▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

They rescued a dog and a cat that was feeding

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Un oficial de control de animales rescató a una extraña pareja compuesta por una perra y un gatito en las cercanías de un arroyo.
The curious thing about the news is that the dog was responsible for the care of the small cat, feeding it and licking it to calm him down.

The official Michelle Smith was sent to the North of Pointe Creek behind Home Depot in Anderson (Texas) después de que una persona llamara diciendo que había un perro ladrando por la zona.

To his surprise, Smith found the dog nursing a kitten at the bottom of an embankment along a deep ravine. Smith rescued the little bitch and your adoptive kitten, bringing them to the County of Anderson P.AW.S. donde han pasado los últimos días juntos.

“This is an example of why they love my job”, Smith said in his report. Smith said that the bitch is taking care of your adopted baby, keeping clean and well-fed cat.

Animal Control expects that the owner of the dog appears and is carried to the adopted kitten.

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