List of parrots beginning with letter J-K-L

History, natural habitat, characteristics and conservation of the different species of parrot.

List alphabetical of parrots

The vast majority of these beautiful birds are not suitable for captivity.. History and characteristics of the species.

1 Jandaya parakeet

Aratinga Jandaya

30 cm.. length.

The Jandaya parakeet (Aratinga jandaya) they have both sides of the neck, cheeks, lores, ear-coverts and forecrown orange,

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2 Josephine's Lorikeet

Lori de Josefina

24 cm.. length and an approximate weight of 68 g..

The head of the Josephine's Lorikeet (Charmosyna josefinae) It

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3 Kakapo


Males can reach up to 60 cm. and weigh between 3 and 4 kg.

The Kakapo (Strigops habroptila)

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4 Kawall's Parrot

Amazona de Kawall

35-36 cm.. length.

The Kawall's Parrot (Amazona kawalli) after not having been recorded in the wild for a few 70

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5 Kea



The Kea (Nestor notabilis) It is a bird of the family Strigopidae of 48 cm.. in length and medium weight

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6 Kuhl's Lorikeet

Lori de Rimatara

18 cm.. long and an approximate weight of 55 g..

Males and females of the Kuhl's Lorikeet (Vini kuhlii)

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7 Large Fig Parrot

Lorito de Desmarest

18 cm.. length and a weight between 108 and 126 g..

The Large Fig Parrot (Psittaculirostris desmarestii) is a small Parrot,

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8 Large-billed Parrotlet

Lorito Aliazul

12 to 13 cm.. height.

The Large-billed Parrotlet (Forpus crassirostris) has the crown, back of the neck and ear-coverts,

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9 Layard's Parakeet

Cotorra de Ceilán

29 cm., including its tail up 13 cm.. and 100 g. of weight.
The adult male of the (Psittacula

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10 Lilac-crowned Parrot

Amazona Guayabera

33 cm. head to tail and weighs on average 310 g..

The Lilac-crowned Parrot (Amazona finschi) has the forecrown and

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11 Lilac-tailed Parrotlet

Lilac-tailed Parrotlet

The Lilac-tailed Parrotlet (Touit batavicus) has 14 cm.. height. Usually black in it upperparts (back and wings) and

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12 Lilian's Lovebird

Inseparable del Nyasa

Lilian's Lovebird

14 cm.. length and a weight between 28 and 37 g..

The colorful plumage small

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13 Little corella

Cacatua sanguinea

It measures 35-40 cm.. and weighs approximately 500 g..
In the Little corella (Cacatua sanguinea), the head and crest (that the

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14 Little Lorikeet

Lori Carirrojo

16 to 19 cm.. length and an approximate weight of 40 g.. The Little Lorikeet (Parvipsitta petty) is the most

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15 Long-billed corella

Cacatua tenuirostris

35 to 41 cm.. length. The weight of 500 to 600 g..
The Long-billed corella (Cacatua tenuirostris) has white plumage.

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16 Long-tailed Parakeet

Cotorra Colilarga

Of 40 to 48 cm.. length and 168 to 196 g. of weight.

The Long-tailed Parakeet (Psittacula longicauda) has the

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17 Lord Howe parakeet †

Perico de Lord Howe

21-27 cm.. of length and a weight of 80 g..

The Lord Howe Island Parakeet (Cyanoramphus subflavescens) it was their green

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18 Luzon Racquet-tail


23 centimeters long, not to mention their racquets, and a weight between 100 and 140 g..

The Luzon Racquet-tail (Prioniturus montanus) has

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