▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Green puddle frog
- Occidozyga Lima

The Green puddle frog It is a nice guest for the aquaterrarium and very easy to maintain..
Green puddle frog
Green puddle frog in a water filled ditch near Angkor temples – Thomas Brown, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Habitat and way of life

This small animal has a huge range that includes Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India (West Bengal), Indonesian, Laos, Malaysia, Burma, Thailand and Vietnam. But, the species is not equally common everywhere. In some parts of its area of distribution, the frog is a common amphibian, but in West Bengal it seems to be much less common, since in a scientific work on the amphibian fauna of the state, the author could only rely on bibliographic references: There was not a single preserved specimen! Admittedly, this may simply have to do with the fact that the Green puddle frog it is often overlooked due to its small size and also has no economic utility. In hong kong, the population, once rich in individuals, would have sunk almost completely for unknown reasons. Frogs are imported for the pet trade from Indonesia, where they are found in large numbers and, Therefore, can be bought in this country for little money.

There are frogs that spend their entire lives underwater. Among them are the vivacious African clawed frog and Common Surinam toad. They emerge from the water only exceptionally and briefly and rise to the surface only to breathe.

There are also frogs that are usually out of the water, but far enough away from her to reach the wet element with a jump. This includes the Edible frog (Pelophylax kl. esculentus), which is native to Central Europe.

The ubiquitous green companion lives like a hunter and lurks on land, sitting on driftwood or lily pads looking for insects, that catches in a jump. On land, the animal does not move unnecessarily; land struggles with peers and all social behavior take place in the water.

The Green puddle frog has developed a third form of aquatic life. Floats on the surface of the water for most of its life. Only occasionally comes out of the water and crawls on a floating leaf or something similar.

The Green puddle frog hunt above and below the surface of the water. It swims towards the small insects that fall to the surface of the water and captures them with its agile tongue. You can also find submerged worms, as the tubifex, and often puts them in his mouth with the help of his front paws, How do you know about the African clawed frog. The bulging eyes are not only used to recognize prey, but also to detect enemies. Many snakes, birds or even larger species of frogs try to kill the little one Green puddle frog.

Physical characteristics

"Green puddle frog"

Rana verde del charco
Green puddle frog – Axel Kwet, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

A frog with a size of approximately 3,5 cm.. The colors of the specimens vary in greenish/beige colors, plus dark staining. There are also specimens with scratched marks on the back. In this group of frogs the abdominal area is pale and without drawing. As these frogs also like to float on the surface of the water, they are often compared to African clawed frog. But, if you look closely, this is only true for the hind legs. Here are the characteristic webbed toes. The front legs of the Green puddle frog with his fingers are much more similar to those of the African clawed frog. The flattened shape of the body of the Green puddle frog with his fingers are much more similar to those of the African clawed frog not found at all in Javanese swimming frog.

Care and accommodation

Taking care of these cute animals is easy. They do not have special demands regarding the composition of the water or the food. One Aquarius standard of 60 x 30 x 30 cm is enough for the care of 6-12 specimens. Males sometimes fight with each other, what is interesting to observe, because it looks like a boxing match when the animals are floating on the surface of the water and attack the opponent with their front legs. But, because it looks like a boxing match when the animals are floating on the surface of the water and attack the opponent with their front legs.

The Aquarius because it looks like a boxing match when the animals are floating on the surface of the water and attack the opponent with their front legs, because it looks like a boxing match when the animals are floating on the surface of the water and attack the opponent with their front legs (because it looks like a boxing match when the animals are floating on the surface of the water and attack the opponent with their front legs) Must be from 5-7 cm., because it looks like a boxing match when the animals are floating on the surface of the water and attack the opponent with their front legs 8-10 cm.. because it looks like a boxing match when the animals are floating on the surface of the water and attack the opponent with their front legs, because it looks like a boxing match when the animals are floating on the surface of the water and attack the opponent with their front legs. Any openings in the cover should be covered with filter wadding..

In the tense air of this aquaterrarium, many plants thrive excellently, as the burhead (Echinodorus) or -more bioptic- the water trumpet (Cryptocoryne). It also, should add some floating plants, as the water lettuce (Pistia) or the West Indian spongeplant (Limnobium laevigatum), that will soon bloom.

Until the plants really grow, you should place a piece of decorative cork on the surface of the water so that the animals can find a resting area if they wish.

Tank lighting - a neon tube is enough- will raise the air temperature to 28-32°C during the day. At night, when the lights go out, the air temperature drops to room temperature. This fully corresponds to natural conditions and is beneficial to the health of animals.. Additional heating is only necessary if the temperature drops below 18°C.

Green puddle frog
Puddle Green Frog Darmaga, Bogor, West Java, Indonesian – W.A. Djatmiko (Wie146), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Your behavior is highly confident after a short time. They position themselves on floating plants or float under the surface of the water. When two frogs get close to each other, sometimes a kind of "chest tightening" occurs. Next, front legs flap. Looks like a mini boxing match. These frogs are also usually very agile.

Groups of frogs with a small number are not recommended for large tanks. These small animals quickly "lose" themselves from the viewer's eyes.. These frogs are very communicative. When they approach the aquarium, they emit bright screeches. they emit bright screeches. Surprisingly, they emit bright screeches. they emit bright screeches, they emit bright screeches. they emit bright screeches. These Javan swimming frogs then chase after edible insects that have been brought onto floating plants.. they emit bright screeches.


All small insects can serve as food, as the fruit flies (Drosophila), the little crickets (Acheta domesticus) or the aphids. It is very interesting to observe the underwater hunting, for which the large water fleas (Daphnia magna), the live larvae of red mosquito or the Tubifex.


The Green puddle frog can reproduce throughout the year, but at least for the animals that are currently imported from Indonesia, our winter (from November to February) seems to be the preferred breeding season. Males grab females by the waist. Eggs -may be between 50 and several hundred, depending on the size and condition of the female- have a diameter of 0,6 to 1,1 mm. Tadpoles are light olive in color and have a dark stripe around the tail. They eat commercial flake food for ornamental fish. Tadpoles reach a length of up to 3,9 cm in metamorphosis. In the terrarium, a lifetime of more than 5 years, well above the natural life expectancy of animals in the wild.

Alternative names:

1. Rough-skinned floating frog, Pearly skin puddle frog, or Pointed-tongued floating frog (English).
2. Grenouille flottante à langue pointu (French).
3. Java-Schwimmfrösche (German).
4. Occidozyga lima (Portuguese).
5. Ranita asiatica, Rana rugosa de charco, Rana flotante de Indonesia (español).

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