▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Gray-headed Lovebird
Agapornis canus

Gray-headed Lovebird



Gray-headed Lovebird

From between 13 and 15 cm in length and a weight between 25 and 31 g..

The Gray-headed Lovebird (Agapornis canus) has the head and the neck pale grey. Mantle and green scapulars; rump with a much brighter green than the rest of the tops. Upper, the wing-coverts green, alula dark. Flight feathers green above, darker towards tip and margins to the vane outer; grayish brown below. Under, the wing-coverts black. The throat to the top of the chest pale grey; low area chest up to the undertail- coverts pale yellowish green. Upper, the tail green, by bright side, with broad subterminal black band; undertail, the tail greenish-grey.

The upper jaw bluish white, the lower white pink; irises dark brown; legs pale grey.

The female has the head, neck and chest green; upperparts sometimes more brown than the male. Under, the wing-coverts green.

The immature adults resemble, but the gray hood the male is steeped in green, especially in the nape; bill yellow with black on the basis of upper jaw.

Subspecies description:

It notes that within the species Grey-headed Lovebird, given the presence of 2 subspecies, which are Agapornis canus canus (Gmelin); Agapornis canus ablectaneus (Bangs); However, not known no kind of mutation, What is something special in this genre, as usually, each species has different mutations, you change the color of its plumage.

  • Agapornis canus ablectaneus (Bangs, 1918) – Greener (less yellowish) below, head violet gray con held tinkles.

  • Agapornis canus canus (Gmelin, 1788) – The nominal species


In Madagascar They are in some wooded areas, palm savannas, forest edges, degraded forests, bush and farmland and rice paddies to altitudes 1.500 m. Use the clear in the dense forest along the mountainsides.

Observed in the vicinity of cities and towns and, often seen on the roads. Introduced populations show similar habitat preferences.

gregarious, usually in flocks of up to 50 birds, being able to concentrate in greater numbers in areas where food is abundant, sometimes it partnering with Madagascar Red Fody (Foudia madagascariensis), the Sakalava Weaver (Ploceus sakalava) or the Madagascar Munia (Lepidopygia nana). They often gather at communal roosts in the bare branches.



The nests of the Gray-headed Lovebird are treeholes; Inside the hole is lined with fragments of chewed leaves or wood chips and stalks of grass worn by females between body feathers.

Nesting They were recorded in the months of November and December in Madagascar. Probably they breed during the rainy season (November–April) in Comoros.

The laying is of 4-5 eggs, but up to eight they have been recorded in captivity.

The incubation, probably, the female performs single, lasts a few 23 days and the young leave the nest after about forty days.


The diet Gray-headed Lovebird consists, mainly, of grass seeds.

In Seychelles They have a preference for the crop pasto guinea (Megathyrsus maximus); in the Comoros islands by flower buds Stenotaphrum. They also eat rice out to dry around the villages and farms.


Madagascar It is the natural range of the Gray-headed Lovebird, where usually are common, especially in coastal regions, but today they are rare in eastern and absent or scarce in the central plateau.

Introduced Comoros, Seychelles, Rodrigues, Meeting, Mauritius, Zanzibar and Mafia; apparently missing on the last three islands and only a small number on Rodrigues and Meeting, but widespread and generally common in Comoros.

In Seychelles, initially established extensively in Mahe but now confined to the suburbs around Victoria and some towns of the West Coast; small town, according to sources, in Silhouette.

Attempts to introduce them to other islands and in Africa have failed.

Subspecies distribution:

  • Agapornis canus ablectaneus (Bangs, 1918) – Arid lowlands of southwestern Madagascar, intergrades the species nominal about Beth kopaka and Ankavandra

  • Agapornis canus canus (Gmelin, 1788) – The nominal species


minor concern

• Current Red List of UICN: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world population Gray-headed Lovebird It has not been quantified, but the species, according to sources, It common and it is generally Extended. (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.

The species has undergone intense trade: from 1981 when it was listed in Appendix II of CITES, 107,829 wild-caught individuals They were recorded in international trade (UNEP-WCMC CITES Trade Database, January 2005).

After a total ban on exports from Madagascar, in recent years it has been possible to have some imported specimens.

"Gray-headed Lovebird" in captivity:

The Gray-headed Lovebird they are very rarely seen in captivity, Since this species it is not widespread today.

The Gray-headed Lovebird It is a pretty bird silent; active; often shy and elusive; Just get used to his caregiver patiently and in a gradual manner; newly imported birds, initially they are very susceptible; reared in aviaries not usually give complications; It hard chewer; enjoy bath; his voice is not too loud; communal aviary is not recommended because its something rowdiness; He tolerates only birds of the same species in large aviaries where you can implement your flight.

With regard to its longevity, they can live between 10 and 20 years.

Alternative names:

Gray-headed Lovebird, Gray headed Lovebird, Grey headed Lovebird, Grey-headed Lovebird, Madagascar Lovebird (English).
Inséparable à tête grise, Inséparable cana (French).
Grauköpfchen, Grauköpchen (German).
Inseparável-de-faces-cinzentas (Portuguese).
Inseparable de Cabeza Gris, Inseparable Malgache, Agapornis Cana, Inseparable de Madagascar (español).

scientific classification:

Gmelin Johann Friedrich
Gmelin Johann Friedrich

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Lovebirds
Scientific name: Agapornis canus
Citation: (Gmelin, JF, 1788)
Protonimo: Psittacus canus

«Inseparable Malagasy» images:

Videos "Gray-headed Lovebird"

Species of the genus Agapornis

Gray-headed Lovebird (Agapornis canus)


Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – A male Grey-headed Lovebird at Beale Park, Berkshire, England By Tony Austin (originally posted to Flickr as Parrot) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Grey-headed Lovebird, Ankarafantsika, Madagascar By Frank Vassen [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Grey-headed Lovebird or Madagascar Lovebird By OPi@Toumoto(Opi @ Tomoto) -> http://opi.toumoto.net (Self-photographed) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – the whole family… by ZaR – ipernity
(5) – we Pedia

Sounds: Mike Nelson (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Red-headed Lovebird
Agapornis pullarius

Inseparable Carirrojo


Description «Inseparable Red-faced»:

Ilustración Inseparable Carirrojo

Among 13 and 15 cm in length and a weight between 29 and 50 g..

The Red-headed Lovebird (Agapornis pullarius) has the forecrown, the front of the crown and lores bright orange red; the back of the crown, nape, the mantle and scapulars bright green; rump bright light blue; uppertail-coverts They are bright green; undertail They are yellowish green. Upper, the wing-coverts they are bright green and gives the impression of being in relief; small area of ​​clear bright blue in the carpal joints. The primaries and secondaries Green in them vane external and blackish at the internal. Under, the wing-coverts they are black, underside of flight feather blackish. The chin and throat They are bright orange-red; rest of the underparts bright green (paler than the upper region). Central feathers of the tail green, the green side marked red and with a black subterminal band, yellow (or yellowish green) at the tips.

Bill red. The eye ring It is formed by a thin and small band of blue and white feathers; irises dark brown; legs gray or greenish gray.

The female of the Red-headed Lovebird has the head, the chin and throat with yellowish orange edges in the back. Under, the wing-coverts green.

The immature they are like the adult female, but the orange color head and throat It is yellower. Young males shows the black color wing-coverts undertail. The bill is reddish brown.

Description 2 subspecies:

  • Agapornis pullarius pullarius

    (Linnaeus, 1758) – The nominal species

  • Agapornis pullarius ugandae

    (Neumann, 1908) – Possibly you have blue color rump a shade lighter than the nominal species.


The Red-headed Lovebird They inhabit humid lowland savannahs., isolated patches of forests into savannas, Riverine forests, shrublands, and more open habitats, including abandoned plantations, cropland and pasture.

