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The moment in which an Eagle capture an alligator


The moment an eagle captured a crocodile on the bank of a river has been captured by a British wildlife guide.

A baby crocodile, When they are well developed expected is at the top of the food chain, It has become lunch for a hungry bird.
The Osprey, which usually eats birds and small mammals, grabbed the hapless crocodile of the Nile with its sharp claws to then take flight with prey.

The safari guide, Mark Sheridan-Johnson, of 32 years, He was raised in Tanzania, but whose parents are from Newcastle, He captured the footage on his day off in the Selous Game Reserve.
«Yo no tenía ningún cliente ese día, así que estaba conduciendo en mi Land Cruiser en busca de fauna interesante para fotografiar», Sheridan-Johnson said.

«En nueve años de guía de safaris nunca imaginé ver este insólito comportamiento.
«He visto al águila pescadora en el banco de arena con algo en el pico.
«Me di cuenta que no era un pez, and that it was actually a West Nile crocodile. The Eagle was quickly removed from the objective but I have a couple of shots of the same flying.
«Creo que esto podría ser águila solitaria que ha aprendido a cazar cocodrilos.
«Sin duda, sabía lo que estaba haciendo».

Via: Telegraph

Photos: (Mark Sheridan-Johnson / Barcroft)

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