First time can be seen, in Senegal, a chimpanzee manufacturing a spear for hunting galago.
Fue un descubrimiento que cambió lo que los investigadores sabían sobre las técnicas de caza de los chimpancés. In 2007, Jill Pruetz first reported that chimpanzees savannah in place Fongoli research, Senegal, They were using tools to hunt prey. Eso por sí solo era significativo, But what also caught her attention to Pruetz was the fact that female chimpanzees were hunted predominantly those tools.
It was a point that some rejected or criticized because of the small sample size, pero el hallazgo motivó al profesor de antropología de la Universidad Estatal de Iowa a aprender más. In the following years, Pruetz and his research team have documented more than 300 cacerías asistidas por herramientas. Your results, published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, support the initial findings: They hunt with tools females larger than males.