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Arboreal ratsnake
- Gonyosoma oxycephalum

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The Arboreal ratsnake it is diurnal and lives exclusively in the trees of the tropical forest, especially near bodies of water and mangroves.
Gonyosoma oxycephalum
Gonyosoma oxycephalum, a snake that lives in trees and caves in Southeast Asia – Bjørn Christian Tørrissen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Origin / Distribution

The Arboreal ratsnake (Gonyosoma oxycephalum) it is found in southeast asia.

  • Indonesian (Bangka, Belitung, Java, Kalimantan / Borneo, Karimata, Legundi, Lombok, Mentawai Islam, natuna islands, Nias, Panaitan, Riau archipelago, A book, Sumatra, Tambelan archipelago).
  • Malaysia (Malaysia and East Malaysia, Tioman Island).
  • singapore island, Isla de Penang.
  • India (Islas Andaman)
  • Myanmar.
  • Thailand (including Phuket), Cambodia, Laos, Viet Nam.
  • Philippine Islands (Balabac, Bohol, Catanduanes, Hole, Luzon, Blacks, Palawan, Sulu Archipelago, Surigao del Sur).

  • The type locality is Indonesian: Java.

    Formerly, the Arboreal ratsnake included in the genus Pantherophis, similar to the Corn snake. This snake is not poisonous.

    Characteristics / Appearance

    Females usually reach about 170, and rarely even 240 cm length, while the males are somewhat smaller. The snake has a basic coloration that can range from greenish yellow to olive.. The bottom is usually lighter than the top. The tail is reddish brown and highly contrasted, which also indicates the English name “Red-tailed Green Ratsnake”.

    The Arboreal ratsnake has a black eye band and a round pupil. Language, usually black and forked as in all snakes, may have a blue margin.

    this snake, due to its mainly arboreal lifestyle, has developed strong and rough scales on its upper part, which are useful when climbing trees. The black pattern of these scales varies depending on the individual.. This type of snake has between 23 and 27 dorsal scale rows in the middle of the body and between 8 and 11 supralabiales, 2 of which usually touch the orbit. the anal scale (shield anale) is divided. On average it has 245 (240-249) precaudal vertebrae, that is to say, pre-queue.


    The Arboreal ratsnake it is diurnal and lives exclusively in the trees of the tropical forest, especially near bodies of water and mangroves.


    If it bothers you, usually bite immediately. when shaken, the tail of the Arboreal ratsnake is in constant motion.


    In the wild, the Arboreal ratsnake feeds mainly on arboreal mammals and bats. It can even capture small birds from the air thanks to its speed. Kills prey animals by intertwining them. Its predators are mainly serpentine harriers. (Spilornis).

    when threatened, the Arboreal ratsnake you can inflate your neck, possibly due to their large tracheal lungs, making her look bigger.


    Information on when these animals reach sexual maturity varies between 2 and 4 years. The Arboreal ratsnake it is oviparous and lays between 5 and 12 cylindrical eggs between September and January. The babies, that hatch after 95-125 days, measure 45 cm and weigh between 20 and 25 g at ​​hatching. During the first months of life, young snakes feed on small lizards and frogs.

    Threats to the species

    State of conservation ⓘ

    minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

    The Arboreal ratsnake has recently been assessed by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2011 and classified as Least Concern.

    Due to high catch rates in some parts of its range, you are likely suffering from a local population decline, but the impact of this activity on the global population is unknown.

    The "Arboreal ratsnake" in captivity

    The Arboreal ratsnake usually kept in terrariums. It is also a common species in zoos. This species of snake can live up to 15 years in captivity.

    Young arboreal snake eats young mice in captivity, while adults prefer to feed on adult mice, chicks and small rats.

    The terrarium

    A "Arboreal ratsnake" baby, feeding.

    red-tailed green ratsnake ( Gonyosoma oxycephalum ) baby feeding

    The Arboreal ratsnake needs a sufficiently large and tall terrarium with many branches, cork tubes as hiding places and a large water reservoir.

    Planting can only be done with large and robust plants, but you are, sooner or later, will be damaged by adult snakes. That is why large artificial plants are recommended, as they are easier to clean.

    During the day, animals should be offered a heat source of about 30°C and a basic temperature of 26-30 degrees in the terrarium. At night, temperature can drop to 22 °C no problem. But, not below 18°C. Young animals are very active and should have a spacious terrarium for their size.. The older the animals, more active they become.

    In very hot summers they spend a lot of time in the water or on the ground. You have to increase the humidity in the terrarium a little by spraying (70%-80%). They also take the opportunity to drink. The main food of Arboreal ratsnake they are clearly the birds, but they also eat lizards and mammals. So, they can feed very well with young mice and rats.


    Clutches usually contain between 8 and 12 eggs, that should be transferred immediately to the incubator. The incubation period is 90-120 days. Incubation temperatures should not exceed 30°C, otherwise the embryos may suffer malformations or die. Young animals already measure around 45 cm., sometimes even 50 cm when hatched.

    It always happens that some do not willingly eat mice. Then you have to force feed them., but it is better to offer them chicks. Multi-breasted gerbil or mouse pups may also be successful. Voluntary and independent feeding is always preferable to force feeding.

    Buy one "Arboreal ratsnake"

    The captive development of a "Arboreal ratsnake" it is usually complicated because it is a difficult snake to acclimatize, most develop respiratory problems and carry internal parasites. For this reason, the few that are born in captivity have a high price., around 300 – 400 EUR.

    Videos "Arboreal ratsnake"

    Beautiful asian snakes - Gonyosoma oxycephalum

    Ep.29 - Les Gonyosoma oxycephalum de GuttOpia.Com

    Alternative names:

    1. Arboreal ratsnake, Red-tailed green ratsnake, Red-tailed racer (English).
    2. Serpent ratier des mangroves, Serpent ratier vert à queue (French).
    3. Spitzkopfnatter, Rotschwanznatter, Grünnatter (German).
    4. Cobra-rato arbórea, Cobra-verde de cauda vermelha, Corredor de cauda-vermelha (Portuguese).
    5. "Serpiente de rata arbórea", Ratsnake arbóreo, Corredor de cola roja, Ratsnake verde de cola roja, Serpiente arborícola cola roja, Serpiente de rata verde de cola roja (español).

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