▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Blue-winged Parrotlet
Forpus xanthopterygius

Cotorrita Aliazul




12 to 13 cm.. height.

The Blue-winged Parrotlet (Forpus xanthopterygius) has the forecrown, the crown, back of the neck and ear-coverts, green; cheeks, eye area and lores, emerald green. Upperparts and wings, green, except the part inferior of the back, rump, primaries and greater coverts, are cobalt blue and blue color toward the base of the secondaries. Under, the wings with the coverts a rich cobalt blue color; the flight feathers Matte metallic blue. the underparts of color green with shades yellow and with feathers of color red Emerald around the thighs and vent. Upper, the tail green; undertail, pale green.

Bill and cere Pink with gray base up to the upper jaw; bare periophthalmic pale grey: irises dark brown: legs Gris-Rosado pale.

Female all green.

Immature similar to the adult respective but the color blue of them males young mixed with green.

Subspecies description
  • Forpus xanthopterygius flavescens

    (Salvadori, 1891) – Similar to the species nominal but the males with the rump pale blue; underparts and facial area more yellowish; undertail, the tail more bluish.

  • Forpus xanthopterygius flavescens

    (Hellmayr, 1929) – Generally paler and more yellowish which the nominal. Forehead, throat and cheeks males, yellow.

  • Forpus xanthopterygius xanthopterygius

    (Spix, 1824) – The nominal

  • Forpus xanthopterygius crassirostris

    (By Taczanowsk, 1883) – As the species nominal but blue pale with emerald green in it forecrown. Primary coverts pale, of color grisaceo-violeta that contrast with the coverts more large of color blue more dark. upper jaw laterally compressed in the Center.

    – Some authors like (Stotz et to the., 1996, Collar 1997) They have followed Pinto (1945) and considered this subspecies as monotypic species under the scientific name Forpus crassirostris


Frequent habitats woodlands more dry such as Open forests and riparian, closed and caatinga; at the edge of the range that is located in the Savannah, palm groves, scrub semiarid and pastures. In the western amazon appears to be mainly distributed along rivers in lighter riparian growth. Mainly in the land low, but reported to 1,200 m in the mountains of the southeast of Brazil. Gregaria, in herds of up to 50.


It nests, mainly, in the cavities of trees, Although also termite tree, posts in fences, nests common hornero (Furnarius rufus), which can be occupied by force and lined with grass stalks, or even nests of the Red-rumped Cacique (Cacique haemorrhous). Clutch 3-7 eggs.


Its diet includes fruit of Cecropia, seeds of Mikania and Trema micrantha and flowers of Ambrosia and Marcgravia; Forages in open areas, sometimes in land.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 5.780.000 km2

Its distribution is discontinuous in South America, since the Basin Amazon to the North of Argentina with people separated in the North of Colombia. The latter occurs in the lowlands of the Caribbean arid from Cartagena through the valley bottom of the river Magdalena South to North of Bolívar and East to the base of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The species reappears in the end South of Colombia about Leticia and possibly in the Putumayo, and records from the Northeast borders of the Ecuador and from the East of Peru to the East of Bolivia in hand me and Santa Cruz; It extends through the basin of the Western Amazon of Brazil eastward to the East of amazon and in large part of the interior of the this of Brazil towards the Southeast, possibly up to Rio Grande do Sul.

Apparently absent from parts of the East and northeast of brazilian amazon with its northeastern limits in maranhão and Ceará.

They are distributed in the northeast of Argentina, in Missions, Northeast of Currents, Chaco oriental and Formosa Eastern.

Is located in the East of Paraguay and can be observed over the West in the chaco.

Apparently introduced in Jamaica, but the current situation is unknown.

Mainly resident Although migrant altitude in the southeast of Brazil, with seasonal movements in Argentina in relation to food supply. common in the East of the cordillera, sometimes locally abundant (for example, in the northern parts of Bay), less abundant in the West, being uncommon and local (Perhaps reducing) in the Northwest of Colombia and scarce throughout the East of Peru and Bolivia. Perhaps increasing in parts of the western amazon with cleared of forest dense, but probably in decline in Paraguay, where formerly common and now rare.

The Blue-winged Parrotlet have been caught for the trade, with captive birds outside range countries. Is unlikely that the trade has been affected to their abundance in the Middle wild.

Subspecies distribution

With the aim of preserving the stability of the nomenclature, It has designated a lectotype for the name widely used xanthopterygius, What makes the correct name for the species present. Four subspecies currently recognized.

  • Forpus xanthopterygius flavescens

    (Salvadori, 1891) – Bolivia and Southeast Peru.

  • Forpus xanthopterygius flavescens

    (Hellmayr, 1929) – maranhão, Piauí, Ceará and Northeast South of Brazil to the North of Bay.

  • Forpus xanthopterygius xanthopterygius

    (Spix, 1824) – The nominal

  • Forpus xanthopterygius crassirostris

    (By Taczanowsk, 1883) – West amazon in South Colombia, is of Ecuador and this from Peru to center of amazon, Brazil.

