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Welsh Terrier

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Terrier Galés

The Welsh Terrier (or Welsh Terrier) It is a breed of dog that dates from the years 1760. It was originally bred for hunting foxes, rodents and Badger, but during the last century it has been bred mainly for dog shows. In spite of this, It has retained the strength of character of the Terrier and therefore requires a strong treatment and non-aggressive.

The Welsh Terrier originated in Wales and it has been claimed that it is the oldest existing dog breed in United Kingdom according to the research of Julian Calder and Alastair Bruce for his book, 'The oldest – in celebration of Britain's living history'. The Welsh Terrier was a late entry into the world of dog shows in Great Britain (was mainly a working dog) and it was not officially registered until the 19th century.

Currently, is on the list of races in danger of extinction of the Kennel Club of United Kingdom, to register only a 300 Puppies a year, in comparison with the most popular races, that register tens of thousands of puppies every year.
Possibly, the direct ancestor of the Welsh Terrier is the old Black and Tan Terrier hard hair which was very popular in Britain during the 18th and 19th centuries. By the end of the 18th century there was already a well-defined variety of Terrier in North Wales., It was used to hunt otters, foxes and Badgers.

Eventually, This variety of Terrier dogs came to be known with the name of Welsh Terrier, or as we know it in Spanish: Welsh Terrier. The breed was recognized in 1886 by the English Kennel Club, but she still ran into him Fox Terrier wire-haired to give him a more streamlined appearance than he had, coming to get a dog similar to the Airedale Terrier but small.

Currently the Welsh Terrier is mainly a companion dog, Although it is not very popular outside their place of origin. It also appears with some frequency in European dog shows.

This Terrier is a dog of little height and square construction. That is to say that the length of its body is similar to the height at the cross. It is a strong dog for its size and has a unique elegance.

The head is moderately wide and the snout is of medium length. The nose is black. The small, dark eyes of the Welsh Terrier show a cheerful expression, brave and bold, but non-aggressive. The ears are small, triangular and high insertion.

The tail is of erect growth, never curved over the back. Traditionally, about a third of the tail is amputated three to four days after birth., but currently this practice has been banned in some countries. The standard FCI race accepts amputated queues.

The hair of the Welsh Terrier is composed of two layers. An interior, dense and lanosa, that insulates you from the cold, and other external hard and shiny, It protects it from rain, the wind and abrasions caused by thorns, etc. The Welsh Terrier is not pelecha, so it is important to brush the hair often. He also is often cut hair, to give it the typical shape of the breed. A well cared Welsh Terrier loose much less hair than a dog from almost all other races are suitable dogs to live in a house or with people who suffer from a mild allergy to the hair of the dog. The accepted colors are black and Tan, or negro-grisáceo and fire.

Outgoing, Active, Smart and friendly, the Welsh Terrier is one of the quieter Terrier and less aggressive. Even so, he is still a hunting dog with a lot of energy and brimming with courage.

This dog is reserved with strangers, but it can be much more user-friendly than other Terrier if it has received adequate socialization. In any way, It tends to be very friendly with his family and especially with children who they have patience. Dogs tend to be less aggressive than other Terrier but fails to be a very sociable dog, and they tend to fight with others of their species. In the same way, its prey drive is smaller than other breeds of the Group, but still tends to chase and kill small animals.

It is important to socialize from puppy to the Welsh Terrier to be an easier coexistence, both people and dogs and other animals.

To be very smart dogs, the Welsh Terrier learn with ease. Like this, the training of these dogs is rewarding, but we must be able to diversify the exercises to make it fun. Otherwise, the Welsh Terrier is bored and seek other occupations. It is advisable to use variants of the training in positive, such as with clicker training, to take full advantage of the potential of these dogs.

Common behavior problems with this breed include excessive barking and digging in the yard..

It also, of course, a tendency to aggression towards other dogs. But, with proper training and giving the dog sufficient physical and mental activity, You can prevent or greatly reduce these problems.

By its friendly nature towards their own and fun personality, the Welsh Terrier can be an excellent pet for people who enjoy the outdoors and activities to those who are not bothered by the barking.

The body of the Welsh Terrier is normal and healthy so that the physique is resistant and durable. Some studies have suggested a genetic predisposition to glaucoma, conclusively. A healthy Welsh Terrier would live around 12 to 13 years on average and stays active and alert until an older age if you are healthy and well cared.

Dogs breeds: Welsh Terrier

3 thoughts on "Welsh Terrier”

  1. Hello, I would like a terrier Welsh, I'm from the city of la plata, where can I get? I hope your answer thank you


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