▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

China Gran Bretaña FCI 253 . Small Molossian type Dogs

The Pug It is a friendly and affectionate dog with other dogs and with people.



Characteristics "Pug"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Pug" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Pug or Dutch bulldog (also known as Chinese Pug, Mops, Puggu) is a breed of dog miniature with wrinkled face and a body of small to medium-sized, originating in China.

This breed is often summed up as “multum en parvo” (much in little), describing the personality of the Pug related to its small size.

The word “Pug” It may come from old English Pugg, it is an affectionate adjective it would be something like a little playful demon or monkey. Pug puppies are called Puglets.

The breed of dog Pug, has very ancient origins. It was raised and selected in China, country where he was the favorite dog of officials, It is also a very popular in Holland and England breed of dog.

In fact, England claimed the patronage of la raza, since they had carried out excellent selection work for years. Finally, part of the patronage of the race was awarded to Great Britain.

This wrinkled and funny puppy, He was a faithful companion of the ladies of the 19th century in Italy.

As almost all dog breeds, it knew how to have its difficult moments, especially when the world wars took place, but it has not been on the verge of extinction like others.

Today the breed Pug it is highly appreciated in almost every corner of the world.

Did you know??

Among the rich and famous are admirers of the Pug King Louis XIV, Josefina, Empress of Napoleon, Queen Victoria, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and fashion designer Valentino.

Physical characteristics

It is a dog under, solid square and compact appearance, well proportioned and muscular; the head, large, rounded and solid appearance, is covered with folds; the muzzle is square and flat; the eyes, large, bulging, they are dark; It has straight legs and looped collector queue. The hair is tight, smooth and shiny.

The Pug or Dutch bulldog can be silver or soft apricot with a black mask, in both cases it presents a black stripe that goes from head to tail; It can also be pure black or white which is the more scarce and expensive of all.

It measures each 30 cm to cross and weighs between 6 and 8 kg. His confident nature, docile and friendly makes the Pug an appreciated companion animal. The Pug is particularly a dog “with sense of humor”, exhibiting very human facial expressions given its bone structure. Due to its striking appearance, some people tend to think that the characteristics of the Pug are the result of genetic manipulation or inbreeding.. But, the characteristics of the Pug are similar in the last five hundred years, period in which Europeans began it importing from China.

The Pug's tail has a characteristic spiral or letter shape “Q”. This variation in the way of the tail is due to the vertebrae in this portion of the column are actually hemivertebra. In some few puppies, This alteration of the shape can be extended to the rest of the column and the animal presents spina bifida.. The spine of the animal must feel before purchasing to avoid choosing a sick puppy. An animal that suffers from this malformation should not be reproduced in order to not pass this problem to their offspring.

Given the shape of the skull, the eyes of the Pug have a bouncy and lively appearance. To find the eyes located above, they are more exposed to friction with plants and objects to the eyes of other animals, and it is advisable to take them to the vet as soon as possible if they have an injury. It is recommended that the owners of the Pug clean the eyes of the animal once a week with a clean cotton moistened with cold boiled water or cold tea, in order to remove secretions or dirt.
The characteristic wrinkles of the face can also accumulate secretions and dirt. It is recommended at least once a week clean gently between wrinkles using the same method. It is not necessary to apply SOAP, creams or other substances. Simple toilet is enough and to spare.

The Pug is a short hair dog, tends to constantly pelechar, so his tenure is not recommended for persons allergic or asthmatic. They have a characteristic pungent odor that may bother some people, but that decreases a bath every couple of weeks.

The biggest health problem presented by the Pug is one that is completely preventable and treatable, and that depends entirely of the OWNER. This disease is the OBESITY. A Pug it receives proper care can live more than fourteen years, Although on average they tend to live around ten.

One 1% Puppy can reach presenting a degenerative neurological disease called Pug encephalitis (or tap for its acronym in English). This disease is lethal and has no known cure. For this reason dogs must not be reproduced within the two years, in order to not transmit the gene to their offspring. Last year of life it is very unlikely that the Pug will have this disease.

Character and skills

The Pug aren't aggressive animals. Like any dog, they can bite, but it is very rare that this happens without the animal mistreatment. The Pug do honor to his motto “Multum in parvo” and they do not amilanan to larger breeds dogs, which you can get into trouble.

Before humans, the Pug tend to be playful and seek interaction. However can be apprehensive to strangers, and with their barking to announce the presence of unknown people. Although its size are not guard dogs, If they are good “alert dogs”.

The Pug show a moderate level of intelligence, being able to use their short snouts and front paws to obtain objects out of reach. They sometimes tend to stubbornness, and do not necessarily come when you are called, but rather when crave it. Despite this, they do not go far from their owners and prefer their company to that of other dogs..

During the first years of life Pug may occasionally be hyperactive (run, jumping and barking constantly) but this characteristic tends to disappear over the years. The Pug 5 and older tend to be calmer and enjoy the chairs more than the street.

There is a tendency to believe that Pug they are animals “sickly”, which is very far from reality. One Pug healthy will be energetic and playful, and even a bit hyperactive in its first years of life. Its solid structure makes they tolerate well the game with children and adults, and its particularly hard head can cause bumps and falls in young children and older adults.

The Pug It's a small animal, and although strong, requires very little food. But, being a pet, owners tend to supercharge them and share their food with them. This must not be. The Pug can perfectly feed on a cup of dry food in the morning and a cup at night, and you won't go hungry or require any extra supplements.

An obese Pug is not a Pug “beautiful”, on the contrary, It is an animal that sick because you can not breathe well, be it exhausted easily and will begin to suffer from problems in the spine and joints. A Pug fed healthy is, on the other hand, a robust animal, with his sharp and clearly visible muscles under the skin. A healthy Pug can run as fast as any other dog, and you can skip two or three times its own height. While the animal enjoys eating meals extras and receive “prizes” occasionally, is task of the owner to ensure that the quantity and quality of food that consumes is adequate.

Images “Pug”

Videos “Pug”

Type and recognitions:

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  • Federations: FCI , AKC , ANKC , CKC , ​KC , NZKC , UKC

  • FCI breed standard "Pug"

    FCIFCI - Pug

    Alternative names:

    1. Chinese pug, Dutch mastiff (English).
    2. Pug (French).
    3. Pug (German).
    4. Carlin, Mops (Portuguese).
    5. Pug chino, Mops, Pug carlino, Doguillo (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Clumber Spaniel
    Inglaterra FCI 109 . Flushing Dogs

    Clumber Spaniel

    This Clumber Spaniel medium to large size is sweet and gentle, with a deceptively relaxed appearance



    Little is really known about the origins of the breed., but legend says that the Duc de Noailles of France He gave his dear spaniels his English counterpart, the Duke of Newcastle, to save them from the horrors of the French Revolution. The dogs were sent to the estate of the Duke in Clumber Park, which later they acquired the name of race. Based on the paintings of that time, the Clumber They have not changed much in two centuries: Dogs still have a somewhat reserved temperament, as well as a sensitive appearance, rather than striking. The Basset Hound and a dog known as spaniel alpino (an extinct race), probably listed in your genealogy.

    Interest in the race continued during the nineteenth century, and even they were exhibited Clumbers in one of the first dog shows in 1859. The Clumber Spaniels also they became popular among the British aristocracy. Real race fans included the prince albert and a Edward VII.

    It has been allowed to be heavier, starting at 1950, and the weight limit is currently 34 Kg despite the excess in some specimens. Anyway, breed lovers make sure that this large does not cause any weakness in his hind.

    Did you know??

    Some major British were in love with the Clumber Spaniel: The husband of Queen Victoria, prince albert, as well as Edward VII, They were both fans of the race.

    Physical characteristics

    It is a well balanced dog, of bones strong, Active, with a reflective expression; overall appearance denoting strength. The Clumber should be firm, active and able to perform daily work in the field.

    Its shape is similar to that of the Sussex Spaniel smaller. The Clumber It has a heavy bone structure, Their fur is dense, Weatherproof, straight and flat, with hair around the ears, belly and legs. The tufts are predominantly white with lemon colored spots, brown or orange around the eyes and the base of the tail.

    Ideal weight: Males: 29,5 – 34 kg. females: 25 – 29,5 kg.

    Character and skills

    According to the breed standard, the Clumber Spaniel He is loyal and affectionate with his family. It can be reserved with strangers, but he is never aggressive or shy. Good words for firm include, reliable, friendly and worthy… but do not let that fool you their dignified behavior. The Clumber is very smart, determined to get what he wants, and more agile than it looks. During his puppy, which usually lasts until three or four years, it can be a wild dog running through the house at breakneck speed and gets into many problems. (For some, Part of getting into trouble never ends.) On the positive side, the Clumber also it tends to stay young at heart well into old age.

    if they grow up together, the Clumber and children can become fast friends. If you don't have children yet, make sure your Clumber gets to know your friends' kids often and from an early age, to get used to the loud screams and rapid movements. The Clumber also gets along well with other dogs, and it is friendly with cats, ferrets and other small pets, as long as the know. Because of its sporty nature, considers that the furry or feathered creatures that live outdoors are animals hunting. In other words, is more likely that your Clumber swallow your whole wild bird to look after him delicately.

    On a walk, the Clumber it moves at a slow and steady pace. Does not have the high energy levels of many other pick-and-point breeds, but it has the ability to break through any type of shrub that stand in your way. It also, It has an infinite resistance, so it is a great companion for hiking and hunting, recovering quickly and enjoys water. To keep fit and out of trouble, need rides 20 to 30 minutes twice a day. If you have a fenced yard, Do not assume that exercised. Like the rest of us, the Clumber need motivation from a friend to get up and go.

    The Clumber It is an independent thinker, so i can be stubborn. Train Your Clumber requires patience and the ability to convince him to do what you want is actually all her idea. It's a good problem solver; The point is that the problem that often involves doing something forbidden resolved. any dog, no matter how nice it is, You may develop obnoxious barking levels… and the Clumber is no exception. Some Clumbers They are naturally quiet, other bark at all, and some of them fall somewhere in the middle. If you live with, Let's say, a burrow, expects you Clumber learn to bark a lot.

    Start training your puppy the day you bring him home. Even at eight weeks old, He is able to absorb everything you can teach. Don't wait until you have 6 months to start training him or you'll have to deal with a more stubborn dog. If possible, take him to puppy kindergarten class when he's between 10 and 12 weeks, y socialize, socialize, socialize. But, Note that many kinds of training puppies require certain vaccinations (such as kennel cough) stay up to date, and many veterinarians recommend limited exposure to other dogs and public places until puppy vaccinations (including rabies, distemper and parvovirus) They are completed. Instead of formal training, You can start training your puppy to socialize at home and among family and friends until immunizations are completed in the puppy.


    White and fringed coat Clumber requires a moderate amount of toilet: If you want me to be handsome, bathe him once a month, and brush or comb his coat during 10 to 15 minutes, up to three times a week, to prevent tangles and remove dead hair. You should also cut back on their feet, ears and feathers.

