▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

50 curiosities about cats


What you should know about your cat

If cats not soon come into contact with humans they may not be pets and grow as wild cats recelando us.
At five months a cat is an adult and self-sufficient. In the year, all the senses, muscular strength and physical coordination are fully developed.

Cat world is a treasure trove of curiosities, here we present 50 of them.
Insurance to more than one will be unknown, others you will be curious and some fascinating.

1. If a cat lame you hands, the face or hair, take it as a great compliment: he's grooming you like one of his "owns"

gato lamiendo tu mano

2. If a cat will lie on your back to see you it means you have confidence, since in this position it could not defend itself from an attack

posicion de confianza de tu gato

3. People who have cats live longer, they have less stress, and they have fewer heart attacks

beneficios de tener un gato

4. Cats believe that they are the owners of the House where cohabits with the human

El gato es el dueño

5. When a cat rubs against you, It is because you are marking as part of its territory

gato frotándose

6. A cat almost never communicates with a "meow" to another cat, This sound uses it to communicate with humans

lenguaje de los gatos

7. If a cat he raises the tail and keeps it fully stretched upwards, means that you are waving

la cola de los gatos

8. If your cat is sick and no longer wash, wash it your, that can lose the desire to live only to see dirty and forgotten

aseo de tu gato

9. Up to four colors or tricolor cats, they are exclusively female

gatos tricolores

With three colors black fur, Red and cream- (carey range) and four when they wear the White. Given the particularity, the Tricolor and cuatricolores, they are only females, and in the very strange cases of some male, These are sterile.

10. Cats make them more attention to women than to men, because they react better to a sharp tone of voice

los gatos y sus relaciones con las mujeres

11. Cats do not include punishment, but the rewards do when they do something well

el castigo en los gatos

12. Cats have excellent night vision

visión nocturana de los gatos

13. Cats sleep in 16 to 18 hours a day. but still asleep, are alert to any stimuli

el sueño en los gatos

14. The cat walk and run by moving the front legs and back on the same side. Only the camel, the giraffe and the cat have this peculiarity

el andar de los gatos

15. Cats hate the smell of the Orange and lemons

olores desagradables para los gatos

16. After eating the cats wash immediately

aseo de los gatosIt is a survival instinct that leads them to act like this so that predators do not smell the food and thus can be attacked.

17. The ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows in mourning when their cat passed away.

18. The purr of cats has the ability to calm them down when they are sick or scared

ronroneo de los gatos

19. Most white cats with blue eyes are deaf., unless they have a different color to the other eye

gatos blancos y sordera

This is in part, There is a higher percentage of cats with deafness.
The gene for deafness, It is a characteristic of white cats gene, is called w tongue and is the cause of white and deafness in cats. Not all white cats are deaf, they are only showing this gene. The gen w It makes the cat is white although their genes say it is a black cat, or brown, this gene has the particularity of “masking” the rest of the colors to make them white. These cats also tend to have blue or green eyes.

20. The black cats are generally quieter than whites, which are always very nervous

caracter de los gatos negros

21. Just as human beings have fingerprints and they are unique, cat nose cushion design is unique, There are two cats with the same design

la nariz de los gatos

22. A cat's tongue is made up of tiny hooks., it help to tear food. Why she feels raspy touch skin

la lengua de los gatos

23. Chocolate is toxic to cats

el chocolate en los gatos

24. Among the curiosities in cats, are your ears. Cats are ultrasonic

oido ultrasónico de los gatosThis means that you can listen to inaudible frequencies for you. As which? As the sounds of rodents used to communicate.

25. The whiskers of the cat periodically fall and regrow

los bigotes de los gatosHis movement and the sense of orientation of the animal affects disappearance. For this reason, It is important to not cut them

26. Can a cat live its entire life inside a house??

Los gatos en casa

The answer is if.
A study has shown that the average lifespan of cats living in the interior of a House, It is much larger than the cats living in the street.
Even though cats can live his life in the interior of a House, We must get it breathes the fresh air. A good window or a big balcony, will delight your cat, You can go out to breathe fresh air. But remember that you to have a cat at home, You must have space.

27. Them cats may be of 3 to 7 kittens every four months and during his lifetime, a cat can have 100 kittens

Camadas de los gatos

28. As a curiosity in cats, There is a plant that fascinates.

Olores agradables en los gatos

Do them enjoy sublime moments for a few minutes. It's about the catnip Mint also called cats, the family of the thyme and lavender. Her perfume triggers a behavior in the animal, similar to a female in heat

29. Cats like to sleep with the dorsal recharged in something, This is to prevent someone behind them

Postura para dormir de los gatos

30. His heart beats twice as fast, that the human beings

El corazón de los gatos

31. The cat has 32 muscles in each ear, functioning as a sort of steerable parabolic antennas towards the source of the sound

las orejas de los gatos

32. The cats also have stress

El extres en los gatosCats have stress, the way in which release it is scratching objects in a vertical position, This is how they relax because that stretch activates their blood circulation and tones their body thanks to the stretch that occurs

33. Each cat has their own Meow and purr

lenguaje de los gatosCan cats have a similar purr, but nevertheless there is always a difference.

34. The cats see colors. But, the number they perceive is limited and depends on the amount of light

Visión de los gatosFor this, during the night are black and white, but they better distinguish objects and distances.

35. The legend of the 7 lives

Las 7 vidas de los gatos

It is because many times they survive really serious falls.. This is due to the wonderful ability of turning around in the air and landing on all fours.
It is said that some cats that have fallen from low floors, they didn't make a fall “perfect” due to the rapid acceleration and lack of time to put in the correct position to cushion the blow. On the other hand, cats that have fallen from higher floors, Although they suffered fractures, being able to have time and prepare for the coup, They managed to cushion the fall so that it is not fatal

36. If a cat saved its tail between its back legs, It means that it has accepted a defeat or that he is still sub

La sumisión en los gatos

37. To draw the attention of a cat, Click the language repeatedly fast good

Chasquido de la lengua en los gatos

38. The cat is instinctively a Hunter, But if his mother not teaches while harsh parenting, will never be a truly effective

Instinto cazador de los gatos

39. Superstition has heard a cat sneezing is good luck

El estornudo en los gatos

40. The toilet of the cats

El aseo de los gatos

Cats dedicate many moments of the day to the bathroom, before or after any activity or lie down to sleep, they begin to clean up, and is a sign that this relaxed, But if cleaned frequently may be have heat.

41. A curious fact is that the females tend to have better vision than males

Visión de los gatos

42. It is possible to teach a cat to give leg as if he were a dog, but brainwashed patience to succeed

Enseñar a dar la pata a tu gato

43. Cats cannot perceive odors in the mouth

El olfato de los gatosIn addition to do with the nose, cats smell with a body, called Jacobson, located in the upper part of the mouth.

44. Most cats are attracted to menthol. (pills, toothpaste etc.)

La pasta de dientes en los gatos

45. Cats lose almost the same amount of fluid in their saliva while cleaning themselves., as if it orinaran

El aseo de los gatos

46. Its territory

El territorio de los gatos

The males usually have a sharp sense of ownership. They mark their territory with strong-smelling urine..

47. Cats have 18 fingers

Los gatos tienen 18 dedos

Five on the Forelegs and four in the rear. But, There are cats that due to a 'genetic defect' have an extra pair of toes on their hind legs.

48. In domestic cats the purr has a frequency between 25 and 150 vibrations per second

El ronroneo en los gatos

49. The taste buds of the cats do not detect the sweet flavors

Los sabores dulces en los gatos

50. Some cats reject their young and even eat them

Las gatas ante sus crias

Rejection occurs more frequently in kittens that are born sick or with a congenital defect. Mothers notice strange behavior in their pups, they do not recognize them and decide to ignore them. In some cases the rejection can cannibalism: eats the placenta and the umbilical cord chew, and can continue until reaching the calf.

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