They prefer secondary forests and primary education, only in the vicinity of grassy clearings.

Usually live below 1.500 m altitude, until 2.000 metres in Uganda.

Shapes flocks of up to 30 birds, wandering in search of food and returning at sunset to their communal roost favorite.

In captivity, often they sleep hanging upside down.

Reproduction «Inseparable Red-faced»:

The Red-headed Lovebird are single birds with respect to the breeding. They build their nest in a tree cavity (generally excavated by a Woody Woodpecker), in some hole dug by arboreal ants or occasionally termiteros terrestre.
The nest It is a bed of hulls and shredded leaves, perhaps hardened excrement. The female, apparently, It is responsible for its construction.

The breeding season It covers the rainy season, when grass sowing is done. The laying compose from 3-6 eggs (sometimes more in captivity).

The chicks hatch without down.

“Inseparable Red-faced” Feeding:

The diet Red-headed Lovebird It is mainly composed of grass seeds, including cultivars (millet and sorghum).
They also feed, occasionally, of fruit (Psidium and Ficus).

Considered as plague serious of crops in some areas.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 8.360.000 km2

The Red-headed Lovebird They are widely distributed, but erratically through West Africa and central. There are records Guinea, North of Sierra Leone and North of Ivory Coast in the region of Boundiali and Tingrela; in Ghana, found in the north and east of the country, south and west around Acra. They are also observed in southern Togo and Benin and in parts of central and southern Nigeria, but apparently absent from the coastal regions.

The islands gulf of guinea (in prince island extinct). Irregularly distributed through Cameroon to the South of Cabinda and Northwest of Angola (possibly south to the cuanza river) and of the Central African Republic and southern end of Chad to the South of Sudan and North of Democratic Republic of the Congo; in Uganda and registered at the west end of Kenya, and Northwest of Tanzania.

Burundi and Rwanda. There is a seemingly isolated population in southwest Ethiopia.

Usually sedentary although some local migrations and nomadism have been recorded (for example, Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania).

Its abundance varies widely: common in some areas (for example, flood plains Niger, Nigeria and Brazzaville, Republic of Congo), but only locally abundant (for example, Ethiopia):. Uncommon in many other areas (e.g Angola, South of Ghana – where apparently it is almost extinct – and West Kenya ). Its population also varies due to nomadic habits., but a true overall decline appears to have occurred in many areas in this century. Caught for the trade in live birds with large numbers in captive outside the range.

Subspecies distribution:

  • Agapornis pullarius pullarius

    (Linnaeus, 1758) – The nominal species

  • Agapornis pullarius ugandae

    (Neumann, 1908) – Ethiopia, Uganda, is of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, West of Kenya and Tanzania


minor concern

• Current Red List of UICN: Least concern

• Population trend: Decreasing

The size of the world population It has not been quantified, but the species, according to sources, in general it is quite rare and never reported as abundant, except locally on Ethiopia (pit et to the. 1997).

The population of the Red-headed Lovebird It is suspected that it may be in decline due to ongoing habitat destruction and unsustainable levels of exploitation.

The «Inseparable Red-faced» in captivity:

Quite common to 1960, since then rarely available and difficult to find specimens that are not imported due to the difficulty of breeding them in captivity.

The Red-headed LovebirdLovebirds.

The Red-headed Lovebird they are birds calm and harmless; initially shy and huidizos; They can easily hit when excited; newly imported birds are susceptible; keep in small cages at first and place it in a quiet place; regularly manage complex with vitamina C; are not big chewers; in communal aviaries only species pinzones, because they can not compete with other species Lovebirds; changing diet or the establishment, only when absolutely necessary, to They are not very adaptable; immature susceptible to 10 months, after they are more resistant.

Being a bird with little success in breeding, no mutations are known about him.

With regard to its longevity, according to sources, a specimen lived for 18 years in captivity.

Alternative names:

Red-headed Lovebird, Red headed Lovebird, Red-faced Lovebird (English).
Inséparable à tête rouge, Inséparable à face rouge, Inséparable pullaria (French).
Orangeköpfchen, Unzertrennlicher (German).
Inseparavel de cabeca vermelha, Inseparavel-de-cabeca-vermelha (Portuguese).
Inseparable Carirrojo, Inseparable de Cabeza Roja, Agapornis Pullaria (español).

scientific classification:

Carl Linnaeus
Carl Linnaeus

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Lovebirds
Scientific name: Agapornis pullarius
Citation: (Linnaeus, 1758)
Protonimo: Psittacus pullarius

«Inseparable Red-faced» images:

Videos "Red-headed Lovebird"

Species of the genus Agapornis

«Inseparable Carirrojo» (Agapornis pullarius)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – photo sent by Federico Antonio Herd Misantone – Agapornis.it
(2) – By H.v.d.Hoek. – gosenbenjamins.nl
(3) – 10 four young birds breeding pairs By HvdHoek. – gosenbenjamins.nl
(4) – MiAgapornis
(5) – female by ConservationIsGreat – Lynx
(6) – Agapornis pullarius (Red-headed lovebird) by John Gerrard Keulemans [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: selvino (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Black-winged Lovebird
Agapornis taranta

Inseparable Abisinio


Description Inseparable Abyssinian:

Inseparable Abisinio

Of 16 cm in length and a weight between 49 and 66 g..

The Black-winged Lovebird (Agapornis taranta) has the forecrown, lores and feathers eye ring, red; rest of the head and nape green dyed brown. Mantle and green scapulars, rump and uppertail-coverts brighter green. Upper, the wing-coverts green with the exception of coverts outer primaries that they are black. Primaries blackish brown with a narrow green margin towards the vane outer; secondaries black. Under, the wing-coverts black. Chin and throat pale green tinged brown; rest of the underparts pale green. Central feathers of the tail green with toes in black, the green side with yellow in vane inner, subterminal black bar with green tips.

Bill red; irises dark brown; legs grey.

The female no red in the head, and feathers sometimes under the wings marked in green.

The immature are like females, with the bill yellowish. The Immature males show the color black feathers under the wings with red feathers scattered on the forehead.

Partially sympatric and very similar to Red-headed Lovebird (Agapornis pullarius) with which it has an throat red or orange (no verde) and rump blue (no verde). Usually found in small flocks on the tops of tall trees, where the plumage It blends well with the foliage. Its flight It is fast and direct.

Proposal subspecies Agapornis Taranta nanus (Southwest of Ethiopia) supposedly in bill smaller and wings shorter, but generally not accepted. Birds at higher altitudes are larger, but not subspecifically recognized. monotypic.

Inseparable habitat Abyssinian:

The Black-winged Lovebird, at high altitudes (1.800-3.800 m), They are linked, normally, mountain forests dominated Podocarpus, Juniperus, Hagenia and Hypericum; below , on the 1.400 m, They found in grassy savannas and forests Acacia, Combretum and Euphorbia; also frequent cultivated areas and peripheries of urban areas Addis Ababa.

gregarious, at least out of breeding season, when usually they found in small flocks (8-20) on the tops of the tallest trees, gathering in greater numbers when food is locally plentiful.

Used communal roosts in tree cavities (often old nests woodpeckers or bearded ethiopian).

Sometimes it associated with Yellow-fronted Parrot.

Occasionally they lie face down on captivity.

Playing black-winged lovebird:

The Black-winged Lovebird nest in tree cavities, in holes in walls and even in nests of some Baglafecht Weaver.

In captivity, female leads Nesting material (small pieces of branches, leaves and grass) put in almost any part of their plumage.

The Black-winged Lovebird it's the only one Lovebirds using their own pens to build nest.

The breeding season, according to sources, It between March and November. It is not clear if the egg laying is synchronized with the rainy season. Normally, starting up five eggs, but they can reach eight captive.

