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Large-billed Parrotlet
Forpus crassirostris

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Large-billed Parrotlet



12 to 13 cm.. height.

The Large-billed Parrotlet (Forpus crassirostris) has the crown, back of the neck and ear-coverts, green; the forecrown, cheeks, eye area and lores, emerald green.

Upperparts and wings, green, except the part inferior of the back, rump and greater coverts, are cobalt blue and blue color toward the base of the secondaries. Primary coverts pale grayish violet color which contrasts with the darker coverts They are cobalt blue. flight feathers Matte metallic blue. The underparts green with yellow hues. Upper, the tail green; undertail, pale green.

Bill and cere Pink with gray base up to the mandible top, laterally compressed in the Center; bare periophthalmic pale grey: irises dark brown: legs Gris-Rosado pale.
Female all green with belly yellowish green without blue color wing-coverts visible in the male.
Immature like adult respective, but with the blue of young males mixed with green.

Taxonomic note:

some authors (for example, Meyer de Schauensee 1966, Forshaw, 1973, Monroe y Sibley, 1993) They have used the name Forpus xanthopterygius, while other authors (Stotz et to the., 1996, Collar 1997) They have followed Pinto (1945) and used the name Forpus crassirostris to define this species.

  • Sound of the Large-billed Parrotlet.


They inhabit in forest edges, clear, riparian forests, parks and gardens in urban areas.


They build their nests in tree cavities or exploit abandoned nests common hornero (Furnarius rufus); lining the nesting chamber with grass and the female lays 3 to 7 eggs White. The incubation, lasts approximately 18 days, It is carried out by the female and during this period the male is in charge of feeding her.


They compose your diet seeds, fruit, plants and flowers herbaceous. They are feeding both the ground and in trees and shrubs. Among the fruits they are highly appreciated by the Large-billed Parrotlet, palm, Trumpet trees (Cecropia spp), as well as seeds and shoots of Paineiras (Ceiba speciosa).

Melo et al, 2009, reported mass consumption flowers of Handroanthus serratifolius (Fam. Bignoniaceae), in particular its nectar, what it appears to be an important power source especially during the dry season, where scarce fruits.


Size of its range (players / residents) 1.312.215 km²

Southeast of Colombia to the East of Ecuador, North of Peru and West Brazil.


minor concern

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.

• Population trend: Stable.

Justification of the population

The size of the world's population of the Blue-winged Parrotlet It has not been quantified, but this species is described as «common» (Stotz et to the., 1996).

Justification of trend

Suspected that the population is stable in absence of evidence of any decline or threatens substantial.

"Large-billed Parrotlet" in captivity:

In captivity they are not very frequent. They are birds enable you require a large cage. Quiet and something Shy. Not is easy to accommodate them with other parrots.
Can be prone to it Obesity.

Alternative names:

Blue-winged Parrotlet (crassirostris), Large-billed Parrotlet (English).
Toui à gros bec, Toui de Spix (crassirostris) (French).
Large-billed Parrotlet (German).
Tuim, Large-billed Parrotlet (Portuguese).
Catita enana, Lorito Aliazul, Periquito Azulejo, Cotorrita aliazul, Lorito de alas azules (español).

Wladyslaw Taczanowski

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Forpus
Scientific name: Forpus crassirostris
Citation: (By Taczanowsk, 1883)
Protonimo: Psittacula crassirostris

Images "Large-billed Parrotlet"


«Lorito Aliazul» (Forpus crassirostris)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – Large-billed Parrotlet (Forpus crassirostris) Male – Photo by Tom Friedel – Puerto Nariño, amazon, Colombia – birdphotos.com

Sounds: John V. Moore, XC257657. accessible www.xeno-canto.org/257657

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