▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Persian cat
Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, FIFé, WCF

The Persian cat it is placid, calm and sedentary, which makes it a recommended breed of cat for life in a flat.


Characteristics "Persian cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Persian cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Persian cat it is one of the oldest cat breeds. He is a direct descendant of Turkish Angora cat, native to the cold regions of Central Asia, on the border between Iran and Turkey. The long hair of the Turkish Angora cat it is probably the result of a natural mutation and was unknown in Europe at that time.

In 1626 the first long-haired cats appeared in Europe, thanks to the italian traveler Pietro Della Valle, who, impressed by the uniqueness of the Turkish Angora cat during a stay in the Ottoman Empire, some specimens were brought to Italy.

A few years later, Nicolas Fabri de Peiresc, Councilor of the Parliament of Aix-en-Provence, He also brought to his lands several copies of Turkish Angora cat from Damascus. He contributed greatly to the spread of this breed in Europe, becoming the first breeder of turkish angoras in the european territory.

symbol of luxury, refinement and exoticism, this cat quickly became highly prized by the European aristocracy and was generally reserved for the elite. In France, kings from Louis XIII to Louis XVI owned them, like Marie Antoinette, who sent her little cats to America before she was arrested.

The Persian cat Modern was created in the first half of the 19th century in the United Kingdom. It is the result of crosses between the Turkish Angora cat and the European shorthair cat (Common european cat) of Italy, France and UK. The first animals were exhibited in the first feline exhibition in modern history, held at the Crystal Palace, London in 1871. From that moment on, British breeders launched a breeding and selection program that included crosses with the Angora cat to improve coat quality. This breed became very popular and appreciated by all, and got a big boost from Queen Victoria (1819-1901), who particularly liked and owned two of them.

It also, Throughout the 19th century, a lot of work was done to improve the quality of the coat and evolve its morphology to obtain rounder cats.. The range of colors and patterns of the Persian coat was also greatly expanded, to the point that the breed now has more than 200 varieties. In effect, if the first Persians they were unicolored, the end of the 19th century marked the appearance of a wide range of additional colors. The persian smoked , for example, was first exhibited in Brighton in 1872 and is the result of crosses between Persians blacks, white and blue. In 1888, in London, it was the turn of the first Chinchilla Persian cat. And it was at the same time that the Persians atigrados, silver and gold.

This diversification effort continued in the United States during the first half of the 20th century.. Cameo cloak introduced, as well as the so-called Persian “Peke Face”, que, debido a su cabeza extremadamente plana y a los problemas de salud que esto provoca, fue -y sigue siendo- una fuente de gran controversia.

The best known varieties of Persian are the Himalayan cat (or Colourpoint Persian cat), the Exotic shorthair cat and the “Peke Face“. Depending on the feline organization -and, Therefore, from the country-, These varieties are considered breeds in their own right or simply varieties of the Persian cat. The “Jump Face ⓘ” not recognized as a breed, and remains highly distinctive for its different morphology and head shape than the usual Persian.

The Persian cat it is one of the most popular cat breeds in the world, being at the top 5 from many countries. This is especially the case in France, Although the number of registrations in the LOOF (Livre Officiel des Origines Félines) has shown a downward trend since 2010 (more than 5.000 inscriptions in 2010, front 3.700 in 2018). But, still the fourth most popular cat breed in France, just like in the United States. In the United Kingdom, where it was actually created, ranks sixth, According to registration figures in the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) in the last 10 years. The organization records around 1.000 births per year, although this figure has also dropped considerably since the first decade of the 21st century.

Last, besides being probably one of the most famous breeds in the world, the Persian cat probably participated in the creation of the Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman) and of the British Shorthair cat during the interwar period.

Physical characteristics

"Persian cat"

Gato persa
Stephanie is a Persian cat – Mike Powell from United States, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Persian cat It is a cat of short morphological type. The head is round and flattened on top, with one nose short, ears small with rounded tips and eyes big and round. It leans on a neck short and thick and on a muscular body with a broad chest.

Their legs they are short, powerful and strong, with wide feet.

