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African forest turtle
- Pelusios gabonensis

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The African forest turtle not exactly a colorful turtle. But with its hinge on the abdominal shell, that allows it to fold to protect itself from predators, as well as his almost smiling face, has some beauties to offer.
African forest turtle
African forest turtle – This image has been originally created as the illustration forhttps://globalquiz.org/en/quiz-image/african-forest-turtle/at globalquiz.org. It has been released under CC-BY-3.0 license


Origin / Distribution

The African forest turtle (Pelusios gabonensis) It is a species of tortoise in the family Pelomedusidae.. It is endemic to Africa, where can it be found in angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Congo, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda.

Characteristics / Appearance

The maximum length of the carapace of the African forest turtle is of 23 cm., although sometimes it is reported 28,5 cm. . Males and females of this species grow to about the same size.


The habitats that the African forest turtle they are diverse: rivers, lagoons, ponds, lakes and wetlands.

Diet in nature

The African forest turtle feed mixed, that is to say, eats both animal and plant matter. The composition of the diet is very varied, but it is observed that many specimens eat small fish, frogs and crustaceans. It also, eats a wide variety of insects, spiders, mussels, snails and annelids. Fruits and seeds of terrestrial and aquatic plants are eaten.. Diet composition does not differ between males and females.

The "African forest turtle" in captivity

The African forest turtle not exactly a colorful turtle. But with its hinge on the abdominal shell, that allows it to fold to protect itself from predators, as well as his almost smiling face, has some beauties to offer. Like a tropical aquatic turtle, the African forest turtle does not need a cold hibernation, but with its dry hibernation it remains a challenge when kept as a pet.


for the pups, a small aquarium is enough at first. The pups of the African forest turtle they are not very good swimmers at first. With many aquatic plants and roots you have to offer them the possibility to rest just below the surface of the water. But, after a few weeks, they become better swimmers and can cope well with higher water level. The general rule for a good water level is: three times the length of the carapace. In one African forest turtle adult would need an aquarium with a minimum length of 150 cm.. The water level can be as low as 50 cm..

The use of gravel or sand as a substrate is somewhere also a matter of personal taste, but sand is certainly closer to the natural habitat than gravel. You can create some structure with some roots or stones. These turtles like hiding places underwater, for example in the form of halved clay pots.

The land part for African forest turtle must be the egg-laying type from the start. Some specimens retire there to rest dry buried in the sand. It also, for thermoregulation a place to sunbathe should be provided, for example cork or willow wood bridge. A metal halide lamp with a UV component is ideal for lighting the sunbathing area.. It not only provides a lot of light similar to that of the sun, but also the necessary UV-B rays and thermal radiation. The distance of the lamp from the sunny spot is chosen such that a temperature of 40-45 °C.

To keep the water to a minimum of 24 °C throughout the year, a heating rod is necessary. Although the African forest turtle not very picky about water quality, A high quality external filter is still recommended for these relatively large aquatic turtles.

Feeding in the aquarium

Although in nature a certain proportion of plant foods is eaten, the African forest turtle usually accepts almost exclusively food of animal origin in the aquarium. But, in some hatcheries they also accept lettuce and lamb's lettuce, besides the fruits (strawberries, bananas, grapes) .

as food, pellets are usually well accepted. It also, full range of live foods can be offered, dry animals and frozen foods. Regarding your vegetarian diet, must try everything that is available in aquatic plants, especially duckweed is eaten by a relatively large number of turtles of this species. the wild herbs, lettuce and carrots are also suitable. For calcium supply, always have some cuttlefish floating in the aquarium.

Buy one "African forest turtle"

All Pelomedus tortoises are not internationally protected species, so wild-caught specimens remain regularly available in the reptile trade. Wild catches are often surprisingly hard, but, of course, weakened by long transport and numerous intermediate stops. If you have the chance, do not hesitate to buy european pups. The young are much more stable and less susceptible to diseases.

Its price when it is a baby, ranges between 45 – 60 EUR.

Videos "African forest turtle"

The new turtle tank for my water turtles!!👌🐢

Feeding my African tortoises!!🍗🐢

Alternative names:

1. African forest turtle (English).
2. Péluse du Gabon (French).
3. Rückenstreifen-Pelomeduse (German).
4. Tartaruga florestal africana (Portuguese).
5. "Tortuga africana del bosque" (español).

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