▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Great hanging parrot
Loriculus stigmatus

Great hanging parrot



15 cm.. length between 28 and 35 g. of weight.

The head of the Great hanging parrot (Loriculus stigmatus) is bright green, with bright red crown ending in a clear line across the rear of the crown not extending over the nape.

Green upperparts, lightly impregnated with yellowish-orange in the mantle; rump and uppertail coverts dark crimson. green wings; edge of the carpal bones with small red mark. The underwings of turquoise blue with small green coverts. The lower parts of bright green with red stripe below the Chin and throat Center. Upper, the Green tail; light blue below.

the black beak; pale-yellow IRIS; Pink-Orange legs.

Females lack Red Crown and has a narrow red bib; Iris can be darker.

Young birds lack the Red Crown, It has a bib less clear and more yellowish, yellow edges of the Carpus, and in general a duller Green.


Slight differences in the degree of the orange-yellow colour in the mantle of some populations of the island are not considered sufficient to differentiate them.

    Loriculus stigmatus stigmatus : The nominal.

    Loriculus stigmatus croconotus

    Loriculus stigmatus quadricolor


Little is known about the ecology of the species.. Possible seasonal movements have been observed. According to reports, not found in old-growth forest and most common along forest edges, in the open field, and sometimes around urban centers, until 1.000 meters above sea level. Birds move usually alone or in pairs, whether it is flying above or feeding on the trees in flower. Nest-holes in thick bamboo have been recorded.


Reproductive activity has been reported in February, from April to June, and in August and October
The Great hanging parrot nests in cavities. It usually lays three eggs. The female incubates the egg during 20 days and after hatching the chicks take time to develop 33 more days


The diet includes fruits and nectar.


common in Sulawesi, since the minahassa peninsula in the North, including Bangka and Islands Lembeh, to the South, also where in Muma and Button on the high seas. They are also found in the Togian Islands.

Of the three subspecies, including the nominal:

    Loriculus stigmatus stigmatus – Müller, S, 1843 – Celebes

    Loriculus stigmatus croconotus – Jany, 1955 – Buton Islands and Muna

    Loriculus stigmatus quadricolor – Walden, 1872 – Togian Islands.



– Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern
– The population trend: Stable

The size of the world's population has not been quantified, Although it is estimated above 100.000 specimens. The species is reportedly common and widespread in most of its range. (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.

"Great hanging parrot" in captivity:


Alternative names:

Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot, Black-billed Hanging-Parrot, Celebes Hanging Parrot, Celebes Hanging-Parrot, Celebes Spotted Hanging-Parrot, Great Hanging Parrot, Maroon-rumped Hanging-Parrot, Red-capped Hanging-Parrot, Sulawesi Hanging Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis des Célèbes (French).
Rotplättchen, Rotlättchen (German).
Lorículo do Célebes (Portuguese).
Lorículo Celebiano, Lorículo de Célebes (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Scientific name: Loriculus stigmatus
Citation: (Muller,S, 1843)
Protonimo: Psittacus (Psittacula) stigmatus

Images “Great hanging parrot”:

Videos "Great hanging parrot"



– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – By Lip Kee Yap [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – male perched. by iggino – lynx
(3) – Birds-pet-wallpapers – link
(4) – male hanging by iggino – lynx
(5) – By F. Schulter – papageien.org

Sounds: Frank Lambert (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Moluccan hanging parrot
Loriculus amabilis

 Moluccan hanging parrot



11 cm.. length between 25 and 38 g. of weight.

The Moluccan hanging parrot (Loriculus amabilis)(Loriculus amabilis) has the head of color green with the front of the crown red. The the mantle slightly tinted Orange; rump and uppertail-coverts dark red. The latter extends almost to the tip of the tail. Wings green; Red and yellow mark in the carpus. Under, the wings blue with coverts greenish blue. Chin red; rest of the underparts more green yellowish to them upperparts, especially the coverts at the bottom of the tail. The tail, at the top, green, by down Bluestone with fine yellowish tips.

The bill black; irises yellowish white; legs oranges.

Female with the crown green, red dots on the forecrown and throat. Iris brown.