    – Some authors like (Stotz et to the., 1996, Collar 1997) They have followed Pinto (1945) and considered this subspecies as monotypic species under the scientific name Forpus crassirostris


State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.

• Population trend: Stable.

Justification of the population

The size of the world's population of the Blue-winged Parrotlet It has not been quantified, but this species is described as «common» (Stotz et to the., 1996).

Justification of trend

Suspected that the population is stable in absence of evidence of any decline or threatens substantial.

"Blue-winged Parrotlet" in captivity:

In captivity they are not very frequent. They are birds enable you require a large cage. Quiet and something Shy. Not is easy to accommodate them with other parrots.
Can be prone to it Obesity.


Among the various species of the Blue-winged Parrotlet (Forpus xanthopterygius), There is, Unfortunately, a very extensive variety of colors mixed due to the crossing in captivity of the nominal species with several of their subspecies, as well as the different crosses between subspecies. So, it is rather doubtful to find yet species and subspecies properly colored, especially in the poultry raising European. Only the subspecies Forpus xanthopterygius flavescens, as pure subspecies, it's still pretty easy to recognize.

Alternative names:

Blue-winged Parrotlet, Blue winged Parrotlet, Blue-winged, Large-billed or Turquoise-winged Parrotlet, Blue-winget parrotlet (English).
Toui de Spix, Perruche-moineau à ailes bleues, xT. à gros bec ou T. de Spengel (French).
Blauflügel-Sperlingspapagei (German).
Tuim, bate-cu, caturra, coió-coió, cu-cozido, cuiúba, cu-tapado, meudo, periquitinho, periquito, periquito-do-espírito-santo, quilim, tabacu, tapa-cu, tuietê, tuim-de-asa-azul, tuitiri (Portuguese).
Catita enana, Catita Enana Sudamericana, Cotorrita Aliazul, Periquito Azulejo, Viudita (español).
Catita enana (Argentina).
Catita enana (Colombia).
Periquito de Ala Azul (Peru).
Viudita (Paraguay).

scientific classification:

Johann Baptist von Spix
Johann Baptist von Spix

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Forpus
Scientific name: Forpus xanthopterygius
Citation: (of Spix, 1824)
Protonimo: Psittaculus xanthopterygius

Images Blue-winged Parrotlet:

Videos of the "Blue-winged Parrotlet"

Species of the genus Forpus

Blue-winged Parrotlet (The xanthopterygi of Forp)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – A male Blue-winged Parrotlet in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil By Wagner Machado Carlos Lemes [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Blue-winged Parrotlet (Forpus xanthopterygius) Vale do Ribeira, Sao Paulo (state), Brazil By Dario Sanches [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – A male Blue-winged Parrotlet in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil By Wagner Machado Carlos Lemes [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – A male Blue-winged Parrotlet (Forpus xanthopterygius) looking out from a nest in the Vale do Ribeira, Brazil By Dario Sanches [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Blue-winged Parrotlet (Forpus xanthopterygius) at Foz do Iguacu, Brazil By Arthur Chapman [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Spectacled Parrotlet
Forpus conspicillatus

Spectacled Parrotlet



Spectacled Parrotlet

12,7 to 13,9 cm.. height.

The male of the Spectacled Parrotlet (Forpus conspicillatus) has a yellowish green forehead extending the cheeks and to the throat.

The underparts They are slightly off in colouration, with a bluish gray suffusion in chest. The area surrounding the eyes It is cobalt blue. The wings and upperparts is dark green, with the back and rump blue-violet color, with a darker shade on own rear.

The bill Pink is white. The legs They are pink. The irises is dark brown.

the colors of the female they are duller in terms of the general coloring. Their upperparts They are brighter, with the area around the eyes, emerald green. The underparts They are more yellowish green.

Description 3 subspecies:

  • Forpus conspicillatus caucae

    (Chapman, 1915) – It is paler and blue around the eyes is lighter and is just behind these.

  • Forpus conspicillatus conspicillatus

    (Lafresnaye, 1848) – Nominal.

  • Forpus conspicillatus metae

    (Borrero & Hernandez-Camacho, 1961) – Blue around eyes It is very small.


It is very common. It is found in varied ecosystems, patches of forest, clear with scattered trees, cultivated areas, from 200 m to 1800 m (migrate attitudinally up 2600 metres in Bogotá). They are noisy flocks of more of 120 individuals.


Nest in postholes and termiteros.


Feeds on grass and weed seeds, fruit, berries, flowers and buds.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 822.000 km2

Patchy and discontinuous distribution. east of Panama, Colombia and West of Venezuela.

Distribution 3 subspecies:

  • Forpus conspicillatus caucae

    (Chapman, 1915) – Southwest of Colombia, to the West of the Andes (Cauca and Nariño); possibly west of Ecuador.

  • Forpus conspicillatus conspicillatus

    (Lafresnaye, 1848) – Nominal. From the tropical eastern Panama north central Colombia.

  • Forpus conspicillatus metae

    (Borrero & Hernandez-Camacho, 1961) – Slope of the Andes of Colombia to the west end of Venezuela.


State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.

• Population trend: In increased.

