▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
The processionary moth and dogs.
The well-known pine Caterpillar procesionaria cone lives in pine forests. The butterfly leaves its eggs there in the upper part of the tree and after a month the larvae begin to feed and make their nests.. When the temperature exceeds the 10 degrees down to the ground by the trunk of the tree, always in a row one after another (in procession).
When dogs see this row that moves draws them attention, When the dog plays or sucks the Caterpillar occurs the infection.
The caterpillars are surrounded by a stinging hair, When the dog the plays nail you these hairs in the skin acting as a Harpoon, These hairs contain a toxic in contact with skin causes the release of histamine and consequently the allergic reaction.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Ranking of dogs affected by hip dysplasia
The Hip Dysplasia It consists of a defective development of the articulation between the hip and femur, usually due to genetic causes, common in medium and large size dogs.
No one can predict when or even if a dysplastic dog will start showing clinical signs of lameness due to pain.. There are multiple environmental factors such as calorie intake, level of exercise, and age that may affect the severity of clinical symptoms and phenotypic expression (radiographic changes). There is a significant number of dysplastic dogs with severe arthritis You can run, jumping and playing as if nothing were the matter and some dogs with little radiographic arthritic change who are very sore and lame.
The most affected dog breeds database by the Hip Dysplasia was getting at least 100 assessments in every race since January 1974 until December of 2010 (some breeds of cats appear in the list).
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Ranking of dogs affected by congenital heart disease
The Congenital heart disease in the dogs they are malformations of the heart or great vessels. Lesions that characterize congenital heart defects present at birth and may further develop during the perinatal period and growth.
Many birth defects of the heart, It is believed, they are transmitted genetically from parents to children, However, the exact modes of inheritance has not been determined accurately for all cardiovascular malformations.
This list was created taking into account the races, As minimum, obtained 50 evaluations since January 1974 until December of 2010.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Leihmaniosis in dogs
Comes the good weather and rising temperatures, two factors bring with them, among other things, the increase in the incidence of a disease with high impact health in our pets, that it is a Zoonoses It can be transmitted to man. We are talking of the Leihmaniosis.
The Leihmaniosis is very present in the South of Europe, especially in the Mediterranean basin, a highly endemic area, although there is also a lot of casuistry in South America. In all it is estimated that you there are around 2,5 millions of dogs infected in the endemic area of Europe, Although there are also cases of dogs infected in areas not frequent, that they have been able to be infected in trips to such areas.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
How to shower a dog
Tips to keep your pet clean and healthy
Hygiene is so important to people for dogs. It is not just a question of appearance, but also a matter of health.
It is important to shower a dog at least once a week or every fortnight. To wash them is important to perform a series of steps in an orderly manner. First it is recommended that you brush the animal, and that if not removed those tangles not only prevents optimal lavage, but also important knots that are difficult to disentangle.
Then it is good to use a suitable shampoo. When rub them you have to do it differently, Depending on whether the animal has long or short hair. And wash once, It is advisable to dry very well to prevent diseases and then use conditioner to moisturize the hair of the dog. A small brushing, our mascot will be perfect.
Via: lasprovincias
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Filariasis or heart worm
What is filariasis?
The heartworm (also known as filariasis or heart worm disease) is one parasitic disease of wide distribution in Spain and that mainly affects the canids and more specifically our dog.
The disease is caused by adult worms of the family of the Nematodes and gender Dirofilaria.
Is transmitted by mosquito bite and it consists of the presence of worms that lodge in the heart and lungs of the dog, being able to get to cause heart failure and death.
How is filariasis transmitted?
The mosquito transmits the parasite (called filaria or heart worm) of one sick dog to another healthy. The adult of filaria released larvae in an infected dog (microfilariae) straight into your bloodstream.
Mosquito ingests these microfilariae alongside blood and inside they develop into infective forms, It will stay in your oral cavity until it returns to feed.
The mosquito transmits the parasite larvae When bites a healthy animal. They begin their journey to your location
definitive where they will reach the adult form and begin to reproduce thus beginning a new life cycle.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
More than one 85% Spaniards prefer the car to travel with your pet
But, not all owners carry yours with the correct restraint systems
The Andalusian, Madrid and Valencia, the most traveling with your pet
On the occasion of Easter are many travelers who carry with your pet for her also enjoy the holidays. In this situation the comparator Acierto.com He wanted to analyze. Yes, because, what is the preferred means of transport? Do we carry them correctly in the car? The latest report of the entity answers these and other questions.
Like this, analysis reveals that more than one 85% Spaniards prefer the car to travel with your pet against other means of transport such as train or plane, whose followers are reduced to 11,4% and to the 3% . A point in which the ignorance of the users and the restrictions of the transport companies themselves take on special relevance. In fact, Renfe own limited service pets less than 10 kg. In the case of long distance trains, In addition, you need to buy a ticket for them.
The limitations established by the airlines are similar, although they vary enormously according to the entity. However, Obtaining documents and permits in accordance with the legislation of the country of destination can condition the trip. For buses, most limit their transfer to the trunk.
Andalusians, Basques and Madrileños, the most traveling with your pet
Regarding those who travel the most with their pet, analysis shows differences between geographical areas. In particular, Andalusians are those who do more often, in a 74% occasions. They are followed by the Basques and Madrileños, with a 73%. On the opposite side we find the pet owners of Galicia and Castilla y León, that only they carry with them the 51% of the times. The Catalans do in the 55% travel.
The 32% of pets, loose
Unfortunately, The report also reveals that Hit 1 of each 4 drivers have been distracted by their pet behind the wheel. Specifically are males aged 18 and 24 years who suffer most from these distractions. The blame, of course, it is not our animals: to 32% of those who have a pet let it loose inside the passenger compartment.
Something that poses a serious danger to the safety of the members of the vehicle and the animal itself. Now well, only 4% supports always do, while the 28% remaining point to it only acting this way occasionally. As for sex, Men wear loose their pets more often; in particular, a 23% more than women.
The figures take on even more importance if we take into account that more than half of these drivers -specifically, 59.4%– have children. Unfortunately, the combination of a child and a loose animal in the rear seats could increase the risk of being neglected while driving and, Therefore, of being immersed in an accident.
«La forma más recomendable de transportar a nuestra mascota en coche es hacerlo en el asiento trasero, combinando el transportín con la rejilla divisoria», remember Carlos Brueggeman, cofounder of Acierto.com. «No obstante, the current General Circulation Regulations do not explicitly include how pets should travel, sino que indica que tanto los objetos como los animales transportados deberán estar colocados adecuadamente para no interferir con el conductor», impacts.
It also, we can not forget that, If a frontal collision occurs, deceleration causes the weight of this (in this case, our mascot), multiply sign 20 or 30. «Es decir, in a crash of this type 50 kilometres per hour, a dog of 10 kilos would mean a collision mass of about 200 or 300 kg. Algo que podría ocasionar unos daños más graves de lo que a priori podríamos pensar», explica Bruggeman.
The expert also points to possible injuries of animals as, as a rule, las aseguradoras no los consideran como «ocupantes del vehículo». But, There are specific policies to cover the expenses of the veterinarian and that even contemplate compensation for accident or death.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
The Disadvantages of Painting Your Pets' Nails
The Disadvantages of Painting Your Pets' Nails: A Questionable Practice
Painting pet nails can seem like an adorable and fun trend, But behind the aesthetics there are a series of drawbacks that can negatively affect the health and well-being of the animals.. Next, Some of the main points to consider are highlighted:
Enamel Toxicity: Most human nail polishes contain toxic chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene and phthalates. These substances can be harmful to the health of pets., as they can cause irritation to the paws and, in some cases, be ingested during grooming.
Allergic Reactions and Dermatitis: Pets, having more sensitive skin than humans, They are prone to developing allergic reactions and dermatitis due to contact with the chemicals present in nail polishes.. This can result in itching, redness and discomfort for the animal.
Ingestion of Harmful Substances: Pets tend to lick and bite their paws. If they have painted nails, there is a risk of ingesting the chemicals in the polish, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems and poisoning.
Mobility Difficulties: Nails are an essential part of pets' mobility and balance.. Painting can make your nails more slippery., which could negatively affect your ability to walk, run and play properly.
Stigmatization and Stress: Pets may feel uncomfortable or stressed having their nails painted.. They may experience anxiety due to the unusual sensation in their paws., what affects your emotional well-being.
Cuticle and Paw Damage: Frequent application and removal of polish can damage the nail cuticle, causing nails to become brittle and brittle. It also, the enamel cleaning process can result in injury if not done carefully.
In conclusion, although painting pet nails may seem like a fun trend, It is essential to consider the possible risks and adverse effects that it may have on the health and well-being of animals.. Instead of focusing on aesthetic aspects, It is advisable to prioritize responsible pet care, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for their development.