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Orange-fronted Parakeet
Eupsittula canicularis

Orange-fronted Parakeet




20,5 cm. length and 80 g. of weight
The Orange-fronted Parakeet (Eupsittula canicularis) It has in forecrown a wide band orange-red which extends over the lores and the part front of it crown; the rest of the crown is blue, fading from nape up to the upperparts in a shade of green grass.

Upperwing-coverts green. Flight feathers, at the top, blue on the outerweb; spiked green and black borders innerwebs; undertail, grey. Underwing-coverts brighter yellowish green. Throat, the sides of neck and the chest a shading pale yellow and pale olive oliváceo in belly and in the undertail-coverts. Upper, the tail green with blue tip; undertail, pale yellow olive.

Bill color pale horn; cere whitish; bare periophthalmic whitish: irises pale yellow; legs grey-brown.
Both sexes are similar. The immature has a front patch Orange much smaller and irises brown.

  • Sound of the Orange-fronted Parakeet.

Description 3 subspecies:

Orange-fronted Parakeet

  • Eupsittula canicularis canicularis

    (Linnaeus, 1758) – Subspecies nominal.

  • Eupsittula canicularis clarae

    (Moore,RT, 1937) – Similar to the species nominal but with the frontal band Orange smaller, lores Blue and sides of the lower jaw dark gray.

  • Eupsittula canicularis eburnirostrum

    (Lesson,PA, 1842) – Similar to the species nominal but the sides of the lower jaw They are gray and belly It is yellower.


Video – "Orange-fronted Parakeet" (Eupsittula canicularis)

orange fronted parakeet / aratinga canicularis

They inhabit in fields slightly woody or open areas with scattered trees lowland ASAL, including thorny deciduous forests and tropical forests; the Orange-fronted Parakeet They are more abundant below 600 m, even they reach 1.500 meters in the high arid lands of central Honduras after breeding, forming flocks near the 50 birds, sometimes many more.

The Orange-fronted Parakeet They are well adapted to partially clear habitats, reposing in plantations Palma and handle, often near cities. Communal roosts have been observed in the company of the White-fronted Parrot
(Amazona albifrons) in riparian forests Guatemala. Usually arboreal.


An active termitero, usually Nasutitermes nigriceps, It is the preferred place to nest construction of Orange-fronted Parakeet; Several couples sometimes dig holes next few other; also they use tree cavities (for example, hole made by woodpeckers).

Reproduction March to May in Oaxaca, Mexico; January-may in El Salvador; during the dry season in Costa Rica.
The laying is of 3 to 5 eggs). Only the female incubates. The incubation lasts around 30 days. The chicks leave the nest to 6 weeks.


In its natural habitat the the diet of the Orange-fronted Parakeet includes seeds of Ceiba and Inga, fruits of Ficus, Bursera and Brosimum, and flowers of Gliricidia and Combretum. Sometimes they invade causing farmland damage in maturation corn and the banana.

Distribution and status:

Size of its range (reproduction / resident): 1.490.000 km2

They live in the shed peaceful of Central America, from northwest Mexico to the Northwest of Costa Rica. The Frentinaranja Aratinga can be seen from Sinaloa and West Durango, south along the lowlands of Mexican Pacific until Chiapas and Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, until Costa Rica, lthough there is a recent contraction of their distribution in the northwest.

Habitat in the mountains of Caribbean It is limited to Comayagua Valley in the Honduran central highlands. Resident very common; Partially nomadic after breeding when birds can move to higher altitudes.

What introduced species They are located around the city of Miami (Florida), around town New York City and in the South of Texas, around town Santa Ana (United States).
They can also be seen in City of Mexico.

The capture for trade in live birds apparently led to a decrease in their number, as well as the contraction of the scope of its population in Costa Rica and possibly elsewhere; however the volume for international trade bird cage is small.

Distribution 3 subspecies:

  • Eupsittula canicularis canicularis

    (Linnaeus, 1758) – Subspecies nominal. shed peaceful Southwestern Mexico, from the Tehuantepec isthmus and Chiapas through the west region Central America to the Northwest of Costa Rica.

  • Eupsittula canicularis clarae

    (Moore,RT, 1937) – Sinaloa and West of Durango ell towards south to Michoacán, Mexico.

  • Eupsittula canicularis eburnirostrum

    (Lesson,PA, 1842) – lowlands peaceful South of Mexico, from the east Michoacán until Oaxaca. The range in relation to the Eupsittula canicularis canicularis, is uncertain


State of conservation ⓘ

Status Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.

