Also known as green vine snake. It is a thin green tree snake. It is a non-venomous snake, but shows aggressive behavior when she feels threatened. This photo was taken in Tadyandermol, Coorg, India. – Chinmayisk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Snakes as pets
All information about the possession of snakes.
The Snakes, like all reptiles, have very high demands on their living environment. There are thousands of species of snakes that differ visually, but also in their needs: There are venomous and non-venomous snakes, small and large snakes, snakes with much or less desire to move… and no matter how different the animals are, their needs are also very special.
Snakes have special requirements for their feeding and habitat.
Among the most popular snakes that are kept as "pets" are giant snakes such as the Boa constrictor waves Pythons, but also the Snakes non-poisonous. But, Venomous snakes are also very popular among pet owners. How snakes are found in very different regions of the world, depending on the species, have specific requirements for their habitat.
It is said that the corn snakes they are especially suitable for beginners because they are not poisonous. The corn snake's range extends along the U.S. East Coast., from New York State to the Florida Keys; according to different climatic and geographical conditions, these snakes feel comfortable in very different habitats. These reptiles can live at sea level, but also at heights higher than 750 m. Its range extends across different climatic zones, so corn snakes can be found in deciduous and wet summer coniferous forests, in thickets and grasslands and in wetlands.
The corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus) are nocturnal and twilight, but sometimes they like to sunbathe. The corn snake spends most of its life hidden under the leaves, the mulch of the bark, rocks and on tree trunks and rocks. Reptiles are good climbers and often roam the high branches in search of food.. Although corn snakes can swim well, avoid water if possible. In colder regions, corn snakes often go into hibernation; often hundreds of animals gather in suitable places to hibernate together.
Although corn snakes belong to smaller snakes, they come to measure between 120 and 150, and in exceptional cases up to 180 centimeters. So, in commercial terrariums, these intelligent reptiles have too little room to pursue their natural instincts. In the wild, climbing animals move even through trees in search of food in the form of small mammals, amphibians, birds and eggs.
Giant snakes as a status symbol
The Boa constrictor, also known as Royal Boa or Snake abgot, lives in rainforests, thickets and semi-deserts, always close to water. Its natural habitat extends from northern Mexico., passing through all of Central and South America, to Argentina. The royal boa is one of the smallest giant snakes, but can reach a body length of up to 4,5 m. In the wild, the Royal Boas climb trees and glide through nature more than 1,5 kilometers per hour in search of food. Reptiles are also very good swimmers, but mostly avoid contact with water. In the wild, their diet consists mainly of mice, small birds, lizards and frogs; as real snakes grow, they also feed on larger mammals, as rodents, smaller monkeys, opossums, bats and even wild boars.
The Pythons live in tropical habitats; there they inhabit tropical forests, deserts, steppes, savannahs and dry forests, as well as in swamps. Animals are adapted to the high humidity of the 75 to the 100% of tropical regions. During the day, pythons hide in hollow trees, in the holes in the ground, under the boards and stones and between the cracks. In the settlements, snakes usually hide in barns and sheds. The Pythons they hunt birds, mammals and reptiles in the wild: while the small ones feed mainly on smaller birds, mice, rats and lizards, the big ones come to prey on gazelles, deer, young buffalo and crocodiles. Snakes usually drink water with their mouths almost closed through a small opening in the front of the jaws.. Most snakes' water needs are met through their feeding, but they can also absorb water through your skin.
The Boas and Pythons need several days to digest larger prey. So, in the nature, sometimes they only eat every two to four weeks. If snakes are kept in captivity, food also leads to huge animal welfare issues. Often so-called frozen foods are used, that is to say, small animals such as mice or rats (sometimes still babies), that are "produced" in cruel conditions in mass breeding. Unsellable animals from the pet trade are also often killed for this purpose.. [Other pet owners put small live animals in the terrarium: pure fear of the death of hamsters, mice and rats. It also happens that snakes are bitten or gnawed by "food animals" who struggle desperately when small animals have been hungry for a long time..
Giant snakes are often delivered to animal shelters and rescue centers when they are too large for their owners.. But, it is difficult to locate the animals.
Venomous snakes as pets
Possession of poisonous animals, for example several species of venomous snakes, it is already banned in many countries. In other countries, there is no regulation restricting or prohibiting the possession of poisonous animals.
All over the world there are 400 different species of venomous snakes, who have specific requirements regarding their habitat and feeding. People who keep venomous snakes in captivity not only expose themselves and their environment to enormous risk., they also ignore the very specific needs of different animals..
snakes as breeding and trading "pets" are never a good idea.
Many exotic animals are sold as "pets". Sellers are only interested in profit when it comes to reptiles and other animals; this can be seen, for example, at reptile fairs: there exotics are offered at a low price in small plastic boxes and often end up being impulsive purchases of uninformed people. In these fairs, reptiles, amphibians, insects and exotic mammals suffer from the stress and proximity of humans: In some cases, animals are mortally frightened just by looking at a human.
Countless reptiles, including snakes that are kept as "pets", are taken from their natural habitat as wild-caught specimens and are often shipped around the world in conditions that violate animal welfare.. Up the 70% of sensitive reptiles die from stress, lack of care or transportation-related injuries before arriving at the store.
In captivity, many reptiles often display striking or even stereotyped behavior that indicates fear and/or stress.. This includes, for example, constantly "climbing" the glass walls of the terrarium, because in nature there are no transparent edges. In the vast majority of cases, reptiles do not manifest discomfort, illness and pain: Animals suffer in silence. If the owners do not recognize the diseases, treatments are started too late or there is no competent reptile veterinarian nearby, many of them die prematurely. According to a veterinary study of cases of deceased reptiles, the 51% of the animals examined suffered from diseases caused by poor breeding: If temperatures and humidity are not optimal or if terrariums are not properly cleaned, yeast infections may occur. Parasites are also widespread in reptiles. But, reptiles can also live to a very old age, which is why, if they do not die because of the serious breeding errors that usually occur, they lead a sad existence in small terrariums for decades: Simply, it is not possible to provide a natural environment that meets the specific needs of animals.
Many caregivers quickly feel overwhelmed or bored by animals., for example, because they grow too much, the veterinarian or equipment is too expensive, or because the animals are nocturnal or rather inactive and do not provide the desired "entertainment". Thus, many snakes and other reptiles are abandoned or handed over to already overcrowded animal shelters and rescue centers.
Snake outbreaks cause panic over and over again
Reptile outbreaks occur again and again. Especially in the summer months, when animals are more active, these incidents are more frequent. Either surprised passers-by find the escaped animals or the owners desperately search for their flatmates.. If the missing reptiles are poisonous, the media uproar is usually especially big. The press reports almost regularly on escaped exotic animals. Most animal species cannot survive long in our latitudes. But, a few species succeed and become a threat to native animals.
Snakes as "pets": danger to humans and animals
Not only venomous and strangling snakes pose a danger to their owners, but that contact with all reptiles poses a risk to the health of humans: Up the 90% of reptiles living in captivity are carriers of salmonellosis. Although pathogens are not usually harmful to animals, transmission to humans can have serious consequences; the salmonella may cause meningitis, blood poisoning and even death. Other pathogens dangerous to humans, including other bacteria, but also viruses and fungi- they can also be transmitted from reptiles to humans. In recent years, the proportion of animal diseases has increased considerably; the 72% of these zoonoses can be traced back to contact with wild animals.
What you can do
Please, don't support the trade in exotic animals like snakes. If you really have extensive knowledge about a species of snake and the possibility of keeping it as close as possible to the needs of animals, contact animal shelters and rescue centers.
Please, don't visit reptile fairs: in them not only animals suffer, but visitors are exposed to health risks.
Please, sign our petition to ban it Terraristika, the largest reptile fair in the world.
Origin: Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, Suriname, French Guiana, the brazilian amazon, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia Gender: Corallus Life expectancy: 20 years in captivity Length: 1,5 - 2 m
The Amazon tree boa it is a popular pet with snake fanciers and is a fairly common export in the snake trade.
Origin: South America Gender: Boa Life expectancy: 20 - 40 years Length: 2 - 3 m
In some countries, the possession of the Boa constrictor is regulated by the regulations on the possession of so-called “potentially dangerous animals”
Origin: Papua New Guinea, Irian Jaya, Indonesian, the Moluccas, the bismarck archipelago, the Solomon Islands and the Tokelau Islands. Gender: Candoia Life expectancy: 20 years Length: 60 to 90 cm.
The New Guinea ground boa it is mainly nocturnal and moves on the ground and is only occasionally found in trees.
Origin: Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesian, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam Gender: Dendrelaphis Life expectancy: 15 - 20 years Length: 120 cm.
The Painted bronzeback It is the most common type of snakes of the genus Dendrelaphis. Active during the day, usually wanders
Origin: United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Belice, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica Gender: Thamnophis Life expectancy: 15 years Length: 45 - 90 cm.
This species has a calm character. When the Checkered garter snake feels threatened, usually flees.
(Thamnophis marcianus marcianus) from Hidalgo County,
Origin: Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesian, Viet Nam, South China and Taiwan Gender: Hypsiscopus Life expectancy: 15 years Length: 72 cm.
The Rice paddy snake, mostly nocturnal, comes out at night to hunt fish and amphibians.
Origin: China, Myanmar, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, west malaysia, la isla de Penang, the island of singapore, East Malaysia, Indonesian, Philippines Gender: Xenopeltis Life expectancy: 20 years Length: 1 m
The Sunbeam snake They are constrictors and kill their prey by suffocating them in their muscular coils..
Origin: Cambodia, Indonesian (Bangka, Belitung, Borneo, Java, Riau archipelago, Sulawesi, Sumatra), Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam Gender: Boiga Life expectancy: 12 years Length: 180 - 210 cm.
The toxin of the Mangrove snake, call denmotoxina, it is especially useful for hunting its main prey, birds.