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Himalayan cat
Federations: ACFA, TICA, WCF

The Himalayan cat it is an extremely sweet pet, playful and gentle that can be adapted to practically any type of home.



Characteristics "Himalayan cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Himalayan cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


Also know as Colourpoint Persian, the Himalayan cat It is a breed of cat that combines the colors of the Siamese cat with the Traditional Persian cat. It is a cross between semi-long-haired Siamese twins and blue and black persian cats.
Some feline associations, as the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (ACFA), they consider it a separate breed, while others, as the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), they see it rather as a variety of Persian cat, from which it only differs in the color of the coat. Its name is due to the similarity of its coloration with that of a domestic rabbit also called Himalaya.

Its origins date back almost a century., when breeders dreamed of combining the colors of the Siamese Cat with the Traditional Persian cat. At the beginning of the year 30, in United States, the Dr. Clyde Keeler, researcher at Harvard University School of Medicine, undertook a hybridization program for this purpose, in collaboration with a breeder, the Mrs. Virginia Cobb. The results were not entirely satisfactory and the experiment was interrupted by the Second World War.. After the war, another passionate breeder, the Mrs. Marguerita Goforth, took the torch and managed to create a «Colourpoint Persian cat» which was recognized in 1957 by the CFA and ACFA as a new breed called «Himalayan«. At that time, the breeder had to prove the existence of three generations of «Colorpoint» pure so that this line was accredited as a new breed and could participate in competitions and championships.

In the meantime, in Britain, Brian Sterling-Webb, another enthusiastic breeder, worked for a decade on the development of a similar hybrid that, in 1955, was registered as a separate breed called «Colorpoint longhair cat" for him Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF).

Over the next decade, the popularity of Himalayan cat grew significantly. But, breeders began to interbreed only with himalayan. As a result, the characteristics inherited from Persian cat they were lost in favor of individuals with a less flattened face. This led some breeders over the years 70 to use occasionally pure persian cats at the crosses, in order to increase again the characteristics of this breed in the Himalayan cat. This was so successful that the cats resulting from this selection ended up having all the characteristics to compete in competitions. Persian cat. Inevitably, the question arose: should he Himalayan cat still consider themselves a breed unto themselves?

In response to this question, the CFA decided on 1984 consider the Himalayan as a subdivision of the Persian cat, keeping your name. It was followed by World Cat Federation (WCF). But the ACFA, as well as the International Cat Association (TICA), they kept it as a separate race.

Today, the Himalayan cat still a very popular cat in North America, but less in Europe.

Physical characteristics

Himalayan cat
Himalayan cat – Joseph Morris, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Himalayan cat, like the persian, it is a solid and round cat, with short legs, short tail and small, rounded ears. According to American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA), must have five fingers in front and four behind.

As with the Persian, There are two types of himalayan: the classic “baby face” and the flatter “Pekingese face”, which gets its name from its similarity to the dog Pekingese.

Most of the cat's coat is white or cream in color, but there are some varieties, according to the different shades of the tips of the coat and the extremities of the body.

Size and weight

  • Size: 30 cm.
  • Weight: Of 3 to 6 kg

Varieties of "Himalayan cat"

Distinguished by the color of the extremities of the body and the tips of the coat, the main Himalayan varieties are

Blue Point:
  • the tips of the fur are blue, like feet, the ears, tail and face. The rest of the body is slightly bluish white, and the eyes are bright blue.
Lilac Point:
  • In this variety, the extremities of the body and the tips of the coat are paler and lilac than blue. The rest of the body is whiter and brighter than in the Blue Point.
Seal Point:
  • The extremities of the body and the tips of much of the body are black or dark brown (similar to the color of the seal, that inspired his name). It is the variety whose color is most similar to that of the Siamese.
Chocolate Point:
  • The tips of the body and the tips of the coat of this variety are chocolate brown, a shade lighter than Seal Point. The rest of the fur is also whiter and brighter than that of the Seal Point. The color of the foot pads is a characteristic that strongly distinguishes the two varieties.: those of the Chocolate Point they are pink, while his Seal Point are dark brown.
Red Point o Flame Point:
  • The dominant color of the limbs and points of this cat is red, which can be orange. The rest of the body is white or cream.
Cream Point:
  • This variety of Himalayan is a diluted version of Flame Point. The coloring of the mask and the extremities is reddish or pale orange, while the rest of the body is white or slightly cream.