The young birds with trademark yellow around the bib, and at the edge of the carpus. Iris pale brown.


It is distributed by primary and secondary forests, in the lowlands until 800 m, along the edges of forests, in the mangroves and the casuarinas coastal, on the edges of agricultural land, around the villages and occasionally in forests of coconut trees.

The species is observed more frequently in solitary, in pairs or in small groups in the vicinity of the trees in flower.


Little is known of the habits of nesting, only periods of courtship have been recorded.


Their natural diet consists of nectar, fruit, outbreaks, flowers and seeds.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident) 23.000 km2

Endemic to Indonesian, where are distributed by the islands off the northeast of Sulawesi including the archipelagos of the Banggai (Peleng. Labobo) and Sula (Seho, Taliabu, Mangole, Sulabesi), and in the North of Moluccas in Kasiruta, Bacan, Halmahera and Morotai.

In the Sula Islands It is rare, its population is probably around of 5.000 birds due to habitat loss. The status of the species in Banggai and Peleng It is insufficiently known.



• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world population It has not been quantified, Although it is believed that it is superior to the 20.000. specimens. The species is described as moderately common, although rarer in primary forest and common in secondary forest (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats, Although slightly affected by trade.

"Moluccan hanging parrot" in captivity:


Alternative names:

Moluccan Hanging-Parrot, Halmahera Hanging-Parrot, Moluccan Hanging Parrot, Wallace’s Hanging-Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis des Moluques, Coryllis des Moluques (nominal), Coryllis des Moluques (nominale), Coryllis des Moluques (race nominale) (French).
Zierpapageichen (German).
Loriculus amabilis (Portuguese).
Lorículo Amable (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Scientific name: Loriculus amabilis
Citation: Wallace, 1862
Protonimo: Loriculus amabilis

images of "Moluccan hanging parrot"

Videos "Moluccan hanging parrot"


Moluccan hanging parrot (Loriculus amabilis)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Single bird on a branch by nvoaden – lynx

Sounds: Mike Nelson (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Sula hanging parrot
Loriculus sclateri

Hanging of the Sula




14 cm.. length.

The plumage of the Sula hanging parrot (Loriculus sclateri) is mostly green.

The chin and throat They are red. There are orange-yellow markings on the mantle and in the back. The coverts, rump and tail upper are crimson, extending to the tip of the tail. Carpal edge red (leading edge of the wing in the “shoulder”). The tail It is green with yellow-green tip. The bill is black.

the female has the irises brown, While the male is pale yellow.

To the Sula hanging parrot Sometimes I have treated as a subspecies of the Moluccan hanging parrot, but the two are treated as separate species based on its clear differences in plumage and size.

Description 2 subspecies

  • Loriculus sclateri ruber

    (Meyer,AB & Wiglesworth, 1896) – Similar to the nominal species but red in the mantle and back.

  • Loriculus sclateri sclateri

    (Wallace, 1863) – Nominal.


They are generally distributed in humid areas of subtropical primary and secondary forests or lowland tropical forests. until 450 meters above sea level – mainly on the edge of the forest. Can also be seen in remaining tall trees in plantations and cultivated areas.

viewed solos, or pairs or small groups.


The first breeding season begins in January and lasts until April; and if conditions are right, breeding activities can once again be observed from July to September.

Nest trunks of dead trees, favor of the narrow hollow long with small entrance holes. Noticed it a female carrying nesting material, that can include pieces of bark, leaves and feathers for lining of the nest. Sunset You can consist of 2 to 4 white eggs. Single the female incubates the eggs during 20 days, While the male feeds it. Each egg measures of ~ 15 mm to 18,7 mm.


Its diet natural It consists mainly of red fruits – particularly wild figs, guava and berries, as well as flower buds and flowers. They also feed on nectar and seeds.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 30.800 km2

endemic to the Sula Islands (Taliabu, Mangole and Sanana), as well as of Banggai in Sulawesi (formerly known as Celebes)

Distribution 2 subspecies



• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world population It has not been quantified, but the species is described as common in its range (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.

A possible threat to its existence are the capture for the bird trade and habitat loss.

"Sula hanging parrot" in captivity:

Practically unknown in captivity.

