▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Striped mud turtle
- Kinosternon baurii

The Striped mud turtle inhabits stagnant and slow-flowing waters of all kinds, including temporary.
striped bog turtle
Kinosternon baurii au Vivarium Elapsoidea (Meyrin, Geneva, Switzerland) – Totodu74, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Origin / Distribution

The Striped mud turtle (Kinosternon baurii) is native to the southeastern United States. The main distribution area is the Florida panhandle, but the species is also present in the coastal lowlands of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina and Virginia. In general, the species is considered common and not endangered, and is not subject to trade restrictions or species protection laws. But, the local population of the Florida Keys is threatened by the destruction of the biotope and, therefore, has been placed under protection in the United States. Trade has no impact on natural populations.

Characteristics / Appearance

The Striped mud turtle it has an oval shape and a dark brown or black shell. The skin is dark and the underside of the shell is slightly yellowish.. In most places in Florida, animals have stripes on their shells that give them their names. But, there are regions where these turtles continue to have signs of these stripes or do not have any. this is known, for example, by populations of the Everglades.

These reptiles usually have two distinct stripes on their heads on each side.. This goes practically through the eye to the tip of the nose. Females have longer tails that are slightly bent at the end.. It is assumed that this fold serves to better cling to the female when courting and mating..

With a maximum shell length of only 12 cm in females, males are even smaller, about 10 cm., this turtle is really small. These are already record dimensions; females reach sexual maturity when they measure about 7-8 cm long and have 5-6 years.


The Striped mud turtle inhabits stagnant and slow-flowing waters of all kinds, including temporary. If such a pond dries up, animals change habitat. Migrations of up to 3,5 km. They also look for the preferred places for laying eggs.. Thus, the Striped mud turtle, is unfortunately a frequent victim in road traffic.


These little turtles are omnivorous by nature and feed on palm seeds, algae, insects, snails and the like. For its part, They are common prey for alligators and birds of prey such as the snail kite.. The small hatchlings and eggs are eaten by a large number of animals, which the turtles compensate with a very high reproductive rate.

A female can produce up to six (normally: three) broods per year with 1-6 (normally: 2-3) eggs each. The eggs are huge compared to the mother, one wonders how they fit in little mama. Eggs need between 80 and 145 days to mature, and only grow at temperatures between 28 y 30ºC. If the temperature drops to 22.5-24°C, the embryo pauses in its development. The pups measure between 2 and 2,5 cm in length and weigh between 2,1 and 3,9 g..

The "Striped mud turtle" in captivity

Striped mud turtle
This Striped mud turtle (Kinosternon baurii) was one of six mud turtles observed on two islands in the Florida Keys during a survey in January 2016. This listed reptile is one of seven species targeted during this study. Foto de Jonathan Mays – Flickr


The minimum size of the aquaterrarium for the care of a single animal is three times the length of the carapace as the length of the tank, one and a half times the length of the shell as the width of the tank and two times the height of the shell as the water level. For a single animal this means (with a maximum carapace length of 12 cm.) a background surface of 36 x 18 cm with a water level of about 10-12 cm.. But, you will hardly be able to keep a turtle in such a small aquarium. But, a standard aquarium of 60 cm is absolutely sufficient to create a well-structured living environment for the little turtle. The following principles are very important: The Striped mud turtle climb and run instead of swimming. So, the water surface must always be easily accessible and the water level must not exceed 20 cm..

Aquaterrarium decoration

Waterproof roots and round stones are suitable for furnishings. The substrate should consist of a layer of fine sand of about 5 height cm, since animals like to dig. Many specimens only come out of the water to lay their eggs.. But, this varies greatly from one individual to another and, therefore, must be tested: add a piece of floating decorative cork to the tank. If you visit this part of land, a fixed part of earth must be installed, which may consist of a plastic bowl suspended and filled with sand, for example.


On the ground part can be installed a weak focus under which a temperature of 30-35°C is reached. The uv need of these turtles is low; a commercially available fluorescent terrarium tube with a UV component is perfectly suitable. A too bright location of the aquaterrarium should be avoided.


The water temperature should oscillate between 22 and 26°C from February to November, with 14 daylight hours. A hibernation period of about two months with only a few 8 daylight hours (this is much more decisive for the start of hibernation, that is regulated by hormones, than temperature) at 12-15°C is very favorable for keeping turtles healthy for many years and for reproduction.

Individual maintenance, as a couple or in a group?

In principle, It is best to keep all swamp turtles alone. The males are very incompatible with each other and can drive the females crazy by their constant willingness to mate.. Females also prostitute themselves sometimes with violence against each other. But, this varies greatly from individual to individual. You can be very lucky and buy a pair that will get along very well, but unfortunately you can't trust it. Sometimes, the animals only split up after years of peaceful coexistence. This is said to occur even in humans…

In principle, you should have as many tanks as animals you want to have, so you can elegantly avoid all difficulties from the beginning and you can react quickly if necessary.

for breeding, the female is put with the male, which usually bears fruit very quickly. In this way we have a fertilization rate of almost 100%, while annoying females often do not take care of themselves if they are kept together for a long time.

Unlike many other reptiles, females are not at all demanding when it comes to laying eggs. They gladly accept the sand-filled dirt area described above. At worst, they will simply lay the eggs in the water, but don't let it go to that extreme. By the way, females that stand alone also produce eggs (unfertilized, of course). It's like with chickens, they don't need a rooster to produce eggs for breakfast.

Turtles and fish

Video Kinosternon Baurii

Tortue Kinosternon Baurii

The most exciting and beautiful thing is to keep the turtles together with the fish.. First of all, the aquarium becomes more attractive - there are more things in it- and, in the second place, fish realize very quickly when something goes wrong in the water. The right species for the biotope are, for example, the Jordanella floridae (Jordanella floridae), the Least killifish (Heterandria formosa), the Blackbanded sunfish (Enneacathus chaetodon) or the Everglades pygmy sunfish (Elassoma evergladei).

If you are lucky enough to have the Sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna), You will see how these creatures, otherwise delicate, become authentic beauties. For reasons that are still unknown, the Sailfin molly they develop exceptionally well when kept next to turtles. Of course, the selection of fish species is not limited to those mentioned. Only the slow fish that live on the bottom, as the Whiptail catfish (Rineloricaria fallax, etc.), should not live with turtles. As a rule, fish are safe from small shell carriers; at most, weak or sick specimens become their victims, but that doesn't matter.


The Striped mud turtle is more carnivorous than omnivorous. It is advisable to grow duckweed, especially the large species Spirodela polyrhiza, in the tank. Like this, they are simply available as food when turtles feel like vegetarian food. Otherwise, feeding is very easy, because Kinosternon baurii is not demanding. But, food should always be absolutely fresh and of high quality. It doesn't matter if it's industrially produced food for swamp and water turtles or frozen food..

Vitamins and valuable unsaturated fatty acids are destroyed more quickly than many people realize. Here we continue to sin a lot. Always buy food in small containers. Dry food should be consumed at the latest 6 weeks after opening the can, and frozen food after about half a year. Dry food should never be stored in a bright place, warm and humid. They should always be stored in an airtight container, in a dark and cool place.

If properly cared for, these friendly dwarfs hardly cause problems and give years of pleasure to their caregiver.

Buy one "Striped mud turtle"

The price of a "Striped mud turtle" ranges between 130 – 160 EUR.

Videos "Striped mud turtle"

kinosternon baurii baby in mini aquaterrarium

Primo Ingresso in Acquario Kinosternon Baurii

Alternative names:

1. Striped mud turtle (English).
2. Tortue de boue rayée (French).
3. Dreistreifen-Klappschildkröte (German).
4. Tartaruga de lama listrada (Portuguese).
5. "Tortuga de pantano rayada" (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Hermann's tortoise
- Testudo hermanni

The Hermann's tortoise You can live up 70 years. This should be taken into account when buying a young animal: who will keep my animal then?
Mediterranean turtle
Testudo hermanni boettgeri – Wikimedia



The Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni) has a wide distribution area. It is located in eastern Spain, the south of France, the Balearic Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily and Southern and Central Italy (Tuscany). The eastern population (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) is located in Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey and Greece, while the (Testudo hermanni hercegovinensis) populates the coasts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro.

Characteristics and description

Turtles Testudo hermanni boettgeri grow to 25 cm.. The Testudo hermanni hermanni comes to measure between 15 and 18 cm and is still quite small relative to the other species.

In general, the Hermann's tortoise is a small or medium-sized turtle. The ventral shell of animals is rigid in both males and females. The dorsal shell has a good curvature. A bird's eye view, the Hermann's tortoise appears oval.

