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Sunbeam snake
- Xenopeltis unicolor

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The Sunbeam snake They are constrictors and kill their prey by suffocating them in their muscular coils..
Sunbeam snake
This close-up clearly shows the characteristic highly polished iridescent scales. – Bochr, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Origin / Distribution

The Sunbeam snake (Xenopeltis unicolor) is located in China (Guangdong y Yunnan), Myanmar, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, west malaysia, la isla de Penang, the island of singapore, East Malaysia (Sarawak), Indonesian (the Riau archipelago, Bangka, Billiton, Sumatra, We, Simalur, Nias, the Mentawai Islands of Borneo, Java and Sulawesi) and the Philippines (Balabac, Bongao, Jolo and Palawan). The indicated type locality is “Java”.

Characteristics / Appearance

The Sunbeam snake grows to an average of 1 m. The head is wedge-shaped and narrow., with little delineation of the neck, which makes it easy to push along the ground. Its most defining characteristic is its iridescent scales., highly polished, which give this snake its common name. They have a layer of dark pigmentation just below the surface on each scale that enhances the iridescence.. The young look very similar to the adults., unless they have a strong “collar” white of scales evident just below head. This coloration fades during the first year,

It is a primitive form of snake with python characteristics; the family to which he belongs is still the subject of debate.


This lowland snake lives in forests, swamps and bushes. The species can be found in both disturbed and undisturbed areas., including urban environments, paddy fields and other agricultural areas, as well as the tropical forest. These snakes are most often found in disturbed areas, such as gardens adjacent to secondary forest. In Vietnam the snake is cosmopolitan among 100 and 2.000 m above sea level, but seems to prefer forested mountain valleys, with rocky areas near streams. The snake spends most of its time underground and only emerges at night or during heavy rains in the wet season..


These snakes are constrictors and kill their prey by suffocating them in their muscular coils.. They are fossils and spend most of their time underground.. They can bite easily if handled roughly, but most of the time they only try to escape if they are caught. They have also been observed to vibrate their tail like a rattlesnake when threatened..


The diet is varied and consists mainly of frogs, reptiles, including other snakes, and small mammals.


Oviparous, females lay up 10 eggs at a time.

Threats to the species

State of conservation ⓘ

Status Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

The Sunbeam snake (Xenopeltis unicolor) was assessed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2011. The Xenopeltis unicolor figure as of Least concern.

It is generally a common species. It is described as very common in Vietnam, and is also common in Myanmar.

No specific conservation measures known for the species, although found in protected areas in Vietnam and Myanmar, and presumably throughout its range. In Thailand the species is protected by law.

The "Sunbeam snake" in captivity

This species is taken from the wild for the pet and fur trade..

The terrarium

terrarium size

minimum requirement 1 x 0,5 x 0,5 of the total length of the animals for a pair.


Soil temperature should be between 26-28 °C, with local heating up to 33 °C. Baja a 22 °C at night. The basic temperature can be reached well with, for example, Thermo Mat. But, this should be very weak. Otherwise, it is better to use a spotlight.


60-80%, also above the 90%; proper substrate moisture is most important. To create the ideal conditions, it is recommended to use musgo Sphagnum. This creates loose, airy hiding places that retain moisture optimally..


Daylight fluorescent tubes, for example, Daylight Sun ECO in combination with the light strip.


Loose and absorbent substrate such as Jungle Bedding, Snake Bedding or Eco Bark. Never use gravel or sand. The snake must be able to bury itself.


Create lots of hiding places, for example, with stones, cork roots and bits. A shallow bowl of water should not be missing. Climbing branches are not necessary.


Mice, rats and other rodents of adequate size.

Buy one "Sunbeam snake"

The price of a "Sunbeam snake" at the exotic animal market, ranges between 120 – 160 EUR.

Videos "Sunbeam snake"

Sunbeam Snake a Rainbow Snake with Rainbow Colors 🇹🇭Thailand VLOG | ThaiPulseCom

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Alternative names:

1. Sunbeam snake (English).
2. Serpent arc-en-ciel (French).
3. Regenbogen-Schlange (German).
4. Cobra solar (Portuguese).
5. "Serpiente rayo de sol", Serpiente iridiscente asiática (español).

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