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The Continental Toy Spaniel (in French: Butterfly), water dog is a breed of dog of the type. One of the oldest of the Toy Spaniel, It is named after its resemblance to the butterfly, in its ears, large with long hair and fringes, It emulates open wings of a butterfly.
The history of Continental Toy Spaniel is traced through various works of art. The first Toy Spaniels which resembles the Continental Toy Spaniel you are in italy. Vicelli Tiziano painted these small dogs in many famous paintings, about 1500, as the Venus of Urbino (1542). Other renowned artists to have painted these small dogs are Watteau, González Coke, Fragonard, Paolo Veronese, and Mignard.
A painting of the Wallace Collection, London, appears a Continental Toy Spaniel portrayed with the family of Louis XIV. As well, Papillon dogs appear in paintings of European royal families and the families of merchants of the time paintings. The race was very popular in England, France and Belgium, which are considered countries of origin by the FCI.
The history of Continental Toy Spaniel and its long association with royalty have led to many stories about the breed. Marie Antoinette is said to have gone to the guillotine, clinging to her small dog under her arm, a Continental Toy Spaniel. But, Tradition says that Marie Antoinette's dog was a small dog belonging to the Water Dogs which had been brought to the French court from Spain on the back of pack mules. according to history, her puppy was saved and was treated in a building in Paris that, currently called the Papillon House.
The Continental Toy Spaniel He was recognized by the AKC in 1935. In the news, the Continental Toy Spaniel can be seen competing in obedience and agility.
Physical characteristics
- S – black and white
- S – Lemon and white
- S – White and Red
- S – Sable and white
- S – Black and white as
- A – Brown black and white
- A – Black red and white
- A – Brown and white
- A – Black & Fawn
- A – Red
- A – Red, Sable and white
- A – Sand
- A – White
- A – White and Brown
- A – Silver and white
- A – Black marks
- A – Mask black
- A – red marks
- A – Sand
- A – the marks fire
To the Continental Toy Spaniel with floppy ears it is called Phalène (from French: moth). His small head is slightly rounded. The snout is a little short, fine, narrowing towards the nose. The eyes are dark, size medium, round, with a thin black border that, often extends into the Union of the eyelids to ears. The large ears may be erect or fall with the rounded tips.
They have the long tail of high insertion, covered with long, fine hair. The hair is smooth, long, fine, a single layer, and on the chest, the ears and the back of the queue have longer hair, as if it were a wheel.
The color of the coat is white with patches of any color. A mask of a color other than white covers both ears and the eyes from back to front..
The most distinctive of Continental Toy Spaniel it's his big fringed ears, It seems to the wings of a butterfly. They can also be registered, the American Kennel Club supports the following colors and markings, the types specified as S-standard, or A-alternative for use in shows and competitions:
There are two variations of this race, that of the fully erect ears of the Continental Toy Spaniel more common, and the lop-eared Spaniel type (ears of Phalène). But, the American Kennel Club and the International Cynological Federation consider variation Phalène and the Continental Toy Spaniel common, as the same race. The height is of 20 to 28 cm., and the weight of approximately 3.5 kg.
in brood, a specimen of the variety should never be crossed Continental Toy Spaniel with variety Phalène, because there is a considerable risk that arise with ears semierguidas either mixed puppies.
This detail, It must be taken into account for those people who wish to participate in show ring since that difference in the ears is penalized as a serious lack.
Character and skills
The temperament of Continental Toy Spaniel is very affectionate, docile and even at times, absorbent.
Is - by definition- a service dog is will be looking for pampering continuously, which makes it an ideal dog for older people, Since his love everyday waste and their small size are an infallible weapon against loneliness.
In general, is a quiet dog, is very patient and just ladra.
It adapts with total tranquility to any situation, the only thing that will interest him is to be next to his owner.
While they will not display aggressiveness to strangers, nor give exaggerated signs of love. They should not be shy or aggressive, that is not common in the breed.
They need a daily walk. The game really like, and it is good that there is time for fun, but long walks are necessary to be a good state of health.
Life expectancy Continental Toy Spaniel round the 16 years.
Y, as last detail, is an excellent Hunter of mice.
The globally obedient and loyal character of the Continental Toy Spaniel makes you a good candidate for a first adoption. In particular, his intelligence makes him quickly understand and memorize the association between orders and actions. This makes it easier to learn the basic commands, but it also makes him an ideal student for a master who wants to go further and teach his dog tricks. Very intelligent, the dog Continental Toy Spaniel trains easily.