A distinctive feature of these turtles is the split tail shield. The color yellow-olive background and black spots on shields distinguish animals. When they are young, las manchas pueden compararse con un «ojo de cerradura». But, marks decline over the years and are barely recognizable as such in old age. Their Paws they have five claws and fairly large scales. In the back, there are only four claws. To distinguish well the Hermann's tortoise of the Greek tortoise (Testudo graeca), note the absence of the horn cone between the tail and hind legs.

Mediterranean turtle
Testudo hermanni hermanni in Mallorca – Orchi, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

sexual characteristics

Males and females have a nail. At the age of four to six years the sexual characteristics of animals are formed. Adult males have a much thicker tail root. It also, males develop a very pronounced nail when they are older. The concave ventral carapace is one of the best features to distinguish the sexes.. Females are heavier than males and also larger. The cloaca of females is closer to the body and the abdominal shell is flat.

Growth of animals

The Hermann's tortoise grows quite linearly during the first six years. Gain approximately one centimeter per year in carapace length. But, after six years growth slows down a bit. The animals then grow around a 30% per year compared to the previous ones. I.e., only 60 to 70 mm. From the tenth to the twelfth year, animals win between a 5 and 15% of growth and weight. The older the animals are, less noticeable the growth of its size. Also the weight almost does not increase. If you feed too much, the animal can also grow much faster. But, this can lead to obesity and organ damage. It also, the shell becomes very developed with humps.

Peso de la «Tortuga mediterránea»

Such a turtle, when you have grown up, weighs between 950 and 1100 g.. Animals of up to 1800 g., which however are not too heavy, but they also seem to be somewhat larger. Differences always occur in nature and in captivity and are not a cause for concern. Sólo los animales demasiado «gordos» suelen dejar de estar sanos y tener los órganos debilitados.

Until the first autumn, the Hermann's tortoise earns approximately the 100% of your birth weight. Animals that were born with 16 g and weigh 32 g in autumn. Especially in the first three months the weight gain is very high, but it also depends on the food available in the outdoor enclosure. For the second autumn, another one is added 50% of the previous weight. And this is how weight gain develops during the first five or six years. Then, it is increasingly reduced until the animals are fully adult.


The preferred habitats of the Hermann's tortoise are sunny and dry. But, also lives in slightly humid areas, for example, in areas of open forest, forest edges, dune landscapes with lots of vegetation, pero sobre todo en paisajes de matorrales como el «maquis» o la «garriga». Even in orchards or on the fringes of agricultural land, you can always find these turtles.

The "Hermann's tortoise" in captivity

The Hermann's tortoise is one of the most popular of those kept in captivity. They are also one of the turtles about which more information can be found in the literature and the media.. Unfortunately, this also creates big problems. Turtles are sometimes given away on birthdays. Recipients often have no knowledge about animals and, sometimes, the conditions of tenure are completely wrong.


The Hermann's tortoise is a turtle that stays outdoors all year round, where it also goes into hibernation once a year. One terrarium no tiene cabida en la tenencia de estos animales en absoluto o sólo sirve como estación de «cuarentena» para animales enfermos que esperan ser curados y son devueltos inmediatamente a la naturaleza.

Young animals of the first three years must have a greenhouse of at least one square meter, abroad, other 2 or 3 square meters. More space is very laudable, but it's also complicated. Always watch young animals and if the area is too large, animals will be buried in too many places where they cannot be found. This makes it difficult, for example, lock them in the greenhouse At night.

Temperature and humidity

Young animals live in a fairly humid environment. The substrate it must be sprayed again every day and the animals can also be slightly moistened every day. It also, there should always be moist moss so that the animals can crawl if necessary. The humidity is especially important for young animals. This allows a nice smooth shell to grow.. In this way, the water balance of the animals remains stable. The Water, in the form of drinkers and bowls for bathing, must always be available in the greenhouse and in the outdoor enclosure, and must be fresh at all times. The Daily water changes are mandatory. No need to bathe animals. Turtles bathe at will. The only exception is a week after hibernation. Here the animals bathe once during 10 or 20 minutes in warm water.

The Temperatures in the outdoor enclosure do not influence to keep them outdoors, as animals do not have access to the outside if temperatures are too low (below 12 °C). In this phase (spring and late autumn), animals continue to hibernate or remain in the cold frame. In the greenhouse, the temperature must be at least 20 °C during the day and not less than 14 °C at night. At these temperatures, turtles have a healthy life during the transition period. In summer, When the greenhouse is open all the time, temperatures only depend on nature. What offers turtles a natural life and appropriate to their species.

What does the "Hermann's tortoise"?

The Hermann's tortoise it is herbivorous. Prefer dried herbs and grasses. The diet can also be completed with fresh vegetables. The food should not be too high in protein, as animals will grow too fast and this can lead to deformities in the shell.

Social behavior and reproduction

Testudo hermanni boettgeri
Un pequeño «Testudo hermanni boettgeri» sale del huevoPhotographer/Zeichner: Krueger, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Hermann's tortoise is a solitary animal in the wild, but sometimes it can appear in small groups. The sexes can be distinguished quite easily. The tail of females is shorter and thicker. The abdominal shell of males is slightly curved inward. Males are very territorial. You can have one male with three females. Animals should not be able to see each other all the time. Since Hermann's tortoise must subsequently be kept outside, this can be done well with a planting of small bushes and bushes.

After several months of hibernation, mating usually occurs (rarely in the previous autumn). The females lay from 3 to 10 eggs one to three times a year. The young hatch after 55 to 75 days.

Buy one "Hermann's tortoise"

The price of a "Hermann's tortoise", bred in captivity, in the exotic animal market ranges from 130 – 200 EUR, depending on its size.


State of conservation ⓘ

Near-threatened Near Threatened ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

The subspecies T. h. hermanni is included in the Red List of the IUCN of species threatened with extinction, like all species in the genus Testudo. The Hermann's tortoise it is protected by the Berne Convention.

It is also included in the CITES and in the directive 1332/2005 of the European Community, so that the capture of wild specimens is absolutely prohibited and the breeding and trade of specimens in captivity is regulated.


The Hermann's tortoise You can live up 70 years. This should be taken into account when buying a young animal. It is advisable to think about inheritance when buying: who will keep my animal then?

How many years does the Hermann's tortoise?

The Hermann's tortoise You can live up 100 years in captivity. Every homeowner should have at least 70 years if turtles are kept well, as they reach this age without problems in nature. On rare occasions, the Hermann's tortoise can live longer than 100 years.

How much does theHermann's tortoise?

The Hermann's tortoise reaches to measure up to 25 cm.. The size of a specimen also depends on the exact subspecies of the Hermann's tortoise, as well as their sex. Female turtles grow larger than males and are also heavier. They belong to the species of medium-sized turtles.

The Hermann's tortoise goes into hibernation?

Yes, the Hermann's tortoise goes into hibernation every year after birth. Usually starts in November and ends at most in May, but in Europe it is usually already in April. So, turtles are in hibernation for four to five months each year.

Videos "Hermann's tortoise"

Mediterranean turtle -Testudo hermanni -Menorca

Turtle Hermanni Paradis Pets 2021

Alternative names:

1. Western Hermann’s tortoise (T. h. hermanni), Eastern Hermann’s tortoise (T. h. boettgeri) (English).
2. Tortue des Maures (French).
3. Mittelmeerschildkröte (German).
4. Tartaruga de Hermann (Portuguese).
5. Tortuga de Hermann (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Common musk turtle
- Sternotherus odoratus

The Common musk turtle owes its name musk (colloquially stinky) to their musk glands, with whose help it can secrete a strongly scented secretion to scare away predators.
Common musk turtle
Sternotherus odoratus × Sternotherus carinatus hybrid – Laurent Lebois, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Origin / Distribution

The Common musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus), It has a fairly wide distribution area., extending north into the eastern half of the US. (Illinois, Wisconsin, hasta Maine) and south into southern Canada (Quebec, Ontario) to Florida and west to central Texas.

Characteristics / Appearance

The carapace of adults is dark brown., dark gray to black and has no markings. It is evenly curved, narrow and elongated. In juveniles a pattern of dark spots is visible. Juveniles also have three characteristic keels, that disappear with age.

The plastron is small and cross-shaped. (bikini shell), and the color can range from light beige to full black. In this species, connective tissue sutures are especially prominent.

The head, legs and other soft tissue are light gray to black, although coloration changes with age. On the sides of the head there are two yellow stripes that vary depending on the specimen., one above and one below the eye from the tip of the nose to the neck (sometimes with a connection behind the eye). These stripes can fade or disappear completely with age.. There is a pair of barbels on the chin, sometimes there may be a second pair.

The Common musk turtle can reach a size of 13,7 cm., but in most cases it only measures between 7,5 and 10 cm., and both sexes are about the same size.


Inhabits all types of fresh water, like lakes, ponds, rivers, swamps and canals, and prefers slow-moving waters with sandy bottoms. The species prefers shallow water areas. Despite its undemanding character, does not tolerate brackish water.


The Common musk turtle belongs to the genus Sternotherus and it looks a lot like Striped mud turtle of the gender Kinosternon at first sight. unlike the turtles Kinosternon, that they can close their abdominal shell with the help of two hinges, the Common musk turtle has a retracted abdominal shell and is not hinged. This makes them more mobile and they compensate for the lack of protection by being more aggressive.. when they are threatened, give off a strong, unpleasant odor, what gives them their name.

The Common musk turtle is active in the morning and at night. Land rides are popular at night. Other species of Sternotherus are more active during the day.

Threats to the species

State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

Although the Common musk turtle does not have federal conservation status in the US. and is fairly common throughout most of its range, has decreased markedly in some areas, and appears to be more sensitive than some native species to human degradation of wetlands. It is listed as a threatened species in the state of Iowa.. It is listed as an endangered species in Canada., and is protected by the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA). It is also protected under the Ontario Endangered Species Act.. In this part of its range, only wetlands with minimal human impact have robust populations. The mortality of reproductive females on roads can be one of the problems associated with human development.

The "Common musk turtle" in captivity


Depending on the size or age of the Common musk turtle, the aquarium should measure between 80 x 40 cm. and 100 x 50 cm., more space never hurts. The water level should initially be about 5 cm for small pups, the Common musk turtle adult prefers some 30 cm.. Animals like to run through the sandy substrate, but also climb to the surface of the water in the indoor furniture or swim freely in the water. Consequently, exuberant planting and good structuring with root wood or non-slip stones up to the surface must be carried out. Occasionally, turtles use furniture that protrudes from the water to sunbathe, although much less frequently than, for example, the ornamental turtles. Furniture also creates important hiding and resting places..

Females should be offered a sandy, partially planted area of ​​land for egg laying.

Lighting and temperature of the aquaterrarium

A lamp, for example HQI, should hang above to heat the area to 35-40°C. The species also likes to use the area to rest. This species also likes to use the area for nocturnal terrestrial excursions..

During the period of activity, The water needs to reach a temperature of 22 a 26°C, which is why, depending on ambient temperature, a heating rod must be used. A rest phase in winter of about 3 months at about 10°C is suitable for the species and is necessary to keep it healthy in the long term. This value is only indicative due to the large distribution area. Animals from the north of the distribution area have to enter torpor at a water temperature of 4°C – 5°C, animals in southernmost areas hibernate mostly at 10°C – 15°C.

A sufficiently sized filter ensures clear water and serves the health of the turtles..

In the middle of summer, the Common musk turtle can also be kept in secure outdoor enclosures if provided with gently sloping edges and plenty of greenery. But, in these conditions, animals cannot be observed regularly and, Therefore, are difficult to control.

Maintenance of the "Common musk turtle"

Common musk turtle
Common musk turtle, Reid Park Zoo, Tucson. Underwater, in aquarium. This turtle curiously uses its tongue to breathe underwater – David BygottFlickr

The Common musk turtle is a solitary animal, so adult males should generally be kept solitary. It is also recommended to keep females individually.. If two or more females are kept together, aggression and stress among lower animals are very likely, Therefore, close observation is necessary. Then, it may be necessary to separate the animals and set up another tank.

To keep the Common musk turtle as appropriate as possible to the species, we recommend the following conditions.

  • air temperature: 25° a 26°C
  • Minimum size of the terrarium: 200 litres

Outside maintenance

The Common musk turtle can be kept in a garden pond from May to October. The pond should have a shallow shore and be sunny, as this particular species likes to bask in shallow water. It also, Don't rule out a large, powerful aquarium heater in the event of bad weather and the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius for a long period of time. The enclosure must be relatively high, Since the Common musk turtle it is a very good climber; concrete blocks and palisades can be used for this. It is essential that crystals or the like are not used, since of the turtles they will try to cross the transparent barrier constantly.


The Common musk turtle feeds mainly on animal feed, consisting of dry food for turtles, worms, meat and fish strips. But, fruit and salad should also be offered occasionally.


The breeding season is mainly from April to May and from September to October.. Like this, can be put from 2 to 4 clutches of eggs by season. The stalls are usually 1 to 5 eggs, Although they can reach 10 eggs. under natural conditions, The incubation period lasts between 65 and 86 days, but can also reach 107 days in unfavorable cases.

Buy one "Common musk turtle"

The Common musk turtle, by breeding in large numbers on US breeding farms., is frequently and cheaply available commercially. This encourages ill-considered impulse purchases, which means that the number of unwanted animals that are given away is very high.

The price of the "Common musk turtle" in the exotic animal trade ranges from 40 – 70 EUR.

Videos "Common musk turtle"

First Pasto Sternotherus odoratus CB2016

Alternative names:

1. Common musk turtle, Eastern musk turtle (English).
2. Tortue musquée, tortue musquée commune (French).
3. Gewöhnliche Moschusschildkröte, Moschusschildkröte (German).
4. Tartaruga Almiscarada Comum, Tartaruga do musgo (Portuguese).
5. "Tortuga almizclada", Tortuga almizclera común (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Marginated tortoise
- Testudo marginata

The Marginated tortoise You can live up 100 years. This should be taken into account when buying a young animal. It is advisable to think about inheritance when buying: who will keep my animal then?
Marginated tortoise
A Marginated tortoise in Achaea, Greece – Konstantinos Kalaentzis, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons



Their presence extends from southern Greece to Albania. In Greece, especially from the Peloponnese to Olympus. In the northeast of Sardinia this type of turtle has also been installed. Now you can see the Marginated tortoise in Italy. But, Italian specimens are considered released specimens.

Characteristics / Aspect

It is the largest European tortoise, and also the largest of the genre Testudo, can weigh more than 5 kg and measure more than 35 cm length.

The Marginated tortoise has the posterior marginal scutes well extended backwards and sometimes slightly curved. Otherwise, the shell of the Marginated tortoise it is quite elongated. halfway up, a kind of waist can be seen in many animals.

These turtles have a very dark shell, in adults the background color is almost black. The shell has light spots. Very bright triangular spots can be found on the ventral carapace. Animals that have not yet reached sexual maturity and still count as juveniles usually have a rather rounded shell and not elongated. The color is also much lighter. As the broad scutes on the trailing edge only appear when they are larger, young animals can be recognized by their absence.


Testudo marginata
Testudo marginata

The habitat of the Marginated tortoise found more in mountainous regions. Males and females live at altitudes up to 1.600 m. At this point it is important to maintain a sufficient temperature. This is where the Marginated tortoise benefits from its dark-colored shell, which directly absorbs the heat of the smallest rays of the sun and causes the body temperature to rise.


In its habitat it feeds mainly on plants that grow in the meadows of the Mediterranean regions.. The females that carry eggs, as well as the youth, they also feed on animal proteins from earthworms and snails. Turtles prefer to forage for food in the morning.. At noon, when is hot, they hide in the shade and wait for the afternoon temperatures to rise.

Their diet consists mainly of plants that are low in protein but rich in crude fiber.. Typical plants for fodder Marginated tortoise are the dandelion, Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa), wild mallow, the kidney vetch, calendula and nettle. Grass or hay is also mixed with animal feed.


The hibernation is an important issue for Marginated tortoise. in the habitat, they go into hibernation during the cold season. But, they interrupt it on warm days and continue it afterwards. Unlike Greek tortoise, the Testudo marginata does not necessarily go into hibernation for several months without interruption.

Breeding / Reproduction

Immediately after the hibernation, the turtle begins to mate and this is noticeable, among other things, by the vehemence with which the males pursue the female and urge her to reproduce. For the females to give in, repeatedly and inexorably surrounds them and bites them on the legs. Through an intense thrust, the males further harass the females until they finally bring them up. Reproduction is marked by the distinctive sounds of the male. During this time, the female only stretches her head laterally upwards.

