Legislation in Spain on the protection of domestic animals

  • Below we list the various laws published in the various official bulletins of the autonomous communities and the Official Gazette on protection of domestic animals in their respective jurisdictions.


Law 11 /2003, of 24 November, protection of animals (BOJA núm. 237, of 10 in November of 2003).


Law 11 /2003, of 19 March, animal protection (BOA. núm. 35, of 21 in March of 2003).

Principado de Asturias

Law 13/2002, of 23 of December, tenure, Prolección and animal rights (BOPA's 31 in December of 2002). Rectification of errors made in the publication of the text of the law 13/2002 (BOPA's 1 in March of 2003).

Illes Balears

Law 1/1992, of 8 of April, protection of the animals that live in the human environment (BOE number. 145, of 17 in June of 1992).

Canary Islands

Law 8/1991, of 30 of April, protection of domestic animals (Law 8/1991, of 30 of April, protection of animals).


Law 3/1992, of 18 March, protection of animals (Law 3/1992, of 18 March, Protection of Animals). Law 8/1997, of 30 of December, Modification and adaptation of certain precepts of the law 3/1992 (BOC knob. 260, of 30 in December of 1997).

Castilla - La Mancha

Law 7/1990, of 28 of December, Protection of Domestic Animals.

Castile and León, Spain

Law 5/1997, of 24 of April, protection of pet animals (BOCyL 30 april 1997, number 81/1997
BOE 1 July 1997, number 156/1997).


Law 3/1988, of 4 March, protection of animals (DOGC nos. 966 and 967, of 18 in March of 1998). Law 3/1994, of 20 of April, modification of the law 3/1998 (BOE number. 118. of 18 in May of 1994). Law 22/2003, of 4 July, protection of animals (DOGO num. 3.929, of 16 in July of 2003). Law 12/2006. of 27 July, modification of the law (among others) 22/2003 (BOE, 22 in August of 2006).


Law 5/2002, of 23 may, protection of animals (DO núm. 83, of 18 in July of 2002). Law 7/2005, of 27 of December, modification of the law 5/2002 (DO núm. 150, of 31 in December of 2005).


Law 1/1993, of 13 of April, protection of domestic animals and wild in captivity (BOE number. 112, of 11 in May of 1993).

Community of Madrid

Law 4/2016, of 22 July, of Protection of Pet Animals in the Community of Madrid.

Region of Murcia

Law 10/1990, of 27 of August, Protection and Defense of Companion Animals.

Foral community of Navarra

Foral law 7/1994, of 31 may, Protection of animals (BON núm. 70, of 13 of jimio of 1994).

Basque Country

Law 6/1993, of 29 October, Protection of animals («BOE» number. 35, of 10 in February of 2012, pages 12210 to 12221).

La Rioja

Law 5/1995, of 22 March, Protection of animals (BOR núm. 39. of 1 in April of 1995). Law 2/2000, of 31 may, modification of the law 5/1995 (BOR núm. 132, of 31 in October of 2000).

Valencian Community

Law 4/1994, of 8 July, Protection of Companion Animals (DOGV núm. 2307, of 11 in July of 1994).

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