The tail it is thick and it is carried low: it is short but in proportion to the length of the cat, usually does not exceed the level of the shoulder blades. Too long a tail is even considered a foul.

The fur It is thick, with a silky cape and a bushy collar.

Regardless of the feline organism in question, the persian standard accepts a wide variety of colors fur. Some individuals are uniform in color (black, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, cream or white), while others have distinctive colors (striped, smoke, Chinchilla, silver, dorado, cameo o colourpoint).

The color of the coat determines the color of the eyes. These may include, white-coated individuals have blue eyes, gold or mint (one blue and one golden eye). The golden individuals, silvers and chinchillas have green or blue-green eyes. The colored dots have blue eyes.

Size and weight

  • Male size: 25-40 cm.
  • female size: 25-35 cm.
  • Male weight: 3,5-5 kg
  • female weight: 3 to 4 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a Persian must meet to be fully recognized as belonging to the breed.:

Character and skills

Persian Cat
Persian Cat – Payman sazesh, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Persian cat it is placid, calm and sedentary, which makes it a recommended breed of cat for life in a flat. This is especially true since, unlike many of his peers, does not have a systematic need to climb to the top, at risk of injury or damage. These may include, there is little risk of it climbing up the curtains or jumping onto the kitchen counter: the Persian prefers to stick to the floor or furniture that is more accessible to him. It also, their meows are as rare as they are discreet, which is also an appreciable advantage for living in a flat.

You do not necessarily need to have access to the outside, and this could be more dangerous than anything else. In fact, bred generation after generation to be the perfect indoor cat, he would be especially vulnerable outside his house to other animals encountered during his walks, as well as all the risks of accidents outside for a cat.

The Persian cat is famous for its delicacy. Affectionate and peaceful, they are usually very attached to their owners. But, although they love to be caressed, They are not the type of cats that approach you incessantly, as with other breeds.

They are sociable by nature and have no problem living with other dogs or people, and even with the children, as long as you are nice to them and are not over-treated. In effect, if he Persian it is not an aggressive cat, an overly animated child, a very playful dog or a slightly turbulent puppy can be a source of stress for this calm cat. In fact, a noisy and overly lively environment would not suit you: you need a quiet place to live and not subject to too frequent changes.

In short, their temperament makes them an ideal cat breed for seniors. On the other hand, although they quickly approach their humans and regular visitors to their home, tend to be more distant with strangers.

On the other hand, maybe because its claws don't wear out naturally when roaming around outside, they especially enjoy doing it. So, to avoid any laceration of the walls, the curtains or the furniture, providing one or more scratching posts and / or cat trees is strongly recommended. As for the toys, prefers those that are as soft as its fur.


Persian cat
Persian cat chinchilla golden male and silver female – Wiki Taro(Wiki Taro), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

As a result of extensive breeding and crossbreeding in the past, the Persian cat is prone to health problems, especially genetic in nature. Much of these problems are due to the structure of the head. So, who wants to adopt a Persian you must be aware that this cat, especially “racial” but that has undergone considerable genetic selection, may be subject to numerous ailments.

You may have breathing difficulties or noisy breathing, due to your narrow nasal passages.

They can also suffer dental malocclusion (misalignment or deviation of the teeth) and / or gingivitis (gum infection).

They are also prone to a number of feline eye diseases, as the Progressive Retinal Atrophy (an incurable retinal disease leading to loss of vision in cats), the entropion (inward turning of the eyelid margins), the lacrimal gland prolapse (u “Eye Cherry”, that is to say, an inflammation of the third eyelid) wave renal polyquistosis (for which there is a genetic test).

The Persian cat it is also more prone than other breeds to Hip Dysplasia (which may require surgery) and to the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Ho Chi Minh City).

They are also prone to a number of skin diseases in cats.: cheyletiellosis, intertrigo of facial folds, primary seborrhea, had, etc.

Last, it is a breed of cat that fears heat.