Justification of the population

The size of the world population It has not been quantified, but this species is described as «common» (Stotz et to the., 1996).

Justification of trend

It is suspected that the population is increasing as habitat degradation is creating new areas of suitable habitat.

"Spectacled Parrotlet" in captivity:

In captivity is common in some European countries, rare elsewhere. It is a bird lively, Intelligent and with attitude. They are highly valued for being quiet; they can learn many words and whistle very well. Son loving and they love spending time with their owners, However, they are happy and independent enough to happily play with their toys while the owner is absent. Need much space as it is a bird very active, as well as different toys.

Alternative names:

Spectacled Parrotlet (English).
Toui à lunettes, Perruche-moineau à lunettes (French).
Brillensperlingspapagei, Augenring-Sperlingspapagei, Brillenpapagei (German).
Tuim-da-colômbia (Portuguese).
Catita Enana Pálida, Cotorrita de Anteojos, Periquito de Anteojos (español).
Periquito Ojiazul (Venezuela).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Forpus
Scientific name: Forpus conspicillatus
Citation: (Lafresnaye, 1848)
Protonimo: Psittacula conspicillata

Images Spectacled Parrotlet:

Videos of the "Spectacled Parrotlet"

Species of the genus Forpus

Spectacled Parrotlet (Forpus conspicillatus)


    – Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
    – Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
    – parrots book, parrots and macaws Neotropical.


    (1) – A female Spectacled Parrotlet in Manizales, Caldas, By Julian Londono from Colombia Manizales, Colombia [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (2) – A male Spectacled Parrotlet in Manizales, Caldas, By Julian Londono from Colombia Manizales, Colombia [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (3) – A pair of Spectacled Parrotlets in Manizales, Caldas, By Julian Londono from Colombia Manizales, Colombia [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (4) – A male Spectacled Parrotlet in Colombia just outside the entrance of its nest By Rogier Klappe [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (5) – Spectacled Parrotlet (Forpus conspicillatus) by Ron KnightFlickr
    (6) – PSITTACULA CONSPICILLATA By Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons


▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Dusky-billed Parrotlet
Forpus modestus



Dusky-billed Parrotlet

13 cm.. length and 28 g. of weight.

Chubby appearance, the Dusky-billed Parrotlet (Forpus modestus) has the forecrown, lores, cheeks and crown, emerald green, forming sometimes a visible mask; the sides and rear of the neck, the the mantle, the upper part of the back and scapulars, rather dark, of color green matte with light color of olive; lower back and rump of color blue cobalt dark: uppertail-coverts dark green. Primaries and larger covers, dark blue. Primaries with innerwebs green; Secondary of color blue dark with tips Green. Under the wings of color blue cobalt dark; flight feather grey-blue. Underparts opaque in color green dark with a light shade of olive. Upper, the tail dark green; undertail, paler.

upper jaw and cere dark gray, lower jaw clearer; Strait ring perioptalmico dark gray; Iris dark brown; legs grey.

Female all green except beige in it forecrown and front of the crown, contrasting with the Green more dark on the back of the crown.

Immature as their respective adult but paler.

Subspecies description:

  • Forpus modestus modestus

    (Cabanis, 1849) – The nominal.

  • Forpus modestus sclateri

    (Gray,GR, 1859) – Similar to the nominal species but from a color green more pale, more yellowish below, male with blue pale in rump and wings ; the face Green Emerald bright.


They inhabit in tropical forest lowlands in clear, margins, coastal growth, forests and marshes, secondary habitats and sheets, mainly in lowlands (150-250 metres in Venezuela, to 500 metres in Colombia), but spreading in sub-tropical forests to 1,500-1, 800 m in the Eastern Andes of Ecuador.

Gregarious; Outside the breeding season, sometimes in flocks of 100 or more individuals


It nests in hollows and dead trees. breeding season of registered in the month of July in Peru.


The diet comprises seeds (for example, Cecropia miparia), berries, egg yolks, etc. It takes the banks along with other parrots mineral soil.


Size distribution (reproduction / resident): 2.840.000 km2

Discontinuous distribution. Since the Guianas to the North of Bolivia. Although according to reports in Guyana and French Guiana not there are records (at least not recently). Be distributed by the Basin Amazon East of Brazil in Amapá, Maranhão and For, and in the Basin Amazon West from the high of the Black river to the North of Mato Grosso; in Venezuela, to the South of the Orinoco, on bass Caura River and Cuyuni River (a record of Carabobo; in the North, is apparently wrong); In East Colombia to the South from the East end of the Guainia (about him Black river) until Caquetá to the East of Ecuador and East of Peru to the South and to the North of Bolivia at least Beni.

Reasonably frequent in the West of its range (the Forpus most common in the range in Ecuador and Colombia) but scarcer eastward, with few records in Venezuela and Guyanas.

Evidence of decline in the Eastern Amazonia (about Bethlehem) and possible increase in Colombia, perhaps linked to reduction of dense forests.

Rare in captivity.

Subspecies distribution:

  • Forpus modestus modestus

    (Cabanis, 1849) – The nominal.

  • Forpus modestus sclateri

    (Gray,GR, 1859) – Southeast of Colombia to the North of Bolivia and Brazilian Amazon.


State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

• Red List Category: Least concern
• Population trend: Stable

Justification of the population:

The size of the world population Dusky-billed Parrotlet It has not been quantified, but this species is described as «quite common» (Stotz et to the., 1996).

Justification of trend:

It is suspected that this species has lost 11,6-12,6% of habitat within its distribution in three generations (12 years) based on a model of Amazon deforestation (Soares-Filho et to the., 2006, Bird et to the., 2011).

Given the susceptibility of the species to hunt or capture, It is suspected that it will fall in <25% durante tres generaciones.

"Dusky-billed Parrotlet" in captivity:

In captive not all known, However, this species is probably similar to other parakeet species – quite quiet, best with a partner, although, they can be aggressive with other groups of parrots. It has a tendency to obesity.
You can learn to speak, usually up to around. 15 words. Males are generally more loquacious than females. They can also learn to whistle numerous tunes and perform some tricks..

This Parrot is very small, they do not occupy much space, It makes it an ideal pet for people living in apartments, residences, or anywhere else than in small size, do not require a large cage and its maintenance is simple.

Alternative names:

Dusky-billed Parrotlet, Dusky billed Parrotlet, Sclater’s Parrotlet (English).
Toui de Sclater (French).
Schwarzschnabel-Sperlingspapagei (German).
tuim-de-bico-escuro (Portuguese).
Catita Enana Oscura, Cotorrita de Sclater, Periquito Piquinegro (español).
Periquito Piquinegro (Colombia).
Periquito de Pico Oscuro (Peru).
Periquito Pico Oscuro (Venezuela).

scientific classification:

Jean Louis Cabanis
Jean Louis Cabanis

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Forpus
Scientific name: Forpus modestus
Citation: (Cabanis, 1849)
Protonimo: Psittacula Sclateri

Images Dusky-billed Parrotlet:

Videos of the "Dusky-billed Parrotlet"

Species of the genus Forpus

Dusky-billed Parrotlet (Forpus modestus)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Brazil – Crystal River (Amazonia)
(2) – Periquito de pico oscuro en Alta Floresta – MT – Brasil By Hector Bottai (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Periquito de pico oscuro en Alta Floresta – MT – Brasil By Hector Bottai (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Forpus modestus by Gunther EichhornFlickr
(5) – Dusky Billed Parrotlets at the end of the branch with Dusky Headed Parrots by Vince SmithFlickr
(6) – Psittacula sclateri = Forpus modestus, Dusky-billed Parrotlet by John Gerrard Keulemans [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Pacific Parrotlet
Forpus coelestis

Pacific Parrotlet




12-13 cm.. height.

The Pacific Parrotlet (Forpus coelestis) It is a small bird, chubby with a tail short and finished in tip. Distinguishable in flight by the blue and Brown on the inside of the wings. It has blue behind the eye and in the middle of the wing at the top. The female does blue stain on the top of the wing and the blue behind the eye is paler. The Immature males they are similar to the adult male, but more pale and with back brownish.


The Pacific Parrotlet frequent most dry woodland habitats, such as scrub thorny, bosque deciduous, dense thickets of Captus with balsa trees, plantations of banana and mango, riparian zone, irrigated fields in Savannah and gardens, although their preferred areas are those of humid tropical vegetation such as the coastal mangales.

Older records of this species are from below sea level of 1.000 m, but are to 2.150 meters on the West side of the Andes in Huancabamba, is of Piura, Peru, and a 1.370-1.650 meters in the South of Loja, Ecuador.

Usually gregarious; they form large flocks where abundant food.


It nests in the cavity of trees, in cactus, fence posts, pipes or the nests of the Pale-legged Hornero (Furnarius leucopus), of the Tie Neck Pijuí (Synallaxis stictothorax) or Fasciated Wren (Campylorhynchus fasciatus).

The breeding season includes the months of January to may. Sometimes, they breed a second time throughout the year. The laying of eggs 4-6.


The diet of the Pacific Parrotlet includes seeds grass, berries, fruit (example, of Tamarindus, Amaranthus spinosus) and cactus fruits. It forages among the vegetation and land.


Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 147.000 km2

This species is found in the West of Ecuador, in Manabi Since the latitude of the Valley of the Chone River to the South across the South of Pichincha, The rivers and Guayas (including the Isla Puna), until Gold and Loja, entering the Northwest of Peru, in Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque and South of Cajamarca, until Freedom and Trujillo.

irregularly common, sometimes abundant; most numerous in arid areas. The population has apparently not yet been severely affected by the trade in live birds or the conversion of natural and semi-natural habitats for the Agriculture. The species is probably Forpus most numerous in captivity.


State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.

• Population trend: Stable.

Justification of the population

The size of the world population It has not been quantified, but this species is described as «common» (Stotz et to the., 1996).

Justification of trend

Suspected that the population is stable in absence of evidence of any decline or threatens substantial.