Inseparable Power Abyssinian:

The diet release of the Black-winged Lovebird It consists mainly fruit, including Ficus figs and berries juniper.

Perform seasonal movements in relation to food availability.


The Black-winged Lovebird They are endemic to the highlands of Ethiopia from the South of Eritrea through the Harari Region and Addis Ababa including Great Rift Valley.

Frequently in montane forests: relatively uncommon at low altitudes in savanna areas.


minor concern

• Current Red List of UICN: Least concern

• Population trend: Increasing

The Black-winged Lovebird It is not globally threatened, although it is included in Appendix II (Anexo B) of the CITES Convention.

It has a very small distribution area, so you have a greater risk of extinction because if their habitat is destroyed or uncontrolled catches are made can lead to extinction.

considered as crop pest in some areas, though not of great importance, they can become the object of chemical fumigations to avoid their attacks.

However they are more frequent since 1989, perhaps due to reduced sales of this species for the pet trade.

In the news they are not considered endangered, but we must not fail to protect them and avoid both habitat destruction and illegal capture.

The Inseparable Abyssinian in captivity:

Although not as common as other species of Lovebirds (Rosy-faced Lovebird or the Yellow-collared Lovebird), this handsome Lovebirds It has a very pleasant disposition.

They are more tolerant with others Lovebirds, provided they have enough space, and they are one of the least noisy species.

Dwelling, on freedom, high mountain areas, It is not surprising that the Black-winged Lovebird I can tolerate ambient outdoor aviary, as long as they stay out of drafts and temperatures are not too extreme.

birds are relatively resistant, similar to Fischer's Lovebird or the Yellow-collared Lovebird, although they are not as much as Rosy-faced Lovebird.

typical in all Lovebirds, the Black-winged Lovebird is very sociable and loves the companionship. Their natural behavior is to live closely with a partner / a.

Despite being a very sociable pet and tender, they will need a lot of attention if kept separate. The majority They are kept in pairs to satisfy his great need for constant companionship, acicalamiento mortgage, and socialization.

For reproduce in captivity You need tranquility and a spacious and equipped cage at least two nest boxes.

With regard to its longevity, according to sources, a living specimen 14,6 years in captivity. In captivity, these animals are known to breed, approximately, to the 2 years of age.

Alternative names:

Black-winged Lovebird, Abyssinian Lovebird, Black winged Lovebird (English).
Inséparable d’Abyssinie, Inséparable à ailes noires, Inséparable taranta (French).
Tarantapapagei (German).
Inseparável-de-asa-preta (Portuguese).
Inseparable Abisinio, Inseparable de Frente Roja, Agapornis Taranta (español).

scientific classification:

Edward Smith-Stanley
Edward Smith-Stanley

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Lovebirds
Scientific name: Agapornis taranta
Citation: (Stanley, 1814)
Protonimo: Psittacus taranta

Images Black-winged Lovebird:

Videos "Black-winged Lovebird"

Species of the genus Agapornis

"Inseparable Abyssinian" (Agapornis taranta)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Agapornis taranta – Black-winged Lovebird in the San Diego Wild Animal Park, California By Carlos Urdiales [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – A male Black-winged Lovebird in a guava tree (eating semiripe) guavas, in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia By Veli Pohjonen (Own photographing in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – A female Black-winged Lovebird in Ethiopia By Alastair Rae from London, United Kingdom (Black-winged Lovebird) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Inseparable from Abyssinia by avicue
(5) – Black-winged lovebird by mundoexotics
(6) – A painting of a male Black-winged Lovebird (also known as Abyssinian Lovebird) (originally captioned «Psittacula taranta. Abyssinian parrakeet») by Edward Lear 1812-1888 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: Andrew Spencer (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Rosy-faced Lovebird
Agapornis roseicollis

Inseparable de Namibia


Description Rosy-faced Lovebird

Inseparable de Namibia

Among 15 and 18 cm in length and a weight between 43 and 63 g..

The Rosy-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis) has the upperparts green, except in the rump and uppertail-coverts they are bright blue. The tail is green, but the side feathers are black base, orange-red edges and subterminal band black. The flight feather They have black tips.

The underparts They are pale green from the bottom of the chest up to the undertail-coverts. The feathers of the tail and flight feather son negruzcas.

The head, the forecrown and the part behind eyes They are red, while the face, the chin, the throat and the top chest They are pink.

The bill It is white with greenish-gray tint. The eyes are dark brown, surrounded by a eye ring white. The legs are grey.

Both sexes are similar.

The youth They are duller with forecrown green tinged with red rose. The face is pale pink to the top chest. The bill It has a black base.

Subspecies description:

  • Agapornis roseicollis catumbella (Hall,BP 1952) – Brighter colors, with the front of the crown a dark red and the cheeks Bright color.

  • Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis (Vieillot, 1818) – The species nominal

Habitat Rosy-faced Lovebird

The Rosy-faced Lovebird frequents dry woodlands fields altitudes up to 1.500 m. Sub-desert steppes observed, wooded savannah with scattered forest cover, forest belts along rivers and farmland; often near standing water.

Usually, in flocks of 5 to 20 birds, although sometimes as many as several hundred may gather in areas where grass seeds ripen or near water sources.

They are very sociable and noisy, but also pretty tame. When resent, They fly to the nearest tree or vegetation, before returning quickly to the food source.

They used as roosts, nests Sociable Weaver (Philetairus socius) and the White-browed Sparrow-Weaver (Plocepasser mahali). Birds huddle in small groups in branches when the weather is rather cool.

Reproduction Rosy-faced Lovebird

The Rosy-faced Lovebird can pair off from two months of age. The male wait until the female accepts him before approaching. She adopts a "ruffled" position when she is ready.. The male It provides food, while balancing the head to get his attention. Also head scratching, especially around peak. When the male tries his approach, gently slides his hand. You can try out the other side if female It is shown aggressive.

The Rosy-faced Lovebird they are monogamous.

Nest in rock crevices, human constructions, bridges or communal nests Sociable Weaver (Philetairus socius) and the White-browed Sparrow-Weaver (Plocepasser mahali). The nest It is made of straw and branches, as well as some other materials such as pieces of bark, leaves and herbs, carried by the female rump feathers. The nest of the weavers carries no additional material added. The nests are communal.

The breeding season It has been recorded in the months Feb-Mar, April and October; most clutches seem to take place in the months of February-May.

The female lays 4-6 eggs. The incubation lasts a few 23 days, What does the female do alone?. It is fed by the male during this period.. The chicks are fed by regurgitation female, but it is the male who carries food. The period in the nest It is close to the 5-6 weeks, during which both parents feed the young. Flying around the age of 43 days.

Food Inseparable de Namibi

The Rosy-faced Lovebird they feed on, mainly, seed, sometimes taken directly from the soil, including grasses, Albizia and Acacia; usually they do visits to gardens to feed on sunflower seeds to cropland for him millet and the corn.

Sean is not considered a serious pest for crops because agriculture is scarce in the inhabited regions. They also eat flowers Albizia and other foliage plants, such as leaves of the genus Euphorbia. You can drink several times a day.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 774.000 km2

The Rosy-faced Lovebird They are endemic areas southwestern africa. In Angola, where the range of Rosy-faced Lovebird It is little known, The species is found in the region Sumba (perhaps further north) to the south, in parallel to the shore area through Namibia north of Cape, South Africa, extending from the east to the north. In Namibia to Lago Me, Botswana, although there are no recent records of the species there.

A sighting 1992 in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, suggests little-known eastern limits or nomadic behavior.

The main population Rosy-faced Lovebird It is within 400 km of Atlantic coastline. Records in the ancient province of Transvaal They are considered leaks. There is a wild population in the sector Fish Hoek of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa.

