
Compilation of definitions or explanations of words that deal with the world of our felines, arranged alphabetically.


ABSCESS Accumulation of pus circumscribed to body tissues.

GENETIC COLLECTION Available in a species genetic diversity, race or particular variety.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Fatty acids that cannot be synthesized by the body and must be acquired through the diet.

AGUTÍ Clear areas of hair in the striped fur; also concerning the cats with any striped design.

SMOKED Coat color with white Undercoat. See also color tips, shading, silvering.

NSAIDS Antiinllamatorio non-steroidal, Group of drugs to which belong the carprofeno and the meloxicarn.

ANEMIA Decreased red blood cells or the pigment that carries oxygen in the blood (hemoglobin), produced by hemorrhage, the functional bone marrow suppression, parasites or immune diseases which destroy red blood cells.

GLASSES Areas of hair around the eyes clear, especially below.

ANTIBODY Protein produced by specialized white blood cells in response to certain antigens. Antibody binding to antigen is characteristic of immunity.

ANTIGEN Any agent capable of inducing a specific immune response.

FERAL Animal that lives in the wild but descended from pets.

ASSOCIATIONS OF RACES Organizations with a record of races, dedicated to one or more other races. There are various associations for the registration of a single race. See also registry.

STRIPED Drawing of stripes or spots which is used as a camouflage. See also agouti.

BICOLOR Coats of white hair and other color.

PUPPY/KITTEN In the strict sense, cat is under the age of separation from his mother, that is to say, less than 12 weeks. Competitions are them can continue calling kittens for a few months.

WARM Similar to the red fur colors.

COLOSTRUM First milk secreted after childbirth, It contains protection against numerous infectious diseases.

BREECHES Long hair which covers the upper part of the hind legs.

LOWER LAYER Insulating hair under the top layer. See laminen protective hair, less hair.

UPPER LAYER Outer layer of protective hair, where is located the drawing in the atigrados. Please refer to laminen hair care.

CASTRATION It usually refers to the surgical removal of the testicles of males. [but it also refers to the sterilization in males and females). See sterilization.

FEMALE CASTRATION Method of sterilization of female cats by removing the uterus and ovaries. See also sterilization.

CAT FANCY Term covering cat registries and associations that breed and show cats around the world.

CAESAREAN SECTION Surgical opening of the uterus to remove full-term cat puppies.

KETOACIDOSIS Presence of ketones in the blood as a result of kidney failure.

CFA Acronym Cal Eanciers’ Association, Association of amateurs of cats. It is the largest feline registry, founded in 1906 and based in North America.

CHINCHILLA (White long hair with black traces JATO or such fur in any cat.

SHOCK Emergency situation, life-threatening, where there is collapse, rapid pulse, pallor in mucous membranes.

ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK Exaggerated allergic response, life-threatening, to a foreign protein or other substances.

CYANOSIS Purplish-blue discoloration of the mucous membranes, caused by lack of oxygen.

ESTROUS CYCLE Female reproductive cycle.

CYTOLOGY Examination of the cells through a microscope.

NECKLACE Long Pelaje1 that sometimes appear around the neck or chest.

COLOURPOINT Gallen whose face, ears, feet and tail are of a different colour to the trunk. See also dotted.

CONGENITAL Existing since birth; congenital diseases may or may not be inherited.

CREPITATION Dry and gritty sound produced in the extension or flexion of the joints.

SELECTIVE BREEDING Human intervention to determine mates in a hatchling.

SEIZURE Abnormal electrical activity in the brain, It causes involuntary muscle contractions; also known as the epileptic seizure.

DEPRESSION OF THE NOSE Change of address, slight or sharp, the tip of the snout, in profile.

COLOR TIPS Fur of white hair and color tips. See also smoked, silvering, shading.

DEHYDRATION Loss ele the normal concentration of water in the body.

DIABETES INSIPIDUS Deficit of antidiuretic hormone, that is to say, the hormone from the pituitary gland which controls the concentration of urine in the kidneys.

EXCLUSION DIET Diet removes all components from previous diets, generally consisting of new protein sources, fats and carbohydrates.

DISLOCATION Separation of a bone of the adjacent bone of a joint, with occurrence of sprain of ligaments: It can be full or partial (yesibdislocation).

ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY Method of diagnostic imaging that allows the identification of the interior and the exterior of the heart by means of ultrasonic waves that are then displayed on a monitor.

ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG) Registration of the electrical activity of the heart.

ELISA Enzymeimmunoassay, technique used in the detection of both antigens and antibodies.

ELUROPHILE Lover of cats.

ENDORPHIN Natural chemical in the brain that reduces the perception of pain.

ENDOSCOPE Instrument inserted into the hollow viscera of the body to examine the interior of the organism.

AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE Any disease where the immune system mistakenly healthy parts of the body.

EMPHYSEMA Pathological accumulation of air in the tissues.

GENETIC DISEASE Disease that is transmitted through the genes of the parents.

IDIOPATHIC DISEASE Disease of unknown cause.

IMMUNE DISEASE Disease caused by an excessive reaction of the immune system.