"Pacific Parrotlet" in captivity:

Colorful, charming and intelligent. These small birds have become in very popular pets in recent years. Its small size and quiet nature make of the Pacific Parrotlet an ideal choice for people living in apartments. Nicknamed “pocket parrots” in the pet trade, These parakeets are actually the smallest of the family of parrots, and they are as smart as many larger species. Some learn to speak quite well, Although the species is not particularly known for the ability to speak.
An interesting fact upon the Pacific Parrotlet is that its closest relative is the Amazon parrot. Although the two species differ greatly in size, owners often report striking similarities between them. Despite being small birds, they are by no means “low maintenance birds”. While it is true that they are, course, easy to clean, in comparison with the larger birds, However require your daily care to keep them docile, socialization at an early age is the key to be in a future good behavior.
They have tendency to obesity. They must be able to get out of their cages, spread your wings, and exercise your muscles to maintain your physical and mental health.

Their metabolism is very high, and they should have food available at all times. They are known for their appetite voracious, and occur in one diet varied that consists in fruits and vegetables fresh, small seeds such as millet, the high-quality commercial pellets, and protein sources from hard boiled egg.

There are many mutations.

Alternative names:

Pacific Parrotlet, Western Parrotlet (English).
Toui céleste, Perruche-moineau céleste (French).
Himmelsperlingspapagei, Himmelspapagei (German).
Tuim-peruano (Portuguese).
Catita Enana Amarilla, Cotorrita de Piura, Cotorrita Celestial (español).
Periquito Esmeralda (Peru).

scientific classification:

René Primevère Lesson
René Primevère Lesson

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Forpus
Scientific name: Forpus coelestis
Citation: (Lesson, 1847)
Protonimo: agapornis heavenly

Pacific Parrotlet images:

Videos of the "Pacific Parrotlet"

Pacific Parrotlet (Forpus coelestis)

Species of the genus Forpus


  • Avibase
  • Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
  • Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
  • Birdlife
  • Parrot Book, Parrots and macaws.


(1) – Male Green Pacific Parrotlet, named Jackson By Susan C. Griffin (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Pacific Parrotlets (also known as Lesson’s Parrotlet and Celestial Parrotlet) at Wilhelma Zoo, Stuttgart, Germany By Undertable [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – A pet Pacific Parrotlet – yellow colour mutation By Becky Wetherington (originally posted to Flickr as 82/365 – Good bird.) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – A pet male Pacific Parrotlet (also known as Lesson’s Parrotlet and Celestial Parrotlet) By Erin Purcell (originally posted to Flickr as [1]) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Pacific Parrotlet (also known as Lesson’s Parrotlet and Celestial Parrotlet) in El Empalme, El Oro Province, coastal SW Ecuador By markaharper1 [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: (Xeno-canto)

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Mexican Parrotlet
Forpus cyanopygius

Mexican Parrotlet



Mexican Parrotlet

13–14 cm. in length and 30–37 grams in weight.

The Mexican Parrotlet (Forpus cyanopygius) has lores, cheeks, forecrown and headphones coverts, brighter yellowish green.

The average area crown to the top of the back, green; lower back, rump and uppertail-coverts, turquoise. big blankets turquoise, other coverts, green. Primaries green, secondaries dark turquoise blue color with narrow edges outerweb. Under the wings turquoise blue and green, the flight feather dark blue-green. Underparts green tinged with yellow. Upper, the tail is green; undertail, duller. Bill and cere pale grayish; bare periophthalmic grey; irises dark brown; legs pink.

Female all green. Immature as female, with some blue feathers on the rump and in the wing-coverts, in the case of young male.


Forpus [conspicillatus x cyanopygius] (hybrid)
Forpus [heaven x cyanopygius] (hybrid)
Forpus [cyanopygius x passerinus] (hybrid)

  • Sound of the Mexican Parrotlet.

Description 2 subspecies:

Two subspecies. But, some authorities regarded the northern birds range as a third subspecies (Forpus cyanopygius pallidus), doubtfully distinct from the nominees. See also Note on Blue-winged Parrotlet (Forpus xanthopterygius).


The habitat of the Mexican Parrotlet They are gallery forests and deciduous forests, plantations, scrub, semiarid open field and trees cultivated areas; mainly observed in lowlands and foothills with the highest number of records in the south of Sonora to 360-455 m; at higher altitudes in western Durango and Zacatecas, with upper limit to 1.320 m.

Birds in breeding abilities have been observed above the 900 meters indicating possible breeding at higher altitudes. Gregaria, forming flocks 4-30 or more, sometimes in the company of Orange-fronted Parakeet (Eupsittula canicularis).


breeding season may July. Clutch three eggs in captivity.


Little information about diet or creation: birds observed taking fruits the Ficus, berries and grass seed soil.

Distribution and status:

Size of its range (breeding/resident): 177.000 km2

Endemic West Mexico from Alamos in the South of Sonora to the South by Sinaloa, Nayarit (including the Islands Three Marias) and Jalisco until Colima, with the southernmost record in the Manzanillo Bay (19 ° 03’N).

Its range extends eastward Durango and Zacatecas. irregular population with widely fluctuating local abundance, perhaps in relation to the availability of local foods. There has been a large-scale modification of habitats within range but the species remain common (at least locally). The birds in the Tres Marias Island Perhaps they are in risk of extinction.

