▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Blue-throated Macaw
Ara glaucogularis

Guacamayo barbiazul



Of 85 cm.. length and a weight between 600 and 1000 g..

The Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis) they have a very vivid coloration. Very similar to the more common Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna), easily differentiated by wide turquoise blue stain that reaches the throat.

These beautiful macaws have bright turquoise blue feathers that cover the throat, crown, the back and the back of your wings and tail. Yellow gold feathers grow in a strip between the crown blue and neck, on the sides of the face and in the ventral part of the body, the wings and tail.

In the face There is a patch sparsely feathered skin near the base of the great bill dark which has 5 or 6 horizontal stripes of blue feathers, unique for each Blue-throated Macaw and that they can be used to individually identify adults. The skin This patch is predominantly white with a tinge of pink around the bill.

The Blue-throated Macaw sample little sexual dimorphism.; However, the males they tend to be a little larger than the females with approximate masses of 600 and 800 g., respectively.

The newborn infants they are completely pink and have no feathers. The gray color of the underparts grows as they age, and is later replaced by colorful feather, fully developed. The irises It also changes color with age. The color of the eyes of a hatchling is initially black and changes to brown shortly after the opening of the eyes.

When is the Macaw one to three years, their eyes Gray become, then white. In the old mature, the irises It turns yellow and will be more golden color to the 10 years, becoming a gold richer with age.

The largest macaws They show a ring dark grey color that surrounds the pupil. This ring can be used to estimate the age of the Macaw.


Very scarce and localised. They inhabit gallery forests and tree islands surrounded by tropical savannah..

Seasonal rains cause floods in October to may and transform the Savannah in a swamp covered with grass that surrounds the high forest islands, permanently dry. The presence of Palms is required Motivate (Attalea phalerata) for the survival of the Blue-throated Macaw Since this species feeds, In addition to using it to build their nests. Also have favoritism by the Acrocomia aculeata.

They are most frequently between the elevations 200 and 300 m. Most of these macaws' habitat is used for cattle ranching.. But, the land is not suitable for cultivation, so there is one alteration of habitat for agriculture.

In general, observed in pairs; apparently less sociable nearby conspecifics than. The young are believed to stay with the parents for only a brief period of time., Perhaps that explains the infrequency in which observed small flocks or family groups. Probably communal roosts, sometimes with the Blue-and-yellow Macaw. They tend to use hangers in tall trees, especially of the species Tabebuia.

Although cattle trample young trees, Palms Motivate mature they are very resilient and resist damage. This Palm is also fire-resistant. As a result, Palms Motivate, often dominate the forest fragments in the Beni savanna (Llanos de Moxos).


The Blue-throated Macaw are monogamous and they mate for life. It is not known if these macaws are matched with another partner if your original partner, dies. Nothing more is known about systems of mating for this species in the wild.

Usually They nest in cavities of Palm trees, often the species Attalea phalerata, but they will also use other Palm species or trees Tabebuia. You can use the holes previously occupied by other species, for example, woodpeckers.

Dead Palm trees are ideal for nesting, insofar as they are excavated by large larvae after a tree has died.

Some species of macaws, including the Blue-throated Macaw, palm leaves are eaten, causing the death of the tree. The trunk of the Palm will be recessed by larvae, resulting in the creation of a potential nest. It is not yet known if this is a coincidence or if these birds do this intentionally to create nesting sites..

Nesting couples do not remain in a nest consecutive reproductive seasons and generally seek different nesting sites each year.

The reproduction do it once a year if environmental conditions permit; However, If eggs or chicks are lost, the breeding pair can produce a second clutch in the same breeding season.

It has been speculated that the two sub-populations they breed at slightly different times: the population of North from August to November and the population of South from November to March.

The female It puts one to three eggs by laying and incubated during 26 days. The chicks have a mass of about 18 g at hatching; they leave the nest to 13 to 14 weeks and not be completely independent parents for a full year. They will reach their sexual maturity to the 5 years.


The Blue-throated Macaw do not feed on seeds and nuts to the same extent that other many other species of macaws make it. On the other hand, they eat mainly fruit of large Palm trees, including the of the Attalea phalerata and Acrocomia aculeata.

They supplement their diet with seeds and leaves of Hura crepitans, Inflorescences of Syagrus botryophora and palm trees Astrocaryum vulgare.

Birds consume ripe and near-ripe fruit and drink fluids from immature palm fruits. Attalea.


The Blue-throated Macaw only found in the Beni Department, Bolivia (between 200 and 300 meters above the sea level). In total, They inhabit an area of 2508 square kilometers.

There is a two inhabited areas by two subpopulations, to the Northwest of Trinidad (the capital of Beni), and the other to the South of Trinidad. This separation may have occurred because of the indigenous peoples who historically inhabited this area and who hunted the Blue-throated Macaw in order to use their feathers in their ornamental costumes. This separation could also have been caused more recently by the wild bird trade. With the high population of humans, macaws in those areas would have a higher chance of being caught. The formation of large human settlements in this area also resulted in a loss of suitable habitat and fragmentation of the habitat of this species. So, there are not any Blue-throated Macaw in the vicinity of Trinidad.

Reports of birds in Tarija and Chuquisaca they have not been tested. Stock in Paraguay and North of Argentina they are still being corroborated and seem unlikely. Apparently resident. Scarce and highly dispersed.


critical hazard

• Current Red List of UICN: critically endangered

• Population trend: Stable

The Blue-throated Macaw is currently classified as in critical hazard on The IUCN Red list and figure in the Appendix I by the CITES. Trapping for this species is illegal because the Blue-throated Macaw they are protected by the national law of Bolivia and Convention on international trade in endangered species of Fauna and Flora Silvestres (CITES) from 1986. (Strem, 2008; «Blue-throated Macaw», 2009)

The capture for the pet trade It is the main reason that the Blue-throated Macaw are in such critical danger. The rarity of this species drove the selling price, What gives as a result an increase in the pressure of capture. As more birds were captured, the rarity of the Blue-throated Macaw was on the rise. This became a vicious cycle that greatly reduced the wild population of these Macaws to the numbers currently observed.. Currently there is an estimated number of 50 to 250 specimens in the nature. (Hesse and Duffield, 2000; Jor­dan and Munn, 1993; «Blue-throated Macaw», 2009)

Since the Spix's Macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii) became extinct in the 2000, the species Ara glaucogularis It is now the rarest among macaws in the world. With the low estimated wild population, extreme conservation actions are needed.

The World Parrot Trust has many volunteers and employees who work in the conservation of the Blue-throated Macaw. These people watch over nests to protect the chicks from predation. The chicks are also examined periodically to be sure that they are healthy and receive adequate food from their parents. If the female is not doing as well as expected, is then supplemented with formula. New nest boxes have been built and current nesting sites have been improved. The support of local landowners has also been established. (Gi­lardi, et to the., 2005; Kyle, 2006; Kyle, 2007b; Kyle, 2007to)

"Blue-throated Macaw" in captivity:

The Blue-throated Macaw they are relatively easy to breed in captivity, and the captive population is many times greater than the wild population.

This species of Macaw is now more common in captivity in United States and South Africa in its natural habitat. In a recent study of the species of the Appendix I of the CITES, carried out by the Committee CITES of the AF A, This species was the second more documented; only the Scarlet Macaw had been documented in greater numbers in captivity. It also, most owners have had success in breeding, Although it is uncommon to obtain seed of the second generation (only three owners have reported it). Without a doubt, This will change in the near future, When juveniles reach the age and maturity appropriate to reproduce.

With regard to its longevity, according to sources, a specimen lived during 22 years in captivity. It has been reported that these animals can live up to 32,8 years in captivity, but this has not been verified.

As a special, a specific installation of United States produces more than seventy copies of Blue-throated Macaw a year. The price of this species has experienced the most drastic decline of any parrot species; initially, It was not unusual to see couples of Blue-throated Macaw that were sold for even 10.000 $ americans, While it is now possible to find a pair of unrelated young by 3000 $ American or even less.

On the other hand, export made by breeders of United States to those of other countries is difficult to carry out at this time due to the strict restrictions on trade in this species imposed by the CITES. The legal trade in legal birds would certainly alleviate some of the threat hanging over the remaining flocks of wild birds..

Its feathers have also been used for ornamental costume decoration by indigenous groups..

Only breeders of a long experience with the most common species of Ara should consider obtaining these macaws.

Alternative names:

Blue-throated Macaw, Blue throated Macaw, Caninde Macaw, Wagler’s Macaw (English).
Ara canindé, Ara à gorge bleue (French).
Blaukehlara, Kaninde (German).
Arara-de-garganta-azul (Portuguese).
Guacamayo Barbazul, Guacamayo barbiazul, Guacamayo de Barba Azul, Papagayo azul y amarillo (español).
Guacamaya caninde, Guacamaya garganta azul (Bolivia).
Andapury, Arara (Guarani).
Bagará (Emberá).
Carú (Yucuna).
Koatá (Tunebo).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: ARA
Scientific name: Ara glaucogularis
Citation: Dabbene, 1921
Protonimo: Ara glaucogularis

Images Blue-throated Macaw:

Videos "Blue-throated Macaw"


"Blue-chinned macaw" (Ara glaucogularis)

Species of the genus Ara


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife
– Macaws. A Complete Guide by Rick Jordan.


(1) – A Blue-throated Macaw at Chester Zoo, Cheshire, England By Steve Wilson – over 2 million views thank you from Chester, UK (Blue throated MacawUploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Blue-throated Macaws at Chester Zoo, England. Photograph shows upper bodies of two macaws By David Friel [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – A Blue-throated Macaw at Cincinnati Zoo, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA By Photo by Greg Hume (Greg5030) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Blue-throated Macaw at Cincinnati Zoo, USA By Ted (originally posted to Flickr as DSC_0388) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Blue-throated Macaw; photograph shows upper body of pet parrot By Ruth Rogers (originally posted to Flickr as Candinde Macaw) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – A Macaw Ara ararauna at Indira Gandhi Zoological Park in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Prades By Adityamadhav83 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – The back of a Blue-throated Macaw showing the blue over its back and top of head By Eric Savage from USA [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(8) – Blue-and-yellow macaw Ara ararauna at Himeji Central Park, Hyogo, Japan – opencage.info
(9) – Blue-throated Macaw at Chester Zoo, England By Matt Sims (originally posted to Flickr as DSC_0236) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Scarlet Macaw
Ara macao

Guacamayo Macao


Ilustración Guacamayo Macao


Of 85 to 96 cm. length and a weight between 1.060 and 1.123 g..

The Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) has a showy and colorful plumage, predominantly Scarlet red in the head, neck, back, throat, belly, sides and the thighs, as well as in the upper parts of the wings and tail. These pens are a brighter shade of Red, almost Orange, If you are directly exposed to the sunlight.

The feathers greater coverts and stockings of the wings they are yellow, even if the ends of these feathers are green in the subspecies Ara macao macao and blue in Ara macao cyanoptera. The t-shirts, as well as the lower coverts of the obispillo, the of the back and both upper and lower part of the tail they are blue. The internal parts of the tail and of the wings are orange-red, lighter than the predominantly Scarlet plumage.

Its bill is hooked, strong enough to cut objects, dig, help climbing and defend themselves, but light in such a way that it does not affect your flight. It consists of two parts, of which the upper is the largest and is off-white, Sometimes a little pink, Besides that it has a small black marks on each side in the region where it joins with the head. It is also black on the tip and base, forming a triangular figure of this color. At its top are its nostrils, almost imperceptible to the naked eye. The under bill, on the other hand, is completely black, like its fleshy language.

The eyes are positioned laterally in the head, and although the exposed part of the cornea is round and seemingly small, the eyeball is large enough reality, even more than the brain. Its irises is light brown on the young but it becomes yellow when reaching the adult age. around the eyes they have an area of skin between whitish and pink which is apparently nude, although in reality it is partially covered by small, almost imperceptible reddish feathers that form thin sinuous lines.

Their legs they are short but strong, because it has powerful flexor muscles and tendons, allowing you to be upright perching. Their legszigodactilas‘ they are available in four fingers, two forward and two backwards, and are dark gray.

Morphologically, is very similar to the Red-and-green Macaw (Ara chloropterus), However, differ in that the Scarlet Macaw have yellow spots on their wings While in Red-and-green Macaw, as its name implies, stains are completely Green. The same, in the Red-and-green Macaw the thin red lines on the plucked white part of his head they are much more notorious, while the Scarlet Macaw lacks these lines or they are almost imperceptible. Finally, in the Red-and-green MacawScarlet Macaw Red is vivid tone, lighter, Stressing in particular in the nape and crown, where tends to Orange.

It is a species that has a very light sexual dimorphism, because the females they are smaller and their bill is more curved, short and thick, In addition to the tail of the male is slightly longer. Even so, it is difficult to determine its sex with the naked eye; the only reliable way to know him is through a DNA test collected from his blood or his feathers, technical or more invasive as the laparoscopy and sewer exploration.

Subspecies description:

  • Ara macao cyanopterus

    (Wiedenfeld, 1995) – Larger than the species nominal. A dark Scarlet red in the plumage of the head and the body, a wide yellow stripe in the wings, where many feathers have blue tip, and the central feathers of the tail extremely long and wide whose tip is light blue.

  • Ara macao macao

    (Linnaeus, 1758) – The species nominal.


The Scarlet Macaw they are distributed through the tropical forests of lowlands and savannas.

In Mexico in remote areas of humid forest.

In Honduras, on the arid slopes of the peaceful, birds forage in open areas (including growing areas); sometimes in the forests of pines above the rainforest in the Mosquito Coast.

In Costa Rica in deciduous forests, humid and in more open areas and edges with scattered tall trees.

They inhabit intact and partially cleared lowlands of rainforest and gallery forest in Colombia.

In the rainforest, Savannah and plains in Venezuela.

They prefer dry rainforest land in Suriname and the rainforest and savanna in Guyana.

Often near rivers throughout its range.

Below 240 metres in Oaxaca, Mexico, of 1.100 metres in Honduras, 1.500 metres in Costa Rica, 500 metres in Colombia and 450 metres in Venezuela.

The Scarlet Macaw, generally, they can be observed in pairs, in groups of 3/4 birds or in flocks of up to approximately 30 individuals, up to a maximum of 50, in communal roosts in tall trees (including the mangroves).

They often perch on the top of large trees.


In Central America, the Scarlet Macaw nest during the months of December to June in the time dry (Forshaw, 1989; Iñigo-Elias, 1996; Renton, 1998; Renton et to the., 2003).

In the Lacandon Jungle of Mexico, They nest in natural cavities of emergent trees, dead or alive, using more often of tree species of Ceiba pentandra, Schizolobium parahybum, and Vatairea lundelli (Iñigo-Elias, 1996; Carreonarroyo, 2006).

The macaws they use large mature trees with the average breast height diameter 129 cm.. (IñigoElias, 1996; Carreon-Brook, 2006). Apparently, the macaws Select the highest cavities for nest, taking an average of 19 height m, and with dimensions of average entry 22 cm.. x 32 cm.. (Iñigo-Elias 1996; Carreon-Brook, 2006). They prefer soft tree species for the entrance to the nest cavity can be modified.

Usually, the nests of the Scarlet Macaw they are separated by more than 3 km. (Carreonarroyo, 2006), which would reduce strong agonistic interactions between nesting pairs, and may cause the failure of nests (Renton, 2004; Renton and Brightsmith, 2009).

In Central America they put in 1 to 3 eggs (Iñigo-Elias, 1996, Renton, 1998; Renton et to the., 2003), even if broods have been recorded of up to 4 eggs in South America (Nycander et to the., 1995). In the Lacandon Jungle of Mexico, recorded an average clutch size of 1.6 eggs/female in 1988-1989 (IñigoElias, 1996) and 2.7 eggs/female in 1998- 1999 (Carreon-Brook, 2006).

Hatch on average 1.5 to 2.0 chicks/pair, managing to fly the nest 0.6 to 1.3 young per nesting pair (Iñigo-Elias, 1996; Carreon-Brook, 2006; Renton and Brightsmith, 2009).


The diet of the Scarlet Macaw includes fruit of Inga, Micropholis, Sterculia, Bursera, Dipteryx, Ficus, Spondias mombin, Hura, Eschweilera and Terminalia, as well as fruits and nuts several Palms; seeds of Jacaranda, Dialium, Caryocar, Hevea, Euterpe, Cedrela and Sapium; flowers and nectar, for example, of Ferrule and Erythrina.

Feeding in the canopy, usually in silence. May be associated with other parrot species where abundant food.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 10.200.000 km2

The Scarlet Macaw are distributed to a large extent of Central America, from the South of Mexico until Panama and apparently scattered in tropics of South America, from the South to the East of Bolivia.

In Mexico, formerly, were observed in the South of Tamaulipas, South of Veracruz, Oaxaca, Tabasto, Chiapas and Campeche and through the lowlands of Guatemala to the most remote areas of Belize, where the most recent records are from the Macal River.

Formerly widespread in Honduras, EI Salvador and Nicaragua; Costa Rica mainly on the Pacific slope.

In Panama confined to the Coiba island, to the southwest of the azuero peninsula and a Chiriqui, where birds once could have flown from Costa Rica.

Also distributed in the tropical zone of Colombia including the Magdalena River Valley, the the Caribbean coast and Amazon region with a recent record of Nariño.

In Venezuela, in Apure, Northeast of Monagas, Southwest of Sucre, widely distributed through the Plains and in Bolívar and amazon.

A sizeable population in Guianas, throughout the Amazon basin of Brazil, to the East of Ecuador and to the East of Peru.

In the North and East of Bolivia, in Santa Cruz, Beni and possibly Pando. Away to the West of Los Andes.

The Scarlet Macaw make seasonal movements in search of fruit and is temporary visitor in some areas. Locally common but obviously in decline range-wide, especially around the centers of development, due to loss of habitat, trade and hunting, both as food and for obtaining their feathers; the population total of Mesoamerica probably not greater than 4.000 individuals.

extinguished the majority of former distribution area in Mexico (not registered in Tamaulipas Since 19th century) and persisting in limited numbers only in the Lacandon Jungle, Chiapas.

Generally rare in Guatemala, although more common in more remote areas, as the West's Petén.

extinct in El Salvador. widespread, Although rare on the Caribbean slope of Honduras; extinct on the slope of the peaceful. Nearly extinct on the Pacific slope of Nicaragua, but persisting in the remote area of the Northeast. Formerly widespread on the slopes of the Caribbean from Costa Rica, now only in the Northeast; few localities on the Pacific slope (for example, the Osa Peninsula). Fairly common in Coiba, Panama. In Venezuela Local. Fairly common in amazon basin and Guianas, especially in the more remote areas. Fewer that the Red-and-green Macaw in Guyana and Venezuela.

Widespread in captivity, but rarely bred. CITES Appendix I.

Subspecies distribution:

  • Ara macao cyanopterus

    (Wiedenfeld, 1995) – They inhabit the area of Mesoamerica between Mexico and Honduras; Currently there are two towns in the southeast of Mexico, one of just 50 individuals in the region of the Chimalapas, Oaxaca (Íñigo et al 2004; Lazcano-Barrero obs. Pers.) and the other in the Lacandon Jungle in Chiapas, with an estimated population of between 150 and 250 individuals (Iñigo Elijah 1996 & Iñigo Elias et al. 2004, Garcia Fair).

  • Ara macao macao

    (Linnaeus, 1758) – The species nominal.


minor concern

• Current Red List of UICN: Least concern

• Population trend: Decreasing

Since the Scarlet Macaw they have an extraordinarily wide distribution range—the largest among all birds of the genus Ara—,and its population, Despite being apparently shrinking, do not fast enough to consider it vulnerable, the Red list of endangered species of the IUCN considers it to be a kind of least concern. But, dicho organismo llamó la atención en su «Conservation action plan and sampling of Psitacidae» con respecto al estatus de la subespecie A. m. cyanoptera, since its population had indeed declined rapidly in a span of twenty years. The species also appears from the 1 in August of 1985 in the Appendix I of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), that prohibits trade in this species within the signatory countries. Originally entered in Appendix III of this organization in 1976, amounted to Appendix II in 1981 and finally it came to Appendix I in before this date.

It is also protected by various laws and decrees national; for example, in Costa Rica, where he spent to deal with around the 80% of the national territory to only the 20% for the year of 1993. Because of its particularly precarious condition within the territory of Mexico, in that country he is considered from 2000 a priority species for conservation. In Panama, also, It is considered to be one of the two most endangered bird species in the country along with the Cotinga. For its part, in Peru is listed as Vulnerable species (VU) according to Supreme Decree No. 034-2004-AG from September of 2004. In Guatemala was enacted in 1989 Decree No. 4-89 of the Protected Areas Law, same with which created the Guatemalan System of Protected Areas, that ensures the protection of species endangered within its territory, including the Scarlet Macaw. In Belice It is sheltered from 1992 by the Environmental Protection Act, that prohibits their trade or possession. Inside Brazil has a similar protection, Since its trade locally or export or possession is not allowed, unless they are breeding or authorized zoos. In Colombia his criterion is "indeterminate" in the List of Colombian Species on the Way to Extinction, so it is not considered endangered within that country, although it does receive the protection of various national laws. In Venezuela it is considered a vulnerable species and is protected by the Protection law to the wildlife.