In short, the Persian cat it is a fragile cat. For this reason, Among the questions to ask yourself before adopting a cat of this breed is that of veterinary expenses -especially unforeseen-, that can end up representing significant amounts. More than any other race, prevention is the key to keeping your cat in good health, especially through frequent check-ups with the vet. It also, It may be particularly advisable to take out medical insurance for your cat to cover any unforeseen events and avoid the risk of finding yourself in a difficult economic situation.

It also, puberty of Persian it's quite late, since it occurs around the 12 months of age, and reaches full maturity around the 2 years. Litters usually consist of 2 to 3 kittens, but females rarely give birth to kittens when they are over 6 years. Your fertility period is, Therefore, more restricted than many other breeds, they can keep having kittens almost to death.

Any owner considering raising their cat should be aware that childbirth is often complicated in the case of cats. Persians. This is because, in particular, to the enormous size of kittens' heads. In fact, the mortality rate at birth of Persian kittens is higher than that of most other breeds. More than any other race, it is extremely important to monitor the delivery of the cat, as it is often difficult and not uncommon for the mother to have to undergo a caesarean section.

Last, for genetic reasons, deafness is more common in white cats with blue eyes, either Persians or other races. So, it is advisable not to plan a marriage between two individuals with white fur and blue eyes, or even only with blue eyes, since the probability of obtaining deaf or partially deaf kittens is then particularly high.

Life expectancy

10 to 15 years


The Persian cat It is a breed of high maintenance cats, and anyone considering adopting a representative of this breed should be prepared to spend some time caring for them.

In fact, the toilet (brushed, combed and washed) it is a task as daily as it is necessary, since the length of the hair favors the rapid formation of knots and tangles. So, it is necessary to detangle your cat's fur every day, and the ideal is to take your cat to a professional groomer regularly; the exact frequency depends on the cat and its lifestyle, as well as the level of demand of the owner. It is also advisable to bathe your cat once a month.

If your cat has access to the outdoors, caring for his coat is even more demanding, as leaves and plants soon adhere to it, as well as dirt and mud. The litter box also requires special attention, as it can start to get angry if too much sand is deposited on the coat or under the paws.

It also, the Persian she loses a lot of hair all the time: living with him means accepting this fact! But, this detachment can vary significantly depending on its origin. So, this parameter can be taken into account when looking for a kitten Persian, favouring, for example, a line where the phenomenon is not too pronounced. In any case, hair loss is obviously even greater during shedding periods, in spring and autumn.

It also, their eyes cry frequently, so you have to clean them regularly. It is advisable to do it once a day (or less if they only run a little), simply wetting the area around them with a glove and warm water.

A cat was not necessarily born to be handled. But, a Persian cat needs to be handled a lot, due to its high maintenance needs. So, even more than with other breeds, it is important to get them used to being handled from an early age without reacting inappropriately.


The diet of the Persian cat it is relatively simple, since he loves croquettes and is not very demanding. However, it is preferable to opt for quality industrial croquettes.

On the other hand, due to its low level of activity, this breed of cat is prone to obesity. So, it is advisable to pay attention to the daily amount distributed to avoid the risk of the cat becoming overweight or obese. This is especially true if the cat is older. (and, Therefore, less active) and / or if he has been neutered (whatever the race, a neutered cat is more likely to gain weight).

For sale "Persian cat"

Persian cat
My persian cat – Flickr

The price range to adopt a Persian cat it is especially wide, since it oscillates between 400 and 2500 EUR. The sex of the kitten influences its price, since a female costs much more than a male. The fur, but above all the pedigree and the titles of the parents, they also have a determining influence.

In general, the kittens that cost between 400 and 600 euros come from amateur or undeclared farms, so they are sold by individuals. They can also come from declared breeders that produce kittens in large quantities.. It is advisable to be especially attentive in these cases, because kittens often haven't had a DNA test, for example against the PKD (Poliquistosis Renal Dominante). It also, these kittens are often sold without LOOF registration, that is to say, no pedigree: they are not purebred kittens, but kittens “kind of lost”.

The kittens that are sold between 600 and 1.400 euros usually come from official farms: meet the breed standard and have been tested (like his parents, even before breeding) to detect the most common genetic diseases.

