish with vane a thin border beige and green external. The curvature of the wing is Bluestone. Wing feathers green.

The underparts are green, totally opaque, except the undertail-coverts that are of color red Scarlet. The bottom of the tail is green, greyish black down.

The bill It is brownish grey with lighter edges and a white tip. The irises is reddish orange. The legs are grey green.

The female lacks the yellow Crescent on the front of the neck. The chest listed in green and black.

Youth with the colors green and yellow absent from the chest area. Coverts of the tail of color orange tinged with tips yellow. The bill pale.

Subspecies description

  • Psittacella brehmii brehmii

    : The nominal.

  • Psittacella brehmii intermixta

    : Its underparts and back listing are more yellowish green tones, and larger.

  • Psittacella brehmii pallida

    : As the nominal but with narrower peak.

  • Psittacella brehmii harterti

    : It is clearer and less yellowish green head. Is smaller.


Are observed in the montane forest, including Podocarpus, beech forests of Nothofagus and edge of forests, mainly from 1.500 metres to the 2.600 m, ends in 1.100 and 3.800 m.

The Brehm's Tiger-Parrot is distributed primarily at altitudes below the habitat of the Painted Tiger-Parrot, but there is a zone in which they find sympathy latitudinally, and is between 2.500 and 3.000 m. Birds are often found individually or in small groups and allow an approximation.

You spend much time below the canopy or even close plants feeding on seeds and berries (including conifers and Podocarpus), Although also found in levels higher in the forest. Move slowly, often using his beak to balance and sometimes you can stay still. They only make short flights, never flying above the canopy.


Little is known of nesting behavior, but two nestlings were observed in a nest during the month of June.


Diet includes seeds, coniferous berries and Podocarpus.


The Brehm's Tiger-Parrot they are endemic in New Guinea, where often live almost exclusively in mountain areas. Its range is divided into three isolated populations, an in Vogelkop, West Papua, the second in all the central and South-Eastern Highlands of New Guinea and the third in the mountains of the Huon Peninsula (the Painted Tiger-Parrot is absent and the Parrot Brehm Tiger is observed at altitudes higher than usual). The species is widespread, but generally uncommon; the world's population is believed to be superior to 100.000 specimens.

Distribution Subspecies

  • Psittacella brehmii brehmii

    : The nominal.

  • Psittacella brehmii intermixta

    : Is located in the central mountains of New Guinea.

  • Psittacella brehmii pallida

    : Of the mountains of the southeast of New Guinea.

  • Psittacella brehmii harterti

    : Occupies the Huon Peninsula (to the northeast of New Guinea).



• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world's population has not been quantified, It is believed that it is superior to 100.000 specimens.

The species, according to sources, it is quite common and widespread (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.

"Brehm's Tiger-Parrot" in captivity:

It is not a bird for the lovers of the aviaries since their mortality rate in captivity is very high.

Alternative names:

Brehm’s Tiger-Parrot, Brehm’s Parrot, Brehm’s Tiger Parrot (ingles).
Perruche de Brehm (French).
Brehmpapagei, Brehm Papagei, Brehm-Papagei (German).
Psittacella brehmii (Portuguese).
Lorito de Brehm, Lorito tigre de Brehm, Lorito-tigre de Brehm (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Psittacella
Scientific name: Psittacella brehmii
Citation: Schlegel, 1871
Protonimo: Psittacella brehmii

Images “Brehm's Tiger-Parrot”:

Videos "Brehm's Tiger-Parrot"


“Brehm's Tiger-Parrot” (Psittacella brehmii)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – By Jerry Oldenettel, on Flickr – Flickr
(2) – “Psittacella brehmii” by markaharper1 – Brehm’s Tiger-Parrot. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
(3) – Lateral view of a male perched near the feeding table by Mikko Pyhälä – Mikko Pyhälä – Lynx
(4) – Male feeding at the bird feeder by David Cook Wildlife Photography – Lynx
(5) – By © Jerry Oldenettel – inaturalist

Sounds: Marc Anderson (Xeno-canto)

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