Its coloration is unmistakable: While the female has more muted colors, the male looks reddish plumage in the chest. It is not threatened and has populations of between fifteen and twenty-eight million copies in Europe.
Es un pájaro altamente sociable, which serves immediately when called by imitating his song.
Despite being a quiet animal, during the early morning hours his State will of euphoria and very active. In the evening turns into a passive pet, lazy and dormilona. Both the male and female sing in a similar way. It is not one of their most notable qualities, since its melody lacks musical notes and is not too powerful. You will observe how your interesting friend will inflate his feathers and throat in unison at the moment of starting the song.
Their costumbres son muy diferentes de las de otros pájaros y muchos ornitólogos piensan que sus parejas son estables, because they are generally of two by two, male and female, in both summer and winter. The male is equipped with a sumptuous plumage, that puts in evidence during courtship. Spongy chest, leaves hanging their wings, to display contrasting drawing of his obispillo and swings conton is.
– Wilkipedia
– pajaricos (singing)