    The locks were off at a moderate pace strong throughout the year, so buy a good vacuum cleaner; regular brushing will also reduce the amount of hair floating in your home.

    The rest are routine care: Trim his nails every few weeks and keep floppy ears clean and dry to prevent infection. You should also brush his teeth regularly to maintain good overall health and fresh breath.


    The Clumber Spaniel They are generally healthy, but they are susceptible to some conditions, including eye problems such as Entropion and ectropion, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or dry eye, and falls. They may also be prone to hip dysplasia and an inherited condition called deficiency pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase , which can lead to exercise intolerance and heart and lung problems.

    Not all of these conditions are detectable on a growing puppy, and it is impossible to predict if an animal will be free of these diseases, so you need to find a reputable breeder who commit to raise healthier animals possible. You must be able to produce an independent certification that the parents of the dog (and grandparents, etc.) have been examined for common defects and considered healthy for breeding. That's where health records come in..

    Careful breeders their dogs examined for genetic diseases, and they only breed the best looking specimens, but sometimes Mother Nature has other ideas and a puppy can develop one of these conditions. In most cases, can still live a good life, thanks to advances in veterinary medicine. Having said that, not all visits to the vet involve a genetic problem. Puppies love to eat them things, so it's not uncommon for them to develop gastroenteritis (intestine garbage) or requiring surgery to remove random objects from the intestines, as hand towels and toys.

    And remember that you have the power to protect your Clumber one of the most common health problems: the obesity. You keep a healthy weight is a simple way to prolong the life of your Clumber avoiding problems such as hip dysplasia.

    Characteristics "Clumber Spaniel"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Clumber Spaniel" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Images "Clumber Spaniel"


    1. Clumber Spaniel in Tallinn by Thomas / CC BY-SA
    2. Clumber Spaniel during show of dogs in Rybnik – Stone, Poland by Pleple2000 / CC BY-SA
    3. Clumber_spaniel at the World Dog Show in Poznań by Pleple2000 / CC BY-SA
    4. 2015 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, New York City by Pets Adviser from Brooklyn, USA / CC BYwww.petsadviser.com
    5. Clumber Spaniel by audrey_sel / CC BY-SA
    6. A Clumber Spaniel by Canarian / CC BY-SA

    Videos "Clumber Spaniel"

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    FCI , AKC , ANKC , CKC , ​KC , NZKC , UKC

    FCI breed standard "Clumber Spaniel"

    FCIFCI - Clumber Spaniel

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Flat-coated Retriever
    Inglaterra FCI 121 . Retrievers

    Flat-coated Retriever

    The Flat-coated Retriever should be rediscovered as a companion dog and also for work, because it is still preferred to Labrador Retriever and to a lesser extent to Golden Retriever



    The Flat-coated Retriever was born during the 19th century in Scotland. He is a member of the great family of the Retriever, with which it shares many physical and mental characteristics. So, is a close cousin of Labrador Retriever, the Golden Retriever, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, the Curly-coated Retriever and the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

    Scottish game wardens developed the Flat-coated Retriever from crosses between the Irish Setter, st john's dogs (already extinct) and the Newfoundland. These last two races, originating from the island of Newfoundland, had been imported by Canadians a few decades earlier, in 1814. These marriages gave rise to Retriever-type canines that could easily evolve both on land and in water.. In particular, hunting guard J. Hull got two dogs named Old Bounce and Young Bounce (father and daughter, respectively), distinguished by their physical and mental abilities. They were used as models to establish the general traits of the breed, so they played a great role in its creation. Although the resulting dogs had wavy hair - they were called Wavy-Coated Retrievers-, the crossing with the Collie and the Labrador Retriever was softening the coat of this dog.

    The first representatives of the breed as we know it today were born in the decade of 1860, and many other breeders contributed to its development. We can mention in particular Sewallis E. Shirley, Ettington breeder and founder of The Kennel Club, the british canine club. In the Decade of 1880, established the physical traits of the breed and drafted its official standard. We can also mention a breeder named Braisfort who, in 1869 in Birmingham, was the first to exhibit a representative at a dog show.

    The Flat-coated Retriever was first used to help fishermen, retrieving fish or objects dropped in the water in their place. In the 19th century it was especially popular with cod fishermen. But, with the evolution of fishing techniques, professionals gradually began to dispense with their services, but then they were recovered by the hunters. The latter also appreciated his swimming skills, since it was able to bring back the birds that had fallen into the water after being shot by their owner.

    The Flat-coated Retriever it was a very popular hunting dog until the end of the First World War, especially for hunting, both on land and in the water. But, the Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever they came to dethrone him, causing a great decrease in the number of specimens of the breed in the interwar period and causing it to be in danger of extinction at the beginning of the decade of 1960. The work of the breed's enthusiasts was not enough to restore its reputation: at the end of the decade, was again present in large numbers in the country, though it never regained its former popularity. In fact, the number of breeders interested in it was still limited, even at that time, but this not only had disadvantages: some believe it helped them retain many of the historical qualities of the Flat-coated Retriever, starting with his great capacity for work, his intelligence and his gentle and calm character. Its official recognition by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), that came a few years before (in 1954), also helped to regain its reputation.

    Worldwide, this dog is still relatively underrepresented. In United States, for example, although it is recognized by the American Kennel Club for more than a century (more specifically since 1915, when he was in decline in his home country) and by the United Kennel Club from 1984, it only ranks slightly higher than 100 in the ranking of breeds according to the number of annual registrations in the organization. His position there is quite stable, contrary to what is observed in France, where it is getting more and more popular. In fact, yes at the beginning of the years 80 less than 10 births per year in the Société Centrale Canine, this figure suddenly increased to 35 in 1987 and then increased almost continuously to about 200 births per year in the early 1990s 2000 and overcome the 300 about fifteen years later.

    But, it is not surprising that their presence is greater in their country of origin, with an average of 1.200 births registered each year in The Kennel Club, the British organization of reference. The trend has remained stable in the last ten years.

    Photo: One “Flat-coated Retriever” liver colored by Fesoj-wr, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Physical characteristics

    At first sight, I might think that the Flat-coated Retriever it seems like a Golden Retriever black or brown. In fact, the two breeds are so similar that in the past the second was presented at dog shows as a variety of the first. In fact, they are two different races, but the Golden Retriever descends in part of the Flat-coated Retriever and, like this, developed as a hunter for land and water game.

    The Flat-coated Retriever they are medium sized dogs, harmonious and with a lively and intelligent expression. The male is usually more imposing than the female, measuring up to about 5 cm taller and weighing up to ten kilos more than the female.

    His body is harmonious and well proportioned. The chest is wide and deep, and the spine is short and quite square. The legs are muscular and of solid bones. They are straight when viewed from the front and lead to strong round legs with tight toes.

    The tail is quite short, straight and well placed. Always carries it high, but never over the back and hardly ever stops wiggling.

    The head is rather long and the skull is rather flat. Jaws are long and strong, capable of carrying medium-sized game animals, such as hares or pheasants. They are shaped like scissors and cover the teeth firmly implanted in the gums.. The ears are quite small, drooping and well placed on top of the head. The eyes are medium in size and hazel or dark brown..

    As the name suggests, the fur of the Flat-coated Retriever It is smooth. Black or dark brown, it is also dense and of medium length. This protects the Flat-coated Retriever of all kinds of weather conditions, from water and dirt. His hair is longer in his ears, the chest, the belly, limbs and tail. Males also have longer and more abundant hair on their necks., that resembles a mane.

    Height and weight

      ▷ Male size: Of 58 to 61 cm.
      ▷ female size: Of 56 to 59 cm.
      ▷ Male weight: Of 27 to 36 kg
      ▷ female weight: Of 25 to 32 kg

    Character and skills

    The Flat-coated Retriever It is part of the large family of Retrievers and is particularly close to the Golden Retriever, both physically and in terms of temperament. But, one of the main differences is that they generally mature more slowly than other dogs and have a puppyish exuberance throughout their lives, which is why they are sometimes called the “Peter Pan from the Retrievers”. This great energy and vitality make it a wonderful and endearing companion., especially for children. On the other hand, It also implies that a certain amount of patience is necessary in their education.

    In fact, although he likes to please, the Flat-coated Retriever it can also be somewhat stubborn. This is partly because he loves to entertain himself., but sometimes this means ignoring or disobeying your master. Yes indeed, they are usually good students and are sensitive to reprimands. This sensitivity also means that overly strict and rigid training methods are often not in your best interest., as they can lead you in the wrong direction and make you even more stubborn. So, it is better to favor a dog training method based on positive reinforcement, that is to say, in the reward of good behavior; is the case of clicker training, for example. Food in particular can do wonders for this dog, since it represents an important motivation for him. The Flat-coated Retriever It is an extremely greedy dog, and you can also remember it outside of work sessions: at the slightest drop in attention from its owner, is capable of stealing any food you have on hand, wherever you are. So, it is advisable to be careful not to leave food lying around for this dog who seems to be always hungry.

    Tolerant and friendly, loves everyone, even the smallest. Combined with your enthusiasm, these traits even make it an ideal breed of dog for children. But, children must be a certain age: with young children, its exuberance and high energy could lead to unwanted jostling and tail slapping. His rather easy-going and very friendly personality also makes him a good companion for young retirees., as long as you can take him out for regular walks and meet his important exercise needs.

    In general, loves human company, has strong ties to his family and needs their attention. Loves to play for hours and especially thrives in a large family.

    His good understanding with humans extends to those he does not know. If he barks when a visitor arrives, is to inform his master, and not because he considers any stranger a threat. Very welcoming and friendly, he tends to quickly like any new person who meets him - especially if that person is nice to him- and enjoy the visits, it's made for anything but guard. On the other hand, its great closeness to humans and its great need for attention make it a dog that does not tolerate loneliness well. If he lives in a family too small for him, runs the risk of being unhappy and developing destructive behaviors.

    Living with other dogs does not usually pose problems. Can also get along very well with a cat, provided adequate socialization work has been done. On the other hand, it is better to avoid the idea of ​​living with birds or rodents, since his hunting instinct would lead him to chase them.

    It also, though it's pretty quiet inside, not really suitable for apartment living. He's a hunter at heart, who likes to exercise in spacious environments that give them the opportunity to run or swim. He is also one of the best swimmers and loves the water, never seems happier than when rolling around in puddles, jump in the fountains or just take long dips in the lakes, rivers and other bodies of water that it finds on its way. You need to spend at least an hour and a half each day to feel good in your paws and on your head. So, who thinks about adopting a Flat-coated Retriever you must ensure that it can provide you with living conditions that are compatible with your needs, because if you can't exercise enough, can quickly develop behavior problems, like stress or aggression.


    The Flat-coated Retriever learn very fast, but it is very sensitive: whatever happens, you must be careful not to punish your dog too often or too harshly, as it will remember and could become resistant to work sessions. On the other hand, the use of a dog training method based on positive reinforcement - and, Therefore, in the use of rewards- like clicker training, for example, it comes in handy. It must be said that for him food is an important source of motivation that it would be a shame not to use during work sessions..

