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The emotional reunion of two elephants after 22 years – Victims of the circuses

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Jenny and Shirley

Shirley and Jenny were both in the same circus (Carson and Barnes), cuando Jenny era una cría y Shirley ya estaba en sus veintes.

During their lives as slaves, they lost great part of his health until they could reencontrase in a sanctuary of Tennessee after 22 years of separation.
La ahora no tan pequeña Jenny había llegado al santuario el 11 in September of 1996 , three years before Shirley. Ambas poseían secuelas de sus vidas como esclavas. Shirley, the largest elephant, reached the sanctuary the 6 in July of 1999 y poseía una lesión en la pata derecha, a large part of his right ear is missing due to a fire that also left him with scars number on the back, face and feet. Jenny, por su parte también tenía secuelas de su vida en el circo, tenía su pata izquierda trasera seriamente lesionada, was blind in one eye, tenía lastimada la parte superior de su oreja derecha, y poseía curvada de modo permanente la parte inferior de su cola.

Su alegría al reencontrase fue enorme, they left behind a life of exploitation to start a healthy life in the sanctuary. When were with Jenny, They recognized and acariciaron immediately through the bars. Shirley comenzó a rugir fuertemente y Jenny le respondía emocionada de igual modo.

“Jenny was the stable for the first time since the arrival of Shirley about of the 19:00 hours. Ella quería acercarse a Shirley, It was separated by two compartments. Once we allow Shirley to be in the adjacent compartment, the interaction between her and Jenny became very intense. Jenny quería entrar en el recinto con desesperación. She was agitated, hitting the door and trying to pass through and climb to the other side. “

“After several minutes of play and explore each other, Shirley began to roar and I refer to roar- Jenny joined immediately. The interaction was spectacular, ambas elefantes tratando de acariciarse frenéticamente entre sí a través de los barrotes. I have never experienced anything, not even close, at this depth of emotion “

– Carol Bucley, Director of the Santuarior

Shirley and Jenny. Life in the circus

Shirley, was born in the wild in Sumatra (Indonesian) in the year 1948, but was captured and washed away his family in 1953 cuando tenía tan sólo 5 years of age. She was taken to work to the Kelly Miller circus, and then others such as the Carson and Barnes where he met Jenny and together spent only one winter but not them impido recognized 22 years later.


His life in circuses stayed for tortuous 30 years. In one of his trips to the circus, He was one of the survivors of the burning of the ship that was carrying along with other animals when I was in Nova Scotia. In 1975, at the age of twenty-eight years, While it was exploited in the Lewis Brothers Circus, Shirley was attacked by another elephant. His right rear leg was seriously injured. Despite his injury, Shirley was forced to act in the circus for almost two more years before being sold to Louisiana Purchase Gardens and Zoo in Monroe.

Usually, female elephants live in groups, but with his injury related security problems, Shirley was kept alone all the time for twenty-two years. Dado que ella estaba lisiada y permanecía sola todo el tiempo, the zoo is contact the sanctuary so it was moved.

It could finally be moved and arrived the 6 in July of 1999. Arriving, they waited more than two hours so that it fell of the truck; the sanctuary respected Shirley times; el mismo sostenía que ella debía hacerlo cuando estuviera lista. Shirley could join Tarra, Barbara and Jenny three residents at the time and establish a strong mother-daughter relationship with Jenny.

Jenny, was born in the year 1969 also in Sumatra (Indonesian), sin embargo no fue allí donde se conocieron con Shirley dado que ya en 1953 Shirley había sido arrebatada de su familia. Jenny could only be with his family during the first 4 years of his life, then it was sold to the Carson and Barnes circus where are known.


In January of 1992, after fleeing their exploiters several times during the shows at the circus, they sent Jenny to a farm called Hawthorn Corporation. Four months later, Jenny suffered a serious injury in his left rear leg, caused by an elephant, which prevented him from walking normally. Jenny did not receive treatment for his injury, su vida no tenía importancia para sus explotadores y sólo recibió un analgésico. At this point, tenía además otras partes de su cuerpo lesionadas. Thus, in March of 1993, almost a year after injury, el criador la consideró inútil para su negocio, no servía como reproductora. Fue vendida a un pequeño circo de Estados Unidos y fue explotada allí durante dos años hasta que la competencia por alimento con los otros elefantes y su intento por mantenerse en equilibrio hizo más complicada su situación y que cada vez le fuera más dificil subir y bajar del camión jaula. As a result, Jenny was enclosed trailer inside most of the time.

In April of 1995, the owner of Jenny decided that she was simply “inútil” and it got rid of it in an animal shelter in disrepair on the outskirts of Las Vegas. Jenny was severely below its weight, no usaba su pata lesionada y había desarrollado una crónica putrefacción en su pie. (Lo que le provocaría luego la muerte)
Over the next fifteen months, the Jenny situation not improved. In this hostel, it was exposed to the elements, at temperatures below zero and imprisoned by chains during the night due to the inadequacy of the facilities, or received professional treatment.

Surprisingly, the 22 in July of 1996, the sanctuary was contacted by the owners of Jenny and they asked her to take. El Santuario no disponía del dinero suficiente para cubrir el traslado y todos los costos pero luego de una campaña para recaudar los fondos, the 11 September, Jenny came to the sanctuary and took his first step towards freedom. Con miedo y tímidez al principio, She was visibly relaxed when Tarra (first resident of the sanctuary) He gently stroked the head of Jenny with its trunk and finally convinced her to entangle the horns.

Three years later he rejoined Shirley. El encuentro de Shirley y Jenny fue muy conmovedor pero según Carol, Director of the sanctuary, nada se compara a los últimos días de vida de Jenny. They only were able to enjoy their lives together during 10 years since Jenny died due to a bacterial sepsis which was later proven by a necropsy.

Jenny's death
Jenny había llegado al santuario muy enferma. Tenía cicatrices y otras huellas del abuso de su pasado como un elefante de circo. Ella había estado expuesta a la tuberculosis, y tenía una pierna lisiada.

El día antes de morir, Jenny había estado recostada y no se levantaba. Shirley was with her and insisted that Jenny be lifted. La pequeña Jenny no podía levantarse, but tried and rose, relying on Shirley to maintain balance. If looked at the face of Shirley, se podía ver que ella sabía que Jenny estaba muriendo.

Jenny was on his deathbed when Shirley turned to the forests of the sanctuary. Jenny began making noises; con cada exhalación hacía un particular estruendo, was almost like a song. Bunny and Tara (the two elephants in the sanctuary) came running and then, joined the song of farewell.

“At any given time, me volví a Scott (Director of the elephant sanctuary) y le pregunté cuánto tiempo había pasado. He said that 58 minutes! Well, continued for two hours. Jenny vivió durante toda la noche y se mostró incluso alegre.¨

¨Cuando Jenny murió, emitía un sonido que yo nunca había oído. It was like a trumpet. Era muy bajo y se volvía cada vez más silencioso. She was very quietly without forcing herself. Disfrutar de este ritual fue increíble. Nunca había visto nada igual.

Shirley se quedó en el bosque y no comió durante dos días. Fue muy difícil y especialmente duro en Shirley. It was like a mother to lose her baby.”

Fortunately, Shirley had some family members for support in sad moments. Shirley is very close to an elephant called Bunny – the two are like sisters. Bunny came to the sanctuary just two months after Shirley.

¨La muerte de Jenny ha sido difícil para todos los elefantes, but they are recovering. The healing process may have been accelerated by a new elephant, Misty, It has come from another area of the sanctuary. She is a very happy creature, She loves all the elephants and run around. Ella es una bola de energía feliz.

En memoria de Jenny y de todos los animales que aún hoy continúan siendo víctimas del especismo.

1ª y 2ª parte del video de Shirley la elefanta

  • youtube.com/watch?v=xTjg2HnkEDg
  • youtube.com/watch?v=v-sxIotBamc

Via: especismocero.org

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