Subspecies description:

  • Agapornis roseicollis catumbella (Hall,BP 1952) – Southwest Angola, with a population in the wild Kissama National Park Northwest of Angola.

  • Agapornis roseicollis roseicollis (Vieillot, 1818) – The species nominal

Conservation Rosy-faced Lovebird

minor concern

• Current Red List of UICN: Least concern

• Population trend: Decreasing

The size of the world population Rosy-faced Lovebird It has not been quantified, but the species is described as locally common or even abundant in the vicinity of areas where water is abundant.

However it is suspected that the population of the Rosy-faced Lovebird can be in decline due to unsustainable levels of exploitation.

There has been a historic decline due to the capture and export of thousands of birds from Angola, This has contributed, to a large extent, a significant reduction in the population Rosy-faced Lovebird in the south of that country.

The Rosy-faced Lovebird in captivity:

The small Rosy-faced Lovebird It is a brilliant bird, joyful, Robust and gregarious. It is one of the most common parrots in captivity, along with the Budgerigar and Cockatiel, because of its ease of maintenance and reproduction.

Birds are considered easy, ideal for people who want to start breeding small parrots. The Rosy-faced Lovebird They can live in a large aviary cage outdoors, including winter. But, they will need to have a frost shelter to shelter in when it gets too cold outside.

Son active birds they like to fly. If they have to live in a cage, this will have to be wide and longer than high (birds are not helicopters). Ideally, the bird should be able to leave its cage for a while in order to be able to fly greater distances..

Contrary to popular belief, the Lovebirds They can perfectly live without a partner. Why do sellers try to sell both?, It is a purely financial maneuver. One Lovebirds only, will not die.

Similarly, when we say that a Lovebirds He will die of sadness when you lose your partner, It is once again a commercial argument. The bird can pass through a period of mourning during which try to call your partner / yy shouts, even more so when the other members of the aviary belong to another species.

All parrots are aves gregarias and they depend on the group to survive. A widow bird accept another partner, previous adaptation before sharing the same cage. It is possible however, two birds never understand (which it is rare, with the Lovebirds).
To end this belief, the "couples" of Lovebirds They not necessarily have to be of the opposite sex. Homosexual couples are common among Lovebirds.

His behavior with birds of their own species is quite good or very good, It is not the same for their behavior with other species: the Rosy-faced Lovebird are restless and vengeful birds. Coexistence with other species is totally discouraged by the vast majority of poultry farmers: the peak of a lovebird can easily cut your finger or injure another bird, smaller and more peaceful.

In general, the Rosy-faced Lovebird they are birds, relatively, easy to educate, provided that taken from young. Son tame birds, loving, playful, sleepers, large pet birds. The bite related to its small peak is still very painful, especially in the soft fingers of children.

It is permissible to say that males are better pet birds than females. The breeding females are often within their hormonal period, making them very territorial. A sweet female domesticated before sexual maturity can be very aggressive to the point of not being manipulated when in hormonal period. Once again, this does not affect all birds, because there are always exceptions.

In general, to the Lovebirds, They are not considered good speakers.

Not recommended for people with incompatible squeals.

No sexual dimorphism in this species. The only way to know the sex of the bird is to carry out a DNA test using a blood or feather sample..

It is not known much about the longevity of the Rosy-faced Lovebird. according to some sources They can live up to 34.1 years in captivity, It is plausible, but it has not been confirmed. Age of sexual maturity of 2 months to almost a year.

Due to the depletion of stocks, in poultry in the early 20th century, It will be started hybridize with other species, but thanks to some breeders are you has been able to preserve in its pure State.

Mutations Agapornis roseicollis


There are over 500 mutations or combinations of different colored. Mutations in genes lead to changes in the pigments that give color pens, such as psittacin (red, yellow or orange) or eumelanin (black, brown) or variations on feather structure. They may be sex-linked recessive mutations (They depend on the sex of birds) or autosomal recessive and dominant (irrespective of gender). Among the sex-linked mutations have: ino (known the lutino. There have eumelanin), cinnamon (produce eumelanin brown instead of black), Balls (quantitative reduction of melanin 60 %) andopaline (red psittacine of the mask has spread from the back of the head, the rump is the same color as the body). Also shows some combinations as are the pallidino (Only males, -pallid gene on one X chromosome and ino gene on the other X chromosome) and canela-ino (It is given by crosslinking between cinnamon and ino on the same chromosome and can be male and female). In all these mutations, females never carry the mutation. Years ago, the cinnamon cinnamones were called Americans and Australians palids cinamones or Isabelas.

Consider several crossings (to better understand the sex-linked mutations):

  • Crossing 1: Green x lutino male female = green and lutino male carrying female lutinas
  • Crossing 2: Green male x female = green Lutina carriers lutino males and green females
  • Crossing 3: Green male carrying female green x lutino = green and green lutino male carriers, Green and females lutinas
  • Crossing 4: Green male carrying female lutino Lutina x = green and lutino male carriers lutinos, Green and females lutinas
  • Crossing 5: Lutina x lutino male female = male and female lutinas

As autosomal recessive mutations have:

  • aqua (reducing a yellow psittacine 50 %)
  • turquoise (reducing a yellow psittacine 80-90 %)
  • aquaturquesa (combination thereof)
  • edged dilute (reduction of eumelanin 50 % in the body, in the center of the back and wing feathers eumelanin it is lower than in the edge, it seems that feathers are trimmed)
  • dilute (reduction of eumelanin 80-90 %, having a green veil over the whole body)
  • bronze fallow (It presents grayish brown eumelanin and red eyes)
  • pale fallow (greyish brown eumelanin sparingly, light green eyes and red veil in the abdomen)
  • recessive harlequin (reduction of eumelanin 95 %, smaller mask)
  • orange face (psittacin mask and tail is orange rather than red)

In these mutations, both males and females can be carriers. To be transmitted, or both are carriers or join a carrier with a mutated. Years ago, to dilute edged was called golden cherry and if it was combined with aqua, aquaturquesa or turquoise, silver cherry o plata.

As we autosomal dominant mutations:

  • dominant harlequin (reduction eumelanin and randomly scattered throughout the body)
  • pale headed (psittacine of the mask and the tail is light orange pink. Hay SF,factor simple y DF, double factor, ie more or less mask dark)
  • dark factor (a change occurs in the structure of the pen, in the spongy zone, so they look darker. There SF and DF, naming as a factor D and DD for two)
  • purple (a change occurs in the structure of the pen, in the spongy zone. We have SF and DF. The ideal is to combine a dark factor)

As discussed above, both headed as pale as dark violet factor are dominant incomplete, so we say what the single and double factors. In these mutations is mutated or not is, no carriers and being transmitted need only one parent to the present.

Is a type of harlequin which it is transmitted to different recessive and dominant form, is the progressive harlequin or mottle. The harlequin is increasing as the bird will be more adult, as it is getting older.

The mutation bee does not exist in the A. roseicollis. We have the combination of turquoise with ino, if they go selecting, we can get a completely white bird with red eyes, what would look like albino.

Apart from all these mutations, There is a variety called Long Feathered, of larger size and colors sharper the ancestral. It was obtained through years of selection, according to some or emerged spontaneously in some aviary, according to others and from there they began to work with them. Something similar happened with mandarins (Poephila guttata), Giant calling mandarins. So the variety would call if they have achieved by selection and mutation if they have arisen spontaneously.

Once you view the different mutations must say that several cases can occur, that make possible the multiple existing color combinations. They may have a recessive mutation with a dominant (edged dilute violeta), two or more mutations at the same time (turquesa edged dilute violeta arlequin DD), and it can even happen to have two different mutations and make the other not appreciated (normal and lutino lutino D or DD are exactly the same visually).