    The fact that he is late to maturity sometimes complicates his education a bit.. So, it is advisable to just be patient and calm, and above all show great coherence, because this intelligent dog does not stop interpreting every movement and every word of his master. With everything, it is quite simple to train, and the time spent on short work sessions from an early age is a profitable and long-lasting investment in a compliant adult partner.

    It also, as with any dog ​​of any breed, early socialization can only be beneficial in every way. The Flat-coated Retriever is spontaneously very sociable and open to changes in his environment, and quality socialization, through exposure to all kinds of people, animals, sounds and situations, reinforces these traits, making it even more balanced and perfectly suited to evolve in the midst of humans. In particular, can be especially helpful to avoid confusing cats, birds or rodents with the game.


    First of all, It should be noted that the Flat-coated Retriever takes some time to reach full physical maturity and, like all large dog breeds, is especially fragile during its growth period. Depending on the individual, the growth period lasts until 12 or 15 months. So, even if it is a breed with a great need for exercise, avoid any excessive exercise during this phase, at the risk of damaging your joints, often irreparably. In particular, stairs and activities that involve jumping should be avoided. You should also avoid excessively long walks: prior to the 3 months, are enough of 5 to 10 minutes, then it should not exceed half an hour until it has completed the 10 months.

    It also, black individuals are especially sensitive to high temperatures. It is advisable to watch out for any signs that suggest heatstroke during the hottest seasons., as the dog's body can quickly overheat.

    Having said that, the Flat-coated Retriever is generally in good health. But, like all races, may be subject to certain problems, some of which are hereditary: hip dysplasia. When adopting a Flat-coated Retriever of a breeder, it is advisable to find out about the tests carried out on breeders and their offspring, as this will help rule out certain diseases.

    Thus, sometimes have a patellar dislocation, that is to say, a knee slipping out of place, what causes lameness. Long-term, friction caused by this dislocation can also lead to arthritis problems in the dog. Depending on the severity of the dislocation, surgery may be necessary.

    like most big dogs, the Flat-coated Retriever you also have an increased risk of hip dysplasia: the femur does not fit perfectly into the pelvic socket of the hip joint. Some individuals may experience pain and lameness in one or two of the hind legs., but others show no symptoms. But, as the dog ages, osteoarthritis problems may appear. How this disease is hereditary, dogs that test positive for hip dysplasia are excluded from breeding. This is at least what every serious breeder of Flat-coated Retriever, and it is advisable to make sure of this when adopting a puppy from a breeder, asking parents' test results.

    Another problem to which the Flat-coated Retriever is the dilation-torsion of the stomach. This serious and life-threatening syndrome affects large dogs with deep chests. Air or gases build up in the dog's stomach, that twists and does not allow its evacuation. Even worse, compresses the surrounding veins, thereby interrupting blood flow. No immediate veterinary care, the animal dies very quickly.

    The different types of dog cancer also especially affect this breed.

    Osteosarcoma, for example, especially affects large dogs, and the Flat-coated Retriever is no exception. It is a fairly aggressive bone cancer, which initially causes lameness. This disease usually leads to amputation of the affected limb and heavy chemotherapy. Unfortunately, it is very rare for a dog to survive this disease, as the problem is often diagnosed too late. According to the case and once identified, those affected may live between 9 months and 2 years longer than if they had not been treated, thanks to adapted treatments.

    Another form of cancer to which this dog is more exposed is malignant histiocytosis. Although this form of cancer is rare, is the most commonly observed in this breed, and is usually contracted from 6 years of age. Appears as a localized mass, most often in the elbow or knee, and progresses very quickly once it appears. Can be treated with surgery and chemotherapy, but healing changes are usually small.

    The Flat-coated Retriever you can also get lymphosarcoma, one of the most common cancers seen in dogs of all breeds. It can appear in various parts of the body, like spleen, the gastrointestinal tract, lymph nodes, the liver and bone marrow.

    In this dog it is also more subject is hemangiosarcoma. This form of malignant cancer is found in the lining of blood vessels and in the spleen. Can be treated with surgery and chemotherapy, but also in this case the affected animal has little chance of recovery.


    Contrary to what her long dark hair might suggest, the Flat-coated Retriever it is an easy-care breed.

    His coat requires weekly brushing, or even a little more if you are regularly abroad. Some owners go so far as to brush it every day to prevent its long, fallen hair from falling throughout the house.. Longer hairs can also be cut, that is to say, those with the ears, the feet, belly and tail; this prevents dirt from accumulating on rides.

    The bath should not be prescribed too regularly, but it can be useful in case the dog with long enough hair gets too dirty, for example, as a result of an excursion in a muddy environment. Otherwise, bathe the dog in 2 to 3 times a year is more than enough to keep their coat in good condition, in addition to weekly brushing.

    If you come across a water point during one of your walks, the Flat-coated Retriever often tempted to take a dip. If this happens, it is advisable to rinse the Retriever once it has come out of the water, especially if the water is chlorinated, is salty or contains algae, in order to prevent any skin problems and keep it clean.

    Trimming your dog's nails once or twice a month can also help.. Contrary to what one might think with such an active dog, natural wear and tear is usually not enough, since its claws grow quite quickly.

    It also, as in the case of any dog ​​with floppy ears, it is necessary to clean them weekly to avoid any risk of infection.

    The weekly grooming session should also be an opportunity to take care of your eyes, to make sure there are no problems (tearing, Red eyes…) and to clean the contours with clear water.

    It is also necessary to take advantage of this time to clean the teeth. Brushing your dog's teeth helps prevent tartar buildup and the problems that come with it, starting with strong breath.

    To avoid any uncomfortable reaction due to its size, it is advisable to get used to being handled as soon as possible, either by his master or by a third person. Learn to take care of the puppy, the noises, the smells and the manipulations involved, should be an integral part of your education.


    Used for over a century as a hunting dog, the Flat-coated Retriever continues to excel in this role today. They are suitable for all types of hunting, but they are especially good at tracking smaller animals. They are especially appreciated for their great ability to recover birds that have fallen into the water.

    It is also a perfect companion dog, especially for a sports master or family. Anyone who dreams of going for a run with their dog - or even taking long walks- you will find in him an ideal companion, and also stands out in canine sports that take advantage of their physical qualities, like agility, the cani-cross or the flyball.

    On the other hand, even if you are the first applicant and have a great need for exercise, It should not be forgotten that it takes time to reach full physical maturity and that, in the meantime, you have to save him. These may include, excessive exercise could cause deformities or alter the correct development of your joints, often with lifelong consequences.


    Although less common than some of its Retriever cousins, find a Flat-coated Retriever in Europe it does not present any special difficulties, Unlike, for example, of United States, where months of waiting may be necessary.

    The cost of adopting a puppy from Flat-coated Retriever of a quality breeder ranges from 900 and 1200 EUR. Obviously, depends more or less on the quality of your lineage and the reputation of the breeder, as well as their physical qualities. There are no price differences according to the sex of the puppy.

    Characteristics "Flat-coated Retriever"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Flat-coated Retriever" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Images "Flat-coated Retriever"


    1 – Flat Coated Retriever by I, Gunnandreassen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
    2 – “Flat-coated Retriever” by https://pixabay.com/photos/flatcoated-retriever-flat-coated-4219166/
    3 – “Flat-coated Retriever”, 8 years by Pdusschooten, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
    4 – “Flat-coated Retriever” llamado Molly by Flickr users David and Lynne Slater, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
    5 – Flat-Coated Retriever black by Berthold Werner, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
    6 – Yellow Flat Coated Retriever by Dancer9, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Videos "Flat-coated Retriever"

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Group 8: Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs – Section 1: Retrievers
    • AKCSporting
    • ANKC Group 3 (Gundogs)
    • CKCSporting Dogs
    • ​KC – Gundog
    • NZKCGundog
    • UKCGun Dogs

    FCI breed standard "Flat-coated Retriever"

    FCIFCI - Flat-coated Retriever
    Ticket collector

    Alternative names:

    1. Flatcoat, Flattie, Flatte (Sweden), flatt (Sweden) (English).
    2. Flat-Coated Retriever (French).
    3. Flat Coated Retriever (German).
    4. Flat-coated retriever (Portuguese).
    5. Retriever de pelo liso, (en inglés Flat-coated retriever) (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Welsh Springer Spaniel
    Gran Bretañaa Gales- FCI 126 . Flushing Dogs

    Welsh Springer Spaniel

    The Welsh Springer Spaniel tends to be quite shy, and for that reason he needs a good socialization when he is a puppy.



    Little is known about the origins of Welsh Springer Spaniel, but it is considered a very old breed, whose ancestors date back to Roman Britain. Renaissance tapestries show spaniels that look a lot like today's Welsh Springer; similar red and white Spaniels appear in some 18th century portraits. In the 19th century, dogs were little known, except in the Neath Valley region, in south wales.

    The preponderance of dog shows at the end of the 19th century led to a renewed interest in the breed, who made his appearance at the first Kennel Club show, held in 1873. It was judged alongside the black and white Spaniel and the Welsh Springer Spaniel white. With the time, the two races parted.

    For a long time he was mistaken for the English Cocker Spaniel and was not recognized until 1902.

    It is an ancient race of pure origin, which was used for a time as a herding dog. Thanks to its enormous adaptability, the Welsh Springer Spaniel It is also an excellent companion dog..

    The American Kennel Club recognized the Welsh Springer in 1906, but few people were interested in race. At the end of the Second World War, practically non-existent in the United States, until they were imported 11 copies in 1949. A dozen years later, the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America was founded. In the news, the Welsh Springer Spaniel still a well kept secret, since it occupies the position 127 between breeds registered by the AKC, in front of 113 a decade.

    Photo: Welsh Springer Spaniel, Pozlovice by Pavel Ševela, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Physical characteristics

    The Welsh Springer Spaniel differs from his cousin, the English Springer Spaniel, by a flowing red and white coat, a somewhat more relaxed personality and a slightly smaller size that ranges between 15 and 20 Kg.

    With its moderate size, can be a good option for households with children: the Welsh Springer Spaniel not big enough to accidentally harm little ones, and he's not small enough to risk being hurt by overly enthusiastic kids.

    Size and weight

    ▷ Male size: 45 – 48 cm.
    ▷ female size: 43 – 47 cm.
    ▷ Male weight: 15 – 20 kg
    ▷ female weight: 16 – 20 kg

    Character and skills

    The Welsh Springer Spaniel is loving, Intelligent, quick to learn and usually good at remembering what you have learned. Compared to many other Spaniels, he is protector of his family and his property, and prone to barking at anything that catches his eye. The Welsh Springer Spaniel can become very attached to his people, but a second dog can help you give an additional outlet to your affection.

    But, with strangers, tends to be a reserved dog. Does not tend to be shy or unfriendly, but it takes time to get comfortable with new people. Children and other pets see your friendly side, especially when raised with them. But keep in mind that a Welsh Springer Spaniel boisterous may unintentionally knock over a young child, so always supervise play with young children.

    In the countryside, the Welsh Springer Spaniel he is a great worker able to function in any terrain, and is more than happy to be outdoors all day, always staying close to his hunter. Its olfactory ability is excellent and it can hunt any type of game. If you live with a non-hunter family, two or three long walks a day will also satisfy your exercise needs.

    Regarding training, opt for accolades, not by force. Although it may be stubborn, the Welsh Springer Spaniel responds well to constant training and rewards. Plan to start training your puppy the day you bring him home.. It is able to absorb everything you teach it even at seven to eight weeks of age.. One Welsh Springer Spaniel young man will test him to see what he can do, so try to take him to puppy kindergarten class when he has 12 weeks, and socializes, socialice, socialice. But, note that many puppy training classes require that certain vaccinations (such as kennel cough) stay up to date, and many veterinarians recommend limiting exposure to other dogs and public places until puppy vaccinations are complete (including rabies, distemper and parvovirus). Instead of formal training, you can start house training your puppy and socialize with family and friends until puppy vaccinations are completed.


    The Welsh Springer Spaniel are predisposed to some diseases, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism and eye diseases such as entropion, glaucoma, progressive retinal atrophy and inherited cataracts.

    Not all of these diseases are detectable in a growing puppy, and it can be difficult to predict whether an animal will be free of these maladies, so you should find a trusted breeder who is committed to raising the healthiest animals possible. You should be able to produce an independent certificate that the dog's parents (and grandparents, etc.) have been screened for these defects and considered healthy for breeding. That's where health records come in..

    Careful breeders screen their dogs for genetic diseases and breed only the best-looking dogs, but sometimes mother nature has other ideas and a puppy can develop one of these diseases. In most cases, can still have a good life, thanks to advances in veterinary medicine. And remember that you have the power to protect your Welsh Springer Spaniel one of the most common health problems: the obesity. Keeping it at a suitable weight is a simple way to extend the life of your pet.

    Life expectancy:

    12 to 15 years.


    The Welsh Springer Spaniel has a smooth, silky coat that needs to be brushed and combed at least twice a week - and every time he returns from hunting- to avoid entanglement. The best tools for this task are a bristle brush and a stainless steel comb.. Brush the fur on the paws, the body and ears with the brush to remove dead hairs and use the comb for the rest of the body. You should also ask your breeder to show you how to do detailed trimming with razor and scissors to achieve a neat look..

    The rest is basic care: Trim nails as needed, usually every one to two weeks. And keep your ears clean and dry, especially if your Welsh Springer Spaniel is a swimmer. Brush teeth frequently with a vet-approved pet toothpaste for overall good health and fresh breath.

    Characteristics "Welsh Springer Spaniel"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Welsh Springer Spaniel" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Images "Welsh Springer Spaniel"


    1 – Welsh Springer Spaniel by Siri, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
    2 – Our Welsh Springer Spaniel “One more time” (Sassa) from the Trigger kennel in Scania, Suecia by Local_Profile, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
    3 – Welsh Springer Spaniel by https://pixy.org/161994/
    4 – Welsh Springer Spaniel, with 8 meses by echnoview
    5 – Welsh Springer Spaniel by Siri Spjelkavik, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
    6 – Welsh Springer Spaniel by Wikipedia

    Videos "Welsh Springer Spaniel"

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Group 8: Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs – Section 2: Retrievers
    • AKCSporting
    • ANKC Group 3 (Gundogs)
    • CKCSporting Dogs
    • ​KC – Gundog
    • NZKCGundog
    • UKCGun Dogs

    FCI breed standard "Welsh Springer Spaniel"

    FCIFCI - Welsh Springer Spaniel

    Alternative names:

    1. Welsh Springer, Welsh Starter, Welshie (English).
    2. Springer Gallois (French).
    3. Welsh Springer Spaniel (German).
    4. (em inglês: Welsh Springer Spaniel) (Portuguese).
    5. Springer Galés (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Labrador Retriever
    Canadá Reino Unido FCI 122 . Retrievers

    Labrador Retriever

    The Labrador Retriever It is the most popular breed in the world by number of registered copies.



    The Labrador Retriever is a relatively recent breed and originated in Great Britain, where it was developed during the 19th century.

    His ancestor, St. John's dog, comes from canada. Contrary to popular belief, is originally from the island of Newfoundland, of that St. John's is the capital, and not from the province of Labrador.

    The exact origin of this ancestor is under debate, but the most accepted theory is that it descends from the Castro Laboreiro Dog, a dog that accompanied the Portuguese fishermen. another theory, supported by some experts, although not very plausible, is that the Labrador Retriever actually descended from the dogs used by Labradors Indians to pull sleds.

    The truth is that many writings dating back to the 16th century speak of small dogs, sometimes presented as little Newfoundlands, who help local fishermen find the fish that have fallen out of the trap.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, the qualities of this dog convinced the English visitors to the island, and then some specimens were imported to Great Britain. They caught the attention of the 2nd Earl of Malmesbury, who used these water dogs for hunting. He passed on his passion for these dogs to his son, who continued to develop the breed with the help of some local breeders. Was this son, the third Earl of Malmesbury, who gave name to the breed Labrador Retriever. But, no one knows if he did it as a tribute to the Labrador Sea, that borders the island of Newfoundland, or as a distortion of the Portuguese name Laboreiro.

    In 1885, Lord Malmesbury, the third of the name, gave birth to a black dog named Buccleuch Avon, which is considered the ancestor of all Labradores current.

    The Kennel Club británico (KC) recognized the breed already in 1903, but it wasn't until 1916 when Countess Lorna Howe founded the first breed club, who wrote the first standard of the Labrador Retriever.

    It was also at the beginning of the 20th century when the breed was imported to the United States., to the point that the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the breed already in 1917.

    Over the years 20, the standards of the different organizations evolved to accept yellow copies, while all Labrador Retriever they were originally black.

    After World War II, the breed spread all over the world, earning recognition from the United Kennel Club (UKC) in 1947 y from the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1954. Today it is accepted by all canine associations, including, for example, the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC).


    The Labrador Retriever It, with difference, the most popular dog breed in the world. It is especially popular with Anglo-Saxons, for example, ranking first in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and United States. In this country, leads to head from 1991, with more than 100.000 annual registrations in the American Kennel Club (AKC). The same has happened in Canada since the end of the years 90.

    Although its popularity does not diminish, can fluctuate significantly from year to year. In Great Britain, for example, there were more than 44.000 annual records of Kennel Club in 2010, but “only” a few 32.000 in 2015 and 35.000 in 2019.

    In France, the situation is different. Although it is one of the 10 Most popular dog breeds in France, is not present in the head trio, and is even surpassed by the Golden Retriever. The popularity of the Labrador in France it soared over the years 80-90, going from less than 2.500 births registered each year in the Livre des Origines Français (LOF) at the beginning of the period about 10.000 at the end. Then, this figure decreased in the decade of 2000 (while the Golden ones shot up), until they are around 7.000. From 2013, rebounded, ending the year 2010 at around 8.000 births per year.

    Physical characteristics

    The Labrador it is a big animal, well built, but agile.

    His body is massive and muscular, but not at all corpulent. His chest is wide, and the bowed ribs should be palpable under the skin. The legs are solid boned and end in round legs. The tail, known as “otter tail”, is a peculiarity of the breed and helps you swim. Very thick at the base, tapers towards the tip and is covered in short fringed hairs.

    The skull is broad, with a well defined stop and a powerful muzzle. The nose has wide nostrils and is the same color as the fur. The eyes are more or less dark brown and express intelligence and good character.. The ears, placed towards the back of the skull, fall along the cheeks.

    The coat of the Labrador Retriever consists of a dense, weather-resistant underlayer and a dense top layer, short and without ripples. To the touch, it is quite hard and rough. It is waterproof and dries quickly once out of the water.

    The coat of the Labrador must be uniform, except for a possible small white spot on the chest. The breed standard only accepts three colors: the black (the original color), the yellow (the most common today, that goes from cream to red) and the brown (the least common, and sometimes called liver or chocolate). Silver color (Silver) it's not allowed, since it is due to a cross with the Weimaraner.

    Last, the male is larger and more massive than the female, but this sexual dimorphism is not extremely marked either.

    Height and weight

      ▷ Male size: Of 56 to 57 cm.
      ▷ female size: Of 54 to 56 cm.
      ▷ Male weight: Of 30 to 35 kg
      ▷ female weight: Of 30 to 33 kg


    Although they are not strictly varieties, the Labrador Retriever of work lines have some differences with those of exposure line. In general, the former are more agile and athletic, while the seconds are more solid and calm.

    It also, the Labrador it is probably the most used breed for the creation of designer dogs. Among the many possible crosses, the most common are undoubtedly the Labradoodle (Labrador + Poodle), the Labsky (Labrador + Husky) and the Borador (Border Collie + Labrador).

    Character and skills

    The Labrador is loving, close to his family and incredibly sociable, to the point of being one of the races closest to humans. Love everyone: To his family, of course, but also to the neighbors, to the pizza delivery man, the stranger who is on a walk or the friendly thief who enters his territory and takes the time to caress him.

    It is also an ideal dog with children of all ages, showing legendary patience when a little one plays with his ears or tries to play wheelie with him. And surely this is the reason why so many accidents are recorded every year: the fact that it is so conciliatory should not do without teaching children how to behave with an animal and respect it, so as not to exceed the limits of what you can tolerate. In any case, regardless of race, a dog should never be left with a young child without adult supervision.

    The Labrador Retriever they not only enjoy the company of humans, they also love spending time with other dogs and get along wonderfully with cats and other small animals in the house. But, its size, his enthusiasm and his habit of putting everything between his jaws can be dangerous for small rodents, reptiles and birds, those who can accidentally hurt.

    During its first two years, this dog is a ball of energy with insatiable curiosity and limited listening skills. Run, he plays and bites everything he finds: toys, shoes, plants, phone… It is better not to leave anything that is valuable or that could harm you.. When he becomes an adult, calm down, but he is still a very active dog, that you need at least an hour of exercise a day. Games and walks are a great way to help you exercise., and even the most sporty owners appreciate finding a companion who is always happy to be away, even after several hours of effort. On the other hand, not suitable for an elderly or very sedentary person.

    In any case, although it does not tend to flee, his sociability and curiosity make him like to go see what happens everywhere and snoop. Thus, to avoid possible problems during walks, it is better to lead him on a leash so that he remains by his master's side.

    Smart and helpful, to the Labrador Retriever likes to be useful. They stand out as assistance dogs, but they can also be content with more routine tasks. The missions of great importance, like bringing slippers or helping dig a hole to plant a tree, give you a sense of accomplishment. But it is capable of much more, and he loves dog sports like flyball, agility and obedience, that allow you to show all your qualities, both athletic and intellectual.

    Water activities are another interesting way to spend your energy. Whether rolling in a puddle, jumping in the pool or swimming in the sea, to the Labrador Retriever She loves water. He is even an excellent swimmer, but he is not always lucid enough to estimate the strength of the current. Best kept on a leash near a dangerous area, such as a river with a strong current or an area of ​​the ocean known for the speed of its currents.

    Due to its size and activity level, not particularly suitable for apartment living, although it can be accommodated as long as its owner takes care of taking it out several times a day and allows it to get enough exercise. But, the ideal is a house with a garden, so you can exercise at your leisure. Even though i'm not a fugitive, it is better that the limits of its territory are clear, so that you do not venture to discover the neighborhood, risking getting lost or being the victim of a traffic accident. So, a fence is highly recommended.

    The debate among specialists focuses on whether the Labrador is it an indoor or outdoor dog. It is clear that, because of its proximity to humans, the Labrador Retriever wants to spend as much time as possible with his family, and it's not a matter of keeping him away from her for days. But, it is undeniable that its origins, his physical characteristics and his energy make him happier outdoors. At the end, unless your family decides to live in a tent set up outside, there is no ideal solution, and both the master and the dog have to make concessions.

    Last, to the Labrador not heard often, but when he barks, Everybody knows: its bark can reach the 110 dB.


    The Labrador Retriever is naturally open to humans and other animals, but this does not at all mean that their socialization should be neglected. From the first weeks, the puppy should have the opportunity to meet several people on a regular basis, crossing paths with other animals and being exposed to different situations. It is these experiences that allow you to become a calm and balanced adult, sociable and not aggressive.

    In any case, the Labrador young is often difficult to manage for an inexperienced owner, especially if he has been constantly hearing praise about the character of the breed and expects everything to go smoothly. your excess energy, his propensity to bite everything he finds (shoes, furniture, phone…) and his inability to stay focused for more than a few seconds make some people wonder if his partner is having a problem.

    The help of a professional canine educator can be useful during the first year, especially to help control its tendency to destroy everything that passes between its jaws, as well as withdrawal orders.

    To the extent that Labrador Retriever it grows, becomes one of the easiest and most cooperative dog breeds to train, even for an inexperienced person. Their intelligence and desire to please make them quickly assimilate orders, and his passion for food makes the task even easier.

    Knowing this, It goes without saying that positive reinforcement is the method of choice when training a Labrador Retriever. Compliments and pampering are appreciated, but sweets are usually even more so. But, should be used sparingly, since there is a risk of gaining weight.

    As long as the owner is willing to spend time on their education and training, the possibilities of a Labrador they are immense, as demonstrated for decades by the thousands of representatives of this breed used as service dogs for the disabled or others. Dog shows, such as agility or obedience competitions, are another way to show the extent of your talents.


    The Labrador Retriever it is a robust breed with a remarkable life expectancy for its size, so much so that many specimens happily exceed the 15 years of age.

    Its dense and waterproof fur protects it very well from the cold and bad weather., but also from the heat. Like this, adapts perfectly to all types of climates, although it must be able to take shelter when temperatures are extremely low and remain quietly in the shade in the event of a heat wave.

    Despite his generally good health, the breed is still susceptible to various diseases. Most are common to all large dogs, but some are specific to him, and others are due to its popularity, which has led some breeders to privilege the quantity and not respect all the usual precautions. The most commons are :

    • Hip Dysplasia, elbow dysplasia and shoulder dysplasia (u osteocondrosis), joint deformities that prevent the dog from moving normally. They can have a hereditary dimension, but since the carrier subjects are excluded from reproduction, the main cause today is simply growing too fast;
    • Dilation-torsion of the stomach, a problem that is often caused by ingesting large amounts of food too quickly and often fatal without the prompt intervention of a veterinarian;
    • Progressive retinal atrophy, an incurable degeneration of the eye tissue leading to total loss of sight, first at night and then also during the day;
    • Centronuclear myopathy, an inherited disease that causes a loss of muscle mass;
    • The nasal paraqueratosis (or hyperkeratosis of the nose), a hereditary disease characteristic of the breed and responsible for the lesions in the nose, which then acquires a dry and rough appearance. It is treated with medicinal creams that soften the affected tissues and does not affect the quality of life of the dog;
    • Exercise-induced collapse, which causes the animal to collapse shortly after exertion. It is then necessary to adapt the dog's exercises to avoid those that are too intense., since this condition is incurable ;
    • The epilepsy, that causes seizures and has no cure. But, treatment can reduce the frequency and intensity of these seizures, so that most individuals manage to continue with a normal life;
    • The narcolepsy, causing a sudden loss of muscle tone and sudden drowsiness, sometimes in the middle of an action;
      ear infections (otitis, etc.), due to the drooping shape of the ears, that traps dirt and moisture more easily;
    • Eye problems: cataract, entropion, retinal dysplasia…

    Due to the immense popularity of the breed in recent decades, many diseases have been recorded in the Labrador, but they are still extremely rare. A study conducted in 2004 by the British Kennel Club and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association indicates that cancer and advanced age are the leading causes of death in this breed, since they account for more than half of all deaths. heart problems (heart attack, cardiomyopathy…) and cerebral vascular problems lag far behind, representing a running total of around 13% of the cases.

    In day to day, the most common health problem in Labrador It, with difference, the obesity. His large appetite and his ability to convince his family that he deserves some extra croquettes make many representatives of the breed eat more than they should and are overweight. Only his master can protect him, respecting the recommended daily rations and not giving in to their incessant demands. This is not to be taken lightly, since obesity can not only aggravate pre-existing pathologies, but also provoke new ones.

    Your appetite and your propensity to “comer” everything you find are also responsible for another risk to your health, especially during their first two or three years. Socks, toys and other small objects can cause a bowel obstruction when ingested and require surgical intervention. So, it is important not to leave anything lying around that can be swallowed, especially sharp objects.

    Adopt from a serious breeder of Labrador Retriever dramatically reduces the risk of getting a puppy in poor health, for example with a hereditary disease. The fact that it is a member of the breed club is a guarantee of quality. In any case, in addition to the results of the genetic tests carried out on both parents and the puppy, must be able to present a certificate of good health issued by a veterinarian, as well as details of the vaccinations administered to the puppy, registered in your health or vaccination card.

    Once the adoption is done, it is the owner's responsibility to keep their dog in good health throughout its life. As such, a routine visit to the vet is necessary at least once a year, although there are no problems on the horizon. Ensures that the animal is up to date with its vaccinations, but it also makes it possible to detect possible health problems in time that may not be noticeable at first glance. At the same time, the owner must make sure to regularly renew the antiparasitic treatments to his companion, so that it is permanently protected.

    Life expectancy

    13 years


    The maintenance of the coat of the Labrador Retriever is simple, since a weekly brushing is enough to remove dead hairs and dirt. If he Labrador Retriever molts throughout the year, the phenomenon is, of course, much more pronounced during its annual molt, in autumn and spring: it is then necessary to opt for a daily frequency to remove excess dead hair.

    Being generally quite clean, does not need to bathe too often, at the risk of damaging your sensitive hair. The sebum that covers it (and that disappears in part during the bath) allows it to be waterproof and protects it from external elements. So, two or three bathrooms a year is a maximum, and it is advisable to systematically use a mild shampoo designed specifically for dogs, since the pH of your skin is not the same as that of humans.
    If you've gotten dirty especially after a walk in the mud, it is advisable to simply rinse it with fresh water, without using shampoo. The same should be done after bathing in salt water or in a pool.

    After any kind of bath, even in fresh water, dry your ears with a clean towel to prevent moisture from building up. Their fallen shape makes them a breeding ground for all kinds of inflammations and infections. (otitis, etc.). For the same reason, should be cleaned weekly to remove dirt and moisture.

    The eyes should also be examined weekly and, if required, clean them with a damp cloth.

    The weekly maintenance session is also an opportunity to brush your dog's teeth., which helps prevent problems related to plaque formation (bad breath, diseases, etc.). Ideally, do it more often., even daily. In any case, a toothpaste specially designed for dogs should always be used.

    Last, wear and tear is usually enough to file your claws, but it is advisable to check once a month that it is so, and if нет, cut them manually. In effect, how long are they too long, that is to say, you can hear them rubbing against the ground when walking on hard surfaces, they can get in the way or even break and injure you.

    Whether the fur, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, It may be helpful the first time to learn from a veterinarian or professional groomer what is required to maintain a Labrador Retriever. It is also important to get used to Labrador from a young age to avoid any subsequent problems.


    Is often forgotten, but the Labrador Retriever it's basically a hunting dog, made to recover the hunt. Their ancestors were used to retrieve fish that fell from the net in the icy waters of the North Atlantic. When it was developed in England, learned to recover all kinds of game, but his predilection for the aquatic environment made him a specialist in aquatic birds.

    Today he is still a waterfowl specialist, and his hunting dog skills continue to be appreciated around the world.

    But, seem to be overshadowed by the qualities that make them an ideal pet, and it is clearly in this role that he finds himself most often all over the world. Child friendly, playful and active, sociable and incredibly attached to his family, the Labrador Retriever It is the quintessential family dog.

    Its intelligence also makes it the most common breed among service dogs.. Whether used as a guide dog for the visually impaired, as a service dog for people with disabilities or as an emotional support dog (for example, for autistic people), rarely disappoints. Figures vary from country to country and association to association, but the proportion of Labrador retrievers among the dogs used in this context is generally between the 50 % and the 70 %.

    He has also made a name for himself among the security forces, since their smell helps detect drugs, weapons and other prohibited products. He is also well known in the search for victims and missing persons..

    as expected, the Labrador Retriever also shines in beauty pageants, to the point of being a regular on the catwalk at dog shows.

    It is also frequently found on the podiums of dog sports competitions, especially in agility tests, obedience and flyball.

    Last, there is only one role that he is absolutely incapable of playing: the guardian. Doesn't bark when a stranger approaches, and if you have the good idea to pet him or even give him some treat, then you are welcome home, be it good or bad intention…


    The price of a puppy Labrador Retriever round the 950 EUR, without great differences between males and females. But, this average hides great disparities, since the quantities requested range from 500 euros for specimens with characteristics far from the standard up to more than 2500 euros for puppies from exceptional lines and intended for dog shows.

    regardless of the country, price differences from one individual to another may be due to the reputation of the breed, to the more or less prestigious ancestry of the puppy, as well as its intrinsic characteristics, starting with its proximity to the standard. It also, This last point explains why price differences can be observed within the same litter..

    Characteristics "Labrador Retriever"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Labrador Retriever" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Images “Labrador Retriever”

    Videos “Labrador Retriever”

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Group 8: Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs – Section 1: Retrievers
    • AKCSporting
    • ANKC Group 3 (Gundogs)
    • CKCSporting Dogs
    • ​KC – Gundog
    • NZKCGundog
    • UKCGun Dogs

    FCI breed standard "Labrador Retriever"

    FCIFCI - Labrador Retriever

    Alternative names:

    1. Lab, Labrador (English).
    2. Labrador retriever, Labrador (French).
    3. Labrador (German).
    4. Retriever do Labrador, Labrador, Lab (Portuguese).
    5. Lab, Cobrador de Labrador, Perdiguero de Labrador, Labrador (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Curly-coated Retriever
    Inglaterra FCI 110 . Retrievers

    Retriever de Pelo Rizado

    The Curly-coated Retriever Unlike the others “Retrievers” is very good guardian.



    The Curly-coated Retriever It has existed since the late 18th century and is originally from the United Kingdom. It is the oldest Retriever type breed, and it is even believed that the first dog was used as a hunting dog.

    Its exact origins are unclear., but he is believed to have many ancestors, as the Wetterhoun, the Irish Water Spaniel, the Newfoundland, the Barbet and races already extinct, as the “St. John's Newfoundland”, the “Old english spaniel”, the “Large rough spaniel”, the “Tweed Spaniel”, the “English spaniel” 16th century, the “Setter retriever” and the “Lesser newfoundland”. The curly hairs on his coat are the subject of debate among specialists: some say they are due to crossing with Poodle during the 19th century, while others argue that it owes them to Irish Water Spaniel o al Wetterhoun, and that Poodle it only improved the curls.

    Bred to hunt birds, especially pheasants, quail and grouse, the Curly-coated Retriever could retrieve its prey from water or tall grass with great ease. They were highly prized by game rangers, who considered them perfect companions, and by Roma nomads, those who helped track the hunt. His great courage and sense of perseverance were highly appreciated and useful during hunting parties..

    His first official appearance at a dog show was in 1860 in Birmingham (United Kingdom). Originally, the Curly-coated Retriever and the Flat-Coated Retriever were exhibited together as one dog. But, it soon became more and more common to display them separately, that is to say, as different races.

    The Curly-coated Retriever reached their peak in the mid-19th century. They were highly prized by hunters and were even shipped in large numbers to New Zealand. (in 1889) and to Australia, especially to the areas near the Murray River, to carry out the same missions that were entrusted to them in the United Kingdom, but also sometimes to hunt kangaroos. Here, too, he did not fail to demonstrate his great courage and his formidable hunting skills.. But, The strong> Curly hair catcher of these territories were raised in a slightly different way than those of Europe, since breeders were looking for a finer morphology. Between the years 50 and 60, Australian breeders imported Darelyn Aristocrat, Sarona Simon, Banworth Simon, Banwort Athene y Pegasus, dogs that have been of great importance in the evolution of the breed, since they are still in the family tree of most of their local representatives.

    In Europe, the breed was one of the first to be recognized by the Kennel Club (KC), which remains today the reference canine organization in the United Kingdom, after its creation in 1873. But, early twentieth century, the breed's popularity declined quite quickly, largely due to the arrival of the Labrador Retriever, that many hunters began to prefer. The conflicts of the first half of the 20th century did not help. After World War I, there were only a handful of people registered. Work was done to increase the number of registered hunters, but WWII soon ruined these efforts.

    The Curly-coated Retriever arrived in the United States in 1907 hailing from the UK and the breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1924. But, remained quite rare in America, at least until the end of the decade 1960, when many specimens were imported from Australia, England and New Zealand, where the brood was most developed. The breed was accepted in 1960 by the United Kennel Club (UKC), the other reference canine organization in the country. But, until 1979 no breed club was created, the “Curly-Coated Club of America”, which highlights the relative lack of interest in race. But the breed remained rare in this territory, and it still is today. The same is true in Canada, where it was introduced shortly after.

    It was also accepted by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1954.

    In the news, the Curly-coated Retriever is the breed of “Retrievers” less represented in the world. Its total population is estimated at about 5.000 individuals, of which approximately 2.000 are in the United States. Occupies the position 160 (of something less than 200) in the breed classification established by the AKC based on the number of annual registrations in the organization.

    In the United Kingdom, the KC records about 70 births per year. The exact figure sometimes varies significantly from year to year., but the trend has remained stable throughout 2010.

    Less than in Australia, which is one of the countries with the largest contingent of representatives of the breed, since there he is still especially appreciated for his hunting skills. Since the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, a hundred dogs are registered each year in the Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC), the reference body of the country. But, This represents a decrease with respect to the figures observed since the mid-1990s. 1980 until the dawn of the new millennium and the beginning of the decade of 1990, when there were some 150 births per year, and even more than 200 in some years.

    In France, the Curly-coated Retriever still very weird: since the years 90, with some exceptions, barely more than 10 copies per year in the Livre des Origines Français (LOF).

    Physical characteristics

    Sometimes it is confused with the “Labradoodle” (mix of Labrador Retriever and Poodle), the Curly-coated Retriever stands out above all for its fur decorated with many small curls. They are solid, always upright and with a body slightly longer than tall. Chest is deep, deep and deep, reaching to the elbows. Its upper line is very horizontal, their loins are short but strong. The neck is of medium length and opens to muscular, sloping shoulders.

    The tail is a harmonious extension of the topline., that reaches the hocks. In general, carried straight and horizontal.

    The front legs are straight, well placed under the body, and the rear ones are muscular. The legs are rounded and have webbed toes, which contributes to being an excellent swimmer.

    The head is quite angular and has a skull the same length as the muzzle. The nose is the same color as the fur, that is to say, black or liver. The eyes are large and oval in shape. They are dark brown in black-coated dogs and any shade of brown in liver-coated dogs.. The ears are drooping and quite small.: reach a little above the eyes. The jaw is powerful and scissor-shaped., but no less delicate for that: this allows it to return its prey to the hunter without damaging its skin.

    The coat of the Curly-coated Retriever is your brand. Has a black or brown fur (liver) solid formed by small curls that remain glued to the skin and cover the body from head to tail, although sometimes they are somewhat looser in the ears. The hair has a fairly soft texture but is very resistant, and provides excellent protection against water, the climate and vegetation. They are usually a little longer in the ears, the belly, the thighs, feet and legs. During the exhibitions, the hair on the tail is usually trimmed for purely aesthetic reasons. Last, does not have undercoat. On the other hand, their fur is usually somewhat oily, making you more likely to cause reactions in people with dog allergies.

    Last, the breed is characterized by a fairly marked sexual dimorphism: not content with being bigger than female, the male is also noticeably more massive, with a much more developed musculature.

    Size and weight

      ▷ Male size: Of 67 to 70 cm.
      ▷ Female size From 62 to 64 cm.
      ▷ Male Weight From 31 to 36 kg
      ▷ Female Weight From 31 to 36 kg


    Murray River Curly Coated Retriever
    Murray River Curly Coated Retriever

    Since the 19th century there has been a smaller version of the Curly-coated Retriever, call “Murray River Curly-Coated Retriever”, but it is not recognized by canine organizations, incluido el Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC) from his native Australia.

    Not all breeders of Curly-coated Retriever they have the same opinion: some consider him a distinct breed, while others see it simply as a variety of this type of “Retrievers”. But, DNA tests performed on 2010 they showed that the “Murray River Curly-Coated Retriever” is closer to Spaniels than Retrievers. In fact, is the result of the crosses between these two types of dogs: the American Water Spaniel, the Irish Water Spaniel, the “English Springer Spaniel”, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever and the Curly-coated Retriever.

    Character and skills

    The Curly-coated Retriever he is extremely endearing and is very attached to his family, to which he is very attached: wants to literally follow them everywhere from morning to night, without enjoying more than sharing their various activities.

    Very playful regardless of age, gets along especially well with children, who are excellent playmates for him, and vice versa: they can spend hours together enjoying themselves in a happy and jovial atmosphere. He especially likes to search for and retrieve objects such as a ball, often to the delight of the little ones. So, it is clearly a recommended dog for children, but keep in mind that a dog should never be left with a small child without adult supervision. This is true for all races, but it is even more so with an animal of such size, since it is easy to push or even run over it by accident.

    Although it is less demanding than the Labrador Retriever or the Smooth-haired Retriever, the Curly-coated Retriever need a good dose of daily physical activity. His owners must be able to allow him to exercise for at least one hour each day.

    This can be done, of course, taking walks and playing with the children, but also, for example, practicing various sports for which it is especially indicated, like agility, the flyball or the discdog. The ob-rythmée allows you to show the quality of your education, and reinforce it at the same time.

    It also, if a lake is found on the road during a walk, no hesitation in letting yourself take a dip in it: the Curly-coated Retriever feels like all Retrievers an undisguised pleasure to evolve in the water, and he is an excellent swimming dog.

    In short, the need to exercise Curly-coated Retriever it is real, but it is not excessive, what makes it perfectly compatible, for example, with active retired people, who love to go for walks and find ways to let her get enough steam out each day if walks alone aren't enough.

    This is especially true if they have, for example, a large garden in which you can run as you please. A house with a garden is also the best environment for a Curly-coated Retriever, since he likes to move outdoors. Thus, not really suitable for apartment living.

    But, its place is not a niche at the bottom of a garden or in a park: the attachment to his family makes it difficult for him to bear being so far away from her. Has to evolve by your side, In the House.

    It also, to the Curly-coated Retriever he does not like to be alone. Even though I appreciate dog puzzles, that keep you busy for a while and stimulate you intellectually, gets bored quickly in the absence of their masters, and may become noisy or develop destructive behaviors. So, not recommended for an owner who is away most of the day (for example, because of work) and that, therefore, can't spend a lot of time with your pet.

    A solution to avoid loneliness is to have him share his daily life with another dog. He is very friendly and sociable with his companions, and thrives when in contact with them, which makes it an ideal option for a household that already has one or more dogs.

    If you know him from a very young age, can also live very well with a rodent, a bird or a cat. But, there is often a difference between those you don't know and those you live with. Tends to confuse the former with prey, whereas normally there is no possibility of this happening with the seconds. So, despite being sociable with other human beings, Precautions should be taken during the first encounter between a Curly-coated Retriever and a cat, rodent or bird that is unknown to you.

    If he Curly-coated Retriever is able to make his family happy and to integrate wonderfully into it, do not be fooled: Your ride is not like a long calm river. In fact, although at first glance it seems very easy to live with him and he is a close cousin of the Golden Retriever and of the Labrador Retriever, who are reputed to be races “easy”, not as easy to handle as they.

    In fact, sometimes he can be somewhat distant and indifferent to orders. Being very smart, they like to judge what is good for them and what is not, and they are more independent than their cousin the labrador. For this reason, sometimes it's hard to get their attention when you've decided you don't like an exercise, for example.

    It is also a dog that matures slowly, so you have to be patient at first. It also, if used for hunting, it is quite vain to expect me to work before 2 or 3 years, because he is not very efficient during his prolonged period of adolescence. But, knows how to compensate later, showing its great qualities as a working dog: armed with a very strong determination, don't give in until homework is done.

    While waiting for the threshold at which you have reached -finally- Adulthood, what is around 3 years, sustained training is necessary to be obedient, and also to try to make it less destructive. In fact, during all this time, far from being the wisest, since it has a tendency to tip over and, above all, to chew everything in its path. In fact, any fragile or valuable object should be kept out of their reach. Nor should we be surprised to see him walking with slippers or cushions: be destined to inform for centuries, take objects in the mouth and move them (potentially degrading them in the process) it's literally without your genes. At the beginning, it may also be wise to give access to only a few rooms in the house, thus limiting breakage. You should also offer him toys that he can easily damage, to try to direct your attention to objects that are safe. You can also bite the hands of those around you.

    Distrustful of strangers, he is shy at first with the guests, although he verifies that his master welcomes them very positively. On the other hand, when faced with a human being who is obviously unwelcome, he is quite protective and even impressive, and won't stop barking loudly to deter the intruder. It is an excellent watchdog.

    On the other hand, if you are balanced and capable enough to exercise, not especially loud, and only uses his voice to warn of the arrival of a stranger.


    The Curly-coated Retriever, It is a rare watch dog and find, both in their country of origin and in the rest of the world.

    A key characteristic in his character, unlike other Retrievers, is that he is usually very reñidor with other dogs, and that can that he has hindered its spread…


    To the Curly-coated Retriever fundamentally loves to learn; once you are motivated, training sessions are a pure pleasure, and progresses exponentially.

    But, this motivation does not come naturally, since he has a tendency to judge for himself the interest of each of the exercises that are proposed to him. If you are not convinced by the day's activity, does not stop letting you know, in particular being ostensibly distant; So, sometimes it's hard to get their attention. You also need variety, so it is necessary to be able to regularly introduce something new to keep it receptive: if the same exercises are always suggested, gets bored quickly and shifts attention to something else. The owner's mood also influences their dog's motivation: a smiling and cheerful attitude makes you much more willing to listen and work. He is also very receptive to positive reinforcement methods., that are based on the use of all kinds of rewards (compliments, candies, petting) to encourage you to give your best.

    You need a teacher who is not only intelligent and enthusiastic, but have some confidence in yourself, capable of instilling in him a good working base and the limits that he should not cross. If that is not the case, your great intelligence can lead you to win the game.

    One of the main trends you should try to address is the puppy's propensity to engage in destructive behavior and, in particular, to bite and nibble everything that is put in the mouth. In principle, this disappears in adulthood, but it may be wise to suppress this type of behavior when caught on the spot, in an attempt to limit the phenomenon. This is especially true when taking it out on family members, with both adults and younger children: may look pretty and harmless when they are still very young, but it can be much more dangerous once they are adults.

    This is especially helpful, since the Curly-coated Retriever takes a while to become an adult, and can be immature to a fairly old age. These may include, some dogs used for hunting are not really trained to go out into the field and be really effective at it until the 3 years of age. So, it is necessary to have some patience and understanding in the first years of life…

    In any case, individuals destined to have sex in water must get used to entering and evolving in water as soon as possible. Usually, this is not a problem, since representatives of this breed are naturally attracted to water points, but they move more easily since they swim in them since they are very young. They must also be taught their future role as hunters and rapporteurs. To the extent that they carry it in their genes, it is not a major difficulty, but you have to teach them to do it under the orders of their owner, so that they do not harm the prey when catching it.

    Last, like any dog, the Curly-coated Retriever must benefit from great socialization work started at a very young age. This is all the more necessary since they often tend to distrust strangers. So, it is necessary to make him know all kinds of humans and other animals (both congeners and representatives of other species), but also expose him to all kinds of stimuli (noises, smells…) and environments. This helps them feel comfortable in any circumstance and prevents negative reactions such as stress., fear or distrust in the face of what is unknown to them. A well socialized puppy lives much better with humans.


    In general, the Curly-coated Retriever is in good health.

    Besides having an original look, its coat is highly waterproof and protects it from inclement weather and especially low temperatures.

    But, is more exposed to certain potential problems:

    • The Hip Dysplasia, which affects most large dogs and is usually hereditary. The femur does not fit perfectly into the pelvic socket of the hip joint; some individuals show no symptoms, but others suffer pain and lameness. Osteoarthritis can also develop over time as the animal ages;
    • elbow dysplasia, also hereditary and common in large dogs, especially in Retrievers. This developmental abnormality of the elbow affects one or both front legs and causes lameness., often even before the puppy is one year old. Usually requires surgical intervention;
    • Dilatation-torsion of the stomach, a serious syndrome that affects large dogs with deep chests, as the Curly-coated Retriever. The animal dies quickly if a veterinarian is unable to intervene quickly ;
    • The type III glycogenosis, which consists of an excessive accumulation of glycogen in the liver and muscles. Provokes, among other things, weakness, rigidity, exercise intolerance, increased need for sleep and difficulty swallowing. It is incurable and leads to the death of the dog around the 2 years of age;
    • The epilepsy, which is the result of excessive electrical activity in the brain and leads to short and more or less regular seizures. With good veterinary care and the use of appropriate medication, normally does not prevent the animal from leading a normal life ;
    • The alopecia, that is to say, refined and progressive hair loss in various parts of the body, according to different possible patterns. Do not let the dog spend a long time lying on hard and rough surfaces, like concrete, helps limit the problem.

    Like all Retriever-type dogs, the Curly-coated Retriever you also have an increased risk of developing tumors and other cancers. In fact, it is the main cause of death in this breed, long before old age, According to a study carried out jointly in 2004 by the British Kennel Club and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association. More concretely, the most common forms of cancer seen in this breed are :

    • The linfosarcoma, one of the most common cancers of all races. It can appear in various parts of the body, like spleen, the gastrointestinal tract, lymph nodes, the liver and bone marrow. Treatment is by chemotherapy, sometimes in addition to surgery. Referral rates are pretty good;
    • The adenocarcinoma, which is the development of malignant cells most often from the uterus, mammary glands and intestines. Most of the time, these cells spread to the lungs or anus. Surgery is often used to treat this disease.;
    • The fibrosarcoma, a tumor that can affect any part of the body, including bones. surgery is inevitable, and sometimes chemotherapy is required, immunotherapy or radiation therapy. The prognosis for recovery varies greatly from case to case.;
    • The mast cell tumors, which are the most common in the skin of dogs. Most often they form on the legs, around the anus or on the chest, but they can also arise towards the head or neck. Treatment varies from case to case, but usually includes surgery and chemotherapy;
    • The melanoma is a cancer that affects the cells that produce pigments in the skin, called melanocytes. Although most melanomas are found on the skin, They can also develop on the gums, and treatment may require amputation of part of the jaw. Usually treated with surgery and chemotherapy;
    • The hemangiosarcoma, a form of malignant cancer found in the lining of blood vessels and in the spleen. Can be treated with surgery and chemotherapy, but the affected animal is unlikely to recover;
    • The osteosarcoma, a bone cancer that initially causes lameness. Usually entails amputation of the affected leg and heavy chemotherapy. It is very rare to be able to survive this disease, as the problem is often diagnosed too late. Once identified, the affected person may live between 9 months and 2 years longer than if it had not been treated.

    Once identified, an affected dog can live between 9 months and 2 years longer than if it had not been attended.

    Last, the breed is also especially prone to eye problems, as :

    • The entropion, corresponding to a defect that rolls the eyelid inward, causing irritation of the eyeball. Both eyes may be affected or only one; in both cases, surgical intervention can be performed to remedy the problem;
    • The ectropion, a curl defect of the lower eyelid. The lower eyelid then does not perform its function of protecting the eye, which makes you more susceptible to irritation or conjunctivitis. Surgery is used to treat the most severe cases;
    • The distiquiasis, an abnormality in the implantation of eyelashes on the eyelids that can cause irritation of the eye and even the development of corneal ulcers;
    • Persistent pupillary membrane, when the dog's pupillary membrane stays in place, while normally it is supposed to disappear during its first 6 months. The dog's vision is usually slightly affected;
    • The cataract, that can affect one or both eyes and cause partial or total opacity of the same. At the beginning, cataracts cause very little damage to the dog's vision, but they end up causing total blindness when they reach a more advanced stage. Surgery can fix it;
    • Progressive retinal atrophy, a family of incurable eye diseases that cause progressive deterioration of the retina. At the beginning, those affected have difficulty seeing at night, but as the disease progresses, the dog ends up going totally blind;
    • the retinal dysplasia, a malformation of the retina that can cause, in the most serious cases, a detached retina and, Therefore, dog blindness.

    It also, individuals who are engaged in hunting -and, in general, everyone who spends a lot of time outdoors- are more at risk of injury, but also parasites and spikes, that those who are only meant to keep company.

    Last, the Curly-coated Retriever have a significant predisposition to gain weight. So, a certain vigilance is necessary in this matter, since obesity can, just like in humans, cause or aggravate many health problems.

    In view of the large number of hereditary diseases to which the breed is exposed, go to a serious breeder of Curly-coated Retriever it is essential to maximize the chances of adopting a healthy animal free from such defects. In addition to the results of the genetic tests carried out on the parents and / or the puppy, the professional must be able to provide a certificate of good health established by a veterinarian, as well as the data of the administered vaccines, registered in the dog's health or vaccination card.

    From then on, as for any race, the best way to keep you in good health is to invest in prevention. It is especially important that your dog is examined at least once a year by a veterinarian: as well as making sure you are up to date on your vaccinations, This can help you quickly spot a potential problem and remedy it before it becomes too serious..

    Life expectancy

    The life expectancy average of Curly-coated Retriever, is of 14,9 years, Although there are cases of dogs who have lived up 15 or 17 years of age.


    Contrary to what you might think at first glance, the maintenance of the coat of the Curly-coated Retriever it's not especially complicated. A weekly brushing is enough, but special attention should be paid to the hair on the legs, the tail and behind the ears, as it is especially dense and knots easily. In general, they lose very little hair, except during the molting period, in spring and autumn: then it is necessary to increase the frequency of brushing, to avoid finding too much hair all over the house.

    These periods are also a good opportunity to bathe your dog., taking care to use a shampoo specially designed for dogs every time. In general, two bathrooms a year are enough, although, of course, do not hesitate to wash the dog when it is especially dirty. In any case, it is useless to dry it after the bath, since her hair dries very quickly. It also, your curls could be completely denatured.

    As the risk of eye diseases is quite pronounced in the Curly-coated Retriever, your eyes should be maintained carefully and on a regular basis. They should be checked and cleaned with clean water at least once a week.

    His ears are not for less, as his droopy form means he is more prone to developing infections at this level (ear infections, etc.). So, rigorous maintenance also needs to be done every week, to remove any dirt and moisture that may have accumulated. It also, to avoid the latter, it is recommended to dry them systematically every time they come out of the water.

    Your weekly maintenance session is also an opportunity to brush your teeth with a toothpaste designed for cats.. This helps to avoid the formation of tartar and the health problems that it can lead to as much as possible.. Ideally, do it more often than once a week, or even daily.

    Their claws require much less attention, especially in subjects who spend a lot of time outdoors. Natural wear and tear is usually enough to file them. But, it is advisable to remain vigilant and check from time to time that it is not necessary to cut them by hand. This is so as soon as they touch the ground, that is to say, when you hear its rattle on hard surfaces; otherwise, they could not only annoy you, but also break, at the risk of hurting you.

    Regular coat care, the eyes, the ears, teeth and claws should be done delicately, rigor and precision. The first time, don't hesitate to ask a vet or groomer to show you how to do it, to learn the proper gestures. It also, accustoming your dog from a young age allows him to consider these manipulations as something normal, and that these moments take place with tranquility and good humor.

    It also, it helps to take a little time to examine your dog when you return from hunting or spending a lot of time outdoors (especially in a place with a lot of vegetation, like a forest). In addition to a possible injury, this may reveal the presence of spikelets, ticks or other parasites that may have attached to the dog. In fact, they are likely to cause problems in the short to medium term, sometimes serious or even fatal.


    The Curly-coated Retriever was originally created and developed as a hunting dog, especially to recover prey -especially birds- from hard-to-reach areas such as ponds and tall grass.
    Today it continues to fulfill this function., and in some countries, like New Zealand, this is its main use.

    But, the most common is to find him as a family companion, since he always gets along very well with children and loves to follow his masters everywhere. But, it should be able to satisfy your need for a lot of exercise, which makes it an excellent option for athletes.

    Very athletic and eager to learn, can excel in many dog ​​sports disciplines, starting with agility, the flyball, the discdog, obedience and prescription.

    Your distrust of strangers, its propensity to bark loudly and its size also make it an effective watchdog.


    The Curly-coated Retriever he is the hardest retriever to find.

    In Europe, it is even a very rare breed of dog, except in your country of origin. There are only a handful of breeders outside the country of origin, and prices usually range from 900 and 1200 EUR. But, sometimes you have to wait a long time on the waiting list…

    One solution may be to look in the UK to adopt a puppy from Curly-coated Retriever, since the offer is much wider. The cost of adopting a puppy from Curly-coated Retriever in the UK it is much higher. The normal cost ranges from 600 and 800 sterling (700 and 900 EUR), plus the cost of paperwork and transportation. It also, in that case, It is advisable to find out about the regulations regarding the importation of a dog from abroad and to respect them.

    whatever the country, the price depends, as for any dog, of brood fame, the prestige of the lineage from which it comes and, of course, its intrinsic characteristics, especially physical.

    Characteristics "Curly-coated Retriever"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Curly-coated Retriever" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Images “Curly-coated Retriever”

    Videos “Curly-coated Retriever”

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Group 8: Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs – Section 1: Retrievers
    • AKCSporting
    • ANKC Group 3 (Gundogs)
    • CKCSporting Dogs
    • ​KC – Gundog
    • NZKCGundog
    • UKCGun Dogs

    FCI breed standard "Curly-coated Retriever"

    FCIFCI - Curly-coated Retriever
    Ticket collector

    Alternative names:

    1. Curly (English).
    2. Curly (French).
    3. kraus gelockter Retriever (German).
    4. Curly (Portuguese).
    5. Retriever de pelo rizado, Curly, CCR, (en inglés: Curly Coated Retriever) (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Pharaoh Hound
    Malta FCI 248 . Primitive type

    Pharaoh Hound

    The Pharaoh Hound in family is smart, friendly, affectionate and playful.



    The Pharaoh Hound it is a hunting dog like those of hunting dog breeds, formerly at home in many areas of the Mediterranean. It is also called Kelb-tal-Fenek. “Kelb-tal-Fenek” It is Maltese and it means “Rabbit dog”.

    Like all Warren hound, is the specialist in rabbit hunting. But, does not go to the burrow like the Dachshund or the terriers. Because the Pharaoh Hound and Warren hound they hunt on land when they see them. They are agile like a hunting dog and can launch attacks fast as lightning. As a group, surround their prey. In this way, knock down dozens, even hundreds of rabbits in a short time. The Pharaoh Hound they often work completely independently without guidance from the hunter. In Malta they also help with herding the goats and are useful as all-rounders for all tasks around the home and on the farm..

    The Pharaoh Hound was created in Great Britain in the decade of 1960 as an independent breed of dog. It is an offshoot of the population of these dogs, that have existed for thousands of years in the northern and eastern Mediterranean. Besides of Pharaoh Hound, the Warren hound are other descendants of these dogs, each of which is now an independent race. Its roots go deep into the past.. But, its exact origin is not clear. Its resemblance to the ancient Egyptian hunting dog Tesem, one of the oldest documented dog breeds, it's amazing. But, not proven and not likely to be descendants “pure” of Tesem. This type of dog probably existed everywhere, since it already served the people of the ancient world in its current role.

    With the time, regional strains were developed that, However, repeatedly mated with each other. The World Canine Federation, Fédération Cynologique Internationale, took this into account when establishing a collection standard for Mediterranean breeds up to 1977. Great Britain then created the breed of dogs Pharaoh Hound and later handed over the patronage to Malta. There it was even declared a national dog in 1974. In 1991 was officially recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale as an independent race.

    (See study on canine genome).

    Physical characteristics

    Haughty and delgado, the Pharaoh Hound is a dog from size medium with very defined lines, elegant and noble porte.

    The height in the males is of 55 to 63 cm., and weigh in 10 to 12 kg; the females measure of 52 to 61 cm to the cross, and weigh in 8 to 10 kg. If born with a tail does not lack that ampute you.

    The belly is fine and the back straight and strong. The body is made up of long muscles, of dry lines.

    Has the head triangular, almost without stop, the eyes Amber blend with the mantle, they are oval and slightly sunken. The ears they are inserted to half-height, Reprint alert to carry them, they are wide at its base and thin and long.

    The tail is curved and carries low, but when he is happy he has been in high.

    Its fur is fine, short and glossy. In some cases it may be a little rough to the touch. The color fur is reddish brown clear to reddish brown dark with white markings. According to the standard, the white tail is highly desirable.

    As well, is supported in the standard to submit a white mark on the chest and white fingertips, including a white stripe down the center line of the face.

    Character and skills

    The Pharaoh Hound he is a hunting dog and a hound at the same time. They are sometimes used in their homeland as watchdogs or herding dogs for goats.. Before genetic separation from the total population, many dogs had to struggle for scraps of human food and often suffered from hunger. These original living conditions still determine its nature today.. They are very agile and alert. Almost nothing escapes your keen senses. Especially like young dogs who crave exercise and experiences, ideally hunting and first of all the option of free running. As they tend to have a strong hunting instinct, this deep-rooted need of dogs in our latitudes can only be satisfied on rare occasions.

    It is an experience to see him Pharaoh Hound running freely. Because they can sprint fast and especially capture prey in extremely courteous races. the Pharaoh Hound hunt with all three senses: Odor, view, ear. The standard describes its nature in this way:

    Vigilant and passionate hunter who uses both sight and smell. When working short distance, he also uses his ears in a remarkable way.

    The Pharaoh Hound they are very intelligent and docile. They quickly learn what is allowed and what is taboo. They are friendly and open-minded with people. Towards humans there is no aggression; towards other dogs, However, this may be different, particularly with males. The Pharaoh Hound they have a kind and playful nature. They seek intimate connection with their masters and are loyal to them.. Even in spite of its thinness, they are very hard and resistant.


    The Pharaoh Hound is very similar to the Cirneco dell'Etna Italian.


    Basically the Pharaoh Hound it's good to keep it. It is very suitable as a family dog ​​and friend of children and wants to be seen as a member of their family. But, generally not suitable for a flat in the big city. You need long daily walks in nature, better several times a day. Here your senses are at their highest level. He is a dedicated and alert hunting dog. You need at least here and there the possibility of being able to exhaust yourself while running free.

    One Pharaoh Hound maintained in a species appropriate manner is calm and gentle in the home. Then you can rest relaxed in your basket or on the sofa. It also, is very playful. Some specimens are extremely alert and like to bark.. Also in another way barking is used very happily for communication and to express their feelings. It should also be noted that the Pharaoh Hound It does not have an undercoat and by nature it has little insulating fat and is therefore sensitive to cold..


    One Pharaoh Hound well socialized can be trained very well. Your senses alert, his intelligence and friendly affection make it easy for him to understand humans. He also wants to please us and live in harmony. Of course it always requires a just consequence. He realizes his master's lack of care immediately and uses him mercilessly. So he'll use every inattention to steal an unprotected gift.. For proper occupation and physical workload for dogs, the greyhound association offers the possibility of participating with Pharaoh Hound in Greyhound racing or hunting dogs. Other dog sports such as agility are also suitable. Due to his strong hunting motivation, training requires patience and empathy.

    Care and health

    The Pharaoh Hound he is very frugal. Brushing the coat from time to time is enough.

    Typical diseases

    There are no exact data on the typical diseases of this rare breed of dogs.. One problem could be inbreeding.


    The Pharaoh Hound he is usually very gluttonous. you have to be careful here. Otherwise, They are very austere breeds in terms of the type of food..

    Life expectancy “Pharaoh Hound”

    There are no figures on the life expectancy of Pharaoh Hound. But, should be around 12 years.

    For sale “Pharaoh Hound”

    If you want to spend your life with a Pharaoh Hound, you should first check if you can guarantee all the conditions for it, especially if you have the possibility to let it run regularly. Otherwise, you should look for very similar dogs in animal shelters, in serious animal protection organizations.

    Characteristics "Pharaoh Hound"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Pharaoh Hound" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Training ?

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Suitability of the apartment ?

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Can be alone all day ?

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Suitable as a first dog ?

    1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Weight gain ?

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ?

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ?

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Kindness with child ?

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Tendency to bite ?

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Tendency to bark ?

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Tendency to flee ?

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss strength ?

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Suitable as a guard dog ?

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Joy ?

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendliness ?

    1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Power level ?

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Images “Pharaoh Hound”

    Videos “Pharaoh Hound”

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Group 5: Spitz-type dogs and primitive type – Section 6: Primitive type.

    FCI breed standard "Pharaoh Hound"

    FCIFCI - Pharaoh Hound

    Alternative names:

    1. Kelb tal-Fenek (English).
    2. Lévrier du pharaon (French).
    3. Pharaoh Hound, Kelb tal-Fenek (German).
    4. Cão de coelho, Kelb-tal fenek (Portuguese).
    5. Podenco faraónico, Pharaoh hound (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Border Terrier
    Gran Bretaña FCI 10 -Large and medium-sized Terrier

    Border Terrier

    The Border Terrier they are intelligent, loving, quite independent and.



    Border Terrier It is a breed of dog of the Terrier that group, It takes its name from its place of origin, the Scottish borders. Shares ancestors with the Dandie Dinmont Terrier and Bedlington Terrier.

    Originally bred as a Hunter of foxes and small varmints, they were used to hunt otters and Badgers, as well.
    Although the breed is very old, the Border Terrier was officially recognized by the Kennel Club of Great Britain in 1920, and by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1930.

    In 2006, the Border Terrier ranked 81, in number of AKC registrations and rank 10 th in the UK (in the 2088, ranked number 8).

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