The female buries the eggs in suitable places in a burrow that she digs beforehand.. to the burrow, the female needs soft soil that is suitable for digging. If the soil is too hard, you can soften him by draining water from his anal bladder. Only when the burrow is ready, the eggs are carefully laid and rolled to the end of the burrow. After the laying of the last egg, the burrow closes again and an incubation period of about 100 days. The Marginated tortoise puts up to 15 eggs per clutch and can create up to three clutches in a season. If you want to breed yours in captivity, can expect the first pups after only 60 incubation days. Breeding takes place at 31,5 constant degrees.


State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

The Marginated tortoise (Testudo marginata) is at risk of disappearing in the wild mainly due to anthropogenic factors such as: mechanized agriculture and the use of pesticides, the traffic, the forest fires, the destruction of the environment, the wild urbanization, illegal capture and the threat of new predators. The capture of turtles as food for humans seems non-existent although it existed in the past, the current priority for the conservation of the species is the conservation of its habitat, heavily damaged by the spread of agriculture and urbanization, especially for mass tourism.

The "Marginated tortoise" in captivity


The Marginated tortoise (Testudo marginata) he is a very nice tortoise to keep. It is important to keep the turtle in an outdoor enclosure and never in a terrarium. – the animal grows too much for it and a terrarium does not offer the necessary conditions to keep it. In an outdoor enclosure, a cold enclosure or a greenhouse, both equipped with technology such as heat lamps. The outdoor enclosure must have at least 10 square meters for an adult animal. The food consists of all the wild herbs that can be found in nature. It is advisable to create a self-sufficient diet by planting and growing wild herbs in the enclosure.


The Marginated tortoise It, by nature, a species that lives in the soil. As a key to the size of the greenhouse we recommend calculating with the length of the animal's carapace. The carapace is the dorsal. The size of the terrarium is calculated as follows for non-adult animals:

  • Greenhouse floor space: eight times x four times the length of the animal's carapace.
  • greenhouse height: Twice the length of the animal's carapace, but not less than 25 cm..

Observe the growth of the animal in the coming months (fast-growing animal/slow-growing animal) For adult animals (of legal age).

What substrate, it is recommended to create different areas. A turtle bed made directly for turtles, a sandy area slightly mixed with calcium gravel (as it is digestible), pine bark and firm clay soil. So the animals have different areas, which are also used differently. They like to bury themselves in the turtle bed when it is slightly damp.. Small roots or stone slabs complete the decoration. Please, make sure this decoration is installed in such a way that it cannot be raised too high. Turtles like to climb, but not very well, of course, and constantly falling on your back stresses animals too much. Vegetable ornaments are eaten, so use artificial plants.


In captivity, care should be taken to ensure a balanced diet. Ideally, only use fresh plants from nature. To ensure that the diet of the Marginated tortoise be varied, it is recommended to selectively cultivate wild herbs. This can also be done directly in the turtles' outdoor enclosure so they can feed themselves..

with special seeds, various wild grasses can be sown from spring to fall.

Buy one "Marginated tortoise"

The price of a "Marginated tortoise" at the exotic animal market, bred in captivity, ranges between 130 – 200 EUR, depending on its size.

Videos "Marginated tortoise"

Marinated tortoise (Testudo marginata) - Marginated Tortoise or Margined Tortoise

Tortuga Testudo Marginata Paradis Pets 2021

Alternative names:

1. Dwarf marginated tortoise (English).
2. Marginata, Tortue marginata (French).
3. Breitrand-Schildkröte (German).
4. Tartaruga-dentada (Portuguese).
5. Tortuga de Grecia (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Spot-legged wood turtle
- Rhinoclemmys punctularia

The Spot-legged wood turtle it is a semi-aquatic species. Lives most of the time in swamps, coastal streams and marshes.
spotted footed tortoise
Rhinoclemmys punctularia photographed in the surroundings of Kourou (French Guiana) – Hervébreton, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Origin / Distribution

The name Rhinoclemmys is derived from the Greek words rhinos (nose, snout, bill, bill) and klemmys (Turtle, Turtle). The name alludes to the protruding snout that some individuals of the type species have..

The Spot-legged wood turtle (Rhinoclemmys punctularia) It is distributed in eastern Colombia., Venezuela, Trinidad, Tobago, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, NE of Brazil (Tocantins, For, amazon, Bay, maranhão, to the lower course of the Tapajós River, Rio de Janeiro)

Characteristics / Appearance

The shell is dark brown to black.. Limbs are orange-yellow with scattered black spots. The male is slightly smaller than the female and has a longer, slightly concave plastron and thicker tail.. Middle dorsal keel. red head pattern, yellow or green formed by two longitudinal or horseshoe-shaped stripes. Heavily webbed feet.


Spot-legged wood turtle
"Spot-footed tortoise" (Rhinoclemmys punctularia) – Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It is a semi-aquatic species. Lives most of the time in swamps, coastal streams and marshes. In Brazil it lives along the coast of Pará and in open areas along the Amazon River to the lower Tapajós.. Avoid high salinity and strong currents.


Omnivores, seek both animal and plant foods. Foraging and feeding can occur both in water and on dry land.

while they feed, they bite into their food using their front limbs not only to pull and break larger amounts of food, but also to maneuver the food in their mouths.


They lay an average of two very large brittle-shelled elongated eggs. They make several layings in a season. The incubation period can last up to three months.. Sex is determined by temperature. The eggs are covered with leaf litter or hidden among vegetation and roots..


Mainly active at night, but is known to bask and be active during the day.

Threats to the species

This species is consumed only locally, but there is evidence that it is widely consumed or kept as a pet and sold on the black market.

It was classified in 2012 like least concern in the new Scientific Assessment of the Risk of Extinction of the Brazilian Fauna. To date, it has not been necessary to create any conservation program for this species.

The "Spot-legged wood turtle" in captivity

It is a rarely imported species., so there is not much information about their care in captivity.


For proper maintenance and care of the Spot-legged wood turtle, an aquarium with an integrated terrestrial part or an aquaterrarium is recommended. The aquarium must have a rim length of at least 150 cm.. The substrate of the aquatic part must be designed as a tropical forest. The lush plantation, foliage and humus can serve you.

The Spot-legged wood turtle It is native to tropical regions.. So, it is mandatory to have a heated aquarium. Reptiles prefer a water temperature between 25 and 30 degrees centigrade with a pH value between 6,0 and 8,0. It is advisable to install a UV lamp so that the turtles sunbathe.

Under no circumstances will we let these turtles hibernate. If temperatures drop below 20ºC, may start to show symptoms of breathing problems.

Buy one "Spot-legged wood turtle"

The price of a "Spot-legged wood turtle" at the exotic animal market, ranges between 90 – 120 EUR.
Imported animals must be kept in quarantine, and be dewormed.

Videos "Spot-legged wood turtle"

Spot-legged wood turtle ,Rhinoclemmys Punctularia

Tortue Rhinoclemmys punctularia

Alternative names:

1. Spot-legged wood turtle, Painted wood turtle (English).
2. Tortue spot-jambes, Tortue ponctulaire (French).
3. Guyana-Erdschildkröte (German).
4. Aperema, Tartaruga-de-patas-malhadas (Portuguese).
5. "Tortuga de patas moteadas", Tortuga Cabeza pintada Guayana, Tortuga de Patas Punteadas, Morrocoy negro (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Greek tortoise
- Testudo graeca

The Greek tortoise You can live up 80 years. This should be taken into account when buying a young animal. So, it is advisable to think about inheritance when buying: who will take my animal?
Greek tortoise
Greek tortoise – Mayer Richard, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons



The Greek tortoise is a representative of the genus Testudo, small to medium size. Its distribution area extends from North Africa to the Balkans and Asia., passing through the eastern Mediterranean. There are also individual populations in southern Spain and the Balearic Islands.. According to the latest discoveries, can be distinguished even 10 subspecies.

Characteristics / Appearance

The largest adult specimens weigh more than 5 kilograms and have a carapace length of up to 35 centimeters.

The Greek tortoise adult has a dorsal shell tall and gently curved. The neck shield is narrow and elongated. Vertebral scutes are trapezoidal in shape and flare downwards. The tail shield is almost always indivisible. Due to its enormous distribution range and associated adaptation to different habitats, the coloration base of the dorsal carapace varies greatly. The spectrum ranges from light brown to olive and from sandy yellow to light gray. The scutes are black to dark brown.. With increasing age, coloration appears faded. The ventral shell it is usually dark in color and clearly thickened in the anterior region. At the end there is a slightly movable hinge.

The Paws of the Greek tortoise they have large horny scales and five claws. typical of the strong hind legs are the horny nipples found next to the tail. The hind legs they have four claws each. The tail short does not have horny nail. This is also the most important characteristic that distinguishes it from the Greek tortoise.. The differentiation of the sexes can be determined by the size of the animals and the different size of the tail.. The female turtles they are usually considerably larger than their male counterparts and have a shorter tail.

These reptiles have a life expectancy of 60 to 80 years in its natural environment. There are also animals that live longer than 100 years.

The subspecies

The categorization of the individual subspecies is as diverse as the inhabited habitat with different climatic influences.. Based on genetic studies, Today we describe some 10 subspecies, divided into oriental species and westerners according to habitat. All species differ in size and weight, in the coloration of the carapace and in the bulging of the rim scutes. The distribution area of the eastern species stretches from the Near East to southeastern Europe and the Arabian Peninsula. The western species They inhabit North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula..


For a long time it was considered that the Greek tortoise was a species with few subspecies, despite its huge distribution area on three continents with different landscapes and climatic zones. But, for some years new varieties have been discovered and described as additional subspecies (for example, Testudo graeca pallasi) or independent species (for example, Testudo graeca perses) or even genres (for example, Testudo graeca nabeulensis), but some of them are not generally recognized. Two recent studies based on genetic studies give the following 10 subspecies for the Greek tortoise.

Eastern subspecies
  • Armenian tortoise, Testudo graeca armeniaca, Chkhikvadze, Bakradze 1991
    This subspecies is characterized by a low carapace shape reminiscent of Testudo horsfieldii and generally quite dark coloration with few contrasting markings.. The maximum size is 20-23 centimeters. After genetic studies, Testudo graeca pallasi, previously described as a separate subspecies, was synonymized with Testudo graeca armeniaca.

    Distribution area: western coastal area of ​​the Caspian Sea, eastern or parts of the central Caucasus in Armenia and Turkey.

  • buxton's tortoise, Testudo graeca buxtoni, Boulenger 1921
    Testudo perses was included in this subspecies.

    Distribution area: Northwestern and central Iran, east caucasus.

  • Asia Minor tortoise, Testudo graeca ibera, Pallas 1814
    This is the largest subspecies. Individual animals reach body sizes of more than 30 centimeters. The shape of the shell is somewhat flatter than in other representatives of the species and from round to oval.. The basic coloration of the carapace when young is olive with light black markings.. With the age, animals tend to darken, especially in the soft parts. Testudo ibera racovitzai and Testudo graeca nikolskii, previously described separately, have also been included in this subspecies.

    Biotope: Open scrub and grasslands, sparse forest edges, sandy coastal strips, steppe and semi-desert.

    Distribution area: south east europe, western Asia Minor, Russian and Georgian Black Sea coast, central caucasus.

    Name's origin: The name of the subspecies «ibera» goes back to an old name of the Kura Valley in Georgia (Iberia) and not to the Iberian Peninsula (Spain).

  • Mesopotamian tortoise, Testudo graeca terrestris Purse 1775
    These animals stand out for their predominantly light coloration., sometimes surprisingly yellow ("golden greek"), shell and soft tissues. Dark pigment spots are rarely black, but rather brown and of reduced extension. The animals are very tall. The head shows a characteristic yellow marking. The maximum size is usually 16 centimeters. Included in this subspecies are Testudo ibera var. bicaudalis, Testudo floweri, Testudo graeca anamurensis and Testudo antakyensis.

    Biotope: steppe with little vegetation, matorral, dry forests.

    Distribution area: southern and eastern Asia Minor, Levantine region

  • Iranian tortoise, Testudo graeca zarudnyi, Nikolsky 1896
    The elongated carapace with a serrated and enlarged posterior margin resembles the Marginated tortoise Testudo marginata. The coloration of the animals is olive to brown, the clear spotting pattern of the juvenile stage only fades later. It is a large subspecies, with carapace lengths greater than 20 centimeters.

    Biotope: Rocky hills and plains up 2500 meters above the sea level.

    Distribution area: east of iran

    Name's origin: This subspecies was named after the Russian zoologist Nikolai Alexeyevich Sarudny..

western subspecies
  • Cyrenaican spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca cyrenaica, Pieh y Perälä 2002
    The cyrenaica tortoise it has narrow forelimbs and only weak defense scales. The shell is notched, with a narrow anterior opening and upwardly puckered posterior margins. The supracaudal scale is comparatively strongly incurved in males..

    Distribution area: Libya

    Name's origin: the name refers to the Cyrenaica region in northeastern Libya.

  • moroccan tortoise, Testudo graeca marokkensis, Pieh y Perälä 2002.
    It has a comparatively flatter dorsal shell than the Greek tortoise. The ocher to yellow background color of the dorsal carapace contrasts with a multitude of fine lines and specks, and the shields have a dark border, partially torn, and spots on the central areola. The ventral carapace is lighter than the back., but it also has black markings. The head is dark with several pale scales., limbs mainly dark with individual lighter scales. Genetic studies have shown that the Testudo graeca lamberti is very closely related to the Testudo graeca moroccoensis and should not be considered as a separate subspecies.

    Biotope: arid landscape with steppe climate.

    Distribution area: north of morocco, on both sides of the Rif

    Name's origin: The name derives from the distribution area in Morocco.

  • Greek tortoise, Testudo graeca graeca, Linnaeus 1758.
    The shell pattern consists of solid markings on a yellow background.. The vertebral scutes have a dark border and also dark spots on the areoles.. The local form described as Testudo graeca whitei genetically belongs to this subspecies.

    Distribution area: Algeria, eastern morocco, Spain (probably introduced here).

  • Souss Valley tortoise, Testudo graeca soussensis, Pieh 2001
    Basic ocher dorsal carapace coloration, low contrast, fine linear markings and almost complete absence of markings on the plastron. The soft parts are brown to sandy., sometimes yellow-orange, with lighter scales, but little contrast, in the head. Juveniles show few or no markings. It's the kind of Moroccan turtle largest, with a dorsal carapace length of up to 25 cm.. The thigh spurs that are usually present in graeca animals are usually absent in the Testudo graeca soussensis, especially in the animals of the Souss valley proper.

    Biotope: Opportunistic colonization of cultivated areas, especially in thorny hedges, that offer protection and food.

    Distribution area: South of Morocco

    Name's origin: the name comes from the Souss valley, in the south of Morocco.

  • Nabeul tortoise, Testudo graeca nabeulensis, Highfield 1990.
    This subspecies has highly contrasting black markings on a yellow background.. Soft tissue skin and limb defense scales are sandy to yellow, sometimes with black tips. The head has a characteristic pattern of bright yellow spots. The Nabeul tortoise is the subspecies graeca smaller. Females usually reach a dorsal carapace length of just over 13 cm and a weight of about 600 g. The males are still much lighter, with a carapace length of just under 12 cm and a mean weight of 375 g.

    Distribution area: Tunisia, eastern algeria, Sardinia and Sicily (probably introduced).

    Name's origin: the name refers to its place of origin.

Testudo graeca subspecies

Different types: Testudo graeca (left) other testudo species (right)
Different subspecies: Tg nabeulensis (left) Iberian Tg (right)
Testudo g. Ibera Heraclea, Turkey
T. g. nabeulensis variety „Sardinian", Sardinian


The great expanse of Greek tortoise has made the species adapt to a wide variety of habitats and climatic conditions. Its habitats are dry semi-deserts in the north of the African continent., mild Mediterranean climates in Greece and Turkey, and hot, dry summers with cold winters in the steppes of Asia. The tortoise lives in sandy semi-deserts, scarce forests, grasslands and can be found on the edge of swampy wetlands.


The Greek tortoise belongs to the class of reptiles and, like all representatives of this class, is cold-blooded. Body temperature is largely determined by ambient temperature and behavior adapts accordingly. when it's very hot, animals are forced to seek out shady places. If the temperature approaches 40 degrees, they burrow into the ground or seek cool cracks in rocks to prevent their bodies from overheating.

Turtles are diurnal. Thus, in the hot summer months, activities are limited to the early morning and late afternoon. In very hot steppe and desert areas, sometimes the activities stop completely and the tortoise falls into a summer sleep. For the metabolism to work, body temperatures of more than 30 degrees for a few hours a day, that are achieved by sunbathing a lot. If the ambient temperature drops below the 8 degrees, the tortoise can no longer maintain the metabolic cycle and falls into winter torpor. Thus, in the coldest regions, spends the winter buried without activity.


The Greek tortoise it is herbivorous and its diet depends on the vegetation of the corresponding habitat. The herbs, flowering plants and clover are preferred when food is plentiful. Especially the fruits with seeds, buds and young shoots, just like the flowers, are the main foods. in dry habitats, the diet also consists of low-quality plant parts and, in exceptional cases, in insects and invertebrates when food is scarce.