But, to use your intelligence and learn, must be willing to do it. In fact, pampered and treated like a prince for centuries, has maintained a certain propensity to do only what he wants. So, special emphasis should be placed on learning obedience early in your education, as it is the key to unlocking everything else and exploiting its full potential. But, it's not a matter of rushing: given its sensitivity and its closeness to its humans, punishing the dog for being recalcitrant would have every chance of backfiring, by weakening the bond that binds him to his master. Better to see it upside down, and reward him (with stimuli, treats or even caresses) every time he does what is expected of him. This is the very basis of the positive dog training method., and the value you place on everything that comes from your human referent only makes the use of rewards more effective. Like this, knowing how to show firmness (and if patience is necessary) to set and enforce limits upon arrival at home, it is better to share beauty with gentleness and rewards to make your education a success.
It also, the fact that he is sociable both with humans and with other animals does not exempt him from being socialized from his earliest age, at the risk of behaving differently. Make you meet lots of people (friends, neighbors, delivery man, veterinary…) and get used to meeting other animals (dogs, cats, rodents, birds…) it is essential to avoid any tendency to aggression once he is an adult and to hope to at least partially curb his hunting instinct. At the same time, exposing him to all kinds of noises and smells in all kinds of places allows him to be calm and balanced afterwards, and therefore perfectly capable of finding and holding its place alongside humans.
Despite her fragile appearance, the Continental Toy Spaniel it is generally quite robust. Most people have few health problems and enjoy a good life expectancy, at least equal to that of other dogs of this structure.
His coat lacking undercoat, However, makes it little resistant to cold. On the other hand, has less difficulty in strong heat.
The health problems to which you are particularly predisposed are:
- hereditary cerebellar ataxia, a rare genetic disorder whose outcome is usually fatal;
- progressive retinal atrophy, which gradually causes the dog's weight due to neuronal degeneration of the eye responsible for vision.It is an incurable hereditary disease;
- the opening of the fontanel, when a soft spot on the top of the head does not close completely.This genetic problem means that a head injury can be fatal;
- von Willebrand's disease, an inherited condition that affects platelets and leads to a bleeding disorder: Therefore, a simple cut can cause excessive bleeding;
- patellar luxation, which can cause pain in the knee of the animal and promote the development of arthrosis. Continental Toy Spaniel explains why you are predisposed to this problem;
- the waterfall, giving the eye a milky or crystalline appearance, and can cause blindness. In some cases, corrected by surgery;
- entropion, a malformation of the eyelid that causes painful lesions of the cornea in the animal;
- collapsed windpipe, an irreversible condition that causes breathing problems and worsens over time;
- follicular dysplasia of the black hairs, a skin condition that causes hair loss (alopecia);
- dental problems, like all dogs of this size., the small size of its mouth favors the formation of tartar, and all the troubles that go with it (gingivitis,periodontosis…);
- broken bones, especially in puppies, that are particularly fragile and must be handled with care;
- hypoglycemia, which is characterized by a decrease in blood sugar levels. The animal is then in a state of great weakness and fatigue. In the most severe cases, may fall into a coma.
The fact that many of these conditions are inherited underscores the difference that adopting from a serious breeder Continental Toy Spaniel.In fact, a professional worthy of the name should be able to provide not only a certificate of good health established by a veterinarian, as well as the details of the vaccinations received by the animal (recorded in your health record or immunization record), but also and especially the results of the genetic tests carried out on the parents or the child on these diseases.
Having said that, making sure you adopt a healthy puppy is of little interest if you don't do everything you can to keep it that way. In this sense, prevention plays a fundamental role: wear it regularly (At least once a year) to a veterinarian for a health check allows, in particular, make sure you are up to date on your vaccinations, but also detect a possible problem as soon as possible.
Life expectancy
Of 14 to 15 years
Although the Continental Toy Spaniel it's a long-haired dog, the absence of undercoat makes their coat relatively easy to maintain. In fact, this particularity implies that very little is detached, except during their molting periods, in spring and autumn. Daily brushing is necessary during these periods, but twice a week is more than enough the rest of the time.
As long as the coat is brushed enough, does not tend to get dirty or smell bad. So, unless it got especially dirty, wash the dog 2 or 3 times a year is usually enough. Always use a shampoo specially designed for dogs, since the pH of your skin is not the same as that of humans.
As in the case of any dog, their ears should be checked and cleaned once a week to reduce the risk of infection.
Since they are especially prone to eye diseases, your eyes should also be thoroughly cleaned weekly.
It also, regular tooth brushing, at least once a week, It is essential to limit the formation of tartar and avoid all the risks that this entails. Do not neglect this maintenance, as it is prone to dental problems.
Last, your nails grow quickly: therefore, generally need to be cut once a month. Otherwise, run the risk of disturbing or even breaking and injuring you.
Of course, all coat maintenance, the eyes, the ears, the dog's teeth and nails should not be done randomly: it is important to know how to proceed. It is important to know how to do it well. The first time, It may help to see a veterinarian or professional groomer to learn how to do this..
It also, so that the sessions go as well as possible, it is important to accustom your pet to all these manipulations from an early age.
The Continental Toy Spaniel can be fed industrial dog food, as long as it is of good quality and adapted to their age, size and activity level, so that it provides you with all the nutrients you need.
Even if your dog is not predisposed to being overweight due to his activity level, you have to make sure that his daily intake does not exceed his needs and weigh him regularly, for example, Once a month. In the event that a discrepancy is confirmed or even worsens from one moment to the next, it doesn't take long to take him to a vet: he will be able to identify the medical origin (disease, side effect of a medication…) or dietary origin (unsuitable products or given in excessively large quantities) of the problem, and define how to remedy it. By the way, It's important to put attention on 300 or 400 grams of extra is not much for a human, but they represent for a small dog like Continental Toy Spaniel a significant percentage of your weight, and therefore clearly require to be alarmed.
By the way, treats can work wonders in the context of your education, but they can also work against you by promoting weight gain if given in large amounts. To limit this risk, the ideal is to deduct your caloric intake from your daily ration. Last, like any dog, the Continental Toy Spaniel must have access to clean, fresh water at all times.
Unlike many dog ​​breeds that were originally developed for hunting or herding, the Continental Toy Spaniel has served from the beginning as an ideal companion dog, being gentle, affectionate and calm. From the 15th century, they were the perfect companion of noble ladies in the royal courts of Europe.
This role of faithful companion dog is still the most frequent today, and needs to be very close to his family. But, not to be confused with a lap dog that spends most of its time sleeping: has a lot of energy, and needs a master active enough to allow him to spend it every day.
His past and present success as a companion dog owes much to his attractive appearance.. It's no wonder that many owners try to display them at dog shows, so it is common to find them as sample dogs.
His intelligence and physical abilities are above average for a dog of his size., which makes them ideal competitors in dog sports such as agility, the flyball, obedience and rally-obedience.
It also, His level of vigilance and the fact that he is not one of those who spend hours sleeping during the day make him a good alert dog., that does not stop warning in case of unusual presence.
Last, His closeness to humans and ability to quickly become friends with them combine with his sensitivity to make him an excellent therapy dog., gifted to calm the most fragile people with his simple presence. They can be found in hospitals, mental health centers and rehabilitation centers.
How much does a “Continental Toy Spaniel”?
The price of a puppy Continental Toy Spaniel it's average 1200 EUR.
But, there may be a more or less important difference from one individual to another, based on your lineage, the prestige of the kennel from which they come, its intrinsic characteristics (and, in particular, of its greater or lesser conformity with the standard, which means that within the same litter there may be significant price differences), as well as their sex, since females tend to cost more than males.
Characteristics "Continental Toy Spaniel"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Continental Toy Spaniel" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
Adaptation ⓘ2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
friendly dog ⓘ4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
hair loss ⓘ3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection level ⓘ5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for exercise ⓘ2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Social need ⓘ4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Home ⓘ3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Toilet ⓘ3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendly with strangers ⓘ3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
barking ⓘ3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Health ⓘ4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Territorial ⓘ1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Cat friendly ⓘ3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Intelligence ⓘ4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Versatility ⓘ2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Child friendly ⓘ4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Surveillance ⓘ2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
joy ⓘ5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Images “Continental Toy Spaniel”
Videos “Continental Toy Spaniel”
Type and recognitions:
- Group 9: Companion and Toy Dogs
- Section 9: Dwarf continental spaniel and others.. Without working trial..
- – FCI – Group 9: Section 9: Continental Toy Spaniel and others ⓘ
- – AKC – Toy ⓘ
- – ANKC – Group 1 (Toy) ⓘ
- – CKC – Group 5 – (Toy) ⓘ
- – KC – Toy ⓘ
- – NZKC – Toy ⓘ
- – UKC – Group 8 – Companion dog ⓘ
FCI breed standard "Continental Toy Spaniel"
FCI - Continental Toy Spaniel |
Alternative names:
1. Epagneul Nain Continental, Papillon, Butterfly dog, Squirrel dog (English).
2. Papillon (French).
3. Ursprünglich Epagneul Nain Continenta, Schmetterlingshündchen, Papillon und Phalène, Für den Papillon (German).
4. Borboleta, Papillon (Portuguese).
5. Epagneul papillón, Spaniel continental enano, Spaniel Continental enano de compania (español).
Papillon bred is what my husband and I are looking for. We are previous owners and dearly loved him he passed away. We are ready for another one else now.
Do you have any or know of anybody..