Alternative names:

Sula Hanging-Parrot, Sula Hanging Parrot, Sulu Hanging Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis de Sclater, Coryllis des Sula (French).
Sulapapageichen (German).
Loriculus sclateri (Portuguese).
Lorículo de las Sula (español).

Alfred Russel Wallace
Alfred Russel Wallace

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Loriculus
Scientific name: Loriculus sclateri
Citation: Wallace, 1863
Protonimo: Loriculus sclateri

Images "Sula hanging parrot"

Videos "Sula hanging parrot"


“Sula hanging parrot” (Loriculus sclateri)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – “Loriculussclateriwolf” by Joseph Wolf – Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1862 (Web). Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

Sounds: Peter Wilton (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Sangihe hanging parrot
Loriculus catamene

Sangihe hanging parrot




12 to 13,5 cm.. length.

The Sangihe hanging parrot (Loriculus catamene) has the head Green with the front of the crown and the bib red. Upperparts Green with light wash of color orange in the the mantle; rump and long tail coverts red. Wings green, slightly dark; carpal edge brighter yellowish green. The flight feather blue with green coverts.

The underparts Green with the belly Beige and tail coverts of color red marked in green. Upper, the tail of color green with lips Red; Blue below. The bill black; irises brown; legs orange.

The female not have the Red of the crown; the Red of the bib reduced to a few points, and green the coverts infracaudales.

The immature with carpal edge yellow, lack of crown red, But if the bib red.


Found in pairs or in small groups on them flowers of coconut and shrub in flower, and groups of up to four birds found with greater frequency in plantations mixed. The species is has adapted to habitats side and their main source of food seems to be the nectar of coconut. One roost of 17 birds is the largest group reported.


One nest with two eggs is noted in 1985, little more is known of the habits reproductive of this species.


Their main source of food is the nectar of coconut.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 700 km2

endemic to the Sangir Islands. Most of the original vegetation in Sangir, It has now been replaced by plantations of coconut and nutmeg, and secondary vegetation of the abandoned gardens. Observations during mid of 1980 showed that it is quite common in coconut forests, and two pairs were observed in the steep volcanic slopes covered with trees in 1986. In 1995, the species was recorded of all forest habitats on the island from sea level up to around the 900 m (also be meeting around Tahuna). The birds are observed more frequently in fragments of forest and coconut plantations.



• Current IUCN Red List category: Near threatened

• Population trend: Decreasing

There are few data on recent trends, but not there is evidence of a continuous decrease and given your apparent tolerance to different secondary habitats, the declines in their population may have been insignificant.

The population of the Sangihe hanging parrot It is estimated between 10.000 and 46.000 specimens.

The original forest in Sangihe It has been almost completely replaced by the crop, but the species appears to be tolerant to degraded habitats and cultivated areas and there is no evidence of a continuous decrease. Other potential threats include the widespread settlement of large trees in the Decade of 1980, the escaped parrots-borne disease and the volcanic activity in the future (Riley 2002).

"Sangihe hanging parrot" in captivity:

Is not usual.

Alternative names:

Sangihe Hanging-Parrot, Sangihe Hanging Parrot, Sangir Hanging Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis des Sangi, Coryllis de Sangihe (francés).
Rotsteisspapageichen (alemán).
Loriculus catamene (portugués).
Lorículo de la Sangihe, Lorículo de Sangihe (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Loriculus
Scientific name: Loriculus catamene
Citation: Schlegel, 1871
Protonimo: Loriculus catamene

Images "Sangihe hanging parrot"


“Sangihe hanging parrot” (Loriculus catamene)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Photographer: © Jon Riley – Oriental Bird Images

Sounds: Hanom Bashari (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Loriculus philippensis

Loriculo Filipino




14 cm.. length and a weight between 31 and 40 g..

The head of the Colasisi (Loriculus philippensis) is bright green with a patch of narrow Scarlet color on the front of the Crown, bordered orange-red color on the back edge; yellowish-green Chin: narrow collar on the back of the Orange and red neck, with a wash light yellowish in the neck.