After waking up from hibernation, the mating season begins between February and May. Fierce fights for the female's favor may occur between males. Once the rival has been expelled, mating ritual begins. Females are bitten on the extremities and rammed with the shell to stop them. Once this is done, the act of mating takes place. The male emits the typical screeches.

In spring, the eggs are laid. Up to three clutches of eggs are laid. Females spend a lot of time choosing the best place to lay their eggs.. On average, they stand between 5 and 8 eggs per clutch. As such, the female digs a pit of about 10 centimeters deep in which it lays the eggs. Next, the pit is carefully closed. No more brood care. The incubation period varies between 60 and 100 days. At the end of summer the first young are born, whose dorsal coloration of the carapace is clearly more contrasted than that of adults. Obviously, hatching temperature plays a decisive role in the formation of the sex of turtles. There are indications that an average temperature of more than 30 degrees during the hatching process produces predominantly female animals.


State of conservation ⓘ

Vulnerable Vulnerable ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

The Greek tortoise is in danger of extinction in its countries of origin. According to the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora of 1976, animals cannot be officially imported into the EU without documentation. In many countries, especially in North Africa, the turtles, or their shells, are put up for sale in the markets. Anyone who tries to import these animals illegally can be prosecuted.. Within the EU, there are certain restrictions on trade in turtles. There is an obligation to demonstrate to the authorities that the animals were acquired legally. There is also an obligation to notify the sale, donation, exchange, breeding or death of a turtle.

The natural enemies of Greek tortoise in their habitat they are mainly small predators such as foxes, martens or stray dogs. But birds of prey and corvids are also a threat to reptiles. As in all species of turtles, nests are the most threatened. It is not uncommon for nests to be raided by rats, Snakes, birds and boars.

The "Greek tortoise" in captivity


Ideally, keep the Greek tortoise in pairs or in a group. During the mating season, you have to be careful that there are many more females than males in the group, since they can develop quite aggressive behavior towards their congeners during this time. After mating, the females will look for a warm and sunny place to lay their eggs after a few weeks. The pit is dug and they are placed between 5 and 8 eggs. The process is repeated at intervals of 2-3 weeks, give place to 3-4 sunsets. Females react very sensitively to temperature fluctuations during egg laying.. So, in our latitudes, they must be compensated with aids such as a heat lamp. after sunset, eggs can be carefully removed and placed in the incubator. As far as possible, you should not change your position. Approximately between 65 and 90 days after laying, the first pups are born. Feeding is done with the same foods as for adult animals.


The Greek tortoise should be kept in an outdoor enclosure in summer. It must be located in a sunny place, because animals need the warm rays of the sun for digestion to work, among other things. Of course, there should be a place to water and hiding places such as roots or bushes should be provided. Pine soil or peat mixed with sand are suitable as a substrate. Small patches of meadow with some grasses are also a source of food for the turtles.. In their natural habitats, the tortoise hibernates in hibernation. Possibilities must be created in the enclosure so that, even in the coldest local weather, the tortoise can make a burrow and thus survive the winter. Soil must be frost free.

all wild herbs, as well as clover, Dandelion, the hibiscus and all the flowering plants, from pansies to lilies, serve as food. In no case should it be fed with animal products, noodles or pasta. These damage the digestive system of animals and can be deadly. Fruit should be an absolute exception on the menu. If there is a sufficient supply of natural foods, you can do without the addition of vitamins.

Keeping this species of tortoise in a species-appropriate manner requires sufficient space. The outer enclosure must be surrounded by a border of 40 height cm. Young animals must also be protected from smaller predators, like martens or foxes, and the largest birds. The easiest way to do this is with a metal mesh cover over the enclosure. Representatives of the eastern subspecies are especially suitable for conservation. The needs of African species are much greater in terms of warmth and susceptibility to stress and disease. The Greek tortoise It is one of the most common species of turtles..

Buy one "Greek tortoise"

how much does one cost "Greek tortoise"?

The price of a "Greek tortoise" at the exotic animal market, bred in captivity, ranges between 100 – 160 EUR, depending on its size.

Videos "Greek tortoise"

Tortuga Tortudo Greek Iberian Paradis Pets 2021

Alternative names:

1. Spur-thighed tortoise (English).
2. Tortue grecque (French).
3. Testudo graeca (German).
4. Testudo graeca (Portuguese).
5. Tortuga griega (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

False map turtle
- Graptemys pseudogeographica

The False map turtle is a strong swimmer and prefers rivers and large streams with moderate currents.
False map turtle
False map turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica) – Peter Paplanus, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Origin / Distribution

The False map turtle and Mississippi map turtle belong to the same species, but they are different subspecies.

Gender: Graptemys (Map turtles)
Species: Graptemys pseudogeographica (False map turtle)

  • Subspecies: Graptemys pseudogeographica pseudogeographica (False map turtle)
  • Subspecies: Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii (Mississippi map turtle)

The subspecies with which the species was originally described is called nominal form. In the case of the named form, the species name is used twice. In this case it is Graptemys pseudogeographica pseudogeographica, the False map turtle. The second subspecies is Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii., the Mississippi map turtle.
The Map turtles they are sun worshipers

The False map turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica), lives in large streams of the Missouri and Mississippi river systems, ranging from ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, through the Dakotas south to southwestern Alabama, southern and western Mississippi and Louisiana. The False map turtle also lives in various other river systems of southwestern Louisiana and eastern Texas.

Characteristics / Appearance

Unfortunately, the Map turtles not offered in pet stores neatly separated by species. They are mostly a mixture of Graptemys p. pseudogeographica, Graptemys p. kohnii and Graptemys ouachitensis. Estas Map turtles they are distinguished by the markings on their head. in the three, head markings consist of yellowish to ivory lines on a dark gray background.
The typical mix of Map turtles from the pet store

In the False map turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica pseudogeographica) there are two slightly thicker stripes on the head behind the eyes, coming out of the nape and bending to the side behind the eye. Under the eyes and around the mouth there are many spots, but they are barely thicker than the stripes. A few stripes come out of the neck and reach the eye. The iris of the eye is light brown to beige in color and is cut horizontally by a black line. The beak is light to dark yellow.. Leg and neck lines are slightly finer in this subspecies than in the other two.

In the Mississippi map turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii), two prominent lines also run from the neck towards the eye and bend there, but then they go much further and enclose the eye in the shape of a crescent or a sickle. The circular markings on the head are relatively small and occur almost exclusively on the chin. Neck stripes do not touch the eye, because there is already the drawing in the shape of a sickle around. The iris is white and only rarely has a dark line. The beak is colorless to whitish.. Leg and neck lines are evenly thick, with lighter and darker lines.

False map turtle
False map turtle – Peter Paplanus from St. Louis, Missouri, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In the Ouachita map turtle (Graptemys ouachitensis) there are two yellow-orange spots on the head, behind the eyes, which are between oval and square. These spots have a dark border. From these points there are no lines towards the neck. under the eyes, under the corners of the mouth and on the chin, under the tip of the beak, there are circular marks, which are clearly larger than in the first two Map turtles. The diameter is clearly greater than the thickness of the neck lines. Starting from the neck, one to three lines reach the eye. The iris is white and usually has a thin black line that crosses it horizontally.. The beak is colorless to whitish.. In the Ouachita map turtle adults the lines are usually reddish, instead of yellowish, but not always. In the lines of the legs and neck, light and dark lines are of different thickness.

Size and weight of the “Map Turtle”

Females can reach up to 27 cm of shell length. The males are still pleasantly small, with a maximum of 15 cm.. Adult females usually measure between 21 and 25 cm and weigh between 1,1 and 1,8 kg. The adult males of Graptemys pseudogeographica they are smaller, of 11 to 15 cm., and also weigh only 140-370 g.
Males are still much smaller than females.

The Ouachita map turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii) must remain minimally smaller than the False map turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica pseudogeographica)


The Map turtles are typical inhabitants of large rivers, but they also live in lakes and ponds. They prefer waters with abundant underwater plants, lots of sunbathing spots and shallow streams.


The False map turtle is a strong swimmer and prefers rivers and large streams with moderate currents, containing aquatic vegetation, as well as floating logs. It is also comfortable in deep and fast water. Turtles are present in the elbow lakes and in the swamps, but they are absent from the lakes, ponds or small streams. Rest is important for these turtles, and can even be found on steep and slippery logs.


