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Black iguana
- Ctenosaura similis

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The Black iguana it is a large and bulky lizard, and adult males reach 45 cm long with a tail of 30 cm..
Black iguana
One male iguana and two females, Barra Honda National Park, Costa Rica – Christian Mehlfuhrer, User:Chmehl, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons


Origin / Distribution

The Black iguana (Ctenosaura similis) is native to Central America, and has the widest range of all Ctenosaura species from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to northeastern Nicaragua and western Panama on the respective Atlantic and Pacific coasts. It is commonly found throughout Costa Rica, Honduras and has been reported in some Colombian islands both in the Caribbean Sea and in the Pacific Ocean.

It has been introduced to southern Florida and breeds in the wild in several feral populations.. On the southwest coast of Florida, has been discovered from Collier County north to Tampa Bay. On the southeastern coast of Florida, black spiny-tailed iguanas have been found in Key Biscayne, Hialeah and in Broward County. This iguana has also been introduced to several Caribbean islands. As this species feeds opportunistically on small vertebrates, like fish, rodents, eggs, birds and even hatchling sea turtles, may pose a threat to native endangered species.

Characteristics / Appearance

The Black iguana it is a large and bulky lizard, and adult males reach 45 cm long with a tail of 30 cm.. They are predominantly black, but the dorsal surface may show black bands on a greyish background. Most have black mottling on back. The color may also lighten after sunbathing with yellowish and orange markings becoming apparent along the sides..

Adult males and females are dimorphic. Adult males have well-developed dorsal crests and small dewlaps.. double chin, the crescent of skin that may extend under the throat, it is not inflated. A small spine bends to extend the jowls during moments of threat, courtship or defense of territory. Females lack obvious crests. There is considerable variation with age and sex, so identification can be difficult.

These iguanas have ringed tails with rows of sharp, curved spines., hence also the name Spiny-tailed Iguana. The spines on the back are short. Juveniles tend to be olive green, turning tan and finally grayish as they grow.


These lizards are great diggers and hunters.. They are around ruins, stone walls, open rocky slopes and branches of large trees along the open edges of forests. They usually live in dry land, arid and open.


Black iguana
black spiny tailed iguana (Ctenosaurus), in the serpentarium, and Blankenberge – Vassil, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

This species can be belligerent and can bite or injure an aggressor with its spines.. More terrestrial than aboral, can run bipedally. Highly gregarious and territorial, these iguanas live in colonies, governed by a strict pecking order. One male of the colony is the dominant, and although the other males have territories, they only defend them against each other and not against the leader. Territorial deployments include color changes, body inflation, jaw clicking, "push-ups" or rapid movements of the head and, sometimes, bite and tail swipe battles. Larger males tend to have bigger and better territories and mate more often. Fighting usually occurs when iguanas gain or defend territory or a mate..

The male always courts, but you can only move forward if your partner provides you with the right stimuli. She must respond with sexual stimuli, and as one of its own kind; with a female of the wrong species their reproductive investments would result in sterile hybrids, if there is any baby. You should also point out that you are receptive, with mature eggs ready for fertilization. Some of the visual cues that are often important in courtship are that males often bite, scratch or lick females that have signaled their receptivity.

Juvenile iguanas usually come out of the nest hole together, a strategy against predators in which many eyes are better than two and large numbers make individual capture less likely. Young iguanas usually remain in a group and one of them temporarily behaves as a leader. They lick each other's tongues and groom each other, and rub their body and chin. At night they usually sleep together in the branches.


This species reaches sexual maturity around 3 or 4 years of age. They gather and mate during specific times of the year that vary between populations. Male iguanas have a pair of intromittent organs., los hemipenes. when they are not used, hemipenes are found adjacent to the cloaca at the base of the tail.

During sexual activity, one of the hemipenis everts by the action of the muscles and fills with blood.. in copulation, that follows courtship behavior, only one hemipenis inserts into the female's cloaca, and the sperm travel along a groove in the hemipenis. The retraction of the hemipenis is carried out by draining the blood sinuses and activating the retractor muscles that invert the structure when withdrawing it..

In the breeding season, oviparous females migrate to suitable nesting areas. After digging a burrow half a meter deep, the female lays from 2 to 25 eggs in the nest. She then defends the burrow for some time to prevent other females from nesting in the same place.. Young iguanas are born between 3 and 4 months later and take a week to leave the nest. These little iguanas fit easily in the palm of one hand.. If they survive the difficult first years of life, where food is often scarce and predators, like hawks and owls, they are a danger, these iguanas can live more than 60 years.


Diet Black iguana it is generally herbivorous, especially leguminous fruits, but it is also known to have a diverse carnivorous diet consisting of small animals.

The Black iguana has eaten rodents, bats, frogs, small birds and a wide variety of insects. They have even been observed to eat the eggs of their own young and, in a case, the tail of a juvenile was found inside an adult male, suggesting cannibalism. The young are mainly insectivorous., transitioning to herbivorous habits as adults.

Threats to the species

State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

Man and his domestic animals are inevitably destroying the environment of these iguanas. The domestic animals, like the cows, devour most of the vegetation, what is the food source of iguanas. Its meat is savored in many parts of the world, but it is not exploited in excess. In some parts of South America, iguanas are hunted by men who imitate the cries of hawks. The iguana's reaction to screaming is to "freeze" and are then easily caught.

The presence of human settlements in coastal areas is an important displacement factor for many species; as well as the fragmentation of the forests and the devastation of mangroves.

In Mexico, the NAME-059-SEMARNAT-2010 considers this iguana as Threatened; the IUCN 2019-1 like Least concern.

The "Black iguana" in captivity

Black iguana
Juvenile Striped Iguana in Santa Rosa NP, COSTA RICA (Ctenosaura similis) – Bernard DUPONTFlickr

To keep the Ctenosaura similis (Black iguana) as appropriate as possible to the species, we recommend the following conditions. Especially when the minimum size is specified, note that optimal conditions can only be achieved in much larger terrariums.

  • temperatures during the day: 25°-35°C (place of asoleo local approx. 40-45°C)
  • Night temperatures: 18-22°C
  • Humidity: approx.. 50% during the day and 80-90% At night
  • Minimum size of the terrarium: starting at 300 x 250 x 180 cm for two animals

The terrarium

The Black iguana often found in nature in multiples. has been individually maintained, in pairs or in a group with a single male and three to four females. But, the terrarium must be large enough and have enough structures. It is best to plan an indoor terrarium for a group. For a terrarium for two animals, should have at least 300 x 250 x 180 cm.. For a group, terrariums of more than 400 x 350 surface cm.


Diet Black iguana consists mainly of leafy plants, seedlings, flowers, herbs and rarely fruits. They are also eaten by insects and should also be offered. It also, from time to time it is necessary to make available to these iguanas smaller mammals. Vegetables like carrots, cucumber and tomato are also important foods. Adult animals feed on a 80-90% vegetarian, young feed mainly on insects.

no lettuce, iceberg lettuce or similar, since the calcium-phosphorus content is unfavorable in this case. And cabbage or spinach should rarely be fed due to oxalic acid.

Additional vitamin and mineral supplements are recommended.


The temperature for these terrarium animals should be 25-35°C during the day, the solar island 40-45°C and between 18-22°C at night. The humidity should be around 50% during the day and 80-90% At night.


The terrarium can be furnished with numerous stones, climbing facilities, a bathing area, remained, foliage, cork and bark tubes, which also offer many hiding places. To keep the Black iguana many structures and opportunities are needed to hide.


For your well-being, good lighting and ultraviolet light are necessary (30% of UVA rays and 10-12% UVB), as well as a place to sunbathe. UV radiation is very important and absolutely necessary. In the case of females, it is necessary to provide a suitable place for laying eggs or several possibilities.

For fluid intake, an additional water bowl can be placed, that is cleaned daily.


Usually, the Black iguana hibernates for about four weeks at about 18°C.


The Black iguana is sexually mature after two years. A female lays up 80 eggs after about eight weeks. A 28-30°C y 90-100% moisture, the young hatch after about three months. It is essential to give young people enough calcium and vitamins.

Buy one "Black iguana"

The price of a "Black iguana" at the exotic animal market, ranges between 40 – 60 euros for a baby.

Videos "Black iguana"

Black iguana (Ctenosaura similis)

Garrobo | Spiny tailed Iguana | Ctenosaura similis

Alternative names:

1. Black iguana, Black spiny-tailed iguana (English).
2. Cténosaure noir, Iguane à queue épineuse noire (French).
3. Gemeiner Schwarzleguan, Schwarzer Leguan, Stachelig-angebundener Leguan (German).
4. Iguana-Negra, Iguana de cauda espinhosa preta, Ctenossauro preto (Portuguese).
5. "Iguana rayada", Iguana negra de cola espinosa, Iguana de cola espinosa de Gray, Tilcampo, Chiguipile o Tolok (español).

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