Among the main factors threatening the survival of this species are the habitat destruction because of deforestation, the oil industry and intentional burning; the fragmentation of populations, the commercial traffic of feathers, eggs and specimens as such for sale as pets, as well as the fact of being an inbred species with low reproductive rates, and the specialization of the diet of some populations. The problem of the illegal trade It affected him greatly in the 20th century, where among 1975 and 1990 It is estimated that they exported around 1500 specimens. Until the mid of 1980, The main exporting countries were those where the Scarlet Macaw reproduces naturally, as Bolivia, Guyana and Suriname. But, by the end of that decade, countries such as United States, Philippines and Canada they were already major exporters, as local bird breeding has developed sufficiently to sustain its own trade. The main destination of the trade of these birds was always United States. In more recent years, the various national laws have banned the trade of this and other species of birds, Although this illegal practice has not completely eradicated. The main change that has occurred is that most of the birds in trade now come from the reproduction in captivity, What is an advantage for buyers since they tend to be healthier and more domesticated birds.

"Scarlet Macaw" in captivity:

Starting at the century XVI, as a result of the Conquest of America, appeared the European interest to catch various species of parrots, including this one. The traffic of this and other species was growing due to their popularity as pets, by Macaw began to disappear from their habitat in some regions since the 19th century. Its value on the black market, that it can be several thousand dollars, It makes often a more profitable activity for local residents that agriculture, logging of precious woods or even drug trafficking. This is one of the main reasons that have contributed to its disappearance. In fact, the popularity of several species of macaws is such that these animals have become more quoted in the pet market, and they have overcome even the cats and primates.

Sources They point out that a female's Scarlet Macaw was still alive after 33 years in captivity, but it rarely flew probably due to its age; He grew up with a male from 32 years of age, during 22 years, until the two you almost 30 years of age. There are several anecdotal reports that indicate that these birds live longer, However, including a report of a Scarlet Macaw of 37,1 years and a live specimen of 64 years of age. In captivity, these animals have been known of raising starting from 8 years of age.

Some factors that make one Macaw very attractive pet they are your sociable behavior, their colorful plumage and their ability to learn to imitate words, Although it should be noted that this is not one of the species of macaws who better to develop this skill. It also, it should be emphasized that when they "speak" they do not really understand the meaning of what they say: at most they relate the sound to some object or event, but never through a process of reasoning. Anyway, in general terms it is a bird very intelligent, with learning ability similar to that of a child aged between five and seven years.

On the other hand, precisely because it is highly social, In addition to that need plenty of space to exercise, It bustling and it has a beak and strong claws which are capable of damaging objects and even hurt people, It is not ideal to live as a pet, although you can do it, preferably in the company of other birds and especially of the same species, in aviaries and zoos right. In fact, is a bird easy to raise even for poultry farmers with little experience, and today it is one of the most common species for captive breeding around the world. As well, due to its curious nature and its excellent ability to learn tricks, It is a bird very common in zoo and amusement park exhibits.

In 1993, the Scarlet Macaw He was nominated to wildlife symbol of Honduras and declared as the national bird of this nation, according to executive decree no. 36-93 issued by the Honduran national Congress. This bird was also chosen as the mascot of the America's Cup 2007 held in Venezuela, which is representative of this country by carrying the three colors of its national flag in its plumage. The name given to said pet was "Guaky", which wore the burgundy shirt of the soccer team of that country, as well as eight stars on its wings, to highlight the allusion to the Venezuelan flag. More recently, the Scarlet Macaw began to be coined in the face of the coins of 200 weights Colombians that began to circulate in that country from 2012.

Ara macao hybrids

Cross specieshybrid name

Ara ararauna


Ara chloroptera


Ara militaris


Ara ambiguus


Ara severa

Voren Macaw

Ara ararauna


Ara Catalina




Alternative names:

Scarlet Macaw, Red-and-yellow Macaw, Red-breasted Macaw, Red-yellow-and-blue Macaw, Scarled macaw (English).
Ara rouge, Ara macao (French).
Scharlachara, Arakanga, Hellroter ara, HellroterAra (German).
arara-boliviana, Araracanga, Arara-canga, arara-macau, arara-piranga, arara-vermelha, arara-vermelha-pequena, macau (Portuguese).
Guacamaya Macao, Guacamaya Roja, Guacamayo Macao, Guacamayo Rojo, Guacamayo Rosado, Guara roja, Guara Roja (español).
Gonzalo, Guacamaya colorada, Guacamayo real, Guacamaya bandera (Colombia).
Guacamayo bandera (Venezuela).
Guacamayo escarlata (Ecuador).
Paraba rosada, Paraba siete colores (Bolivia).
Araranka (Guarani).
Majá (Guahibo).
A-rá (Piaroa).
waama’ya (Wayu).

Carl Linnaeus
Carl Linnaeus

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: ARA
Scientific name: Ara macao
Citation: (Linnaeus, 1758)
Protonimo: Psittacus Macao

Images Scarlet Macaw:

Videos "Scarlet Macaw"

Species of the genus Ara

«Guacamayo Macao» (Ara macao)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife
– Ara macao cyanoptera (Scarlet Macaw) For: Jesus Gomez Pina and Jose A.. Valero Pérez


(1) – This has the appearance of a Scarlet Macaw, which have a variable amount of green in the wings. The exact pedigree of this zoo parrot may be known by the zoo By Travis Isaacs from Grapevine, TX, USA (zoo355Uploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao). Side view. It is raising one of its legs By Peter (Flickr) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – A Scarlet Macaw flying away from the photographe By The original uploader was Robert01 at German Wikipedia [CC BY-SA 3.0 of], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Scarlet Macaw at Diergaarde Blijdorp, Rotterdam, Netherlands By Jar0d [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Scarlet Macaw in Yucatan, Mexico By Tony Hisgett (originally posted to Flickr as Parrot 2) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Scarlet Macaw at Phoenix Zoo, USA By Khamis Hammoudeh (originally posted to Flickr as <3) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – Scarlet Macaws (Ara macao) by Heather Paul – Flickr
(8) – Guacamayo rojo by m.prinke – Flickr
(9) – Ara macao (Scarlet Macaw) Tarcoles, Costa Rica by Juan Zamora – Flickr
(10) – First edition of Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae, or Parrots. Originally a painting by Edward Lear [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Red-and-green Macaw
Ara chloropterus

Guacamayo Aliverde



Winged Macaw, illustration
Among 90 and 95 cm.. length and a weight between 1050 and 1708 g..

The winged Macaw (Ara chloropterus) they are the second largest family members of macaws behind the Hyacinth Macaw. They have forecrown, crown, both sides of the neck, the nape and the the mantle, a beautiful red; the back up to the uppertail-coverts, blue, scapulars green. Lesser coverts Red with green hidden bases; median green; primary coverts, secondaries outer and primaries, blue, the latter with a black margin at the vane inner; secondary internal and large coverts internal total or partially Green. Red the underwing-coverts.

Underparts Red with the exception of the undertail- coverts they are light blue. Uppertail Red in the central part with blue tips and with the outer feathers shorter, blue; undertail-coverts dark red.

The upper jaw is mostly ivory white, except the cutting edge that is black. The lower jaw is black. The cheeks they are covered with bare white skin ending with fine lines of red feathers. Iris yellowish brown; legs black.

Both sexes similar.

Immature with tail shorter and the irises brown, sometimes with yellow in the coverts supra-alares.


The Red-and-green Macaw they occupy rain forest land in northern area of distribution, apparently, avoiding wetlands; in the South and East of range often in formations dry more open including seasonally flooded forests, forest Highlands and dry forests (Bolivia), entering the Savannah in Paraguay.

Its presence depends on, to a large extent, the existence of large trees and rocky cliffs that are the major providers of sites of anidacion. On the other hand, they are far from the cities, peoples and all the inhabited places, as it is a victim of intensive hunting and is often captured for the aviary bird trade

Observed to 1.000 m in Panama, 500 in Colombia, 1.400m in Venezuela.

They live in pairs or in small flocks, are less likely than the Blue-and-yellow Macaw to regroup, that does not prevent them, sometimes, partnering with them and with the Scarlet Macaw.

Large and spectacular gatherings of different species gather to consume clay on the banks of rivers.

The Red-and-green Macaw they often perch on the tops of the tallest trees. In principle, they are very shy and difficult to deal with. Early in the morning and the night entrance, they engaged on voyages of back and forth between their places of rest and feeding areas, evolving high in the air.


The season of nesting It takes place at different times depending on the region: in Suriname in December, from November to April in Peru, in January in the middle of Brazil.

The nests they built, generally, in tree cavities, Although it can also be common nests located in cracks or holes of rocky cliffs, as it is the case of Bolivia and in the Northeast and South of Brazil, above all in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

The spawning usually has two or three eggs. Breeding success rate is not very high. According to Birds of the world (HBW), in a study recently envelope 25 from FRY's 16 nests, resulted in: 10 young birds (40%) they were able to fly normally, 9 of them (36%) they died of malnutrition and 6 (24%) were victims of predators.


The Red-and-green Macaw they have a vegetarian diet. Consume a variety of fruits and seeds of many types of trees. Fruits of Acrocomia and Caryocar (South-West of Brazil) fruits and seeds of Copaifera langsdorffii and Hymenaea courbaril (Northeast of Brazil).


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 8.100.000 km2

The Red-and-green Macaw being endemic to the East of Panama the North and centre of South America, until almost the North of Argentina.

In Panama formerly observed in the West to the Caribbean slope of the Canal area (Although these records may be due to leaks), now only observed in the most remote parts of Eastern (for example, at the top of the Bayano River).

Observed in the tropical zone of Colombia, in the Magdalena River Valley, coast of the Caribbean, the Amazon region to the West of the Andes South to the upper area of the Atrato River and Serrania del Baudo.

Also inhabit the lowlands of Venezuela but absent in the North, from Portuguese to Monagas. Partial shape on the inside of Guianas. Along the Amazon basin of Brazil, is of Ecuador, Peru and northeast of Bolivia in Beni, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz.

In Brazil, were formerly seen in Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and the interior of Paraná; now seemingly absent; It continues to produce in Mato Grosso and the relict population remains in the Parque Estadual Morro do Diabo, to the West of São Paulo. They persist in the North and East of Paraguayan Chaco, but now gone from Missions, Chaco, Formosa and Salta, Argentina, where a last reliable record was at 1917.

Resident. Generally uncommon after the population decline caused by habitat loss and capture for trade.

Locally distributed in Panama, Venezuela, Bolivia.

In the Amazon basin widespread but generally less common than the Scarlet Macaw and the Blue-and-yellow Macaw (fairly rare in Ecuador Eastern), Although this situation was reversed in Venezuela and Guianas (and perhaps in other places).

Partially absent near population centres and in decline or have already disappeared in the peripheries of range due to habitat loss, trade and hunting.

Despite the large size of its distribution area, the species is considered monotype (without geographical variations).

Widespread in captivity.


State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

• Current Red List of UICN: Least concern
• Population trend: Decreasing

The size of the world's population has not been quantified, but this species is described as «quite common» (Stotz et to the. (1996)).

The population has disappeared in places where it was previously common and it is suspected that it may be in decline due to ongoing habitat destruction elsewhere, the unsustainable levels of exploitation, hunting and capture for trade in live birds.

Rare in Panama, endangered in the West of Colombia, missing in the southeast of Brazil. They are exceptions, Peru and Paraguay, where the species is still fairly common.

Not long ago, Guyana held the record for catches of young pups. Fortunately, from 1993, the country prohibited the commercial traffic of this species.

Their territory is particularly large, It is not considered in danger of extinction at the global level.

"Red-and-green Macaw" in captivity:

widespread in captivity.

It is a bird Intelligent and inquisitive but is perhaps, of all the great macaws, which is worse loneliness, so it is advisable to live with another bird, that you don't have to be necessarily of its kind. Its large size and its huge activity do require large cages and room to move.

Their breeding in captivity is more complicated than that of other large macaws.

With regard to its longevity, according to sources, A male specimen of Red-and-green Macaw was still alive after 50,1 years in captivity just before it was sold. It has reported that these animals can live up to 63 years in captivity, but this has not been verified; the same study reported that these animals they can be played back from the 8 years age in captivity.

Are often crossed with other species of Macaws to develop a series of hybrids.

Alternative names:

Red-and-green Macaw, Green-winged Macaw, Red and green Macaw, Red-and- Green Macaw, Red-and-blue Macaw, Red-blue-and-green Macaw, Red-green Macaw (English).
Ara chloroptère, Ara de Cuba (French).
Grünflügelara (German).
Arara-vermelha, arara-canga, arara-piranga, arara-verde, arara-vermelha-grande (Portuguese).
Guacamaya Rojiverde, Guacamayo Aliverde, Guacamayo Rojo, Papagayo rojo (español).
Gonzalo, Guacamaya roja aliverde (Colombia).
Guacamayo rojo (Ecuador).
Carapaico (Venezuela).
Paraba roja, Raraba colorada (Bolivia).
Uvaí (Chimane).
Arapiranga (Guarani).
Majá (Guahibo).
Ja-wo (Piaroa).
Bagarapuru (Embera).
Tooma (Okaima).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: ARA
Scientific name: Ara chloropterus
Citation: Gray, GR, 1859
Protonimo: Ara chloropterus

Images Red-and-green Macaw:

Videos "Red-and-green Macaw"

«Green-winged Macaw» (Ara chloropterus)

Species of the genus Ara


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Ejemplares de Guacamayo rojo (Ara chloropterus) en Singapur By Michael Gwyther-Jones (originally posted to Flickr as Singapore) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Two captive Red-and-green Macaws (also known as the Green-winged Macaw) in San Diego, California, USA By Steve Wilson from Mississippi, USA [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Red-and-green Macaw (also known as Red-and-green Macaw) at Apenheul Primate Park, Apeldoorn, Netherlands By Arjan Haverkamp [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Red-and-green Macaw (Ara chloropterus) in the Herborn Bird Park, Germany By Quartl (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Green-winged Macaw or Red-and-green Macaw (Ara chloropterus) head and neck details By Tom Woodward (originally posted to Flickr as IMG_6422) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Red-and-green Macaw flying at Pont-Scorff Zoo, Morbihan, Brittany, France By Tony Brierton from Still here…, Ireland (Pont Scorff Zoo, FranceUploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – Ara chloropterus, Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela By Luna04Luna04 at fr.wikipedia (Own work) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
(8) – Green-winged Macaw (also known as the Red-and-green Macaw) at Denver Zoo, USA. It is wing clipped By Drew Avery (originally posted to Flickr as Scarlet Macaw) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(9) – Red-and-green Macaws at Pont-Scorff Zoo, Morbihan, Brittany, France By Tony Brierton from Still here…, Ireland (Scarlet MacawsUploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(10) – Green-winged Macaw (Ara chloropterus), also known as the Red-and-green Macaw. Picture captioned «L’Ara Macao» by Jacques Barraband [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Military Macaw
Ara militaris

Guacamayo Militar



70 to 85 cm.. length and a weight between 900 and 1100 g..
The Military Macaw (Ara militaris) has a dark green color. The head is a green slightly clearer and the crown blue. The back and the top of the wings they have a slightly greenish tone. The rounding of the wings, the edge of the wings and flight feather exterior are light blue.

Illustration military Macaw

The forecrown it is bright red in color and there are a series of purplish-brown lines of feathers on a background of bare skin, since the nose to behind eyes and in the cheeks.

The area of the throat and a narrow strip below the cheeks are olive brown in colour. Breast and belly green; undertail- coverts pale blue.

Upper, the tail orange-red with the ends of the feathers blue; undertail, the tail olive green yellowish.

The eyes has irises yellow. The bill is dark gray, legs dark grey.

Both sexes similar.

Immature not described but as other large macaws, irises probably Brown, tail shorter and the bare facial skin clearer.

Subspecies description:

  • Ara militaris bolivianus

    (Reichenow, 1908) – It differs from the species nominal by the throat reddish brown. The headphones feathers they have a base of reddish and blue present in the wings and at the end of the feathers is a more intense tone.

  • Ara militaris mexicanus

    (Ridgway, 1915) – Almost identical to the species nominal but larger.

  • Ara militaris militaris

    (Linnaeus, 1766) – The nominal species


The Military Macaw they can be mainly observed in foothills of mountainous terrain in woodlands with cannons fields, mostly between 500 and 1, 500 meters above sea level, at the local level to 2.000 m, (3,100 m reported in Peru, to 2,400 m in Bolivia), but also at sea level in the Pacific of Mexico and in the region of Santa Marta, Colombia.

In Mexico, most are distributed in isolated highlands in semi-arid and arid forests, as well as in forests Quercus and Pinus; sometimes in humid, riparian lowland formations, with altitudinal movements to lower altitude to dense scrub forests between November and January.

Observed in humid forests in the Colombian Andes.

In Venezuela, in the rainforest, in some mountainous areas 600 m, sometimes also in more open dry forests.

Usually in pairs or small flocks (until 10 birds), but much larger swarms reported in flights to the roosts. Communal roosts on cliffs or in trees.


Nest, usually, in crevices of cliffs; sometimes in large trees (for example, Acer, Pinus or Enterolobium).

In Mexico It has been observed to the Military Macaw making use of old nests of the Imperial Woodpecker (Campephilus imperialis) in dead pine.

Breeding pairs are for life.

The egg laying takes place in the month of June in Mexico. They are of two to three eggs that it will take 24 days to hatch, and where the young will remain with the parents for about a year.

The first flights the chicks are produced between the 97 and 140 days old and reach sexual maturity to the 3 or 4 years of age.


The diet of the Military Macaw It consists of a wide variety of fruits and nuts, including fruit of the Melia azedarach, Ficus and seeds of the Hura crepitans.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 276.000 km2

distributed by Mexico, In addition to several separate populations of South America, heading south to northwest of Argentina.

Widely distributed in Mexico from Sonora (where they have been observed at 28° 45'N) and Chihuahua in the North, until Chiapas, in the South and the East, where the birds may be geographically isolated.

Absent from the lowlands of the Caribbean; ancient appearances in Guatemala not confirmed.

In Colombia to the West of the Andes to the South of Dagua, of the Magdalena River Valley, and on the West side of the Andes, to the East of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the North, through the East of the Ecuadorian Andes until Huanuco in the Peruvian Andes.

Also distributed by the North of Venezuela on Serrania del Perija and from Northwest of Zulia until Federal District.

In Peru, mostly, observed in the East of the Andes, above all in the Marañón region, where at least, formerly, It was a common migrant from the slope of the peaceful between September-October(reported on the west slope at 6° 50'S) to feed on the fruit available seasonally.

In the East of the slopes of the the Bolivian Andes, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Chuquisaca and Tarija and Northwest corner of Argentina in Salta and possibly Jujuy.

Seasonal movements in many areas, for example, visitors to the West of Caquetá in Colombia, from the western slope of the Andes up to this.

Rare in the South of Mexico (in Chiapas possibly extinct), more numerous in the East and Northwest, where flocks of several hundred birds were reported at the end of 1970.

Very local in the Andes and at risk in Venezuela due to habitat loss and trade.

Fairly common in the North of the region of Santa Marta, but sporadic in other parts of Colombia.

Flocks of up to 60 birds observed in the Manu National Park in Peru and in the Amboró National Park of Bolivia.

Very rare in Argentina with only sporadic reports in recent years. Recent declines due to low habitat and bird trade, a large number of birds in captivity.

Subspecies distribution:

  • Ara militaris bolivianus

    (Reichenow, 1908) – South of Bolivia and Northwest of Argentina.

  • Ara militaris mexicanus

    (Ridgway, 1915) – Mexico

  • Ara militaris militaris

    (Linnaeus, 1766) – The species nominal



• Current Red List of UICN: Vulnerable

• Population trend: Decreasing

The population size is estimated, provisionally, You can be in the band between 10.000 and 20.0000 individuals.

It is suspected that the population This species can be decreasing due to ongoing habitat loss and capture for national trade.

The loss of habitat and especially the national trade they are major threats to this species, even within the reserves (Snyder et to the. 2000).

In 1991-1995, 96 wild-caught specimens were found in the international trade, with Bolivia and Mexico, possibly, major exporters (Chebez 1994, D. Brightsmith in litt., 2007).

In Mexico, remains one of the most sought after species for the illegal trade of birds in cage; between 1995 and 2005, was the fifth country with the most parrots seized by the Environmental Control Agency from the country, becoming the fourth with more seizures between 2007 and 2010 (JC Cantú in litt. 2010).

In many areas it nests in hard-to-reach cavities in cliff faces., that provide some protection against the pressures of plundering of nests. But, the plundering of nests is a serious threat in Jalisco and Nayarit, where the species nests in tree cavities (C. Bonilla in litt. 2007, K. Renton in litt., 2007).