Bright green upperparts with dark crimson rump and uppertail coverts (lower sides of light blue). Bright green wings with vane internal to the darker flight feathers. Under, the wings of turquoise-blue with the exception of the outermost coverts which are green. Bright red throat Center, merging to red-orange in the center of the chest (yellow on the bases of feathers); rest of the lower region of bright green, lighter and more yellow than the upper region. Upper, the green tail; Blue below.

Coral red beak; dark brown irises; dark orange legs.

The female has a face marked in blue and does not have the Red bib, that is replaced by a greenish yellow colour wash. The female Crown is washed in yellow-orange (stronger than in the male).

Young birds have a more off Crown and paler beak.

Subspecies description
  • Loriculus philippensis apicalis

    (Souance 1856): Two aberrant samples previously attributed to theLoriculus salvadorii. They are larger, with less red on the Crown, more blue on the tail, and darker green colour. All the Crown of this subspecies is Scarlet, merging in Orange on the back of the neck and orange on the mantle in both sexes (duller in females). Bright red in the hip and more orange on the top.

  • Loriculus (philippensis) bonapartei

    (Souance 18563): You have the back of the head with pronunciation orange hue, Pico black and grey legs.

  • Loriculus philippensis bournsi

    (McGregor 1905): The male with red only in the front and light yellow area in the center of the Crown (female much less yellow on the Crown), upper part of the Crown of the male less yellow shows that the L. p. Regulus. Orange line on the nape of the male is less clear in the female. Female with less blue in the face that the nominal species.

  • Loriculus philippensis chrysonotus

    (Sclater, PL 1872): Frontal area and rest of the crown bright red that extends in golden yellow color on the mantle, and showing a fine reddish collar on the back of the neck. Male with more orange in the lower part of the throat patch. The female Crown similar but less marked.

  • Loriculus philippensis dohertyi

    (Hartert 1906): Maybe more orange in the mantle, but hardly different to the L. p. apicalis.

  • Loriculus philippensis mindorensis

    (Steere 1890): Orange-yellow on the neck line. Crown Green. More extensive turquoise patch on both sides of the rump.

  • Loriculus philippensis philippensis

    (Statius Müller 1776): Nominal

  • Loriculus philippensis regulus

    (Souance 1856): Similar to the L. p. bournsi but male with much more yellow on the Crown (female shows a more subdued yellow broadcast, but more than in the previous race). Nape line weaker than in the bournsi. Male with more Scarlet patch.

  • Loriculus philippensis siquijorensis

    (Steere 1890): Male with less red bib and the red spot of the largest Crown than in the nominal species. Back of the Green Crown. Falata neck mark. Female with more blue in the face.

  • Loriculus philippensis worcesteri

    (Steere 1890): Male Scarlet throat patch smaller than that in the L. p. chrysonotus. Both sexes show a more extensive Crown of orange-red in the rear margin. There is a small patch on the back of the neck of orange color and a light reddish color in the mantle of diffusion.

  • Loriculus (philippensis) camiguinensis

    (Tello, JG 2006): has mainly green plumage, with throat, front side of the face and thighs of azure-blue; the front, the pileus, the obispillo and the top of the red tail, While the rest of the tail is blue. Males and females are identical in appearance, What is unusual in others Philippine parrots, Since only males of other species have red forehead.


The species is found along the edges of the forest, secondary growth, Bamboo forests, areas cultivated near villages, orchards and plantations of coconut. The birds are alone, in pairs or in family groups, sometimes in small flocks, sometimes with other birds.


The breeding season has been recorded from April to August.. Three eggs are deposited and incubated by the female during 20 days, the young leave the nest in five weeks.


They feed in the upper levels of flowering plants or fruit trees, sometimes at lower levels, flower, nectar, fruit (including figs) and seeds, sometimes intoxicated by consumption of fermented coconut nectar (coconuts).


Limited to the Philippines (less the Sulu archipelago), where are widespread and resident except in Palawan. Its abundance varies according to the subspecies.. In general, the species is locally common up to 1000 meters above sea level, but have been recorded at altitudes of up to 2.500 m (Mount Apo, Mindanao).