Character and skills

Himalayan cat
Himalayn cat named ‘Monte.’ Flickr
The Himalayan cat it is a wonderful indoor cat. They are gentle, calm and sweet temperament, and they also have a playful side. Like him Siamese cat, to the himalayan he loves to play fetch, and a crumpled piece of paper or a cat toy will entertain them for hours, or until your next nap.

The Himalayan cat They are devoted and depend on their humans to accompany and protect them. They crave affection and love to be petted and groomed., which is lucky, since all owners of this breed of cat spend part of the day doing just that.

Like his Persian brethren, they are docile and will not harass you for attention like some breeds do. They have the same level of activity as the Persian cat and they are not noisy like the Siamese cat.

Grooming and caring for the "Himalayan cat"

If you are not willing to spend some time on daily grooming, the Himalayan cat probably not the right cat for you. Since they have long, silky hair that tangles and weighs down easily, the fur of the himalayan should be brushed with a sturdy, wide-toothed comb daily. This will remove and prevent tangles and mats, and will help remove dirt, dust and debris. It is also recommended that the Himalayan cat visit a professional groomer every few months to make sure his coat is healthy and clean. The good news is that himalayan they love to receive the attention of their owners, which makes grooming easy and is an excellent bonding experience for the owner and his feline companion.

You can protect your legs and your furniture by trimming your nails Himalayan regularly. Examine your legs weekly and trim them if necessary to keep them healthy and injury free. Also spend time a week examining your cat's ears. The pointed ears of the Himalayan are susceptible to trapping dirt and debris, which can lead to infections and other ear problems in the future. If you find debris in your cat's ears, use a pet ear cleaner and a cotton pad to remove them carefully. Never use a cotton swab in your cat's ears, as it can severely damage the delicate structures of the inner ear. If the ears are very red or swollen, very dirty or smell funny, take him to the vet asap.

The himalayan have low exercise needs, but they are extremely playful and will do mischief if they get bored. You can keep them entertained and engaged by providing plenty of cat toys and a few minutes of play each day.. Like the Himalayan they have such a playful personality, something as simple as a ball of paper will keep you entertained for hours.

How much activity does he need? "Himalayan cat"?

The himalayan you need to exercise to stay in top shape. Likes to play with their owners and will play with interactive toys, chase balls and attack mice with catnip, but you may have to chase him to get him exercising on a daily basis.

Health and nutrition

Himalayan – Aaa803287, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Himalayan cat you are prone to certain skin diseases: seborrhea, cheyletiellosis and dermatophytosis (had).

It also, like the persian, may have a tendency to be overweight. So, you need to pay attention to your diet, to avoid any risk of obesity in the cat.

It also, due to his persian heritage, may be a carrier of the gene that causes renal polyquistosis. This inherited disease causes cysts to develop slowly and progressively in the kidneys.. But, the presence of the offending gene can be detected by genetic testing. So, before adopting a kitten of this breed, it is advisable to check with the breeder of himalayan that this genetic test has been performed and has given a negative result. If not done, it is a wise precaution to demand that it be done.

It also, the flattened shape of the face may predispose to himalayan certain health problems. These may include, you may be prone to breathing problems due to narrow nostrils. They can also suffer malocclusion (misaligned teeth) or abnormal watering.

The himalayan you can also suffer the feline hyperesthesia syndrome (a little-known disease that causes behavior problems).

Last, the length of their coat can cause hair ingestion problems, what ends up creating hairballs in the stomach of the cat (tricobezoares), causing pain and / or digestive problems.


As the Himalayan cat have a tendency to be overweight, special attention should be paid to your diet.

Some companies have developed a range of foods specially adapted to the needs of the Persian cat (and therefore of himalayan). Available in the form of croquettes or cans, these foods offer a low-fat diet that contributes to the health of the cat, while helping to maintain a silky coat and limit hairball formation. Some of the kibbles available on the market are shaped to fit the brachycephalic jaw of the Persian and of the himalayan.

The quality of the products in the market varies, so make sure that the ones you offer your dog are reliable. The ingredient list on the packaging can help you, but you can also ask the breeder for advice himalayan or your vet.

For sale "Himalayan cat"

The kitties himalayan (pet quality) cost between 700 and 1400 EUR, depending on coat colors and bloodline. the kitten's quest himalayan perfect begins with the search for a reputable breeder. One Himalayan cat known breeding sites, with good color and perfect proportion can cost between 1500 and 3000 EUR,

Videos "Himalayan cat"

Cats 101: Himalayan
Cats 101: Himalayan

Alternative names: