▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

A labrador prevented a baby died drowned

The dog of the miracle

With his howls, alerted the parents of the boy's fall into a pool. They rescued in time.

The barking of a dog Labrador race allowed help rescuing a baby from 2 years that he had fallen into a pool in a house in the Buenos Aires city of Bahía Blanca.

The fact occurred on the afternoon of Sunday, When the child of 2 years and 5 months he was in the patio of a house located on Bermúdez street to the 3400 The national neighborhood, each 40 blocks away from the city centre.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Buttons and Kitty: Gata and rescued a bitch that believe themselves to be “Sisters”.

Two puppies, Kitty cat and Buttons a bitch Jack Russell, inseparable friends share the day to day in their home "Battersea Cats and Dogs Home” a UK animal rescue center.

Daily Mail, the British newspaper published this news accompanied by a series of photos that we convey the love between Buttons and Kitty, do not separate a moment! They eat, they play and sleep together… They are divine and inseparable.

The truth is that their small past of "abandonment" unites them in a special way, Buttons, She was evicted by her mother for being the smallest puppy of the herd, Buttons' mother –in turn- It was delivered to the Center by the owner when she found out that she was expecting eight puppies..., couldn't take care of it and abandoned her at Battersea Cats and Dogs Home; Kitty, for its part, doesn't have a better story..., to the days of being born Buttons, This pequenina appeared wandering through the gardens of the Welcome Centre, and according to experts, he was barely two days old.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

“Nero”, the French bulldog walking on wheels

french bulldog

The wheels allow the French bulldog to move with total autonomy after being disabled by a herniated disc. OSCAR VAZQUEZ

The vet recommended sacrifice after a herniated disc, but the owners of the Vigo can would not

There is a dog in Vigo (Pontevedra) going on wheels. It's called Nero and suffering paralysis in his back legs. It was a french bulldog very uneasy that it always pulling their owners when they drew it walking down the street. But one day he suffered a herniated disc that damaged his spinal cord.. The poor animal was bedridden and unable to move because he lost sensitivity in the back. The vet told the owners there was nothing to do. Sacrificing it was an option, but they, a family residing in the Centre of Vigo, he refused to end his life.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

The dog Lukanikos, one of those people’ of the year for ‘Time’

The Greek dog has not missed a protest since the beginning of the crisis and is the 'terror’ of the riot

Lukanikos, the dog 'person of the year’ Time Time magazine

Barcelona. (Drafting).- In the special number magazine Time to the person of the yearor, to this occasiondedicated to The demonstrator, There is a profile that stands out: among the protagonists of the Arab spring, of occupy Wall Street or the 15 m has crept the of thedog Lukanikos.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Firefighters revived a dog smothered in a fire in Texas

ARLINGTON, Texas. A bitch, in North Texas, This morning you are recovering after the firefighters rescued it from a fire in your home.

Arlington firefighters found to Leah, that's the name of the dog, After putting out a fire on Sunday. The dog was literally dead. Over the course of an hour they gave her five bottles of oxygen in an attempt to revive her..
Their hard work paid off and Leah raised his head and looked at his rescuers.

A veterinarian says that Leah will recover completely.

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Naki'o, a dog of mixed breed with a prosthesis in each of its legs

Naki'o, a dog of mixed breed who lost four legs freeze when it was abandoned as a puppy in a House mortgaged in Colorado Springs. Naki'o is also the first dog to receive four prosthetics for its legs.

Naki'o he is running with their prostheses
Naki'o running with his prosthetics

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

A dog, the Welsh Corgi race, survives a snow avalanche and appears four days later at a Montana motel (USA)

Raza Corgi galés
Welsh CORGI called Ole - Photo by Natasha Baydakova, AP

A dog that was feared to have died after being swept away by an avalanche of snow and who killed his owner, appeared four days later at a Montana motel, where their owners had spent the night before going skiing off-piste.

Members of a rescue team assumed the dog had been buried by the snow avalanche after a meticulous search without finding any sign to the contrary..

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

A dog dragged the body of teammate killed by an outrage and mounts guard for one week next to his corpse.

The dog continues to protect the body of his deceased friend died a week after the accident.
Witnesses say that the animal dragged the body to a safe distance from the edge of the road
The dog continues to wake your friend, Unable to accept death
Local residents may not tempt it so you leave the body of his friend

They are the harrowing images of a dog that has lost his best friend.

for seven days, the animal has rode guard next to the body of your partner, you don't want to accept the death of his partner after it was hit by a car.

The dog dragged the body of your partner away from the edge of the road on the outskirts of Filippovka, in the Perm region (Russia), refusing to leave the area since.

In its place, time passes by tapping with your feet to the inert body and giving your own body heat, waiting for a miracle that will never.

People passing by the scene can hear the howling of the dog, not being able to suppress many of them tears.

Locals offer you food and drink waiting for dog complete with his particular duel, but no avail.

Witnesses described the dogs as “Romeo and Juliet”, and have made attempts to give a decent burial to the animal.
But when they try to tempt the dog, He does not move, and does not allow that no one approach to less than ten meters from your partner.

A resident said: “It is very sad. Do not leave that no one approach to it and meanwhile still trying to give his own body heat.”

It is not known what happened to the dog – the video was posted ten days ago and new updates have been hard to find.

We hope you had a happy ending.

Many peasants, sensitized for the loyalty of the animal, they have committed to adopt the dog when his lonely vigil comes to an end.



Via: dailymail