In Jalisco, Mexico, These macaws were not found in deforested areas, even when it was abundant the Hura polyandra (an important source of food), leaving, in the news, as trees to provide shade for cattle (Renton 2004).

An analysis of the GARP believes that the species has undergone a 23% loss of habitat within its distribution area in Mexico (Rios Munoz 2002).

A subpopulation in the Valle del Cauca, Colombia, account for less than 50 mature individuals, little is to be lost as a dam is expected to flood the only nesting cliff (ProAves Foundation 2011).

"Military Macaw" in captivity:

Very popular in poultry.

Although the Macaw Militar is present for more than one century in Europe, He has never enjoyed special interest among the fans, It's a shame, Since it is a being Intelligent. The main reason should be your little flamboyant plumage; especially compared to the one of other macaws. Other failures affect its presence in aviaries: is very loud and has a strong tendency to gnaw.

The power of their vocal organ is much higher than of any other species of Macaw. On the other hand it also good qualities: is very applied to learn, has a great talented imitator and presents an intelligence out of the ordinary.

With regard to its longevity, according to sources, a specimen lived 46 years in captivity. In captivity, these animals have been known that they can raise some 5 years of age.

Alternative names:

Military Macaw (English).
Ara militaire (French).
Soldatenara (German).
Arara-militar (Portuguese).
Guacamaya Verde, Guacamayo Militar, Guacamayo Verde, Papagayo verde (español).
Guacamaya verde oscura (Colombia).
Guacamayo verde (Venezuela).
Guacamayo militar (Ecuador).
Maracan, Paraba militar (Bolivia).
Jarcia, Sarea (Chaka).
Panicco (Cofán.).

Carl Linnaeus
Carl Linnaeus

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: ARA
Scientific name: Ara militaris
Citation: (Linnaeus, 1766)
Protonimo: parrot military

Images Military Macaw:

Videos "Military Macaw"

Species of the genus Ara


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Military Macaw (Ara militaris) at London Zoo, England By jon hanson (originally posted to Flickr as military macaw) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Military Macaw Ara militaris in captivity at Occidental Grand Xcaret Resort, Yucatan, Mexico By Tony Hisgett (originally posted to Flickr as Green Parrot) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Military Macaw flying at Whipsnade Zoo, Bedfordshire, England By Ara_militaris_-Whipsnade_Zoo_-flying-8a.jpg: Alex Smithderivative work: Snowmanradio [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Three Military Macaws at Zoológico Los Coyotes, Mexico By Gary Denness (originally posted to Flickr as Squawk No Evil) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Two Military Macaws at Whipsnade Zoo, Bedfordshire, England. The macaw on the left has damaged feathers on its chest and abdomen probably because of a feather plucking habit By Mark Fosh (originally posted to Flickr as Macaw) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Two Military Macaws at Moody Gardens, Galveston, Texas, USA By joannapoe (originally posted to Flickr as 2005-06-18_11-52-47) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – A Military Macaw at Whipsnade Zoo, Bedfordshire, England. Some of its feathers are damaged probably due to feather plucking By William Warby from London, England (Military MacawUploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(8) – Military Macaws in Mexico By Gregg (originally posted to Flickr as YOU WANT SOME?) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(9) – Military Macaw (Ara militaris). Details of the head and face By Mary Mueller (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(10) – Arara militaris by John Gerrard Keulemans [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Great Green Macaw
Ara ambiguus

Guacamayo Ambiguo



Ilustración Guacamayo Ambiguo

77 to 85 cm.. length and an average weight of 1300 g..
The Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus) has the forecrown and the former area of the lores dark red; crown bright green, bluish in the nape. The the mantle and back Green olive: scapulars of the same colour but some with blue tips; rump and uppertail-coverts bright pale blue, lesser and median coverts greenish oliva-marron; greater coverts bluish green. The primaries and secondaries blue, more dark in the margin of the vane inner. Wing feathers color olive; rest of underwing-coverts color oro-oliva.

Black feathers off at the top of the throat bordering the lower jaw; rest of the throat, the chest and the belly brighter yellowish green, feathers on the lower area of the abdomen with red bases hidden; undertail- coverts pale blue. Under, the tail, reddish orange in the Center with blue tips, increasingly blue outer feathers and more completely blue external; undertail, the tail, color oro-oliva.

upper jaw Blackish at the base, color Horn towards the tip and edges, lower jaw negruzca; bare skin of the lores posterior and cheeks of pink color crossed by narrow lines of dark red feathers in sabers and black in the cheeks; irises pale yellow, legs dark grey.

Both sexes similar.

The tail of the immature opaque yellow-tipped, the plumage duller than the adult Green (especially below), the irises brown.

The older adult birds sometimes show patches of Turquoise in the plumage, especially in rear of the neck and the chest.


    The Military Macaw (Ara militaris) is so similar to this species, in German are called minor military Macaw (Militaris) and greater (ambiguous).

    An Ecuadorean specimen intermediate between the Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus) and the Military Macaw (Ara militaris) suggests one hybridization, thus increasing the possibility that the two forms are the same species. Although separate from the ecological point of view.

    The Ambiguous macaws and Military could be in contact in the lower part of the Valle del Cauca in Colombia, and in the Northwest of Ecuador and West Colombia. The Great Green Macaw (mainly from moist lowland forests) use deciduous forests, While the Military Macaw (mainly of dry upland forest) are also recorded in humid lowland forests. Both make seasonal movements and in the case of the Military Macaw, they perform movements of long distance between their preferred habitats.

    The length of the tail and of the wings of the Mexican military Macaw and species nominal of the Great Green Macaw, They show a considerable overlap. Waiting to collect more details, the Great Green Macaw and the Military Macaw are here treated as separate species.

Subspecies description:

  • Ara ambiguus ambiguus

    (Bechstein, 1811) – The nominal species

  • Ara ambiguus guayaquilensis

    (Chapman, 1925) – The bill smaller, with a more greenish color under the flight feathers and under the tail.


The Great Green Macaw they are very shy birds and difficult to see, usually found at no lower altitudes of 35 meters in the treetops. They feed in silence and many times could be up to more than five hours in a same tree.

Mainly observed in moist lowland forests, but also in deciduous forests in the Chongon region to the southwest of Ecuador.

In Costa Rica in the primary forest of low and clear land with tall trees, from time to time in the lower montane forests. Crossing open between forest fragments fields and visit remnants of trees of the species Dipteryx on forest pastures.

Remote forests in Panama.

In Ecuador inhabits humid lowlands, deciduous forest and Montane forest low but also visit more open areas for feeding.

They come to the 600 metres in the Cordillera de Guanacaste, Costa Rica; between 1.000 and more rarely 1.500 m, in Darien, Panama.

Less sociable than other large macaws, Although usually seen in pairs, in groups of 3-4, and more rarely in groups of up to twelve birds.


Form pairs of lifetime and are almost true to their nests, nesting from December to June. Most couples put the first egg at the end of January and by February the nests are already with hatchlings. The female incubates the eggs, While the male brings food to the nest. Both parents are responsible for feeding the pigeons, to do so approximately every two hours. They are birds that take care of their chicks until they can fend for themselves., They even take care of them until that hatch the chicks of the season.

The average clutch consists of 2 – 3 white eggs, they are incubated by the female for a few 26 days. The babies are blind, nude and completely dependent on the care of parents; they weigh around 23 g..

The chicks are fed by both parents and they leave the nest When you have about 12 – 13 weeks of age. At the time they leave the nest, usually weigh between 930-985 g..

A nest in Guayas, Ecuador, in the cavity of a tree of the species Cavanillesia platanifolia. Reported nestings between August-October in Ecuador. Breeding during the dry season (December-April) in Costa Rica.


The diet of the Great Green Macaw includes fruits of Lecythis costaricensis, Dipteryx panamensis, Sloanea, Dalium guianensis and Ficus, and flowers of Symphonia globulifera.

Feeds in the treetops.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 100,000 km2

Its distribution ranges from the East of Honduras to western Colombia and West of Ecuador.

Observed in the lowlands of the Caribbean from the east of Honduras through this of Nicaragua to the lowlands of Costa Rica especially on the slope of the Caribbean, including the Cordillera de Guanacaste.

In Panama especially on the slope of the Caribbean, but also locally in the peaceful. From East Panama to the tropical zone to the West of Colombia, on Western Cordillera of the Andes and South to the upper area of the Atrato River and Serrania del Baudo (possibly up to Buenaventura) and East towards the north end of the Andes in the West of the upper part of the Sinu river valley.

In West Ecuador observed mostly from the Colonche hills, Northwest of Guayaquil; also further north, in Esmeraldas, possibly in the extreme southwest of Colombia, although the forests here are, Perhaps, too wet (See geographic variation).

Numbers fluctuate locally due to seasonal foraging movements. Local appearances in Costa Rica they often coincide with the fruiting of trees of the species Dipteryx.

Local, being the most common of the great macaws in Panama. But, in general, Rare, with the decline in recent large scale of its population due to obvious deforestation in the range.

Extinguished much of Ecuador, where the population (only 100 birds) It is threatened by loss of habitat due to urbanization and agriculture.

The exploitation of trees of the species Dipteryx It poses a serious threat in Costa Rica.

They occur in several protected areas, including the The Darien biosphere reserve, Panama, Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras and Cotacachi-Cayapas ecological reserve, Ecuador, but seasonal pilgrimages suggest that these areas are insufficient on their own to preserve populations.

Less common than Military Macaw (Ara militaris) in captivity and bred rarely. CITES Appendix I. VULNERABLE (included as subspecies of the Military Macaw Necklace et to the. 1994).

Subspecies distribution:

  • Ara ambiguus ambiguus

    (Bechstein, 1811) – The nominal species

  • Ara ambiguus guayaquilensis

    (Chapman, 1925) – In critical hazard; they live in the wild in limited sectors of the western part of the Ecuador; its habitat is characteristic in humid tropical and dry forests of the Ecuadorian coast


State of conservation ⓘ

Endangered Endangered (UICN)ⓘ

• Current Red List of UICN: Danger
• Population trend: Decreasing

Recent estimates suggest that the population has less than 2.500 mature individuals (or less than 3.700 in total if we include juveniles and immature); the largest subpopulation would be found in Darien, to the East of Panama, with less than 1.700 mature individuals (or less than 2.500 in total). Still you have to be careful, due to that in non-breeding times can form groups of 50 individuals or more, It can be qe will overestimate their populations. It also, Although it is most abundant in Darien, It is found in specific areas, finding numerous areas without copies.


