▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Life expectancy of the breeds of dogs.

This graph only serves to make us a rough idea, and it is one further demonstration of our commitment to compare the different animal species with the "homo sapiens"" (the human being).

THE HOPE OF LIFE IN DOGS – How long will my dog ​​last?

We all want our dogs to live as long as possible, but the fact in question is that, on average, certain breeds of dogs live longer than others. This could be a consideration when choosing a dog breed and therefore, useful information to know in advance.

The average life of a dog is of 12,8 years. This is a large increase in life expectancy in recent 100 years is attributable to better food and better health.
Within this average of 12,8 years for all the dogs there is a general information, larger dogs live less than smaller dogs. This is due to the fact that the bodies of larger dogs have to work harder (they are more stressed) as the bodies of most small dogs. Having said that, the life expectancy of any dog is also determined by the tensions in their lives (both physical and psychological), what you eat and the well which is it cares.


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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Jesse, Jack Russell that makes the household chores

Jesse is a Jack Russell very special you can do, literally, all the household chores, even tea cups, making dinner and fold bath towels.

Jesse is a dog of endless energy and insatiable curiosity.. They require a constant training, consistent and patient that enables them to stimulate his acute intelligence.

To the Jack Russell has been used them successfully as actors, fact that has earned them to win popular sympathy because they are dogs with a charisma difficult to match.

Your videos in YouTube they involve more than 10 million visits

Jesse behavior is attributed to the positive reinforcement.


youtube.com/watch?v = PztO-OvzRyg&hd=1

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Does canine telepathy exist??



Can dogs read our minds? ¿Cómo aprenden a pedir comida o se comportan mal sobre todo cuando no les miramos? Según Monique Udell y su equipo, the University of Florida, the way in which dogs come to respond to the level of people's attention tells us something about how dogs think and learn about human behavior.

His research, published in the journal Learning & Behaviour, sugiere que todo se debe a una combinación de señales específicas, context and experience. Recent work has identified a remarkable range of social behaviors similar to humans in domestic dogs, including its ability to respond to human body language, verbal orders, and the States of attention.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Dog gives the bottle orphan lambs

Jess, UNS Sprinter Spaniel chocolate, She was trained to help puppies.

The dog “Pastor” it's not called that on a whim. Normally helps herding the herd, to ward off vermin that may cause irreparable damage and, in cases such as the following, It gives up the bottle to the Lamb.

It is a Springer Spaniel's 10 years of age called Jess. The dog was trained in such a way that it is capable of feeding the sheep as if it were a human being.

Its owner, Louise Moorhouse, a Dartmoor farmer, England, confessed that the Spaniel He was trained to assist the orphaned lambs. This is how he came to give them milk with a bottle.

Moorhouse said: “Jess has lived with sheep and lambs all her life and is not afraid of any kind of animal.. Sometimes she looks at me as if to say that she is fed up with this, But I know that he loves to do it because if he didn't, he would refuse.”.

Source: 24with

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Are dogs really dumb?

Without trivializing too much the mournful tragedy of Sisyphus, I leave here two videos that I found surfing the net, in which two dogs emulate the misfortune of the myth.
I hope that apart from taking a few smiles, Let us think a little.

In hell, Sísifo fue obligado a empujar una piedra enorme cuesta arriba por una ladera empinada, but before that it reached the top of the Hill the stone always rolled down, y Sísifo tenía que empezar de nuevo desde el principio.
The reason for this punishment is not mentioned by Homer, and it is dark (Some suggest that it is a part of Minos ironic punishment: Sísifo no quería morir y nunca morirá, but in exchange for a high price, and he will not rest in peace to pay for it).
Según algunos, había revelado los designios de los dioses a los mortales. According to others, It was due to his habit of attacking and killing travelers. También se dice que aún después de viejo y ciego seguiría con su castigo.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

A yorkshire terrier's 100 grams can become the dog the world smaller

This miniature dog has his sights set on a big title: Be the smallest dog in the world and be recorded as such in the Guinness Book of the Records.

Suni, the small Yorkshire Terrier, weighed only 45 g at birth, and three months later it measured only 6 height cm, It was smaller than the mobile phone of its owner.

While Sunni has gained weight since then, still a tiny dog, now weighs 100 g.
Veterinary from Jarocin, Poland, do not believe that it comes to weigh much more.

It is not much higher than a bottle of Nail Polish. For something is the smallest dog in the world.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

The most intelligent dog in the world recognizes more than a thousand words

A Border collie de seis años ha tardado tres en memorizar conceptos como mariposa, Monster or zombie.
Border Collie
Border collie six years called Chaser

The most intelligent dog in the world recognizes more than a thousand words.
The most intelligent dog in the world recognizes more than a thousand objects and the words that relate to each. Se trata de una hembra de border collie de seis años llamada Chaser.

Los psicólogos Alliston Reid and John Pilley, Wofford College, in South Carolina, han trabajado con Chaser durante tres años. The animal was four to five hours daily training. Reid y Pilley formaban al azar grupos de 20 juguetes y nombraban uno para que Chaser lo sacara del montón. The dog made a total of 838 tests over three years and always hit a minimum of 18 objects of each score.

"We do not want to say that dogs can learn a language in the same way that children, but they are capable of learning many more words than one might think», said Professor Reid to New Scientist magazine.

The vocabulario de Chaser includes, among other voices, Pillow, amphibious, Kangaroo, tentacle, pyramid, Snake, Butterfly, Monster and zombie, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail.

Another dog of the same race, Rico, perteneciente al Max Planck Institute de Alemania, He held the record for most memorized words with 200. Chaser's memory retention exceeds, even, los alcances cognitivos del famoso loro Alex, who could identify objects, numbers, colors and shapes, as well as distinguish between "big" and "small", "same" and "different". Alex was saying goodbye to his friend and teacher Irene Pepperberg with a sweet "Will you come tomorrow?"?».

The Dog Who Knows 1,000 Words | CUTE ANIMALS (Episode 5)


▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

A researcher tracks Tenerife dog

A family Canary posing with copies of this breed of dog that was originally called Tenerife
A family Canary posing with copies of this breed of dog that was originally called Tenerife

Some French were exemplary of the island in the years 20 and they called the race, unique in the world, bichon frise

The American researcher Matthew Sell follow the trail in Tenerife of an endemic breed of dog from the island who was so famous that it became almost everyone and was coveted by Kings and nobles. Although during the last century, it bore the name of Tenerife, the French, its largest exporter during the period, they changed it and put bichon frise. The history of this pet is little known in the Canary Islands, unless someone related to the canine world. Showing its origin is virtually impossible, but the expert knows that after the two world wars – between the decade of the years 20 and 50– several specimens were taken to France to recover the species in the Gallic country.

The group that helps Matthew Sell, among which is the Professor of the Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) Ulysses Martin, want to know who these people were. The objective is to “trace the recent history of the bichon frise, It then disappeared from the island”. Veterinarians, as explained by the Canarian expert, they only register this type of breeds in the Peninsula, While there are no breeders in Tenerife. Somehow, This dog was recognized in Europe and “We do not know what adventures had in the Canary Islands”. “What we know is that around 1924 and 1950 they were exported to France”, indicates Martin.
The main lines and the best standards of this breed today descend from the bichons that were sent from Tenerife.. “We would like to find those people who were able to raise or care for this dog on the Island, because today nobody knows the bichon and those that exist have come from the Peninsula”, ensures the ULL expert.

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