▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Cat despite allergy: These cat breeds are suitable for allergy sufferers


Some cat breeds are well tolerated by most allergy sufferers.


First of all, a disclaimer: Despite many articles claiming otherwise, unfortunately there is no completely hypoallergenic breed of cat. So there is no cat that is guaranteed not to cause an allergic reaction in any allergy sufferer.. This also applies to hairless cats like the Canadian Sphynx.

Contrary to what you might think, it is not the hair that causes the allergy, but a protein found in the saliva of cats, among other things. When cats lick their fur, the protein is distributed there and can reach humans through the air, causing sneezing and itchy eyes. The length of the cat's coat does not necessarily determine if you are allergic or not.

But, there is a breed of cat that is as compatible as possible for allergy sufferers: the siberian cat. This breed has been found to cause fewer allergic reactions than others, explains the scientist Leslie Lyons in Smithonian magazine.

These cats are the most suitable for allergy sufferers

But more than a roulette game of online casino, of course, it is important to do a thorough test before buying to see if you are allergic to the cat or not. In case of doubt, each cat is unique, even if it belongs to a breed that is considered truly allergy friendly, reactions may occur.

Vaccine as a solution for those allergic to cats?

But there are reasons for hope: Zurich researchers have developed a vaccine that is supposed to neutralize the proteins that cause allergy. Even allergy sufferers could cuddle up to vaccinated cats. But you still have to be patient until then: The vaccine is not expected to be on the European market until 2020.

Are female cats more suitable for allergy sufferers than male cats??

There is clear evidence that female cats are more suitable for allergy sufferers than cats. Female cats are more hypoallergenic than cats. So, cause allergies less frequently in percentage. It makes no difference if they are neutered or not. Quite the opposite of his male colleagues: If cats are neutered, the level of allergy on your skin drops by half! So, those allergic to cats should choose a cat or a sterilized cat. It also, cat breeds that have little hair and, therefore, are less likely to cause allergies. Because the allergy-triggering protein called "Fel d1" attaches to cats' hair and, therefore, allergy potential is significantly increased in cats with strong hairs. Non-furry or slightly furry cats can, therefore, potentially cause fewer allergies.

Comparatively little hair is lost by cats:

Of course there is no guarantee for cats without allergies, so an individual test should always be done in advance. Here allergy tests and, blood tests can help. It doesn't matter which cat you decide: In the best case, spend enough time with her in advance to make sure no allergic reaction occurs.


Sphynx by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/1179269

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