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The incredible story of a dog that lives with its owner, in the cemetery

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Since his master died He left the House to be close to the, Although no one told where were the remains. Every day, to 6 in the afternoon, lie next to the tombstone and refuses to return home

A few days after the 24 in March of 2006, When Miguel died, Captain decided to leave the house where he lived, in the Cordoba town of Villa Carlos Paz. The dog that he had brought home as a surprise for his son, Despite the lukewarm opposition ofVeronica, his wife, was no true direction the unacceptable absence of his master.

in time he returned, sniffed every corner and went. “He stayed for a while living outside, metres, half a block from the house”, Veronica has.

Obviously, to see that Michael did not return, the dog, a mestizo with some German Shepherd, It was to seek. Clear to see that it was no longer in the street, Veronica and her son, damien, they thought it dead, or adopted by another family.

But, su destino no había sido ninguno de los que ellos pudieran imaginar:“Cuando fuimos con mi hijo al cementerio, lo encontramos ahí. Damian began shouting that he was captain and the dog approached us to barking, como si llorara”, Veronica told the newspaper The voice.

When it was time to return to the home, both wanted to recover captain, with the idea that heat and the safety of the home. But after several frustrated attempts to drag it to the House, they accepted his desire. Captain remained in the cemetery, with Miguel.

Nadie aún se explica cómo, si Miguel murió en el hospital de Carlos Paz y su cuerpo fue trasladado desde allí a una casa velatoria, far away from your home, the dog knew where rested the remains of its owner. Según el relato de la familia, ni ese día ni ningún otro el perro los siguió hasta el cementerio.

“El domingo siguiente volvimos a visitar la tumba de Miguel y el perro estaba ahí. This time we followed, in the return, porque habíamos ido caminando. Se quedó un rato con nosotros en casa pero después volvió al cementerio”, Veronica has. Today, definitely, the cemetery is home to captain. Y así lo avalan varios testimonios.

Marta vende flores allí y asegura que el perro llegó en enero de 2007. “Tenía una pata delantera quebrada. We call the veterinarian, We gave him anti-inflammatories and boys splint you leg. Se ha hecho querer y come lo que le damos”, says.

“Se ve que quería mucho a su amo, for many years it is here. He goes home, but again. Muchas veces lo quisieron llevar pero se viene para acá”, notes.

The reluctant Veronica to the presence of an animal in the House, supports that it now produces you much emotion verlo. “Todos me dicen que es una gran historia. I believe in the fidelity of the dog. But now I see it with much more affection. It gives me much tenderness. I'm never going to compare with my husband but I feel he is with my husband”, Express.

His son, damien, now 13 years and also was the owner of the dog, but accept his will without rancor. “Cuando lo trajimos era chiquito. Yo también era chico y me encontré con la sorpresa de que mi papá había traído ese regalo”, recalls. “Lo quise traer a casa varias veces pero él se vuelve al cementerio. Si quiere estar ahí, I like to stay: está cuidando a mi papá”, ensures.

One morning, Captain arrived at the House around the 4. “Había familiares y uno de ellos me avisó que tocaban la puerta. Cuando salí, I saw him. He entered, se quedó un rato pero después quiso irse”, Veronica has.

Hector Baccega He is the director of the municipal cemetery of Villa Carlos Paz. It not only gives credence to this story, but that also, añade un elemento que la hace aún más increíble: “El perro apareció acá solo y dio vueltas por todo el cementerio, until he also came to the tomb of its owner only. No lo llevó nadie hasta ahí. And that's not all: every day, at six o'clock, you are and will lie against that Tomb”, accurate.

Source: infobae

Photo credit: www.lavoz.com.ar

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