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Moluccan hanging parrot
Loriculus amabilis

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 Moluccan hanging parrot



11 cm.. length between 25 and 38 g. of weight.

The Moluccan hanging parrot (Loriculus amabilis)(Loriculus amabilis) has the head of color green with the front of the crown red. The the mantle slightly tinted Orange; rump and uppertail-coverts dark red. The latter extends almost to the tip of the tail. Wings green; Red and yellow mark in the carpus. Under, the wings blue with coverts greenish blue. Chin red; rest of the underparts more green yellowish to them upperparts, especially the coverts at the bottom of the tail. The tail, at the top, green, by down Bluestone with fine yellowish tips.

The bill black; irises yellowish white; legs oranges.

Female with the crown green, red dots on the forecrown and throat. Iris brown.

The young birds with trademark yellow around the bib, and at the edge of the carpus. Iris pale brown.


It is distributed by primary and secondary forests, in the lowlands until 800 m, along the edges of forests, in the mangroves and the casuarinas coastal, on the edges of agricultural land, around the villages and occasionally in forests of coconut trees.

The species is observed more frequently in solitary, in pairs or in small groups in the vicinity of the trees in flower.


Little is known of the habits of nesting, only periods of courtship have been recorded.


Their natural diet consists of nectar, fruit, outbreaks, flowers and seeds.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident) 23.000 km2

Endemic to Indonesian, where are distributed by the islands off the northeast of Sulawesi including the archipelagos of the Banggai (Peleng. Labobo) and Sula (Seho, Taliabu, Mangole, Sulabesi), and in the North of Moluccas in Kasiruta, Bacan, Halmahera and Morotai.

In the Sula Islands It is rare, its population is probably around of 5.000 birds due to habitat loss. The status of the species in Banggai and Peleng It is insufficiently known.



• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world population It has not been quantified, Although it is believed that it is superior to the 20.000. specimens. The species is described as moderately common, although rarer in primary forest and common in secondary forest (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats, Although slightly affected by trade.

"Moluccan hanging parrot" in captivity:


Alternative names:

Moluccan Hanging-Parrot, Halmahera Hanging-Parrot, Moluccan Hanging Parrot, Wallace’s Hanging-Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis des Moluques, Coryllis des Moluques (nominal), Coryllis des Moluques (nominale), Coryllis des Moluques (race nominale) (French).
Zierpapageichen (German).
Loriculus amabilis (Portuguese).
Lorículo Amable (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Scientific name: Loriculus amabilis
Citation: Wallace, 1862
Protonimo: Loriculus amabilis

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Videos "Moluccan hanging parrot"


Moluccan hanging parrot (Loriculus amabilis)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Single bird on a branch by nvoaden – lynx

Sounds: Mike Nelson (Xeno-canto)

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