ENTIRE Not neutered cat.

EOSINOPHILS White blood cells that increase in the presence of parasites or allergies.

EPILEPSY Alteration of the electrical activity of the brain that produces a seizure.

SPECIES Population of animals that share a common gene pool through crosses. Its members have a different aspect of other species. See also race, family, genus, order, subspecies.

BREED STANDARD Description of the characteristics that make up the ideal specimen of a breed.

STERILIZATION Male castration or lentenina in order to avoid unwanted sexual behaviour and reproduction.

EUTHANASIA Induced death without physical suffering; It can be active, medianil’ a lethal substance, or passive, by abolition of measures which artificially maintain life.

EXUDATE Inflammatory fluid that leaks from blood vessels and deposits in other tissues.

FAMILY In biological classification, Group understood animal language between gender and the agenda, that shares many common and evolutionary characteristics. See laminen race, genus, order, species, subspecies.

FIFé Acronym for Fédération Internationale Félme, European Organization of associations of cats, founded in France in 1949.

COLD Away from the red colors.

GCCF Acronym of Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, founded in 1910, umbrella body for most British cat associations.

DOMINANT GENE Which is always transmitted as a genetic trait. See also recessive gene.

GENDER Group of species within a family that share common characteristics and ancestry not shown by other species. See also race, family, order, species, subspecies.

RECESSIVE GENE Gene that can be transmitted without being expressed with a characteristic trait.

GINGIVITIS gum inflammation. ENDOCRINE GLAND Gland produces hormones and secretes them directly in the bloodstream.

OIL GLAND Gland of the skin that secretes an oily substance that waterproofs fur.

THYROID GLAND Internal secretion gland, very voluminous, It secretes hormones vital to the growth and metabolism.

GLAUCOMA Increased pressure iniraocular.

GLOVES White hind legs in a brown or bicolor cat, you finish above or below the Hock. See also mittens.

HEMATOMA Hint hazón of blood under the skin.

HEMATURIA Blood in the urine.

HYPERSENSITIVITY Immune response exaggerated to a foreign agent.

HYPOPHYSIS Gland main] internal secretion in the base of the brain that controls all the other hormone-producing glands, controlled in turn by the hipnlálamo (brain area).

HYPOGLYCEMIA decreased blood sugar.

HYSTEROOVARIECTOMY Removal of the uterus and ovaries; It is the usual female castration procedure.

ITIS Suffix meaning "inflammation"; for example, nephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys.

JAUNDICE Yellow pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes generally caused by liver disease.

HOCK Later half of the legs joint gap (an animal spatulas.

KITTEN CAP White cats have the dominant gene W', It hides other colors. The white puppies sometimes show a hint of the hidden color in a kitten cap of hair on the head, He disappears with age.

LAPAROTOMY Surgical opening of the abdominal cavity.

SHIRT LINES Dark farms that form the letter M in the front of the Gaul.

LIPOMA Benign tumor of fat, particularly common in old animals belonging to large breeds.

SYNOVIAL FLUID fluid that lubricates the joints.

MACROPHAGES Large reticulocondothelial cells that consume waste substances.

malabsorption Aléeción characterized by a poor intestinal absorption of ingested nutrients.

GHOST SPOTS Faded tabby markings that sometimes appear on the coat of non-agouti cats, normally in puppies.

MANX Tailless cat breed. The absence of tail is produced by a gene that causes problems lethal if it comes from both parents.

MARKING BY SMELL Cat marks its territory with its urine or the smell of the glands of the face, lips and ears.

BRANDS Bands of light and dark color on the hair.

MASK Dark lines extending from the outer corners of the eyes.

MEDALLION Small area of white hair on the chest of Brown cats, considered a defect in many breeds.

MANE Grassy black stools, similar to tar, It contains digested blood.


MENINGES Protective membranes which envelop the brain.

MISCEGENATION Process by which animals choose mates without human intervention. Also called free breeding.

METASTASIS Spread of cancer cells from their area of origin to other distant from the body parts.

MYELOGRAPHY Radiological examination of the spinal cord through the injection of a contrast (substance opaque toa x-ray),

FINGERLESS GLOVE White in the front legs of a mottled or bicolor cat which reaches the ankle.

MOSAIC The fur colours with spots randomly, in the turtle colors.

MUCOSA Membrane lining the visceras hollow body, such as the mouth and the small intestine.

MUCUS Lubricant secretion clear produced cocks mucous cells.

MUTATION Modification of a gene.

SPONTANEOUS MUTATION Genetic mutation that occurs in a natural way.

NECROSIS Cell death.

NEPHRITIS kidney inflammation.

NEOPLASIA A tumor character i can be benign or malignant tissue formation. See also tumor.

NEUMOTORAX Presence of air in the pleural cavity which causes the collapse of the lung.

I DID NOT AGAIN Any cat smooth color that does not have atigradas spots.

ODD-EYED (times with different colored eyes; in terms of race one blue and another Orange.

ORDER In biological classification, broad category of animals comprising one or more families. Its members show defining and ancestral characteristics. See also race, family, genus, species, subspecies

VOMERONASAL ORGAN Sensory organ located in the nasal cavity that analyzes smells and tastes. Also known as the organ of Jacobson.


PARESIS Incomplete paralysis.

PEDIGREE Genealogical evidence showing the relationship of the cat for several generations.

GUARD HAIR Hair long and roughness that protects the inner fur and serves as a waterproof layer. See also prolector hair, less hair.

HAIR LOWER Hair soft and insulated from the bottom layer.

HAIR PROTECTOR Bottom layer of bristle hair. Also see less hair, Guard hair.

PERIANAL Around the anus.

PERINEAL Concerning the area between the anus and genitals.

INCUBATION PERIOD Time elapsed between exposure to the agent responsible for the disease and the appearance of its clinical signs.

PERIODONTAL Around or near a tooth.

PERITONITIS Inflammation of the membrane lining the inside of the abdominal cavity.

FELINE INFECTIOUS PERITONITIS (PIF) viral disease, usually deadly, characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, jaundice and anemia.

PICA Desire of swallowing inedible and potentially harmful substances.

PIO– Prefix meaning "pus", as, for example, teratment (pus inside the uterus) opiódermia (purulent disease of the skin).

POLYDACTYLY Anomaly characterized by the presence of claws with more than five fingers.

POLYDIPSIA Excessive thirst.

POLYPHAGIA Excessive hunger.

POLYURIA Very abundant urine secretion.

DOTTED Pattern of the coat in which the color is limited to the ends of the head, the members and the tail, and the body is pale. Appreciated for the first time in the Siamese. It is also a genetic term to describe other less obvious dotted patterns. See also: mink, sepia.

RACE Visibly different from other strains of the same species animal lineage, produced by human intervention. See also family, genus, order, species, subspecies. Among breeders and exhibitors of cats has a wider sense.

FLEHMEN REFLECTION Conduct consisting of lifting the upper lip to a smell comes into contact with the vomeronasal organ. See also vomeronasal organ

REGISTRATION National or international authority, who makes decisions on breed recognition and standards and has documentation on pedigree breeds. Composed of constituent breeds clubs. CF. also CFA, FIFé, GCCF, TCA, TICA.

MAGNETIC RESONANCE (RM) Method of diagnosis for image showing detailed sections of internal anatomical structures, such as the joints and the brain; used especially in brain scans.

REX Any mutation that causes a curly coat. Also called rexing.

RUFOUSING Reddish shades of agouti parts of a coat, What gives a rich, warm tone. In the equine coat color silver is called tarnishing and usually regarded as a defect.

SEBORRHOEIC DERMATITIS Activity increased in the sebaceous glands.

SEPIA The color pattern of the fur where the darker colour is restricted to the ends of the head, members and tail, While the body takes a slightly paler shade. See also mink, dotted.

SILVERING Inhibition of the production of a part of the hair color, leaving a pale or white tone. See also smoked, shading, color tips.

LIMBIC SYSTEM Sunna of the brain (foot controls basic emotions, the feeling of hunger and zeal.

SOMBREDO Fur of silver, about half of its length. See also silvering, smoked, ele color tips.

SUBSPECIES Population geographically separated within a species that is different from the rest in some things, but which intersects with other subspecies where the lines overlap. See also race, family, genus, order, species.

TCA Sigla de Traditional Cats’ Association, registration of races was founded in 1987.

AVERSION THERAPY ‘Treatment of a behavior problem through the use of mild physical or mental discomfort.

THIRD EYELID Membrane that hides the inner corner of the eye of a cat and protects the eye blood for diseases and injuries.

TESTOSTERONE Male sexual hormone.

THROMBUS Blood clot inside a blood vessel.

TICA Acronym of the International Cat Association, founded log in 1979 and focused on genetics.

TYPE Characteristic body configuration and/or head shape of a breed or group of breeds.

TRASUDADO Fluid passing through a noninflamed membrane or oozing from tissue.

PALLIATIVE TREATMENT ‘Treatment that alleviates discomfort, but cjue does not cure permanently.

TUMOR I bullo or prominence produced by the multiplication of cells, It may be benign or malignant. See also neoplasm,

BENIGN TUMOR ‘Localized tumor that does not expand.

MALIGNANT TUMOR Tumor that has the ability to invade surrounding tissues or to spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic or blood circulation, for example the lungs or the liver.

ULCER The surface of a tissue injury, with loss of substance, resulting from injury or disease.

UNIFORM Single-color coat. See also not agouti.

UREMIA Accumulation of waste substances in the blood as a result of kidney failure.

UROLITO Calculus in urinary bladder.

FELINE IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (VIF) Variant of HIV weakens the logical immune system and causes death. Spreads between cats but not to humans or other animals.

FELINE LEUKEMIA VIRUS (FELV) Virus that affects the lymphatic system, by inhibiting the immunity against the disease.

mink Combination of sepia and dotted patterns, with the hair color and moderate stippling. Characteristic pattern of the Tonkinese breed.

ZOONOSES Communicable diseases between animals and humans.

Via: Cats,. Dr. Bruce Fogle

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