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A dog in Canada rescues a girl trapped in a frozen river

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Rocky received Prize for his achievement.

Rocky has for decades been a fictional hero, but in Edmonton, Canada, Today there is a hero named Rocky who is definitely real; just eight years and four legs.
This Rocky, a cross between Labrador retriever and Husky, is hailed for pulling a nine-year-old girl out of a frozen river last Easter Sunday. Its owner, Adam Shaw, of 27 years, obtained a similar acclaim.

"If that man and the dog hadn't been there; I just try not to think about it.", said Miranda Wagner, the mother of Samara, nine-year-old, and her sister's 10 years, Krymzen, in an interview with CNN affiliate, CTV.
“I just wanted to give him a big hug and tell him that he is my hero.. If I hadn't been there I wouldn't have my girls.", said Wagner. "The doctors said two more minutes and Samara would be gone".

El heroísmo de Rocky y Shaw se desarrolló en el helado Río Saskatchewan Norte en Edmonton la tarde del pasado domingo. Las niñas se deslizaban en trineo en un parque junto al río cuando terminaron en el hielo que se extendía desde la orilla del río, said his father Corey Sunshine, the affiliate of CNN, CBC.

“Lo que me dijeron fue que, one of the sleds came from snow to ice mountain, intentaban regresar y el hielo se rompió”, said.
Shaw dijo que caminaba en un puente sobre el río cuando escuchó gritos. Cuando miró abajo en el río vio a una niña en el agua helada y a su hermana que la intentaba sacar.
Para el momento en el que Rocky y él corrieron hacia el río, both girls were in the water.

It could get to the ice Krymzen, but the current leading to Samara, approximately 1.2 or 1.5 the shore of the ice, mientras su cabeza entraba y salía del agua, Shaw said at a press conference this Monday.
Preguntó a la niña si podía nadar hacia él.
“Dijo que no podía mover sus brazos, que no podía mover sus piernas”, said Shaw.
He tried to pull strap to her Rocky, but it was not reached. Then, while trying to approach, the ice gave way under him and his dog.
“Logró poner sus patas delanteras en el hielo y empujé su parte trasera para que estuviera en el hielo, luego utilicé la correa y a él para intentar levantarme en el hielo”, said Shaw.

For this moment, Samara se había desviado 50 or 60 yardas más abajo en el río, y aún flotaba dentro y fuera del agua helada. Shaw and Rocky ran towards her again, pero aún estaba fuera de su alcance.

“Puse la correa alrededor de Rocky y lo empujé para que se metiera en el agua, le dije que si podía tomar su correa, podríamos regresarla al hielo”, said Shaw.
“Saltó justo a su lado”, said, and the girl could put both hands on the belt of Rocky.
“Lo llamé de regreso y nadó hacia el hielo”, said Shaw, While approaching enough so he could make the arm of the girl and her dog, para arrastrarlos lejos de la orilla del río.

Fire Department rescue teams arrived shortly after and took to the sisters for treatment.
This Monday, they were at home with her grateful mother, and Shaw and Rocky were honored at the Firehouse; Shaw with a helmet firefighter and Rocky with a bone of giant leather taken from fire chief, Ken Block, until Block could take away the plastic wrap.

“Estas dos jovencitas son muy, muy afortunadas de que una familia así haya pasado por allí y pudieran intervenir”, said Block
Shaw argued not that.
“Creo que es una especie de milagro que todo saliera perfectamente”, told CTV.

Source Brad Lendon – CNN

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