Source: The bird aviary

Alternative names:

Rosy-faced Lovebird, Peach-faced Lovebird, Rosy faced Lovebird, Rosyfaced Lovebird (English).
Inséparable rosegorge, Inséparable à face rose, Inséparable roseicollis (French).
Rosenköpfchen, Rosenpapagei (German).
Inseparável-de-faces-rosadas (Portuguese).
Inseparable de Cuello Rojo, Inseparable de Namibia, Agapornis Roseicollis, Inseparable de Cara Melocotón (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Lovebirds
Scientific name: Agapornis roseicollis
Citation: (Vieillot, 1818)
Protonimo: Psittacus roseicollis

Images Rosy-faced Lovebird:

Videos "Rosy-faced Lovebird"

Species of the genus Agapornis

Rosy-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Peach-faced Lovebird in Namibia, Africa By Alastair Rae from London, United Kingdom (Rosy-faced Lovebird) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Picture taken in the zoo of Wrocław (Poland) By Nicolas Guérin (messages) (Own work) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – A pet chick By Toumoto:http://opi.toumoto.net (Self-photographed) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Rosy-faced Lovebirds at Etosha National Park, Namibia By Brian Taylor from U.S.A (Rosy-faced Lovebirds) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Peach-faced Lovebirds (also known as the Rosy-faced Lovebird) eating seeds from a seed-block garden bird feeder in a garden in Scottsdale, Arizona, US By D. Patrick Lewis [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Mutation in roseicollis : opaline double dark factor By Roseicollis (Own work) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – Turquoise mutation By Sergi Bio (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
(8) – Mutations in Agapornis roseicollis yellow machine-readable By No author provided. Ajit S.~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
(9) – Peach-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis). Pet on a perch. Shows blue rump feathers By Peter Békési (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: Andrew Spencer (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Yellow-collared Lovebird
Agapornis personatus

Inseparable Cabecinegro


Descripción «Inseparable Cabecinegro»:

Among 13 and 15 cm.. length and a weight between 43 and 47 g., the Yellow-collared Lovebird (Agapornis personatus) They are surprisingly beautiful.

Inseparable Cabecinegro

They have head, the throat and the top of the nape blackish brown, merging into yellow at the bottom of the nape and top of the the mantle, forming a distintivo collar. The remaining the mantle, scapulars and rump, are green; uppertail-coverts blue. Upper, the wing-coverts green; primaries green, darker in vane inner; vane outside of secondaries green, the vane internal black.

Under, wing-coverts green; underside of flight feather grey-black. Top of the chest bright lemon yellow; belly and undertail- coverts pale green. Tail mostly green, but all feathers, except the central pair, labeled orange opaque; subterminal band negruzca.

Bill coral red, white at the base of the upper jaw; cere white; irises brown; eye ring white (2mm wide); legs pale grey.

Both sexes are similar.

Immature and adults, but the head it is less dark and bright; neck yellow duller; black markings, sometimes at the base of the upper jaw.

Hábitat «Inseparable Cabecinegro»:

The Yellow-collared Lovebird They are distributed in well wooded pastures, including the cultivated areas, with Acacia, Commiphora and, above all, Adansonia, at altitudes between 1,100-1,800 m. Avoid miombo woodland.

Usually observed in small flocks of 4-5 birds but sometimes they can meet up to a hundred.

Reproducción «Inseparable Cabecinegro»:

The nests of the Yellow-collared Lovebird they find, normally, in tree cavities, with a strong preference for Adansonia. They can also use free domed nests of other species. In Dar-es-Salaam, the nest, sometimes, They build it in the cavity of a building or in a free nest Little Swift (Apus ajffinis).

The nest is a complex domed structure built from long stems and strips of bark, carried by the female at the peak. The Eggs are laid in the dry season (March-April and June-July). The laying is of 3-8 in captivity. The egg incubation hard 23 days. During the first six weeks after hatching, the females they feed the young. Then, Once the young birds leave the nest, the males They take care of feeding pigeons During two weeks, or until young birds achieve independence.

Alimentación «Inseparable Cabecinegro»:

The Yellow-collared Lovebird feed of grass seeds, the millet and the sorghum, Also seed Cassia. They require regular access to water and can drink several times a day.


Size of its range (breeding/resident): 224.000 km2

Except track in southwest Kenya (in Taveta), the Yellow-collared Lovebird appear to be limited to the plateau in eastern and southern Tanzania, from northern, Mount Meru south to Morogoro and west on Región de Rukwa and Mbeya Region.

In Kenya, there are considerable feral populations in Naivasha, Nairobi and Mombasa; smaller in some highlands and the coastal towns (6.000 birds in 1.986.); in Tanzania, in Dar-es-Salaam and Thong.

Sedentary, in general, common and sometimes abundant. Wild population probably in decline due to the large scale capture for the bird trade. One large number in captivity.


minor concern

• Current Red List of UICN: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

Until this year (2007) It was included in Appendix II (o anexo B) convention C.I.T.E.S.. Not globally threatened, but still vulnerable by presenting a reduced distribution area. Importation is no longer necessary to be a sufficient number in captivity.

The population size World has not been quantified, but the species according to sources is locally quite common.

El «Inseparable Cabecinegro» en cautividad:

The Yellow-collared Lovebird It, next to the Rosy-faced Lovebird and the Fischer's Lovebird, one of the most Lovebird bred in captivity.

The Yellow-collared Lovebird (Agapornis personatus) It is a bird very sociable with his kind and can live in a group.

Its aggressiveness does not reach the limit of being able to kill a fellow, as if they would Rosy-faced Lovebird.

Very common, available in all pet stores. A bit less noisy some other Lovebirds, their cry is less annoying. Like all Lovebirds, the Yellow-collared Lovebird they are very agile, Dynamic, good climbers and skilled in all kinds of acrobatics. After the breeding period, Some couples prefer to be alone if they spent this time with other couples of their species.

The Lovebirds rarely talk, but there is the possibility that learn to imitate human speech if they are taught since very young. It is important to remember that you should never have the expectation that a bird can speak.

With regard to its feeding, We provide our Yellow-collared Lovebird a set of seeds, such as millet, mixture of canary, sunflower and hemp. Alternatively, we can provide insect, ears of corn and an abundance of fruit, vegetables.

Give them opportunity to bathe and change the water regularly.

The Yellow-collared Lovebird are very easy to play, at humidity 70%. Three nidadas by year. The female tends to lead twigs on his rump to decorate your nest.

A cage of 80 x 40 x 40 cm.. It is suitable for these Lovebirds. The nest It must be a horizontal box height 25cm, 18cm wide and 18cm deep. The laying is of 3 to 6 eggs. The time of incubation of these eggs is 23 days and the chicks leave the nest 4 to 5 weeks after hatching.

Mutations Agapornis personatus

No sex-linked mutations present, All are autosomal. They can be recessive, dominant and incomplete dominant. They are recessive: blue, pastel, ino, albino, recessive harlequin, DEC, dilute, bronze fallow y pale fallow. The only dominant as such they are dominant harlequin and slaty. Incomplete dominant They are dark factor, purple, misty y edged.

One type of harlequin which it is transmitted to different recessive and dominant form, is the progressive harlequin o mottle. The harlequin is increasing as the bird will be more adult, as it is getting older.

Esta especie se ha estado utilizando para «pasar» sus mutaciones a otras especies como A. fischeri and A. nigrigenis. This step is called transmutation (type hybridization). In fact, personatus lutino comes from the transmutations with A. lilianae, species which came first. This whole process is possible to be fertile birds resulting from joining any of these 4 species including. With the A. roseicollis sterile individuals out. For all that we have seen, encontrar Agapornis Personatus «puros» es tarea difícil.