Subspecies distribution



– Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern

– The population trend: Decreasing

The world population is considered to be above the 20,000 exemplary but decreasing due to loss of habitat. The subspecies Mindoro is considered as threatened, and both subspecies of Cebu as Siquijor, are nearly extinct the loss of habitat (as these birds are commonly caged and traded between islands, contemporary records of birds from Siquijor they require confirmation to determine whether they refer to the breeds).

The combined population of Mindoro, Sibuyan, Blacks, Surigao del Sur, Tables, Romblon, Masbate, Ticao, Cuimaras and Basilan (subspecies L. p. mindorensis, L. p. bournsi, L. p. Regulus and L. p. dohertyi) probably add in total not more than 5.000 birds.

"Colasisi" in captivity:

Very rare.

Alternative names:

Colasisi, Philippine Hanging-parrot (ingles).
Coryllis des Philippines (French).
Philippinenpapageichen (German).
Loriculus philippensis (Portuguese).
Lorículo Filipino (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Scientific name: Loriculus philippensis
Genus: Loriculus
Citation: (Statius Müller, 1776)
Protonimo: Psittacus philippensis

Images “Colasisi”:

Videos "Colasisi"


“Colasisi” (Loriculus philippensis)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – a female perched. by iggino – lynx
(2) – Birds-pet-wallpapers – link
(3) – Loriculus philippensis camiguinensis (Author AlexKant) – Crocolandia Foundation – ZooChat
(4) – Loriculus p. apicalis, male, By iggino – lynx
(5) – tapety-papousci

Sounds: David Edwards (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Ceylon Hanging-Parrot
Loriculus beryllinus

Ceylon hanging



13 cm.. length.

The Ceylon Hanging-Parrot (Loriculus beryllinus) has the crown red, merging into orange-yellow in the area of the nape; eyebrows, lores and the area in front of the eyes light green (lightly bathed in pale blue); sides of the front of the crown red. Mantle green, Bañado de slightly reddish and yellowish orange color in the Center; back green; rump and uppertail-coverts, red. Wings green up, with the exception of vane inner of the blackish flight feathers ; undertail, the wings bright turquoise color with the exception of coats and axillary green. The underparts bright green, paler and more yellowish which the upperparts and light blue marking in the throat. above the tail green color; Turquoise below.

Bill orange red, paler at the tip; irises off-white; legs dark yellow.

Female as the male, but most off and only a trace of blue in the throat.

The young birds they are even duller, the crown reddish-tinged, the patch blue of the throat absent, the rump with some green feathers, the bill paler, the iris and the legs brown; the face nude in the fledglings.


Seen in a range of habitats, from sea level to 1.600 m, reaching the highest areas according to seasonal conditions. The species is found in forests of coconut trees, Evergreen and deciduous forests, semicultivadas areas, open woodland and around the dwellings.

birds are not shy, and is usually found in pairs or family groups, although outside the breeding season larger flocks congregate high up in flowering trees. They are active and acrobatic feeding.


Observations, they have registered the male approaching his partner upright, with the high peak, swollen throat, extended tail and rump feathers erect, while emitting a screeching chirp. Wiggles head in courtship period have also been observed.

The breeding begins in January and although the main nesting period is between March and May, a second litter is, sometimes, until September. The nest is located in a hollow branch filled with fragments of vegetation that the female carefully cuts with her beak and carries to the nesting sites tucked between her rump feathers.. Only two to four white eggs she incubates, sitting firmly, screeching and creating a 'thumping' sound’ Yes is the annoying. The young Chick has the face exposed, presumably to avoid getting dirty by liquid food.


Feed on fruits such as Ficus figs and guava (Psidium guajava); berries; flowers, including Erythrina, Salmalia and eucalyptus; seeds, including Casuarina. Poisonings have been reported after drinking Palm wine collected pots attached to the trunks of the trees.


Endemic to Sri Lanka, where most records come from the South, Although there have been North of Trincomalee and should be observed in suitable habitats throughout the country. Records include proximities of Colombo, around Kandy, Yala and National parks Gal Oya, the district Welimada, and to the South of Galle and Hambantota, on the coast.



• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world's population has not been quantified, Although it is estimated at 10.000 specimens. The species is qualified as widespread and abundant in the South-West and almost absent in the North of its distribution area (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats, However, the bird trade is judged as a potential threat.

"Ceylon Hanging-Parrot" in captivity:


Alternative names:

Ceylon Hanging-Parrot, Ceylon Hanging Parrot, Ceylon Lorikeet, Sri Lanka Hanging Parrot, Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot, Sri Lankan Hanging Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis de Ceylan, Coryllis du Sri Lanka (French).
Ceylonpapageichen, Ceylon Papageichen (German).
Loriculus beryllinus (Portuguese).
Lorículo de Ceilán, Lorículode Ceilán (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Scientific name: Loriculus beryllinus
Genus: Loriculus
Citation: (Forster,JR, 1781)
Protonimo: Psittacus beryllinus

Images “Ceylon Hanging-Parrot”:

Video of the "Ceylon Hanging-Parrot"


“Ceylon Hanging-Parrot” (Loriculus beryllinus)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – “Loriculus beryllinus-Sri Lanka-adult-8” by Hafiz Issadeen – originally posted to Flickr as Sri Lanka Hanging Parrot. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
(2) – “Thimindu 2010 03 06 Sinharaja Sri Lanka Hangling Parrot 1” by ThiminduOwn work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
(3) – Perched in a tree by John A Thompson – lynx
(4) – Birds-pet-wallpapers/Parrot-birds – link
(5) – A fight by Guy Poisson – lynx

Sounds: Tero Linjama (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Blue-crowned hanging parrot
Loriculus galgulus

Hanging Coroniazul



Of 13 cm.. length and 28 g. of weight.

The head of the Blue-crowned hanging parrot (Loriculus galgulus) is bright green with a patch dark blue in the center of the back of the crown. Upperparts Greens with patch orange-brown in the Centre of the the mantle, yellow band at the bottom of the rump and tail coverts scarlet. Wings Greens with vane inner to flight feather darker. Under the wing coats green, with the underside of the flight feather blue. Throat and top of the chest with a patch bright Scarlet, the rest of the underparts slightly of a green pale that the upperparts (and more yellowish on the flanks). Upper, the tail green; Blue below.

Bill black; irises dark brown, legs yellowish brown.

The females lack of the bib red, with the underparts yellowish green. The patch of the crown is much more off, and the the mantle Orange is less marked than in the male.

The young birds lack of the crown blue, they have only an orange wash on the the mantle and bill yellowish. Maturation takes from two to four years in young men, showing the throat Red as the first sign of plumage adult.


Birds have been observed spending the night on the Hill of Fraser’s Hill (Malaysia), which indicates that there is a certain night dispersion. Extralimitales records have also reached coastal islands. The species occurs from the lowlands up to around 1.300 m, lies in the Woods, river banks growing, mangroves, secondary growth, lightly wooded areas, bamboo clumps, orchards, inhabited areas and coconut trees. The birds frequent the canopy and medium height plants, travelling alone, in pairs or. outside the breeding season, in groups of up to 150 birds that invade fruit orchards.

The birds are moving forward with steps balanced through the vegetation with a comical air, using the peak to help upload, and tail as support. Like other hanging parrots, This species sleeping upside down and also uses rain water for bathing in the same position.


Video “Blue-crowned hanging parrot”

Blue-crowned hanging parrotBlue-crowned hanging parrot

The reproductive behavior you have registered between the months of January and August. When the courtship takes place, the male is shaking his head, cupping their red feathers, extending the tail, with the body upright, and making calls with a soft Twitter.

The nest It is built into the natural cavity in a tree, enlarged by birds, at a height between 5 and 12 meters above the ground.

The Nesting material It is cut by the female and taken to the nest in the contour feathers. The laying is three to four white eggs often dyed Brown. The female incubates the eggs for 20 days and the chicks leave the nest about 33 days after hatching.


It feeds on flowers, outbreaks, fruit, various seeds and nuts.


Ranges to South, about 10 ° Norte, on the peninsula of Thailand, through Malaysia and Singapore, distributed also in some surrounding islands, including the Anambas Islands, the archipelago of Riau and Batam. The species is widespread through Sumatra and can be seen in the islands of the coast including Tuangku, Nias, Pini, Batu, Siberut, Sipura, Enggano, and to the North of Bangka, Mendanau and Belitung. Is present in a habitat along of Borneo, and the coastal islands Labuan and Maratua. His presence at the end of Java Western, in the area Labuhan, It can be the result of leaks of birds; the population around Jakarta is certainly wild.



• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world's population has not been quantified, but it is thought that it may be superior to 100.000 specimens without registration of captive birds. The species according to information, it is common and widespread in most of its range (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.

"Blue-crowned hanging parrot" in captivity:

These birds are kept in poultry, both in United States as in all Europe. Your dietary needs predispose them to a series of infections if failure to observe stringent hygiene practices, which makes them difficult to keep in captivity. This is the main reason that this species is rare in poultry farming., and even rarer as a pet.

More information at loromania

Alternative names:

Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot, Blue crowned Hanging Parrot, Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, Blue-topped Hanging-parrot, Malay Hanging Parrot, Malay Lorikeet, Malaysian Hanging-Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis à tête bleue, Coryllis à calotte bleue, Coryllis de Malacca, Coryllis malais, Loricule à tête bleue, Loricule de Malacca, Loricule malais (French).
Blaukrönchen (German).
Loriculus galgulus (Portuguese).
Lorículo Azul, Lorículo Coroniazul (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Loriculus
Scientific name: Loriculus galgulus
Citation: (Linnaeus, 1758)
Protonimo: Psittacus Galgulus

Images “Blue-crowned hanging parrot”:

Videos "Blue-crowned hanging parrot"


“Blue-crowned hanging parrot” (Loriculus galgulus)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – By Lip Kee Yap from Singapore, Republic of Singapore [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – By Quartl (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – By Art Bromage [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – By Lip Kee Yap from Singapore, Republic of Singapore [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – By Lip Kee Yap from Singapore, Republic of Singapore [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: Marc Anderson (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Camiguin Hanging Parrot
Loriculus camiguinensis

Loriculo the Camiguin



14 cm.. length.

The Camiguin Hanging Parrot (Loriculus camiguinensis) has the plumage mostly green, with the throat, front side of the face and the thighs light blue; the forecrown, the pyleus, the obispillo and the top of the tail red, While the rest of the tail It is also blue. Underwing coverts blue. Band of orange-red in the nape, that varies from bird to bird.

Bill orange. Iris grayish brown.

The males and females they have a similar appearance, the female has less blue on the cheeks.

The youth they are similar to the adult female but with only a slight tinge of blue in the cheeks and red on the forehead minimal or absent. Bill a pale.

In 2006 described as a separate species to the loricles who lived on the island of Camiguin, to the North of Mindanao, Since then it was considered a subspecies of the Philippine loricle in the.


Probably sedentary. Found between the 300 and 1350 meters in montane forests, secondary forests, at the edges of the forest near the settlements, in plantations in the areas planted with shrubs and coconut.

Usually seen individually, in pairs, mixed flocks or small families. Feeds in trees or shrubs; difficult to detect. It´s shy and cautious.


Breeding season probably between the months of September to November. Nest placed in the hole of a dead arbol-helecho. No other information.


It is said that they feed on nectar, seeds, especially wild banana (Musa), also soft fruit, berries and flowers.


Endemic in the Philippine island of Camiguin, off the North coast of Mindanao.



This species is threatened by its limited range, the natural habitat destruction and capture for the wild bird trade.

"Camiguin Hanging Parrot" in captivity:

Probably not remain outside the island of Camiguin.

Alternative names:

Camiguin Hanging-parrot, Camiguin Hanging Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis de Camiguin (French).
Camiguin-Fledermauspapagei, Camiguinpapageichen (German).
Loriculus camiguinensis (Portuguese).
Lorículo de Camiguin (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Loriculus
Scientific name: Loriculus camiguinensis
Citation: Tello, Degner, Bates,JM & Willard, 2006

Images "Camiguin Hanging Parrot"

Videos "Camiguin Hanging Parrot"


“Camiguin Hanging Parrot” (Loriculus camiguinensis)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – By Alexkant – zoochat

Sounds: George Wagner (Xeno-canto)