LOSS OF HABITAT: In Central America, deforestation among other things to increase banana plantations and cattle ranching, as well as logging for other reasons, they have strongly affected. In fact, annual deforestation rates are very high throughout its range, and deforestation in Panama likely to be superior to the 30% its original range. In other countries like Costa Rica and Ecuador its range has also been reduced in recent 100 years. Urbanization and agriculture that have destroyed their habitat have resulted in great part with the subspecies of the Ecuador.

These may include, the Zona Norte (Costa Rica) has suffered the highest rate of deforestation in the country in the last two decades, both legal and illegal, leaving less than a 30% the forest on foot. But, It is important to mention that several scientific studies highlight the high level of biodiversity of the forests of the North Huetar region, among the most diverse of Central America.

As well, Although there are few protected areas for these birds as the Indio-Maíz Biological Reserve of Nicaragua, where they found an extensive habitat conducive to its development; However, Incursions by Costa Rican loggers to the other side of the San Juan River, so this reservation, one of the most important of Central America It is also not safe from chainsaws.

CAPTURE ILLEGAL: the illegal trade that exists with the Great Green Macaw for use as a pet is a factor that jeopardizes its existence.
They are also captured because their feathers are used to make paintings about them.

HUNTING: It also seems that sometimes fires them as a pest to crops.


With regard to the threats, of course it is your hunt forbidden for the trade, power or to obtain their feathers, Although often living standards are not met.

Is located in the CITES both in Appendix I and II as.

RESERVATIONS: It is very important for these birds the Darien biosphere reserve, Panama, and the adjacent Los Katíos National Natural Park, Colombia. There are also other important reserves in all the countries covered, although they provide little protection for these birds..

In Costa Rica, Although it was a proposed moratorium on logging the almond trees, This finally was not carried out. On the other hand, a Government-backed conservation strategy is being implemented in Ecuador.

Proof that the investigation in these cases is important, is that in 2007, a rapid assessment study looking for last survivors in the Cordillera-Chongon Colonche, Ecuador, gave positive results.

On the other hand, There is a bi-national campaign in the lowlands of the San Juan River (Nicaragua and Costa Rica), which aims to increase knowledge of biology, threats and conservation, and strengthen the management of natural resources.

The Research and conservation of the Great Green Macaw project dedicated since 1994 to the study of the conservation biology of the Great Green Macaw on Zona Norte (Costa Rica) and it has an important biological database on this species, in fact the only information of this type that exists in Central America, according to the same source. This project was initiated to concerns that its population was restricted and that the forest was also be sacrificing at a very fast pace. The project is supported from 1997 by the Tropical Scientific Center, the same body that administers the The Monteverde Cloud forest biological reserve. The concern was justified when the first phase of the study determined that the area of distribution of the Great Green Macaw in Costa Rica had been reduced by 90% Since the beginning of the 20th century.

In Costa Rica have been reproduced in captivity at some sites, as the ZOOAVE Zoo.


• One of them is to make effective the protection in the reserves of Honduras and Nicaragua.

• Another is to designate the proposed Maquenque National Park, in Costa Rica.

• Trade should be restricted through law enforcement and educational campaigns.

• Finally, it would be very interesting to acquire private reserves in certain areas, to ensure the same protection.

"Great Green Macaw" in captivity:

Less common than Military Macaw (Ara militaris) in captivity and bred rarely.

The Great Green Macaw only recommended for experienced handlers and breeders. There are more silent than other macaws and can be kept with other large macaws outside of the breeding season.

Breeding pairs require long flights of at least 15 m. These parrots are not suitable for the interior of a House.

With regard to its longevity, according to sources, one specimen was still alive after 29 years in captivity.

Alternative names:

Great Green Macaw, Buffon’s Macaw, Grand Military Macaw, Green Macaw (English).
Ara de Buffon, Grand Ara vert (French).
Bechsteinara, Bechstein-Ara, Grosser Soldatenara (German).
Arara-militar-grande (Portuguese).
Guacamaya Verdelimón, Guacamayo Ambiguo, Guacamayo de Cara Blanca, Guacamayo verde mayor, Guara verde, Lapa Verde (español).
Guacamaya Verdelimón, Gucamaya verde limón (Colombia).
Guacamayo verde mayor, Lapa Verde (Costa Rica).
Guacamayo verde mayor (Ecuador).
Bagarapabara (Emberá).

scientific classification:

Johann Matthew Bechstein
Johann Matthew Bechstein

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: ARA
Scientific name: Ara ambiguus
Citation: (Bechstein, 1811)
Protonimo: Psittacus ambiguus

Images Great Green Macaw:

Videos "Great Green Macaw"

«Guacamayo Ambiguo» (Ara ambiguus)

Species of the genus Ara


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Great Green Macaw in the zoo in Hodonín, Czech Republic By Bohuna Mikulicová (Hodonín Zoo) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Ara ambigua from Zoo Schmiding By Alois Staudacher (Own work) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Great Green Macaw (also known as Buffon’s Macaw). A male in a cage By Ruth Rogers (originally posted to Flickr as Male Buffon’s Macaw) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Ara ambiguus at the zoo at Paradise Village Resort, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico By Riley Huntley (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Ara ambiguus, La Selva, Costa Rica By Don Faulkner (Great Green Macaw) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Onze vogels in huis en tuin By Keulemans, J. G. [CC BY 2.0 or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Red-fronted Macaw
Ara rubrogenys

Guacamayo de Cochabamba



Ilustración Guacamayo de Cochabamba

Approximately from 55 cm.. length and 525 g. weight.

The Red-fronted Macaw (Ara rubrogenys) they are the smallest of the large macaws.

They have forecrown, former Lords, crown and some ear-coverts bright orange red. back of the crown, nape and the mantle olive green color orange color in some feather-tipped; scapulars color marron-oliva; rump and uppertail-coverts olive green, pale that the of the the mantle. Lesser coverts, bend of wing and carpal edge orange-red; median olive green, some pale orange tips, the outermost impregnated blue; greater coverts mostly blue, back more olive at the body; vane outer primary blue, olive green internal.
Underwing-coverts juvenile red-orange, remaining the rest of green olive beige.

The underparts olive green with the the thighs red. Upper, the the tail feathers color olive green suffusion blue tip blue and; undertail, olive green yellowish.

The bill dark grey; the bare area of the subsequent Lords and upper cheeks, white crossed with narrow lines of dark brown feathers; Orange the irises; perioftalmico ring white; legs dark grey.

Both sexes similar.

Immature more opaque, with less extensive orange-red color in the head and in the ear-coverts and without the orange-red in the wing .


The Red-fronted Macaw It is very selective in searching for its preferred habitat.. It prefers subtropical scrubland areas Xeric or semi-desert with many Cactus (including Cereus, Neocardenasia, Cleistocactus, Echinopsis, Opuntia, Quiabentia and the endemic Lobivia caineana) and areas with scattered trees and shrubs (especially legumes including species Prosopis kuntzei, Acacia aroma, Cnidoscolus and Schinus molle).

Another fundamental characteristic of the habitat of the Red-fronted Macaw they are the steep slopes and coastal cliffs unchanged to that used for nesting and roosting sites.

Often share space with communities of farmers who used the land of valleys with climates mesothermic to plant peanuts, corn and other cereals, the same people who are part of the diet of the Red-fronted Macaw.

They are birds social and rarely stands alone. Are often seen flying in small groups of 3 to 5 individuals. For most activities such as feeding or roosting they congregate in large groups of 20 to 30 individuals. They rest frequently during the middle of the day in the hottest hours. Activity level largely depends on age and number of macaws in the group.


Observed nests loose or in colonies in ravine holes on the banks of rivers. In rainy season the egg laying It has been reported in the months November-April. They are of 1 to 3 eggs per season, usually two, and incubation lasts around 26 days. Most pairs fledge one young per year..

They form bonds of monogamous they maintain throughout the year. Even in the off-season of breeding, the copula and preening appear exclusively between the consolidated couple, presumably to maintain their bond.

Generally speaking they are not territorial, but during the breeding season You can defend the area surrounding the cavity of the nest.


The diet of the Red-fronted Macaw It includes various seeds and fruits which include the genera of plants Cenchrus, Tribulus, Cnidoscolus, legumes Prosopis kuntzei, P. juliflora, Prosopis chilensis, trees and shrubs of the genus Aspidosperma, Schinus molle, Ziziphus mistol and Jatropha ricinifolia.

But, natural food is often scarce and birds feed on, to a large extent, of crop plants, especially the peanuts Arachis hypogaea and corn unripened.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 27.100 km2

The Red-fronted Macaw being endemic to a small area in the East of the Andes, in the Center-South of Bolivia, from the South of Cochabamba and West Santa Cruz, passing by Chuquisaca, to the East of potosi, mainly in the valleys of Rio Grande, Mizque and Pilcomayo.

The full range estimate is of 20,000 km², with 18,000 km² in Grand / system of Mizque and 2.000 km² in the valley of the Pilcomayo, between 1.100 and 2.500 m (local after breeding at 3,000m).

They perform many Local movements in response to the availability of food.

Locally common, but declining and endangered at the global level.


• Current Red List of UICN: Danger

• Population trend: Decreasing

The population of the Red-fronted Macaw (Ara rubrogenys) is estimated between 1.000-4.000 individuals, more or less equivalent to a strip between 670-2,700 mature individuals.

This species has a very small population and decreasing. Conservative estimates suggest that all subpopulations are extremely small. So, qualified as endangered.

Conservation status:

Is located in the Appendix I to the International Convention on the trafficking of endangered species of Fauna and Flora (CITES). Its capture, transport and export is prohibited by Bolivian law. However is captured by live bird catchers for the illegal trade and is pursued in an intensive way for the farmers that the consider a plague for their corn and peanut crops.

Its natural habitat It is being impaired activities human unsustainable as indiscriminate logging and grazing goats envelope. Approximately the 40% of the natural vegetation of the valleys inhabited by these macaws have been converted into agricultural land since 1991. As native vegetation is losing the exhibition of the Macaw of Cochabamba in the growing areas to search for food is greater. The continuous illegal capture, most of the illegal trade is domestic but some species are marketed in Peru.

Conservation measures:

The presence of small populations inside national parks Amboro and Torotoro, they constitute an effective conservation measure.

The Harmony Association It has a long range project in the Mizque River through which it works with peasant families to protect nesting cliffs.

in addition, in 2006, a was opened ecotourism stay that promotes conservation of this bird in time of generating profits for the local community; It also plans to establish a protected area in that site. Additionally, in 1992, 5000 posters of protection of this species and its habitat were apparently well received in the region, as a secondary measure to preserve it.

"Red-fronted Macaw" in captivity:

Uncommon in captivity.

It is an extremely intelligent and curious bird that has the ability to imitate the human voice, a pesar que los indígenas de Bolivia se refieren a ellos como «Pájaros burro», due to their inability to speak. All skills require a training; holders of these birds breeders give proof of how easy it is to talk.

With regard to its longevity, according to sources, a pair of these macaws still breed after 23 years in captivity. It has been reported that these animals can live up to 36,2 years in captivity, something possible, but that has not been verified; the same study reported that these animals can reproduce at the age of 3 years in captivity.

Due to the few specimens that are released and their situation in danger of extinction, The Red-fronted Macaw only recommended for experienced handlers and breeders.

Alternative names:

Red-fronted Macaw, Lafresnaye’s Macaw, Red fronted Macaw, Red-cheeked Macaw (English).
Ara de Lafresnaye, Ara rubrogenys (French).
Rotohrara (German).
Arara-de-fronte-vermelha (Portuguese).
Guacamayo de Cochabamba, Guacamayo Dorado, Guacamaya frente roja (español).
Paraba frente roja (Bolivia).
Qaqa Loro (Quechua).

Frédéric de Lafresnaye
Frédéric de Lafresnaye

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: ARA
Scientific name: Ara rubrogenys
Citation: Lafresnaye, 1847
Protonimo: Ara Rubro-woodpecker

Images Red-fronted Macaw:

Videos "Red-fronted Macaw"


«Guacamayo de Cochabamba» (Ara rubrogenys)

Species of the genus Ara


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Red-fronted Macaw at Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany. Some of the tail feathers are not clean By Konstantinos K [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Two Red-fronted Macaws at Tulsa Zoo, Oklahoma, USA By originally posted to Flickr at Tulsa Zoo – Parrots and uploaded to Commons at Ara_rubrogenys_-Tulsa_Zoo,_Oklahoma,_USA-8a.jpg: Doug Wertman from Rogers, AR, USAderivative work: Snowmanradio (Ara_rubrogenys_-Tulsa_Zoo,_Oklahoma,_USA-8a.jpg) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – A Red-fronted Macaw at Wilhelma Zoo, Stuttgart, Germany By Kathrin Gaißer (PapageiUploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – A Red-fronted Macaw flying at Doué la Fontaine zoo, France By frank wouters (originally posted to Flickr as papegaai) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Red-fronted Macaw (Ara rubrogenys) head By Benjamin Graves (originally posted to Flickr as Red Fronted Macaw) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Red-fronted Macaw (Ara rubrogenys) on a branch in the foreground By derivative work: Snowmanradio (talk)Red-fronted_Macaw_(Ara_rubrogenys)_-on_branch.jpg: Balaji Dutt M V [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – Red-fronted Macaw in the Walsrode Bird Park, Germany By Quartl (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(8) – A Red-fronted Macaw at Jurong Bird Park By Peter Tan (Red-fronted MacawUploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(9) – Red-fronted Macaw – Jurong BirdPark, Singapore By Doug Janson (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
(10) – Illustration Ara rubrogenys (Red-fronted Macaw) by Marc Athanase Parfait Oeillet Des Murs [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Chestnut-fronted Macaw
Ara severus

Guacamayo Severo



Ilustración Guacamayo Severo

46 cm.. length and a weight between 285 and 387 g..

The Chestnut-fronted Macaw (Ara severus) It is a medium-sized Parrot with a plumage predominantly Green.

The male and female are almost identical and juveniles are hardly different from adults.

In the male adult, the feathers of the crown and the neck they are heavily infiltrated blue. The forecrown, chin and the area of the cheeks bordering with the bare skin of the face are brown. The curvature of the wing, carpal edge and small lower coverts are bright red. The bottom of the flight feather shows a dark red-orange color.

The tail is reddish brown with a blue tip. The bill greyish black. The bare skin of the face it is creamy white with fine lines of small black feathers. The irises is yellow, the legs grey.

The youth they are like the of adults, but have the tail shorter and the irises is grey.

The Chestnut-fronted Macaw may be confused with two species: the Blue-winged Macaw, Although this has a frontal band and stain abdominal Red and the Red-bellied Macaw Although it differs by having the facial skin yellow, and the abdomen red. On the other hand, These parrots are smaller and have a yellow color under the wings.


While they are sometimes in clearings or on the edge of this habitat, the Chestnut-fronted Macaw, in general, avoid the great forests never invaded by water. They prefer areas that are periodically flooded, secondary forests, galleries of trees that border the watercourses, oil palm plantations, meadows and pastures where there are still some scattered stands of trees.

It depends on the region, These birds live in very different elevations of up 1000 metres in Colombia, 1500 meters in the South of Ecuador, and only 350 metres in Venezuela.

The Chestnut-fronted Macaw, usually, they live in pairs or in small groups. However they can form large gatherings when dorms are set or when food resources are abundant.

The Chestnut-fronted Macaw, sometimes, they feed in the company of the Red-bellied Macaw (Ara manilata).

During the day, they are essentially arboreal, preferring to remain at the top of the trees and in the canopy, where they remain well hidden in thick foliage. They are best observed at dawn and dusk, as they follow regular routes between their places of rest and feeding sites.

They fly directly, with fast rhythms revealing red underneath his wings stain.

They are birds sedentary. In some mountain areas, However, undertake altitudinal migrations.


Given the large size of its distribution area and large variation in latitude, nesting takes place at different times depending on the region, from March to may in Colombia, February-March in Panama, and from September to December in Suriname.

These macaws usually They nest in cavities of dead Palm trees, often just above the water, but they can also lay their eggs in a rock crevice.

The spawning usually includes 2 or 3 eggs. There is little information of this bird in the wild, but it is known that in captivity the period of incubation lasts a few 28 days. The reproductive cycle is particularly long, The chicks remain in the nest for a minimum of 9 weeks.


The Chestnut-fronted Macaw they are exclusively vegetarian. Its diet includes seeds of Hura crepitans, Sapium aureum, Cedrela odorata and Cupania cinerea, the pulp and the seeds of Inga laterifolia, Micropholis melinoneana, Euterpe precatoria and Gulielma, and fruits of Ficus, Cecropia feulla, Caraniana, as well as fruit of different types of fig trees or palms (especially species with small fruits); also flowers of, for example, Ferrule and Erythrina.

The birds are fed into silence in the canopy where they can be difficult to detect.


The Chestnut-fronted Macaw are distributed to the East of Panama and by South America reaching the center of Bolivia.

In East Panama they are in the tropical zone (records in the West to the North of the Canal area they are probably due to leaks), on the slope of the peaceful from the South of the Andes to the South of Ecuador (of Guayas to Pichincha) and in the Northern lowlands of Colombia, South to the upper area of the Valley of Sinu River, extending into the foothills of the Colombian Andes, in the valleys of the Cauca and Magdalena until Antioquia.

To the East of the Andes they occupy the Amazonian lowlands of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia in Peace, Beni, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz, going east of the foothills of the Andes through the West and South of the amazon (Although they are not known in the North of Brazil, for example, in Manaus or along the rivers Negro and Branco).

Propagate through the tropical zone of Venezuela in Zulia and from the West of Apure until Aragua, Northwest of Bolívar and the Amazonas along the Orinoco, reaching the Guianas and Amapá, Brazil.

To the South of the amazon is extended by the Mato Grosso, Brazil. A record to the South of Bahia is not confirmed.

Resident with seasonal movements of altitude in some areas (for example, West of Ecuador and North of Venezuela).

Pretty common throughout much of its range, and while the deterioration of habitat has caused serious decreases in population at the local level (for example, in the Valle del Cauca, Colombia and West of Ecuador), moderate deforestation has resulted in increases in other areas.

Although there are no reports in Guyana Since the beginning of the 19th century, the Chestnut-fronted Macaw they are still common in Suriname, especially in some coastal areas.

The species is kept in captivity, but the demand is not very big.


minor concern

• Red List category of the UICN current: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The Chestnut-fronted Macaw they are quite common throughout much of its range birds. Apparently, they are able to survive to the selective deforestation and even capitalize.

In Venezuela it is a species with high rates of being traded as a pet due to its beauty and sociable behavior. The Ye'kwana on the Caura forest reserve in the State Bolívar, They include this species in his list of game birds, for its power and ornaments, but it is not the most hunted. In the State Carabobo is marketed as a pet according to data from the Regional Directorate for the Ecosocialism and waters-Carabobo.
On the part of the National Government is protected by the wildlife and its regulations protection law. Several of their populations are found in the national parks: Waraira Repano, Henri Pittier, The Caura forest reserve, San Esteban, Canaima. Currently the National office of biological diversity, Ministry of the Popular power for the environment He is working on defining the criteria to develop the official books of endangered species of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

In Bolivia, international trade in psittacines had caused significant problems for this species in the past, but since the beginning of 1980, their trade is prohibited.

"Chestnut-fronted Macaw" in captivity:

Recently, the Chestnut-fronted Macaw have joined the ranks of other birds kept in captivity. For a time, most of the breeding birds of this species were acquired through the importation of wild specimens. Today this has changed, and most of these macaws today come from generations bred in captivity. Being recent its breeding in captivity, most of These parrots will retain much of their natural behaviors.

These small macaws are popular due to their friendly disposal and most likely will continue to grow in popularity in the future.

While they have not had hundreds of years of selection to tame their personalities, These macaws can be a fantastic pets if they are fed by hand and are well socialized from a young age.

They are creatures very curious, so they need a lot of mental stimulation to be healthy and happy. They should have on hand, games, toys, and daily interaction with your caregiver to make sure that you do not bored.

Most of the Chestnut-fronted Macaw they form links monogamous and they need to live with more birds in order to be able to form a family. Won't these birds well if they are isolated from family and some even become neurotic if their mental needs are not met.

A future buyer of a Chestnut-fronted Macaw You should plan on integrating this beautiful bird in his life to ensure the achievement of all the emotional and cognitive needs.

In general, to most of the Chestnut-fronted Macaw do not like being touched in excess, Although all birds are different and have their own personality. Assess your bird to see what what works best. These birds enjoying caresses next to the back of the neck, along their beaks, or around your eyes. They can be happy on the shoulders of its owner. Jewelry or shiny objects amaze quickly to this curious Parrot. For this reason, All chains, earrings, watches, bracelets , etc … they should stay away from our Macaw, since it could break if the bird decides to play with them.

Although these parrots fall into the category of small macaws, they maintain a high level of noise. It is not an ideal pet for apartments. If you decide to buy one and you live in an apartment, It may be a good reason to argue with your neighbors, Since these birds are noisy. Loud high-pitched sounds can easily be heard a few floors below and are to be expected during the early morning hours., at noon, and before the sunset. This is what they do in their natural habitat.

Yes a Chestnut-fronted Macaw It is continuously shouting for the attention of their owner, These calls should be ignored.. The bird is reacting the only way it knows how to get your attention. The best thing is to give attention during moments of tranquility that is account that this works best.

Unfortunately, many times a homeowner will come to the incessant screams of your Macaw in order to calm the neighbors below; But, This attention usually works in opposite way and the bird will continue to making noise because you know it will work.

Under no circumstances, the owner should be snapping the beak of the bird, spray it with water, or shout it when is making excessive noise. Such tactics only make the problem worse and parrots do not understand this type of punishment. On the other hand, owners should focus on something more positive for the bird and reward it in some way when it is quiet. With the time, the bird will recognize that this positive behavior works much better.

Despite these parrots can be noisy, in general, they are those who speak better of all macaws. One Chestnut-fronted Macaw You can speak with clarity and memorize a lot of words and phrases. They are possessors of some sharp voices that are a delight to listen. It must be said that the purchase of a parrot for his ability to speak is not the best idea, Since some parrots can never learn to talk and its owner can feel extremely disappointed. In its place, the best is to opt for a bird by its adorable and nice personality, If she starts to talk, then it will be an added advantage.


The breeding of Chestnut-fronted Macaw it's not very hard. While it is true there is time for the union of these birds, not much effort is needed to achieve that they reproduce successfully. It is always recommended do not use domestic birds in a breeding program, since once domesticated, they usually do not reproduce successfully.
The best candidates are those who have been exposed to other severe macaws and have lived within a Aviary.

When approaching the season of reproduction in spring and early summer, a bonded pair will be more vocal. During this time a female will look for a nesting site to raise their future pigeon. In most cases, This is usually a vertical wooden nest box or metal placed in a corner of the cage. Inside the box must have a ladder to be sure that the female can be up and down without damaging their eggs. The bottom of the box should also have some kind of soft base such as wood chips that are non-toxic to the parrot.; But, some female birds choose to remove wood chips. If this occurs, the owner must again enter a handful of chips in the nest box until you put the first egg since this keeps the egg and prevents it from moving around and damage to. The box should also be placed so that the owner has easy access to the eggs and chicks. Most boxes are suspended outside the cage with doors that open on the side of the box or the top..

The egg laying it's every other day until your clutch is complete. On average, a typical clutch will consist of between 2 to 4 white eggs. The female incubates eggs during 27 to 28 days. Just before hatching, the chickens will make a small hole from the inside of the egg in order to be able to breathe. This will alert the mother of arrival. Some mothers eat the shell to help recover the calcium that is lost while it incubated, However, others completely ignore it.

Once the chicks are hatching, the mother is left with the chick for several weeks until they can produce their own body heat and increased demand for food of baby birds. Until then, the male work tirelessly to ensure the young, the female, and himself, food. This moment of hard tension until that all babies are weaned; approximately 70 days.


In the wild these birds feed on all kinds of food and it is important that we try to imitate their natural diet. This makes it a healthier bird. From time to time, We must provide palm nuts their beaks are designed to eat the fleshy external parts of these fruits. These dried fruits contain oils and enzymes you require our birds. A base diet of Pellet and seeds also must provide.

They have to be powered also with fresh fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. fruits like oranges, Kiwis, handles, apples, grapes, peaches and Plums they are great accessories for the bird. Many of these fruits can be cut into squares and presented as a skewer of a our Macaw, Since he likes to play with fruit and the sampling of all flavors.

The vegetables as the pumpkin, corn, Carrot, Kale, Spinach, celery and are generally a joy to most parrots. These vegetables can be cut during the dinner and were placed in the refrigerator during the future feed. In this way you will save time. Other healthy items are beans and legumes; although, beans and vegetables always must be cooked before feeding your bird. If a severe Macaw is cared for properly, and feeds with a variety of different foods that are healthy, It can live up to the 45 or 50 years.

Alternative names:

Chestnut-fronted Macaw, Brazilian Green Macaw, Chestnut fronted Macaw, Severa Macaw, Severe Macaw (English).
Ara vert, Ara à front châtain, Ara sévère (French).
Rotbugara (German).
Maracanã-guacu, anacã, ararica, ararinha, ararinha-de-fronte-castanha, maracanã, maracanã-açu, maracanã-guaçu (Portuguese).
Guacamaya Cariseca, Guacamayo Severo, Maracaná Grande (español).
Guacamaya cariseca, Cheja cariseca (Colombia).
Maracaná (Venezuela).
Loro arara, Guacamayo frenticastaño (Ecuador).
Tereche grande, Parabachi, maracaná grande (Bolivia).
Shivaí (Chimane).
Maracana Guasu (Guarani).
Avensó (Embera).
E-ara (Piaroa).

Carl Linnaeus
Carl Linnaeus

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: ARA
Scientific name: Ara severus
Citation: (Linnaeus, 1758)
Protonimo: Psittacus severus

Images Chestnut-fronted Macaw:

Videos "Chestnut-fronted Macaw"

Species of the genus Ara

«Severe Macaw» (Ara severus)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife
– Venezuelan of information on biological diversity system – Macaw Maracanã (Ara severus)


(1) – Cheatnut-fronted Macaw (Ara severus) at Jungle Island of Miami By DickDaniels (http://carolinabirds.org /) (Own work) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – A Chestnut-fronted Macaw stretching leg and wing By Sandysphotos2009 (20100123_187Uploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Chestnut-fronted Macaw or Severe Macaw in south Columbia By anthrotect (originally posted to Flickr as [1]) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – A Chestnut-fronted Macaw at Santa Fe Zoo, Medellín, Colombia By Steven (Quueee?Uploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – A Chestnut-fronted Macaw at World Parrot Refuge, Coombs, British Columbia, Canada By Herb Neufeld (P1120046Uploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – A Chestnut-fronted Macaw at Niabi Zoo, Coal Valley, Illinois, USA By Bill & Vicki Tracey from Rochelle, Illinois, usa (At the ZooUploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – Chestnut-fronted Macaw (also known as Severe Macaw) at at World Parrot Refuge Center, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada By Darlee Byron (Well.. Hello!Uploaded by Snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(8) – Chestnut-fronted Macaw | Maracanã (Ara severus) by Fernando Flores – Flickr
(9) – A Chestnut-fronted Macaw in Miami, Florida, USA. It is probably feral By Don Faulkner (Chestnut-fronted MacawUploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(10) – Ilustración Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr

Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Cuban macaw †
Ara tricolor

Cuban Macaw


Cuban Macaw

Description of Cuban Macaw:

The Cuban Macaw (Ara tricolor) ave a great era, had a length between 45 and 50 centimeters, the "forehead" was reddish and orange and the nape.

around the eyes had white areas devoid of feathers. Cara, abdomen, chest and the thighs They were also orange and legs and the tip of the bill brown. The upper portion was a brownish red with festooned with feathers in green, while feathers below tail, on top of this and the lower back region they were blue. Also of this color combined with purplish red were the wings.

The external appearance of both male and the female It was the same. As for the flight, as described, when taking off it opened and exhibited its splendid tail to its full extent in a truly magnificent spectacle.


Little is known about the habits Cuban Macaw. Local people reported the Cuban naturalist, born in Germany, Juan Gundlach (1876) What anidaba in the holes of the palm trees and lived in pairs and family groups. He noted that it had a strong vocalization similar to that of Central American macaws. (Gundlach 1893).

apparently small populations bred in scattered locations.


Little is known about the reproduction of this species, except that they nested in the holes of the palm trees and lived in pairs and family groups.


They ate fruits, Palmas, tree seeds cinnamon (Meliá azedarach), tender shoots and buds (Wiley & Kirwan 2013).

Olson & Suarez (2008) skull suggest that the tablet back-ventral, in other macaw is an adaptation for a strong muscle attachment, is an indication that this species feeds on palm nuts extremely hard shell, and distribution of birds may have been closely related to the availability of this food source.


Distributed in the past by the island of Cuba, and probably the Isle of youth. It is said that there were large populations in the Zapata Swamp to the South of Matanzas. There is no evidence of the historical existence of this guacamayo or another Hispaniola, where it has hinted at the existence of this species (although possibly they were observed on that island, with the last individuals registered in 1820.


• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Extinct.

• Population trend: extinguished.

Justification of the Red List of the Category

This species was known in the island of Cuba, but hunting led to its population to extinction. The last reports of the species date from 1885.

Its extinction was caused by his hunting as food and the felling of trees for nesting capture young birds and their use as pet (Forshaw and Cooper 1989).

It is said that the last specimen known to have existed was shot down in La Vega, about the Zapata Swamp in 1864. Then testimonies of sightings occurred up 1885 which were not confirmed.

"Cuban macaw †" in captivity:

It is believed that the Cuban Macaw was quite common in Cuba. First he began to increase his capture in order to give them to the Kings of Spain. As the nineteenth century progressed increased human population and this not only cut down the trees and forests deforested, but he also hunted the bird for food – despite the fact that its meat tasted bad – he plundered its nests to take from pets young birds. This is how their habitats were eliminated, until he ended up becoming extinct.

Alternative names:

Cuban Macaw, Hispaniolan Macaw, Hispaniolan or Cuban Macaw, Hispaniolan, Cuban or Jamaican Macaw (English).
Ara d’Hispaniola, Ara tricolore, Ara tricolore ou A. de Cuba, Ara tricolore, A. de Cuba ou A. de Gosse (French).
Dreifarbenara (German).
arara-vermelha-de-cuba (Portuguese).
Guacamayo cubano (español).

scientific classification:

Johann Matthew Bechstein
Johann Matthew Bechstein

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: ARA
Scientific name: Ara tricolor
Citation: (Bechstein, 1811)
Protonimo: Ara tricolor

Cuban Macaw pictures:

Cuban macaw † (Ara tricolor)

Species of the genus Ara


• Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
• Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – Ara tricolor, recreación digital By Digitally treated by Rod6807 from the original image of Peter. [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Cuban Macaw. Eleven-Thirteenths Natural Size—from specimen in Liverpool Museum By John Gerrard Keulemans (1842 – 1912) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Now tricolor Bechstein, 1811 by Huub Veldhuijzen van Zanten / Naturalis [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Now tricolor Bechstein, 1811 Huub Veldhuijzen van Zanten / Naturalis Biodiversity Center [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Ara tricolor By Bechstein, 1811 [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Watercolour by Jacques Barraband (circa 1800) of a Cuban Red Macaw (Ara tricolor) by Jacques Barraband [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons