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Of 30 cm.. length and a weight between 120 and 130 g.
Of great beauty, the Sun Parakeet (Aratinga solstitialis) has the lores, ocular region and ear-coverts golden yellow, changing to shades red orange glossy; the forecrown, crown and nape are of a rich color yellow brilliant with color orange.
Bright yellow in the the mantle, the back and rump; uppertail-coverts of color yellow with exotic feathers of color blue. Scapulars Green Tips and the vane inner blue; the coverts smaller and medium, of color yellow with variable staining Green; greater coverts with tips of color green beige, primary coverts, blue. Flight feathers, green above, primaries with tips and vane inner blue; grayish brown then. Undertail-coverts yellow (or orange / yellow). The throat Orange with yellow shading at the top of the chest; lower chest and the belly orange; Flanks and area of the vent yellow.
Upper, the tail mainly of color green yellowish with tips of color blue; undertail, of color grey with dye beige.
The bill of color Brown dark to black; the irises dark brown; legs distant.
Both sexes similar.
Immature usually with more muted than adults with the yellow colors of the head and the body replaced by an orange-Green. Lesser and medium uppertail-coverts green.
- Sound of the Sun Parakeet.
Video – "Sun Parakeet" (Aratinga solstitialis) |
In general, live in Savanna, in dry forests with Palm trees and some times in flooded areas, until 1200 m. Cross the habitats more open only when traveling between the patches of forest. Son Bird social, usually observed in flocks of 30 or more individuals, with aggregations over large in tree fruit.
It nests in hollow of trees or palms (for example, Mauritia).
Nest with a chick only in the month of February in Suriname. The size medium of laying is of 3 to 4 eggs. These eggs are hatch during 23 to 27 days, that is almost the forty percent more that it from other birds, in comparison with the mass of egg.
Their diet is poorly documented, Although it probably consists of locally available food, such as different fruits, berries, nuts, sprouts and flowers. Some foods known including pods of legumes, small fruits of the family Melastomataceae, fruits Red's Cactus and possibly berries of the genus Malpighia.
Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 96.600 km2
The Sun Parakeet are distributed in the northeast of South America, from the Monte Roraima in the extreme north of Brazil (a single record in 1848 previously attributed to Venezuela), areas adjacent of it Pacaraima mountains in Venezuela and North of Guyana, to pomeroon river, eastward through Suriname (apparently unknown in the North) and French Guayana until Brazil in Amapá.
Observed also in For and Eastern Amazonas (bounded on the west about Rio Branco and locally to the South of the Amazon, from Santarém to the region of the Canuma River).
Although in general can be considered is usual, records sporadic suggest appearances local of the Sun Parakeet in an extended range of its distribution area.
Maintained locally as domestic fowl and trapped for the bird trade Vivas.
• Red List category of the UICN current: In danger of extinction
• Population trend: Decreasing
A well known in the South flock of Guyana has been registered with a maximum number of 200 individuals (Bergman 2009), with other recent records in Roraima (Laranjeiras et to the. 2011). The population is estimated therefore between 1,000-2,499 mature individuals, based on recent records. This is equivalent to 1,500-3,749 birds in total, rounded in 1.500-4.000 individuals.
The population of the Sun Parakeet It is thought that can be in continuous descent, because, probably, continuous pressure which is subjected due to hunting.
Due to the high demand for this species in the pet market, its population has declined dramatically over the last twenty years (J. Gilardi in litt., 2007).
Have been exported largely from Guyana during this time, which has led to its virtual extinction in that country. Trappers of Guyana and French Guiana have traveled to the border with Brazil to buy these birds for export (T. Arndt in litt. 2007, L. Silveira in litt., 2007).
A fit annual of export of 600 bird was established in Guyana in the years 1980 and it is believed that more than 2.200 they were imported into the United States between 1981 and 1985 (J. Gilardi in litt., 2007).
Its trade is in course, and because of the ease with which these birds can be attracted to the bait (for example corn) and the long distances that will be traveling, It is easy to catch all individuals in a given area(J. Gilardi in litt., 2007).
Conservation Actions Underway:
• It is very common in captivity, but it is not known what percentage of this population are hybrids between the Aratinga solstitialis and the Aratinga maculata (Silveira et to the., 2005, LF Silveira in litt. 2012).
Conservation Actions Proposed:
• Consider listing the species in Appendix I.
• Stop cross-border trade immediately CITES.
• Work with the indigenous inhabitants of the Raposa Serra do Sol Indian Land and the Amerindian Community in Karasabai to avoid entrapment and protect suitable habitat.
• Survey to locate additional important subpopulations.
• Establish captive breeding lines of purebred birds..
"Sun Parakeet" in captivity:
The Sun Parakeet is known for its quacking very strong in comparison with its size relatively small. It is capable of imitating human beings, but not as well as some larger parrots.
Son popular as pets, due to their bright coloration while they have a very limited ability to speak.
Due to its inquisitive temperament, demand much attention from their owners, and sometimes they can be very noisy.
Alternative names:
Sun Parakeet, Sun Conure, Yellow Conure (English).
– Conure soleil, Perriche soleil, Perruche soleil (French).
– Sonnensittich (German).
– Jandaia-sol, cacaoé, guaruba, Jandaia, jandaia-amarela, quijuba (Portuguese).
– Aratinga Sol, Periquito Dorado (español).
– Perico Dorado (Venezuela).

scientific classification:
– Order: Psittaciformes
– Family: Psittacidae
– Genus: Aratinga
– Scientific name: Aratinga solstitialis
– Citation: (Linnaeus, 1758)
– Protonimo: Psittacus solstitialis
Images Sun Parakeet:
– Avibase
– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife
– Cover photo:
(1) – Sun Conure or Sun Parakeet (Aratinga solstitialis) at a bird park in Singapore By Michael Gwyther-Jones (originally posted to Flickr as Singapore) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
– Image gallery:
(2) – Three Sun Parakeets (also known as Sun Conure) at Jurong Bird Park, Singapore. The bird in the middle of the photograph has been wing clipped By Michael Gwyther-Jones from UK (FlickrUploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Sun Parakeets (also known as Sun Conures) at Jurong Bird Park, Singapore By Michael Spencer (originally posted to Flickr as Jurong Bird Park) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Sun Parakeet (also known as Sun Conure) at Jurong Bird Park, Singapore By Michael Spencer (originally posted to Flickr as Jurong Bird Park) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Sun Conures at Jurong Bird Park, Singapore. Wing clipped By Doug Janson (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Sun Parakeet (also known as Sun Conure) perching on a branch and eating white flowers at Hamilton Zoo, New Zealand By Brian Gratwicke [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – Sun Conures, at Pairi Daiza, Brugelette, Belgium © Hans Hillewaert/, via Wikimedia Commons
(8) – A pet Sun Parakeet (also known as Sun Conure) perching on a shoulder. It has been wingclipped By turtlemom4bacon from Orlando, FL, USA [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(9) – A Aratinga solstitialis at Baltimore Aquarium, USA By Chris Williamson [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(10) – Feeding a Sun Conure, also known as a Sun Parakeet at Discovery Cove, Orlando, Florida, USA By eric from USA (IMG_4596) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(11) – He loves it when you blow on his face and it makes him puff! By Sarah G from Tulsa, USA (Sherbie Sherbie Puffs-Alot) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(12) – Wing clipped Sun Parakeets (also known as Sun Conures) at Kobe Kachoen, a bird and flower park located on Port Island in Kobe, Japan By merec0 (originally posted to Flickr as niji) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(13) – Sun Conure, at Pairi Daiza, Brugelette, Belgium © Hans Hillewaert/, via Wikimedia Commons
– Photo illustration:
(14) – An adult Sun Parakeet or Sun Conure (Aratinga solstitialis) . Jacques Barraband [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
– Sounds: (Xeno-canto)