Distribution 2 subspecies:


State of conservation ⓘ

Near-threatened Near Threatened (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Near-threatened.
• Population trend: In decline.

Rationale for the Red List category

The species has risen to near threatened because its population has probably been reduced to a rate close to 30% during three generations (12 years), depending on the estimated operating levels and reducing the area of ​​occupancy and extent of occurrence; almost meet the listing requirements as threatened under the criteria A2cd + 3cd + 4cd. If the declinations are found to exceed the 30% then the species would qualify to lift to Vulnerable. If there is evidence suggesting that the global population of this species is <10.000 mature individuals, and it is suffering a steady decline in> 10% in three generations (until 100 years in the future), would also qualify to lift Vulnerable.

Justification of the population

Partners in Flight estimated that the population in number of less than 50.000 individuals (A. Punjabi in some. 2008), so it is placed in the band 20.000 to 49.999 copies here.

Justification of trend

It is suspected that the population is declining rapidly due to moderately heavy pressure from his capture by illegal trade (Cantu et al ., 2007, Marín-Togo et al ., 2012). According to reports, the population of the island Three Marias It has decreased (Collar y Bushman 2014).


The capture for trade in wild birds It poses a serious threat to a 8.000 individuals illegally caught per year (Cantu et al ., 2007). The range of the species is within one of the main routes for the illegal trade of parrots in Mexico and it is thought that the heavy exploitation of the species is an important factor in their apparent absence of suitable habitat areas.

Conservation actions and research in progress

CITES Appendix II.

Conservation and research actions proposed

Implement legislation to prevent illegal trade. Raise awareness of the species.

"Mexican Parrotlet" in captivity:

Quite frequently seen in aviculture.

Capture for trade in wild birds represents a serious threat to a 8.000 individuals illegally caught per year.

In captivity is not a very long-lived bird; according to sources a specimen lived 10,5 years in captivity.

Each captive specimen of this species which is capable of reproducing, should be placed in a well-managed captive breeding program and not be sold as a pet, in order to ensure its long-term survival.

Alternative names:

Blue-rumped Parrotlet, Mexican Parrotlet (English).
Perruche-moineau à croupion bleu, Perruche-moineau turquoise, Toui du Mexique (French).
Blaubürzel-Sperlingspapagei (German).
Tuim-mexicano (Portuguese).
Catita Enana Mejicana, Cotorrita Mexicana, Perico Catarina, Periquito Mexicano (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Forpus
Scientific name: Forpus cyanopygius
Citation: (Souancé, 1856)
Protonimo: Psittacula cyanopygia

Images Mexican Parrotlet:

Video of the "Mexican Parrotlet"

"Mexican Parrot" (Forpus cyanopygius)

Species of the genus Forpus

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Turquoise-winged Parrotlet
Forpus spengeli

Turquoise-winged Parrotlet



Turquoise-winged Parrotlet

12–13 cm. length and 28 g. of weight.
The male of the Turquoise-winged Parrotlet (Forpus spengeli) It has shades of blue at the bottom of the back, still it rump of a turquoise hue; turquoise / blue with purple on the underwing-coverts and axillary.

The wing coverts are dark green. Primary coverts are violet; wing edge bright green. Supracaudals coverts are bright green; undertail-coverts, bright yellow. Dark brown eyes with iris gray; flesh-colored legs; peak light colored horn.

The female It is green instead of blue; their face is green / yellow, It is his forecrown yellower.


Until now treated as conspecific the species Forpus xanthopterygius, or sometimes as a subspecies of Forpus passerinus, or a subspecies of Forpus cyanopygius. differs, However, of the Forpus xanthopterygius in pale turquoise against the rich color tone blue rump and of the wing-coverts of the male; in the dark blue, against the rich blue color in underwing-coverts of the male; the forecrown and lores yellow in female.

  • Sound of the Turquoise-winged Parrotlet.


they prefer forested habitats drier as open forests and riparian, closed caatinga; Also they found in savannas, palm groves, semiarid scrub and grassland areas.

With feed in open areas and sometimes on the floor. Highly social; found in groups of up 50 individuals.


Breeding season, May-August. Clutch, 3-7 eggs.


Diet Turquoise-winged Parrotlet in their natural environment it is composed of fruit of Cecropia, seeds of Mikania and tremble mirantha and flowers of Ambrosia and Marcgravia.


Size of its range (breeding/resident): 29.200 km2

Restricted north of Colombia, from the coastal region Caribbean western and southern mountains Santa Marta, Atlantic, south along the Magdalena river in Bolívar and César.


• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.

• Population trend: Decreasing.

Justification of the Red List of the Category

State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

Although this species may have a small range, It not believed to approach the thresholds for vulnerable under the range size criterion (extent of occurrence <20.000 km2 combinan con un tamaño gama disminución o fluctuante, hábitat medida / calidad, o tamaño de la población y un pequeño número de localidades o fragmentación severa). La tendencia de la población no se conoce, pero la población no se cree que esté disminuyendo con la rapidez suficiente como para acercarse a los umbrales del criterio tendencia de la población (> 30% decrease of more than ten years or three generations). The population size has not been quantified, but it is not believed to approach the thresholds for Vulnerable according to the criterion of population size (<10.000 individuos maduros con una disminución continua estima en> 10% in ten years or three generations, or a specific population structure). For these reasons, the species is evaluated as Least concern.

Justification of the population

The world's population has not been quantified, but this species is described as rare and local (Juniper and Parr 1998).

Justification trend

The population trend is unknown, but according to some reports, the species may be declining. (Juniper and Parr 1998).

"Turquoise-winged Parrotlet" in captivity:


Alternative names:

Blue-winged Parrotlet (spengeli), Blue-winged Parrotlet (Turquoise-winged), Green-rumped Parrotlet (spengeli), Turquoise-winged Parrotlet (English).
Toui de Spengel, Toui de Spix (spengeli), Toui été (spengeli) (French).
Türkisflügel-Sperlingspapagei (German).
Turquoise-winged Parrotlet (Portuguese).
Cotorrita aliturquesa (español).

scientific classification:

Gustav Hartlaub

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Forpus
Scientific name: Forpus xanthopterygius spengeli
Citation: (Hartlaub, 1885)
Protonimo: Psittacula spengeli

Images Turquoise-winged Parrotlet:

Species of the genus Forpus

Turquoise-winged Parrotlet (Forpus spengeli)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – Forpus xanthopterygius spengeli (24-3-15 Loro Parque) by barFlickr
(2) – (above) Psittacula spengleri [sic] = Forpus xanthopterygius spengeli (Hartlaub, 1885), ?♂ (below) Psittacula cyanochlora = Forpus passerinus cyanochlorus (Schlegel, 1864), ♂ by Joseph Smit [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: ndrew Spencer, XC165598. accessible www.xeno-canto.org/165598

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Large-billed Parrotlet
Forpus crassirostris

Large-billed Parrotlet



12 to 13 cm.. height.

The Large-billed Parrotlet (Forpus crassirostris) has the crown, back of the neck and ear-coverts, green; the forecrown, cheeks, eye area and lores, emerald green.

Upperparts and wings, green, except the part inferior of the back, rump and greater coverts, are cobalt blue and blue color toward the base of the secondaries. Primary coverts pale grayish violet color which contrasts with the darker coverts They are cobalt blue. flight feathers Matte metallic blue. The underparts green with yellow hues. Upper, the tail green; undertail, pale green.

Bill and cere Pink with gray base up to the mandible top, laterally compressed in the Center; bare periophthalmic pale grey: irises dark brown: legs Gris-Rosado pale.
Female all green with belly yellowish green without blue color wing-coverts visible in the male.
Immature like adult respective, but with the blue of young males mixed with green.

Taxonomic note:

some authors (for example, Meyer de Schauensee 1966, Forshaw, 1973, Monroe y Sibley, 1993) They have used the name Forpus xanthopterygius, while other authors (Stotz et to the., 1996, Collar 1997) They have followed Pinto (1945) and used the name Forpus crassirostris to define this species.

  • Sound of the Large-billed Parrotlet.


They inhabit in forest edges, clear, riparian forests, parks and gardens in urban areas.


They build their nests in tree cavities or exploit abandoned nests common hornero (Furnarius rufus); lining the nesting chamber with grass and the female lays 3 to 7 eggs White. The incubation, lasts approximately 18 days, It is carried out by the female and during this period the male is in charge of feeding her.


They compose your diet seeds, fruit, plants and flowers herbaceous. They are feeding both the ground and in trees and shrubs. Among the fruits they are highly appreciated by the Large-billed Parrotlet, palm, Trumpet trees (Cecropia spp), as well as seeds and shoots of Paineiras (Ceiba speciosa).

Melo et al, 2009, reported mass consumption flowers of Handroanthus serratifolius (Fam. Bignoniaceae), in particular its nectar, what it appears to be an important power source especially during the dry season, where scarce fruits.


Size of its range (players / residents) 1.312.215 km²

Southeast of Colombia to the East of Ecuador, North of Peru and West Brazil.


minor concern

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.

• Population trend: Stable.

Justification of the population

The size of the world's population of the Blue-winged Parrotlet It has not been quantified, but this species is described as «common» (Stotz et to the., 1996).

Justification of trend

Suspected that the population is stable in absence of evidence of any decline or threatens substantial.

"Large-billed Parrotlet" in captivity:

In captivity they are not very frequent. They are birds enable you require a large cage. Quiet and something Shy. Not is easy to accommodate them with other parrots.
Can be prone to it Obesity.

Alternative names:

Blue-winged Parrotlet (crassirostris), Large-billed Parrotlet (English).
Toui à gros bec, Toui de Spix (crassirostris) (French).
Large-billed Parrotlet (German).
Tuim, Large-billed Parrotlet (Portuguese).
Catita enana, Lorito Aliazul, Periquito Azulejo, Cotorrita aliazul, Lorito de alas azules (español).