Food components of the females of Map turtles in the nature (according to LINDEMAN 2013):

  • Molluscs 22 %
  • Fish 6 %
  • Caddisfly larvae 2 %.
  • May flies 11 %
  • Dragonflies 0,4%.
  • Plants 55 %
  • Other 4 %

According to VOGT (1981), the 42 % of the diet of adult females Graptemys pseudogeographica consists of plants (Vallisneria, Potamogeton, Lemna and algae), followed by molluscs and flies. While the males feed mainly on insects and do not eat plants.

Sex determination

In the Map turtles, the claws on the front feet are not a reliable feature to distinguish between the sexes. To distinguish males from females, the Map turtles must have a carapace length of at least 10 cm.. Prior to that, all look like females.

In the Map turtles male, the tail is much longer and also somewhat thicker. They are said to have a "fifth leg". The cloaca is situated well outside the shell when the tail is extended.. In females the tail is relatively short.. The cloaca is approximately level with the edge of the carapace when the tail is extended..


Mississippi map turtle
Mississippi map turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica kohni), adult female left, adult male right, photographed on site, Trinity River, Liberty Co., Texas (20 in April of 2007)

Males reach sexual maturity at 7-9 carapace length cm. Females reach sexual maturity much later, to the 18 carapace length cm. Mating can take place in the fall or spring.. After a single mating, females lay one to four clutches per season. Each nest consists of 2 to 22 eggs. The number of eggs per clutch in the Graptemys p. pseudogeographica is usually greater than Graptemys p. kohnii.

The higher the incubation temperature, more shell abnormalities hatchlings will have.

The incubation temperature can be between 25 and 32 °C. If you want more male offspring, hatching temperature of 25 °C. But, to 30 °C, more females are born. The warmer the incubation, the quicker the little turtles will be born. It usually takes between 50 and 80 days.

Threats to the species

State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

This species faces several threats, such as destruction of egg nests by animals and insects, falling into gillnets and shooting. The False map turtle, like the Red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), have also been collected for the pet trade.

All Map turtles are included in CITES Appendix III and in Appendix C of the EU Species Protection Regulation. But, they do not need any documents when trading within the EU and are not subject to declaration.

The "False map turtle" in captivity


The Map turtles It is native to large rivers and lives in areas of slow flow.. Thus, they need an aquarium with plenty of room to swim. For one or three adult females, should have 160 x 60 x 60 cm and a water level of 40-50 cm.. Of course, can also be higher. The Map turtles male is still much smaller, can be kept very well in an aquarium of dimensions 100 x 40 x 50 cm., that is to say, a standard aquarium of 200 litres. for the pups, the aquarium can be smaller at first. If you buy pups from a pet store or breeder, I would start with an aquarium of at least 80 cm to avoid having to buy new aquariums.

Aquaterrarium decoration

The assembly of aquaterrarium can be simple, because the Map turtles they mostly need space to swim. A thin layer of sand or other substrate can be placed on the bottom. You can create some structure with a few roots or pretty stones. A cave is also popular with Map turtles, for example, halved clay pots or a wall-mounted terracotta pot are suitable.

Planting in the aquarium is difficult. females eat plants. Males eat fewer aquatic plants, so you can try. But the males also burrow into the substrate, so it is not worth planting them. But, you can try plants that float freely in the water, as the Anthocerotophyta and Elodea. Basically, all aquatic plants that occur as food plants are suitable for planting.

Clean water is immensely important to the Map turtles. So, good filters are recommended. The water should also be changed regularly.

Terrestrial part

The Map turtles they have sensitive shells. So, the land part should not be made of stones. Wood in any form is much more suitable. For young turtles and males, just an area of ​​land made with a willow or cork bridge.

Sexually mature females need the opportunity to lay eggs.. Females that have never had contact with a male can also form eggs and should be given the opportunity to lay them on land.. Otherwise, there is a risk that eggs will be laid. Turtles do not lay their eggs in the water., but they bury them in the ground. The egg-laying area for Map turtles must have a minimum area of 50 x 30 cm and a substrate height of 30 cm..


The Map turtles they are hungry for light. They need high-quality lighting. A Map turtles will not be happy with cheap lamps and a fluorescent tube. The only sensible lighting for these tortoises is a metal halide lamp with a UV component. (also abbreviated as hqi). These lamps are not only very bright, they also provide the vital UV-B light that is necessary for the formation of vitamin D. They also get very hot, so it can be achieved 40-45 °C required on land if the distance is adequate.

for the juniors, is enough a hqi of 35 watts, for example the SolarRaptor HID Lamp Set incl. ECG + ClampLamp* or the Exo Terra Sun Ray Lighting Complete Set*. For females it should be a lamp 70 watts, I recommend the following complete set: Lucky Reptile Bright Sun Set Turtle*.


If the diet in the wild is known, food is actually quite simple. The Map turtles they can also eat all this in the aquarium. Use brown shrimp and other dry foods such as water fleas and mosquito larvae as a staple. It also, the Map turtles they are happy to eat frozen food, like red mosquito larvae and mussels. Mussels belong to the molluscs and are also widely eaten in the wild. the living food, like earthworms and isopods, should also be on the menu regularly.

The Map turtles they eat in the water, just throw the food in the water!

The proportion of vegetable food must be at least 40 % for the females of Map turtles. algae and aquatic plants (for example, duckweed) are particularly suitable for it. If you don't have enough aquatic plants, dandelions and other wild herbs are a good alternative. Otherwise, it is also possible to feed them with lettuce. Males and youngsters should also be offered plants regularly. The young also eat plants. The adult males of the Map turtles they barely eat them.

Yes the Map turtles do not accept plants well (especially the males), you can also occasionally use the pellets Sera’s Turtle Adult Nature* to provide crude fiber. These duckweed pellets contain more crude fiber than other terrapin sticks.

The Map turtles are very prone to vitamin A deficiency. To avoid this, you have to give them grated carrot once a week.

While young animals can be fed once a day during their first year of life, the Map turtles Older animals should only be fed pet food or pellets three to four times a week.. Otherwise, turtles will grow too fast. The amount of food should be such that it is finished after 10 minutes. Plants must always be available, a tortoise can eat whatever it wants.

For calcium supply, a piece of cuttlefish must always be floating in the water.

Temperature and hibernation

False map turtle
False Map Turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica) – Josh MoreFlickr

The two subspecies of Graptemys pseudogeographica have a wide distribution area. The False map turtle (Graptemys p. pseudogeographica) is further north, so it must hibernate a 4-8 °C for five months. The Mississippi map turtle (Graptemys p. kohnii) inhabits southern part of range. Thus, only hibernates for three months 10-15 °C.

Aquaterrarium with several turtles

The Map turtles, like all aquatic turtles, they are actually solitary animals. So, keep one Map turtles is appropriate for the species and recommended. But, if you want to keep several turtles together, all must be female. females get along better. Groups of three or more animals work very well.

When keeping a group, it should always be possible to remove a turtle from the group in case of stress or bite.

The Map turtles male should be kept separate from females. Otherwise, their constant mating attempts will make the females too nervous. The males of the Map turtles are often surprisingly compatible with each other, and it is often possible to keep several males together.

keep at Map turtles in a pond

The Map turtles not usually suitable for keeping in a garden pond. It's just too cold for them and the sunshine period is too short.. This leads first to shell necrosis and then to liver and kidney problems.. if you want to have Map turtles in a pond, the northernmost subspecies in particular is reasonably possible. It's about the False map turtle (Graptemys p. pseudogeographica).

Buy one "False map turtle"

The price of a "False map turtle" at the exotic animal market, ranges between 30 – 70 EUR

Videos "False map turtle"

9086 Graptemys pseudogeographica pseudogeographica

Alternative names:

1. False map turtle, Sawback (English).
2. Fausse tortue géographique (French).
3. Falsche Landkarten-Höckerschildkröte, Falsche Landkartenschildkröte (German).
4. Falsa Tartaruga Corcunda (Portuguese).
5. "Tortuga falso mapa", Falsa Tortuga Mapa (español).


Ernst, C. H. & J. E. Lovich (2009): Turtles of the United States and Canada – Second Edition. – The John Hopkins University Press (Baltimore): 827 pp.

Gibbons, J. W. & J. E. Lovich (1990): Sexual dimorphism in turtles with emphasis on the slider turtle (Trachemys scripta). – Herpetol. Monogr. (4): S. 1-29.

Lindeman, P. V. (2013): Map Turtle and Sawback Atlas – Ecology, evolution, distribution and conservation. – University of Oklahoma Press (Norman), 460 p.*.

Vogt, R. C. (1981): Food partitioning in three sympatric species of map turtles, genus Graptemys (Testudinata, Emydidae). – American Midland Naturalist (105): pp. 102-111.

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Russian tortoise
- Testudo horsfieldii

The Russian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii) during very hot summers, they burrow to spend a period of summer dormancy. In countries where summers are mild, this rarely lasts longer than 3 weeks.
Russian tortoise
Russian tortoise – Amirekul, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons



There are four subspecies of the Russian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii), which can be found from the Caspian Sea, passing through Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, to eastern Iran and northern Afghanistan. Sometimes, the Russian tortoise can be found even as far away as western China.


This species is traditionally located in Testudo. Due to their clearly different morphological characteristics, in 1966 the monotypic genus was proposed for her Agrionemys. In the news, gender is accepted Agrionemys horsfieldii. DNA sequence analyses usually match, but not too solidly. Some sources also list four separate subspecies of Russian tortoise, but they are not widely accepted by taxonomists:

  • Agrionemys horsfieldii baluchiorum (Annandale, 1906), Balochistan.
  • Agrionemys horsfieldii horsfieldii (John Edward Gray, 1844), Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China.
  • Agrionemys horsfieldii kazajstanica (Chkhikvadze, 1988), Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
  • Agrionemys horsfieldii rustamovi (Chkhikvadze, Amiranashvili and Ataev, 1990) Turkmenistan, Iran.
  • Characteristics / Appearance

    The species reaches a size of 15 cm. (males) some 25 cm., very rarely 28 body length cm (females) and then weighs between half a kilogram and two kilograms.

    The rather small size of the Russian tortoise it's just a feature, but not one by which it can be definitively recognized. Another feature is the shell. Has an oval dorsal shell, almost circular, which is also quite flat. Much flatter than other species in the genus Testudo. A coloration between yellow and brown and also olive characterizes the basic color of the shell. It also, there are dark spots. The Russian tortoise has basically only four fingers. Other species usually have five fingers.

    The male is recognized by his curved abdominal shell (concave), which makes it easier for you to get on the females and gives them a foothold. Males have a longer and thicker tail than females. On the other hand, females are much larger and have a very flat abdominal shell.


    In their habitats there are always stony and arid tracts of land, so the Russian tortoise it also has its other name, "steppe tortoise". Adapts well in dry and arid areas. But, animals are most often found near rivers.


    Russian tortoise
    “Russian Tortoise” Hatchlings

    The strong claws of the front legs and the flat shell allow the Russian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii) dig burrows up to four meters long, that you use repeatedly. At night, when it's very hot, during summer and winter lethargy, takes refuge in them, as they provide you with security from predators and soil temperatures remain relatively constant. They are often seen sitting at the entrance of the cave in the morning., when the weather is uncertain. In your range, the continental climate is hot and dry in summer and wet and icy in winter. It is characterized by large daily and seasonal temperature swings of up to 40 °C, and often it doesn't rain in the middle of summer. These conditions demand enormous adaptability of animals in their arid habitats..

    The hibernation lasts until mid to late March, until 6 months. No matter how harsh and cold the winters are, the warm season arrives quickly and without transition with an initial abundance of plants. These turtles only have three to five months to feed, grow and reproduce. With the increase in heat in early summer and the onset of drought, finding food during the day becomes increasingly difficult, so you have to take advantage of the morning and night hours for it. In the middle of summer, it is so hot and dry in many habitats that the animals go into a summer lethargy of one to two months. (aestivation) due to lack of food and heat and do not reappear until September, if at all. They take advantage of the short period until hibernation to look for food until they hibernate again in mid to late October due to nighttime temperatures, often very severe, below zero.

    In the wild, sometimes occupy enormously large territories. They are common 10 hectares for a male and even 30 hectares for a female. So, turtles are rarely found. But, it is precisely these circumstances that make the Russian tortoise a highly specialized species that cannot cope with the usual breeding of a species of European turtle long-term.


    When a male sees a female, approaches her in courtship plan. With the neck stretched out and the head nodding from top to bottom, the potential partner surrounds your chosen one. Finally, bites her front legs to force her to sit still. Males usually have a much longer tail with a nail on the tail, which can cause serious injury to the cloacal region of the female if mating attempts are too frequent.

    During copulation, the male adopts an almost vertical position behind the female. At the same time, the male opens his mouth, the red, fleshy tongue becomes visible and emits picket sounds.

    Females lay surprisingly large eggs between two and four weeks after mating, usually between 2 and 5 (up to a maximum of 9). Its shape is elongated-oval, of about 35-40 millimeters in length and about 15-20 g. of weight. The babies, almost round, hatch after sixty to a maximum of 100 days if eggs are artificially incubated at 28-32°C. A single successful mating is enough to fertilize the eggs of several clutches. For this reason, and by the huge and almost annoying mating desire of males, it makes sense in human care to keep males and females separate from each other outside of the actual mating season to ensure stress-free maintenance..

    Conservation status and danger of extinction

    State of conservation ⓘ

    Vulnerable Vulnerable ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

    Since 1975, this species is subject to the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, where listed in Appendix II. EU Species Protection Regulation includes species in Appendix B. Thus, can only change ownership as a hatchling and only with a certificate of origin stating where and when the turtle was bred. It also, animals must be registered within the EU with the local authority responsible for the protection of species (= free).

    IUCN classifies the Russian tortoise as "in danger" (VU, vulnerable).

    The "Russian tortoise" in captivity

    Russian tortoise
    Agrionemys horsfieldi photographed by Richard Mayer – The original uploader was Mayer Richard at German Wikipedia., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    In their natural habitats, the Russian tortoise is exposed to very contrasting climatic conditions. While in summer the heat causes even the summer lethargy of the animals, the Russian tortoise is forced to enter winter torpor every year in October due to temperatures of up to -21 °C.

    In captivity, animals usually go into hibernation from mid-November at a temperature of between 2 °C y 4 °C. As such, turtles bury themselves in the ground. As such, turtles dig into the ground. The natural habitat allows tunnels of up to 2 m depth. In outdoor enclosures in captivity, the Russian tortoise is usually buried between 30 and 60 cm depth in the enclosure. As such, many caregivers create an additional hibernation pit, which is protected from predators from below and offers frost protection from above, for example by means of a greenhouse.

    A constant temperature of 2°C to 4°C is important for the Russian tortoise. It should not be hotter than this for hibernation, otherwise proper hibernation will not occur. The Russian tortoise remains in hibernation in an outdoor enclosure for the same time as the Greek tortoise, for example. Normally they are 5 months. Many turtles come out of their burrows in spring, from the month of April, and become active quite quickly.


    The Russian tortoise it is herbivorous. Prefer dried herbs and grasses. The menu can also be completed with fresh vegetables. Should not be fed too much protein, as animals grow too fast and this can lead to shell deformation.

    Buy one "Russian tortoise"

    how much does one cost "Russian tortoise"?

    Only animals raised in the EU can cross national borders and only these animals can be sold. Despite the fact that possession without official papers is allowed, the origin must be proved. So, if you buy one Russian tortoise, needs a proper proof of origin from the breeder. If the purchase is not made from the breeder but from an owner, he usually has such a certificate from the breeder and delivers it at the time of delivery.

    We strongly discourage the purchase of a Russian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii) without adequate proof of origin. If the origin and filiation are not correctly demonstrated, turtles can be confiscated.

    Having said that, the price of a "Russian tortoise" in the exotic animal market ranges from 80 – 130 EUR.

    Images "Russian tortoise"

    A case of convergence. Gopherus flavomarginata (above) and Testudo horsfieldii (below). Both have flat shells and powerful arms.
    Airtight tanks make it easy to dig into the ground. This makes soft tissues particularly visible.
    Young people do not break the egg at the poles, but in the middle
    Youth: a distinctive central keel on the shell recalls the appearance of earlier ancestors
    Agrionemys horsfieldii
    Male (medium) and two females

    Videos "Russian tortoise"

    tortoise Testudo horsfieldii o tortuga rusa en terrario exterior

    Tartarugas Russas (Testudo horsfieldii)

    Alternative names:

    1. Afghan tortoise, Central Asian tortoise, Horsfield’s tortoise, four-clawed tortoise, (Russian) steppe tortoise (English).
    2. Tortue russe, Tortue des steppes (French).
    3. Steppenschildkröte, Russische Landschildkröte (German).
    4. tartaruga afegã, tartaruga da Ásia Central, tartaruga de Horsfield, tartaruga de quatro garras, e tartaruga de estepe (Portuguese).
    5. Tortuga de la estepa, Tortuga Afgana, Tortuga de cuatro dedos (español).