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An orphaned kangaroos and a wombat found solace raising together

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Wombat and Kangaroo

An orphaned Kangaroo and a Wombat han encontrado consuelo entre sí. ANZAC a baby wombat and Peggy have become best friends after sharing a bag together in the Rescue Center for wild life of Kilmore in Victoria, Australia. With little more than five months of age, ANZAC was brought to the Centre after being rescued in the cordillera of Macedonia. In the absence of his mother, ANZAC was laid next to Peggy and now the two sleep together. La trabajadora Lisa Milligan dijo que ambos se consuelan sincronizando el ritmo cardíaco. She said: «Hay un montón de crías que han quedado huérfanas por una serie de razones». Una de las razones por las que este sorprendente dúo se lleva tan bien es por que tienen una personalidad similar – ANZAC is very social, While Peggy is noisy and shameless.

Rob Leeson / Newspix / Rex Features

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