Wladyslaw Taczanowski

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Forpus
Scientific name: Forpus crassirostris
Citation: (By Taczanowsk, 1883)
Protonimo: Psittacula crassirostris

Images "Large-billed Parrotlet"


«Lorito Aliazul» (Forpus crassirostris)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – Large-billed Parrotlet (Forpus crassirostris) Male – Photo by Tom Friedel – Puerto Nariño, amazon, Colombia – birdphotos.com

Sounds: John V. Moore, XC257657. accessible www.xeno-canto.org/257657

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Yellow-faced Parrotlet
Forpus xanthops

Yellow-faced Parrotlet



Yellow-faced Parrotlet

14 cm.. height.

The Yellow-faced Parrotlet (Forpus xanthops) is plump appearance and a tail short ending in point. Distinguished by the crown, face, chest and belly yellow, with strong blue patch on the wing , in flight blue occupies almost half of wing . Dorsally gray cafesoso, with the rump blue. Its bill It is ocher.

The female has blue patch on the rump and wings pale smaller.


Closely related to Pacific Parrotlet (Forpus coelestis); in the past it has been considered a subspecies of this, but there are clear differences in size and color. Monotypic.


The Yellow-faced Parrotlet It Gregaria, He lives in varied habitats, usually arid, riparian forests or gallery in the tropics and subtropics, between 1000 to 1600 m, Although it has been reported to 2745 m.


Nest in communal area, using tree hollows or sand. The breeding season It is from March to April.

In captivity, They are made of 3 to 6 eggs and up to three broods are raised per year.


Their diet includes cactus, besides fruit trees. If you know that feeds on Cercidium praecox, paté flowers Bombax discolor and plum fruit Prunus domestica (Begazo 1996, F. Angulo Prato Longo a slightly. 2012).


Extension of the distribution (breeding/resident): 4,800 km2

The Yellow-faced Parrotlet It endemic North Peru in the Valley of the Maranon River, to the south of this country and western Amazon.


State of conservation ⓘ

Vulnerable Vulnerable (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Vulnerable.
• Population trend: Stable.
• Population size : 350-1500 individuals.

According to the categories of UICN It is considered Vulnerable (VU). Habitat degradation and trade are adversely affecting the population.

Justification of the population

The population It is estimated in 250-999 mature individuals, according to surveys of Begazo (1996) and subsequent recovery of the small-scale. This equates to a total of 375-1,499 individuals, rounded here to 350-1,500 individuals.

The ban on the capture and trade has improved the status of this species. The rate of decline was very rapid in the Decade of 1980, Although at present has been reduced and even stabilized. But, the population is still very small, with records in very few places.

Conservation Actions Underway

Appendix II of the CITES.

– This protected legally in the Peru, but enforcement is poor.

– Catch rates have declined significantly since the ban, and trappers capture the species apparently only on request (Begazo 1996).

There are no protected areas within its range.

Conservation Actions Proposed

– Examine the population, especially in the less accessible center of its range, and between the distribution areas of the two known species of Forpus.

Monitor the population, working with local people to generate the will to preserve the species in situ (Begazo 1996).

– Study their biology and ecology throughout an annual cycle.

– controlling trade and enforce laws capture.

– Create at least one protected area within the range of the species (Angulo et al. 2008).

"Yellow-faced Parrotlet" in captivity:

captured for him wild bird trade, It is estimated that 17.000 birds were captured between 1981 and 1994. The rate of mortality during capture is estimated between the 40% and the 100%. Rare and unknown in captivity until 1979-1980.

It´s territorial, temperament quiet, active and initially shy, usually it takes in trust although this depending more on their previous experiences, age, breeding form (by hand creates it naturally).

Notes on captive breeding of Forpus xanthops

Alternative names:

Yellow faced Parrotlet, Yellow-faced Parrotlet (English).
Perruche-moineau à tête jaune, Toui à tête jaune (French).
Gelbmaskenpapagei, Gelbmasken-Sperlingspapagei (German).
Tuim-de-cabeça-amarela (Portuguese).
Catita Enana de Cara Amarilla, Cotorrita Carigualda (español).
Periquito de Cara Amarilla (Peru).

scientific classification:

Salvin Osbert
Salvin Osbert

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Gender: Forpus
Scientific name: Forpus xanthops
Subpoena: (Salvin, 1895)
Protonimo: Psittacula xanthops

Yellow-faced Parrotlet images:

Video Carigualda Parrot

Species of the genus Forpus


• Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
• Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
• Book Parrots, Parrots and macaws Neotropical


(1) – An adult male Yellow-faced Parrotlet perching on the top of its cage by Ruth Rogers [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – An adult male Yellow-faced Parrotlet photographed at the 2002 AFA convention in Tampa, Florida, USA by Rogers [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – An adult Yellow-faced Parrotlet photographed at the 2002 AFA convention in Tampa, Florida, USA by Rogers [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – An adult male Yellow-faced Parrotlet photographed at the 2002 AFA convention in Tampa, Florida, USA by Ruth Rogers [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – Forpus xanthops Marañon near Canyon Ferry, Cajamarca, Peru by Nick AthanasFlickr
(6) – John Gerrard Keulemans [Public domain] – Novelty Zoologicae, too.. 2