• Population trend: Stable.

Justification of the Red List of the Category

This species has a very large range, and therefore does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion (extent of occurrence <20.000 kilómetros2 combinado con un tamaño gama disminución o fluctuante, hábitat medida / calidad, o tamaño de la población y un pequeño número de localidades o fragmentación severa). The trend of the population appears to be stable, and therefore the species does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable according to the population trend criterion. (> 30% decrease of more than ten years or three generations). The size of the population is very large, and therefore does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the criterion of population size (<10.000 individuos maduros con una disminución continua estimada en> 10% in ten years or three generations, or a specified population structure). For these reasons, the species is evaluated as Least concern.

Justification population

Partners in Flight estimate the total population in 500,000-4,999,999 individuals (A. they Panjabi in a little. 2008).

Justification trend

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.

"Orange-fronted Parakeet" in captivity:

Becoming less common. Its population has declined in many areas because of its capture for the illegal pet trade.
Protected by the Appendix II of CITES.

Alternative names:

Half-Moon Conure, Half-Moon Parakeet, Orange fronted Parakeet, Orange-fronted Conure, Orange-fronted Parakeet, Petz’s Conure (English).
Conure à front orange, Conure à front rouge, Conure de Petz , Perriche à front rouge, Perruche à front orange, Perruche à front rouge, Perruche de Petz (French).
Elfenbeinsittich (German).
Periquito-de-testa-laranja (Portuguese).
Aratinga Frentinaranja, Conuro Frente Anaranjada, Perico de Frente Anaranjada, Perico Frente Naranja, perico frente-naranja, Perico Frentinaranja, Periquito Centroamericano, Periquito naranjera (español).
Perico frentinaranja (Costa Rica).
Periquito naranjera (Honduras).
perico frente naranja, perico frente-naranja, Perico Frentinaranja (Mexico).
Perico Frentinaranja (Nicaragua).

scientific classification:

Carl Linnaeus

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Eupsittula
Scientific name: Eupsittula canicularis
Citation: (Linnaeus, 1758)
Protonimo: Psittacus canicularis

Images Orange-fronted Parakeet:

Especies del género Eupsittula
  • Eupsittula nana
  • —- Eupsittula nana astec
  • —- Eupsittula nana nana
  • —- Eupsittula nana vicinalis
  • Eupsittula canicularis
  • —- Eupsittula canicularis canicularis
  • —- Eupsittula canicularis clarae
  • —- Eupsittula canicularis eburnirostrum
  • Eupsittula aurea
  • Eupsittula pertinax
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax aeruginosa
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax arubensis
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax chrysogenys
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax chrysophrys
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax griseipecta
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax lehmanni
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax margaritensis
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax ocularis
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax paraensis
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax pertinax
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax surinama
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax tortugensis
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax venezuelae
  • —- Eupsittula pertinax xanthogenia
  • Eupsittula cactorum
  • —- Eupsittula cactorum cactorum
  • —- Eupsittula cactorum caixana

  • Sources:

    – Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
    – Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
    – Birdlife


    (1) – Orange-fronted Parakeet or Orange-fronted Conure (Aratinga canicularis) also known as the Half-moon Conure. Photo taken in a front garden, San Diego, USA By derivative work: Snowmanradio (talk)Aratinga_canicularis_-pet-4.jpg: awnisALAN [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (2) – A wild Orange-fronted parakeet (Aratinga canicularis) along the beach of the Gulf of Papagayo (Papagallo), Costa Rica. The parakeet was seen in a group of 3 birds feeding on seeds of this tree By Cwood1 Charlene Wood (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (3) – Orange-fronted Parakeet or Orange-fronted Conure (Aratinga canicularis) also known as the Half-moon Conure. Photo taken in a front garden, San Diego, USA By awnisALAN (originally posted to Flickr as [1]) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (4) – Two Orange-fronted Parakeets in Costa Rica By Don Faulkner (Orange-fronted ParakeetUploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (5) – A pair of Orange-fronted Parakeets in Rincón de la Vieja Volcano National Park, Costa Rica By Brian Ralphs from Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK (Orange-fronted ParakeetsUploaded by snowmanradio) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    (6) – Iconographie des perroquets :.Paris :P. Bertrand,1857.. by Biodiversity Heritage LibraryFlickr

    Sounds: Bernhard Kroeger, XC67365. accessible www.xeno-canto.org/67365

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