Source: The Bird Aviary

Alternative names:

Yellow-collared Lovebird, Black-masked Lovebird, Masked Lovebird, Yellow collared Lovebird (English).
Inséparable masqué, Inséparable personata (French).
Schwarzköpfchen (German).
Inseparável-mascarado (Portuguese).
Inseparable Cabecinegro, Inseparable de Mascara, inseparable enmascarado (español).

scientific classification:

Anton Reichenow
Anton Reichenow

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Lovebirds
Scientific name: Agapornis personatus
Citation: Reichenow, 1887
Protonimo: Agapornis personata

Imágenes «Inseparable Cabecinegro»:

Videos "Yellow-collared Lovebird"

Species of the genus Agapornis

«Inseparable black-headed» (Agapornis personatus)


Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – Masked Lovebird (Agapornis personata) at Auckland Zoo By Chris Gin (originally posted to Flickr as Masked Lovebird 2) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – A Yellow-collared Lovebird in Serengeti, Tanzania By Demetrius John Kessy from Arusha, Tanzania (Serengeti(Fisher Love Bird)) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – The blue colour mutant of the Masked Lovebird, at Častolovice Castle, Czech Republic By Mistvan (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Several Yellow-collared Lovebirds at Kansas City Zoo, Missouri, USA By KCZooFan from Olathe, KS, U.S.A (Black-masked Lovebirds) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – A Yellow-collared Lovebird at Pukekura Park, New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand By Virginia McMillan from Wellington, New Zealand (yellow breasted bird) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – A Yellow-collared Lovebird at Honolulu Zoo, Hawaii, USA. It is perching by the entrance to a nestbox By Daniel Ramirez from Oakland, USA (Masked Love Bird) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – A pet Yellow-collared Lovebird in a cage with toys By Mike Fernwood from Santa Cruz, California, United States (Laura’s prisoner) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(8) – Lovebird hybrids (Fischer’s Lovebird x Masked Lovebird) in a back garden near Bangkok, Thailand By krisprachant [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(9) – The blue mutant of the Masked Lovebird Agapornis personata. This variety is called blue Masked Lovebird By Autor: norasuered [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: Stein Ø. Nilsen (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Fischer's Lovebird
Agapornis fischeri

Inseparable de Fischer


Description Fischer's Lovebird:

Inseparable de Fischer

Of 12,7 to 15 cm in length and a weight between 42 and 58 g..

The Fischer's Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri) has a frontal band, the lores and cheeks bright red with an orange shaded in red chin and throat. Upper chest is orange-yellow; crown and nape They are brown. Width collar adjacent yellowish brown and yellowish orange band at the top of chest.

The the mantle, scapulars and front of the rump, are green; the back of the rump and uppertail-coverts dark blue. Upper, the wing-coverts green; primaries and secondaries blackish brown with green edges to the vane outer. Under, the wing-coverts green; underside of flight feather grey-black. The low area chest up to the undertail- coverts pale yellowish green.

Tail bluish green, tipped yellow and bordered by a black line.

The bill is red, whitish towards the base of the upper jaw; cere white; irises brown; periophthalmic ring white of a 2 mm; legs pale grey.

Both sexes similar, indeed there no sexual dimorphism Between both.
One method that is very effective in distinguishing the sex of our Fischer's Lovebird It is the bone of the pelvis, being more open in females than in males.

The immature They have reduced the blue in the uppertail-coverts and they are both duller than adults, particularly on neck, the head and the chest; black markings, sometimes at the base of the upper jaw.

Habitat Fischer's Lovebird:

The Fischer's Lovebird They inhabit wooded grasslands with acacias, Commiphora; especially in the west, also in more open grasslands with Adansonia and cultivated areas. More common in sheets with different types of acacias and trees of the genus Egyptian balanites; also in terrestrial flora zones including Penisetum, Digitaria, Themeda and pastures Eustachys.

In the south of its range They are present in the forest with palm trees Borassus aethiopum.

When the season is dry, They can also be seen in areas of riverine forests Ficus, Boolean, Tamarindus, Aphania, Garcinia and Eckberg.

Avoid wooded savannah type miombo.

usually in altitude between 1,100-2.000 m. Often near water, especially in hot weather.

Gregarious, at least outside the breeding season , and generally in small flocks. Sometimes more important meetings form, for example, where abundant food.

In Tanzania They meet roosting nests leveraging Rufous-tailed Weaver (Histurgops ruficauda).

The main known predators Fischer's Lovebird they are the Borni Falcon (Falco biarmicus).

Reproduction Fischer's Lovebird:

The Fischer's Lovebird They breed in colonies.

The breeding It takes place from January to April and in June and July, coinciding with the dry season; the exact timing depends on the locality.

Most of the nests They are located 2.15 meters above the ground, at the base of leaves overhead palm, in the holes and cracks of dead trees or dead branches and live trees, sometimes nest on cliffs.

The nest It comprises grass stalks and peel strips carried by the female in his beak.

The Clutch size in captivity is three to eight eggs, with a period of incubation of 23 days and period incipient of 38 days.

Food Fischer's Lovebird:

The diet of the Fischer's Lovebird is mainly granivorous. It feeds on seeds such as Pennisetum mezianum, also it feeds millet and corn, although the species does not come to be considered a serious pest for crops; Also they take seeds Acacia directly from trees, grass Achyranths asper, fallen berries and fruit Ficus, Rhus shaggy and Commiphora.

They need to drink daily.


The Fischer's Lovebird They are endemic to the north and northwest Tanzania from Kondoa in the South-East, Serengeti National Park, in the north and the Lago Manyara in the East; possibly closer to the border Kenya in some areas.

In Rwanda and Burundi the species is either a recent natural settler, or I asilvestrado from 1970, or an irruptive visitor in response to drought.

Observed on the islands Ukerewe and KNIT in southern Lago Victoria.

Wild populations established in the region Dar es Salaam and Thong in Tanzania, and around Mombasa, Nairobi, Naivasha and Isiolo, in Kenya.

Probably some Local movements in the dry season with irruptions in drought years. Within its tiny range, is a common bird, with large flocks in some areas, scarce and seemingly in decline, especially outside protected areas where low density is attributed to the capture for trade.

There is a self-sustaining wild population derived from escapes from captivity in Southeast France, where Yellow-collared Lovebird (Agapornis personatus) also they escaped, along with hybrids also observed.

A big number of Fischer's Lovebird in captivity.



• Current Red List of UICN: Near threatened

• Population trend: Decreasing

The population of the Fischer's Lovebird release has been estimated to range between 290.205 and 1.002.210 birds.

There has been a significant population decline Since the Decade of 1970, mainly because of widespread trapping for the wild bird trade.

The Fischer's Lovebird wild bird was the most traded in the world 1987 and was the most popular wild parrot imported into the then European economic community, representing about 80% exports of parrots in Tanzania (RSPB 1991).

The legal collection for export has been stopped, but the population remains much lower than it was, and trade could start again (Moyer 1995).

The species hybridized with the Yellow-collared Lovebird (Agapornis personatus) in the nature, but not within the natural range of the species (there is a range of overlap but the Fischer's Lovebird It appears to be a non-breeding visitor habitat Yellow-collared Lovebird [N. Baker a slightly. 1999, Morton y Bhatia 1992]) so this is unlikely to pose a threat.

Conservation Actions Proposed

– Conduct surveys to obtain an estimate of the population-date.
– Monitor population trends through regular surveys.
– It prevent capture for export to start again. Investigate the extent of hybridization with the Yellow-collared Lovebird (Agapornis personatus).

The Fischer's Lovebird in captivity

The Fischer's Lovebird They have been kept as pets from, approximately, mid-sixteenth century. They became part of the trade in live birds 1926. The first successful captive breeding of Agapornis fischeri It was documented 11 in January of 1928. For the year 1931, the berlin zoo (Germany) they had raised 68 copies successfully in captivity. Today they are bred and sold as pets, mainly in the United States and Europe. In 1987 was the most traded bird species in the world.

The Fischer's Lovebird they are difficult birds to keep healthy in captivity. Son active birds they need a lot of space. When you are confined in a cage, health tends to deteriorate. Instead of being active and vocal, often they sit on the floor of the cage in a corner. physical problems such as negative young and the overweight also they shortened their longevity.

Being very active birds and require wide cage (a minimum of 50 x 50 x 75 cm. to a bird and 65 x 65 x 75 cm for a couple.). It is appropriate to give a little spot inside the cage to hide in when they feel insecure.

Surprisingly, they don't seem to have much trouble acclimatizing to cold weather even though their original habitat is tropical. If they kept away from drafts, they can withstand the long winters on other continents.

If allowed out of his cage must be very careful not to have utensils close that they can damage or may damage, they are avid chewers, they have strong beaks and can quickly cause damage.

They are very vocal birds and their shrill noise can be a nuisance.
Of all species of Lovebirds, the Fischer's Lovebird He is known to be the most acrobatic.

With regard to its longevity, a demographic study suggested that these birds are aging rapidly with maximum longevity 7,7 years. An exemplary, as indicated sources, lived 12.6 years in captivity. Maximum longevity could be underestimated; More studies are needed. It has also been informed by other sources that these animals can live up 32,2 years in captivity, but this has not been verified.

Alternative names:

Fischer’s Lovebird (English).
Inséparable de Fischer (French).
Pfirsichköpfchen (German).
Inseparável-de-fisher (Portuguese).
Inseparable de Fischer, Agapornis Fischer (español).

scientific classification:

Fischer's Lovebird - Anton Reichenow
Anton Reichenow

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Lovebirds
Scientific name: Agapornis fischeri
Citation: Reichenow, 1887
Protonimo: Agapornis Fischeri

Images Fischer's Lovebird:

Videos "Fischer's Lovebird"

Species of the genus Agapornis

Fischer's Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Fischer’s Lovebird, (Agapornis fischeri); side view of a pet on a perch By Peter Békési (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Two Fischer’s Lovebirds, (Agapornis fischeri). Pets on a perch By Peter Békési from Budapest, Hungary (IMG_2303) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Three Fischer’s Lovebirds at Ueno Zoo, Japan By Agapornis_fischeri_-Ueno_Zoo,_Japan_-three-8a.jpg: Takashi Hososhima from Tokyo, Japanderivative work: Snowmanradio [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Fischer’s Lovebirds, Agapornis fischeri, social grooming By Peter Békési (originally posted to Flickr as IMG_0692) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Fischer’s Lovebird perching on a branch in captivity By Françoise Walthéry from Bruxelles, Belgium (8_Buiten_reeks_8) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Fischer’s Lovebirds at World of Birds Wildlife Sanctuary and Monkey Park in Cape Town, South Africa By Mara 1 (originally posted to Flickr as I Love You !) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – Fischer’s Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri). Two on a branch By Lucia Smit (originally posted to Flickr as Sonny & Cher) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(8) – Fischer’s Lovebirds, Agapornis fischeri By Peter Békési (originally posted to Flickr as IMG_0736) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(9) – A group of Fischer’s Lovebirds feeding at Ueno Zoo, Japan By kanegen (originally posted to Flickr as Ueno Zoo) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(10) – Fischer’s Lovebird, (Agapornis fischeri) perching on a box By Peter Békési (Flickr) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: Rory Nefdt (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Lilian's Lovebird
Agapornis lilianae

Inseparable del Nyasa


Description Lilian's Lovebird

Ilustración Inseparable del Nyasa

14 cm.. length and a weight between 28 and 37 g..

The colorful plumage of Nyasa small Inseparable (Agapornis lilianae) may cause their extinction, as it faces the constant threat of capture for the cage bird trade.

They have forecrown, fore crown, lores and cheeks brick red, merging with an orange and yellow-green wash on the back of the crown, ear-coverts, sides neck and nape, but occasionally (including samples taken in Malawi and unlikely to be hybrids with the Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis)) brick red is replaced by dark crimson and orange by dark brown.

Mantle and scapulars bright green, rump and uppertail-coverts, Also bright green, but lighter. Upper, wing-coverts bright green; sometimes in yellow alula; vane outside of primaries and secondaries green; vane blackish internal. Under, the wing-coverts green with some blue feathers; bottoms of the flight feather blackish. Throat and top of the chest orange-red to pink salmon; bottom of the chest up to the undertail- coverts light green. The tail green, except central feathers with orange-red base and subterminal band dark.

Bill coral red; cere white; irises brown; eye ring white (2mm wide); legs pale grey.

Both sexes similar.

Immature and adults, but in black suffusion ear-coverts and black marks on the basis of upper jaw.

Habitat Lilian's Lovebird

The Lilian's Lovebird It is in groves mopane (Colophospermum mopane) and acacias in alluvial deposits and banks of river valleys, in general, below the 1.000 m, preferring areas with figs. Avoid trees miombo.

Very sociable and usually observed in noisy flocks of 20 to 100 birds, sometimes many more, especially when food is plentiful. The birds are not breeding, forman communal roosts in hollow trees, where between 4 and 20 sleeping birds clinging to the walls of the chamber.

Before settling in the place of descando, the Lilian's Lovebird They engaged, to a great extent, to engage in fights and chases.

Reproduction Lilian's Lovebird

Reproduction colonies.

The nest it is a bulky dome-shaped structure with a tube-shaped entrance built from strips of bark, branches and stems brought to the nest by females at the peak.

They build nests in the cavities of trees Mopane, sometimes in some nest of the White-billed Buffalo-Weaver (Bubalornis albirostris).

Wild birds Lundazi nest in the eaves of buildings. the brood, according to sources, It takes place in the months of January and February (birds possibly introduced), September in Zimbabwe and between January and July Zambia.

The laying you can have between 3 and 8 eggs in captivity.

Food Lilian's Lovebird

The diet Lilian's Lovebird It is mainly composed of grass seeds, including Rice perennial and cultivated varieties like millet (particularly unripe) and the sorghum, also seeds acacias, flowers A. whitish, African Erythrophleum, Vitex duamiana and African Cordyla, berries and leaf buds.

The food is collected directly from plants and soil. Often they need to drink, so usually they live near water sources.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 129.000 km2

Several populations Lilian's Lovebird separated on a restricted area in the southeast africa.

They are distributed in the middle of the valley Zambezi River, from the top of Lake Kariba around East of Binga to province Head in Mozambique, in northern and southern belt Zambezi River, below the 1.000 m, including valleys Angwa and Hunyani in Zimbabwe and valleys Lunsemfwa and Sash in Zambia.

In Northeast Zambia, It is also located north of valle de Luangwa, seemingly isolated from the valley Zambezi River, where possibly they were imported.

In Malawi, There is an isolated population of Inseparable the Nyasa located in forests Mopane in the region of the Lake Malombe, to the South of the Lake Malawi. There is also dispersed populations in southern Tanzania.

Wild birds are believed to exist (at least in the past) in the District of Choma and Mazabuka, to the South of Zambia. Aves on al Namibia are escapes from.

generally common, in some places abundant, but probably overall decline due to habitat loss, for example, in the basin of the Lake Kariba.

Apparently they are sedentary, but you can make local movements in response to the food supply.

There is a large number of Lilian's Lovebird in captivity.



• Current Red List of UICN: Near threatened

• Population trend: Decreasing

The population of the Lilian's Lovebird It is suspected of being in decline due to predation by invasive species and unsustainable levels of exploitation.

Its population has been greatly reduced by the flooding of much of the valley Zambezi by the Lake Kariba, and probably also by the dam Cahorra Low in Mozambique.

They considered a pest, small-scale, by farmers (Harrison et al. 1997). Besides the captura legal large quantities for the international trade in cage birds (more than 10.000 from 1981 when it began to be mentioned in the CITES Appendix II), many are caught and sold locally Mozambique, and the species is also caught and sold in Zimbabwe and Zambia (V. Parker in little . 2003, UNEP-WCMC CITES Trade Database, January 2005).

Conservation Actions Underway:

    – Conduct surveys to obtain an overall estimate of the population.
    – Monitor population trends through regular surveys.
    – Control or stop the capture and trade in order to prevent overfishing.

This species is well studied in South Africa «Research Project» conducido por el «Research Centre for Parrot Conservation» de la Universidad de KwaZulu-Natal. Studies to better understand its ecology and conservation.

The Inseparable from the Nyasa in captivity

They were imported to Europe 1926.

Rarely seen among breeders and many crossed with Fischer's Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri).

The Lilian's Lovebird son aves gregarias, that coexist very well in Cologne. They have a character quite scary because not very frequent, they have not yet become very familiar with the human being, but once caught enough confidence spend the day making a racket.

You can keep an aviary with Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis).

They are birds something else complicated to create than other varieties Lovebird, are birds more timid and therefore need more peace of mind, plus the percentage of egg fertility in this species is a 40 % to 60 %.

Apparently they have problems to survive the first moult, so in this case it is recommended to acquire and adults.

With regard to its longevity, according to sources, a specimen lived 19,2 years in captivity.

Alternative names:

Nyasa Lovebird, Black-cheeked Lovebird, Nyassa Lovebird (English).
Inséparable de Lilian, Inséparable de Liliane, Inséparable liliane, Inséparable nyasa (French).
Erdbeerköpfchen (German).
Inseparável do Niassa, Inseparável-de-niassa (Portuguese).
Inseparable del Nyasa, Inseparable Liliana, Agapornis Lilianae (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Lovebirds
Scientific name: Agapornis lilianae
Citation: Shelley, 1894
Protonimo: Agapornis lilianae

Images Lilian's Lovebird

Videos "Lilian's Lovebird"

Species of the genus Agapornis

Lilian's Lovebird (Agapornis lilianae)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Lilian’s Lovebird at South Luangwa Valley National Park, Zambia © Hans Hillewaert/, via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Three Agapornis lilianae birds By derivative work: Snowmanradio (talk)Agapornis_lilianae.jpg: Wessel van der Veen (Agapornis_lilianae.jpg) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Agapornis lilianae green D (Jade) By Gonzalo Blanco – Linx
(4) – A perched bird By Paul van Giersbergen – Lynx
(5) – Pair By Philip Perry – Lynx
(6) – Illustration by Ibis 1894

Sounds: Derek Solomon (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Black-collared Lovebird
Agapornis swindernianus

Inseparable Acollarado


Descripción «Inseparable Acollarado»:

Inseparable Acollarado

13 cm. length and weight of 39 to 41 g.

The Black-collared Lovebird (Agapornis swindernianus) has the forecrown, the lores and crown emerald green. Narrow black band at the nape, behind yellow lined. Mantle and scapulars green; rump and coverts bright blue. Upperwing-coverts green. Flight feathers Blackish with vane Green external on the upper face. Underwing-coverts emerald green.

The underparts pale green pretty boring, particularly on chest; flanks brightest. Central feathers of the tail, large black hand with green tips; other red at the base, green tips with broad black subterminal band.

Bill greyish black; irises yellow; legs Dark yellow green.

Both sexes similar.

The immature they are like adult, but without the nuchal collar. The Green head, the Blue rump and red tail, colors are duller than adults. Iris brown. beak pale gray with black spot at the base.

Subspecies description:

  • Agapornis swindernianus emini (Neumann, 1908) – Of 13 cm length. The collar is red and black and is narrower, It does not extend to the beginning of chest.

  • Agapornis swindernianus swindernianus (Kuhl, 1820) – The species nominal

  • Agapornis swindernianus zenkeri (Reichenow, 1895) – Of 13 cm.. length. Under the black band it has reddish coloration extends to the chest diluted.

Hábitat «Inseparable Acollarado»:

The Black-collared Lovebird They inhabit lowland tropical evergreen forests, both primary and secondary, generally below the 700 m. although some reports indicate sightings 1.800 metres in Uganda.

Visits occasionally cultivated land. In general, in small flocks (until 20 birds), sometimes in larger groups during the dry season.

It is a bird, generally, arboreal; frequent the treetops, where they can be very difficult to detect when they remain silent.

Forman communal roosts in their favorite places.

Reproducción «Inseparable Acollarado»:

Reproduction of this species is, to a great extent, unknown; They have been observed in arboreal termite nests and it is suspected that breeding in the northern basin of the congo river It is in July.

Alimentación «Inseparable Acollarado»:

Their main food is, apparently, seeds Ficus, extracted from its fruits, in mature forests, light areas near the forest and trees growing areas around the villages; They also take millet, corn and other seeds, as well as insects and their larvae.

birds in the distrito de Ituri, Democratic Republic of the Congo, feeding were observed in the rice crops and Sesame.

Distribución «Agapornis swindernianus»:

The Black-collared Lovebird they are endemic in West Africa center in at least two (possibly three or four) separate populations.

In West Africa The species is found in Liberia, Ivory Coast (Taï National Park) to the South of Ghana, which recently they occurred in the Bia National Park.

In West Central Africa Its distribution extends from southern Cameroon south on Gabon and east to the north Congo river and extreme southwestern Central African Republic.

You can also see from the basin Congo river in West Uganda.

Subspecies distribution:

  • Agapornis swindernianus emini (Neumann, 1908) – Spread across the center and east of Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west end of Uganda.

  • Agapornis swindernianus swindernianus (Kuhl, 1820) – The species nominal

  • Agapornis swindernianus zenkeri (Reichenow, 1895) – Distributed in southern Cameroon and eastern Gabon to the southwest of Central African Republic and West Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Black-collared lovebird conservation:

minor concern

• Current Red List of UICN: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world population Black-collared Lovebird It has not been quantified, but the species, according to sources, It is considered rare in Ghana and probably confined to forest reserves. Described as common in Gabon and Democratic Republic of the Congo and reasonably common in lowlands in Bwamba of Uganda.

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.

As a curiosity, emphasize that governments Liberia and Uganda stamps have been printed with his image.

The Inseparable Vireo in captivity:

Probably It not kept out of their range; some captured birds died after a few days or weeks; No further information is available.

As with any other pet, it is essential to ensure that the birds one is about to purchase have been captive bred and not wild caught. In addition to conservation and ethical reasons, trapped wild animals are more likely to get sick and die.

Alternative names:

Black-collared Lovebird, Black collared Lovebird (English).
Inséparable à collier noir, Inséparable à collier, Inséparable du Libéria (French).
Grüköpfchen, Grünköpchen, Grünköpfchen (German).
Inseparável-acollarado (Portuguese).
Inseparable Acollarado, Inseparable de Cuello Negro (español).

scientific classification:

Kuhl, Heinrich
Heinrich Kuhl

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Lovebirds
Scientific name: Agapornis swindernianus
Citation: (Kuhl, 1820)
Protonimo: Psittacus Swindernianus

Images "Black-collared Lovebird"

Species of the genus Agapornis

«Inseparable Acollarado» (Agapornis swindernianus)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Black-collared lovebird, the great unknown – fischospi
(2) – A painting of a Black-collared Lovebird (originally captioned «Psittacula swinderniana. Swindern’s Parakeet») by Edward Lear (1812-1888) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons