▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
The Soviet perro-bomba during the second world war
Dogs have been used in war since ancient times., and the Soviet Union had approved its use for the military during a series of less destructive tasks since 1924. Was not up 1930, However, that the idea of use to the dogs as mobile mines gained interest, and with it the explosive devices adapted to our four-legged friends. In 1935, the Red Army unveiled its first anti-tank division formed by dogs.
The dogs were trained to carry boxes or bags of explosives subject by means of a harness on his back. Were initially instructed them to pursue a static goal, The idea was to pull a rope, with the help of his teeth, in order to rid the lethal cargo. The explosive charge was triggered by a timer, so the dog's life depended on the ability and speed it had to pull the cord in time..
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
A dog tries to revive her best friend, for six hours in the middle of a road
This story happened in Zhangzhou, in china of Fujian province, where a stray dog remained six hours caring for and trying to do react the body of his companion, which died after being hit by a car.
During that time, noble dog only moved a few metres to dodge the cars that passed by the place. When tired, slept next to her and on several occasions the lamia face.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Emotional reunion for a woman and his lost dog talk
Silvina Rueda had lost Pedro, a Mongrel dog's advanced age adopted does 2 and a half years, after he was rescued from a house where he was abandoned to his fate. At that time it was salty, it had an infected wound on its back and its former owners even shot it to death and literally "get it out of the way".
Achieve a so old dog, almost no teeth, recovers, required a huge effort.
For this reason, When does 15 days Silvana returned to her house in Lamadrid 400 and found the gate open I couldn't believe it. Pedro had escaped.
After two weeks of intense searching, a pair of mascoteros found him in the La Carrindanga road, a few meters from the sesquicentennial road bridge, with a leg wound, among other signs that he had not had a very good time.
When he received the call by phone Silvina was to search for it in the car, loaded it and on the way to the veterinary medicine, start an amazing conversation with your friend. It asks what happened and the dog seems to reply to you telling her ordeal and the suffering that had.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Dog saves his puppies of fire leading to firefighters
Photo: Soychile.CL
“Amanda” braved the fire to catch her puppies in her jaws and move them, one by one, a chariot of fire to keep them safe.
A little dog has caused astonishment and admiration in the Chilean city of Temuco by saving her five puppies, only ten days old, from a fire., whom he rescued one by one from the flames and transferred them to a fire truck that was fighting the fire.
The press of that town, to 672 kilometers to the South of Santiago, stands out today as the "heroine" to the bitch "Amanda", one of whose puppies suffered burns and is in serious condition in a veterinary clinic in the city.
The episode occurred during the Thursday afternoon, When fire hit a house in the neighborhood Santa Rosa, whose owner, Omar Torres, He also suffered some Burns while trying to rescue some belongings and he was admitted in the Temuco Regional Hospital.
While firefighters fought the flames, "Amanda" braved the fire to catch her puppies in its jaws and move them, one by one, a chariot of fire to keep them safe.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Ciccio, the dog who waits daily in the Church for its dead owner
The dog had been rescued from the street and adopted by María Lochi, He died two months ago. Since then, He waits for her daily in the temple where she attended, the Church of Mary Assunta, in the town of San Donaci, in Puglia.
Ciccio, a German Shepherd's 12 years every day he goes to the church his owner used to go to, He died two months ago, and stays there for several hours waiting for her to return.
The place is the Church of María Asunta, in the town of San Donaci in Puglia. The dog continues to visit the place, waiting for the return of his mistress. «He barely hears the bells or sees the hearse arrive, "The dog enters and follows the coffin as if the owner could be resurrected.", said a witness to the Il Messaggero newspaper.
Ciccio was a dog that was in the street until the deceased woman, Maria Lochi, rescued him and adopted. «The whole town protects him, feeds and caresses him as an emblem of fidelity.", added the witness. The strange behavior of the animal made that the cure of the workplace napping an exclusive space in the parish so that he can be quiet.
Source: antena3
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
The second chance of a stray dog mistreated and abandoned.
An Abused street dogs second chance - Ralph's rescue and rehab. #dogrescue
Ralph spent his days living in a garbage heap after his former owner neglected him and subjected him to all kinds of abuse before abandoning him..
Despite the aggressive acts towards their rescuers, Ralph ends up revealing his true identity.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Jack Russell spent 7 days trapped under 45 tons of rocks
The dog in the photo is called Jessie, is one Jack Russell for four years he spent a week trapped bass 45 tons of rock, After falling by a crack of 11 depth meters.
It was a Saturday, When Mr Steve Porter (owner of Jessie), He was with his dog to hunt rabbits, commonplace in the routine of Steve and Jessie. They were hunting on Mount Beckworth, between Clunes and Waubra, when Jessie ran out to a cat… Something that didn't catch Steve's attention at all, since she knew the area well and the dog always ran away animals she found in the field.
He did not return immediately, but that was not something unusual, but after a while he began to hear howls of despair of Jessie, and then, knew that he was in trouble. Yes, had fallen through a crack 11 meters deep, being buried by a pile of rocks that prevented it from leaving on its own foot...
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Rescued a dog that got lost a week ago in a ski resort in Australia
A dog rescued after wandering between the snow for a week.
He had disappeared near a dam at the base of a mountain. A few skiers found him at the top, to more than 18 miles away.
He was very skinny and his paws were raw from walking through the snow for several days..
One of the skiers got in touch with the owner with a plate. The dog was wearing a GPS Beacon on its neck that had stopped working.
The lucky dog is called Stripes. The son of the owner was so happy to see it again. Unfortunately there were others 2 dogs that disappeared the same day (they were hunting dogs) and it seems that they have not had the same fortune that Stripes.