Last, prices above 1400 euros refer to kittens of excellent lines and intended for breeding. They refer mostly to breeders. It also, a certain number of these cats are bought abroad, which implies significant repatriation costs. These expenses derived from the purchase of the parents explain, in part, that the prices of kittens that give birth are quite high, even though they are meant simply for company.

It also, beyond acquisition cost, who considers adopting a Persian cat you should take into account that this breed is much more expensive than others. This is mainly due to their high maintenance needs and poor health..

A Ton of Persian Cats

CFA International Cat Show 2018 - Persian kitten class judging - BiColors.2

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Peterbald cat
Federations: LOOF, FIFé, WCF

Despite its recognition by several leading organizations and its presence around the world, the Peterbald it is still a very rare feline breed that is still under development.
Photo: purrsiaoriental.com


Characteristics "Peterbald cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Peterbald cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Peterbald It is a recent Russian feline breed, originated in Saint Petersburg in the early 1990.

Olga S. Mironova, an expert on cats who conquered the style of the Donskoy (Don Sphynx), a breed of naked cats that appeared over the years 80 en Rostov del Don (also in russia), decided to cross them with him Oriental shorthair cat. I wanted to create an oriental type cat but without hair, so that you could admire his fine and elegant musculature.

so in 1993 crossed to Afinguen Myth, A male Don Sphynx, con Radma from Jagerhov, a female Eastern who had won several feline shows. The first two litters gave birth to four kittens: Mandarín iz Murino, Moscatel iz Murino, Nezhenka iz Murino y Nocturne iz Murino. They are the creators of the race Peterbald, and Nocturne iz Murino, that was used as a stallion, is present today in the line of all Peterbald with pedigree.

In 1996, the Russian Federation of Selection Felines (SFF) developed the first standard for this breed. It was called Peterbald, in honor of the city of Saint Petersburg, where are they from?. Russian breeders quickly became interested in the breed and began to develop it.

In order to preserve the morphology of the Oriental, crossing with Donskoys, to prevent the special characteristics of these cats from being lost. Since the hairless gene has already been introduced into the breed, Russian breeders decided to use only Oriental, Siamese and balinese for the crossing.

But, the functioning of this gene is difficult to understand, and even today genetics cannot clearly explain its functioning and transmission, which leads some geneticists to think that several genes are responsible for the appearance of the Peterbald. Like this, these cats may be hairless, have an extremely short coat, have a long coat, or a combination of these different settings (for example, hairless on some parts of the body and hair on others).

The Peterbald cat soon attracted everyone's interest, and the first specimens were exported to Europe and North America in the late 1990s. 1990. The International Cat Association (TICA) granted to Peterbald the title of experimental breed in 1997, and was recognized by the World Cat Federation (WCF) in 2003. In 2006, obtained the full recognition of the TICA, which allowed him to participate in exhibitions organized under the auspices of the organization. The Fédération Internationale Féline (FiFé) also recognized him in 2012.

But, neither him Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) not even Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) have yet taken the step.

In fact, despite its recognition by several major organizations and its presence around the world, the Peterbald it is still a very rare feline breed that is still under development.

In France, the first Peterbalds they enrolled in the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines in 2006, and in 2008 some 30 copies per year. This number remained stable until 2015, before descending to solo 6 copies in 2018. With a total population of just over 300 specimens, the Peterbald it is a rare cat in France.

Physical characteristics

"Peterbald cat"

Yanek of the Iris, Breed Peterbald and Sansha, a Cornish rex cat – Jiel Beaumadier, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Peterbald has a slim or oriental complexion. His long body is lean and muscular, which gives it an elegant look. The same slenderness is evident in the long legs and whip-shaped tail..

The head is triangular seen from the front and the huge ears, broad at the base, are located in the continuation of this triangle. Profile, the line from the top of the skull to the tip of the nose is perfectly straight. The eyes they are medium in size and almond shaped, and they can be blue, green or odd (one green eye and one blue).

The fur of the Peterbalds varies from individual to individual: according to the rules, there are three to five categories. Some cats are completely hairless and their skin is elastic and rubbery to the touch, while others have a soft and more or less long coat all over the body. Some have a short but hard and curly coat, which can also be unevenly distributed throughout the body. Others have fur that can be described as “normal”, similar to a shorthair cat.

It also, things are not fixed in time: if a kitten that is born without hair is left without it, another born with hair can keep it or lose it, partially or fully. Like this, some individuals who are born hairy end up naked as adults.

It also, all coat colors are accepted by the breed standard. Hairless individuals have different colors, since their skin is the same color that their hair would have if they had it.

Last, the sexual dimorphism it is well marked, being the male larger than the female.

Size and weight

  • Male size: 22 to 25 cm.
  • female size: 20-23 cm.
  • Male weight: 3,5-4,5 kg
  • female weight: 2,5-3,5 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents issued by official bodies that list the conditions that a Peterbald must meet to be fully recognized as belonging to the breed:


The Peterbald cat can have different types of fur, so it exists in several varieties:

  • Hairless

    These individuals do not have hair and the touch of their skin is reminiscent of rubber.. One Peterbald desnudo he does not usually have a mustache.

  • Chamois

    They are covered with a fine down, less than 1 mm, that feels like the famous suede leather. One Peterbald Chamois has short mustaches.

  • Velour

    They have a very short coat, of only 2 or 3 mm, soft to the touch and velvet texture. One Peterbald Velour he also has short mustaches.

  • brush

    They have short, hard hair, usually curly. One Peterbald type brush usually has curly whiskers.

  • Short-haired fur

    This variety includes all Peterbalds whose coat does not correspond to the previous varieties. Hair can be of different lengths on different parts of the body, from completely hairless to medium length. These cats are well registered as Peterbalds, but they are not allowed to compete in cat shows.

Character and skills

"Peterbald cat"

Peterbald famele Bonita DeMauntiful – Ivan Menshenin Cattery DeMauntiful, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Peterbald cat it is a very affectionate cat that is never far from its owner. Follows him around the house, sits on your lap or shoulder whenever possible, and sleep next to him. Accompanies him to the door, and it is behind this very door that his master finds him when he returns.

This affection can be overwhelming at times., especially for those who have never had a pet: have a Peterbald at home means having someone around all the time. And their presence is not always discreet, since he likes to start a conversation.

Like is logic, this attachment makes him not like being alone. Being alone while his owner is at work is not a problem for him, but you may suffer from separation anxiety and destructive behavior if you are left alone for a weekend. On the other hand, being much more attached to his master than to his house, the Peterbald travels with ease: therefore, you can perfectly plan to go on vacation with your cat without having to fear great difficulties.

It also, is sociable and gets along with everyone. Receive guests at the door and do not hesitate to chat with them. It is also a breed of cat suitable for children: as long as they know how to behave with a cat and respect it, you will enjoy playing with them for hours.

He also gets along well with other cats, but also with dogs that are used to cats. On the other hand, their sociability with small rodents or reptiles can be problematic: has no hunting instinct towards them, but what is just a game for him can cause them some stress.

Extremely active, the Peterbald run, jump, scratch and play all day. The only thing he likes more than chasing a ball is playing with its owner.. Loves varied cat games, including those that stimulate your intelligence.

Yes indeed, although he loves to play, it is not a cat made for the outdoors, so you have to keep it indoors: your skin is sensitive to the sun's rays, as well as bad weather and dirt. It also, his sociable character - even naive- could put you in dangerous situations.


"Peterbald cat"

White cat Peterbald type “brush” – Acracrabe, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Peterbald cat It is a breed of cats with few health problems and no known risk of genetic diseases. As the breed is new, it is still too early to draw definitive conclusions, but it is reasonable to assume that if a serious illness affected her, cases would have already appeared.

On the other hand, the lack of fur makes their skin more sensitive than that of other cats. Like this:

  • It is a breed of cat sensitive to cold, so you must live in a warm enough place;
  • There is also that protect them from the sun, using specific sun cream for animals if they have to leave the house;
  • Sebum tends to accumulate in your body, creating an oily film that can quickly collect dirt.

Last, although the risk of obesity is low in this breed, remains one of the main health hazards of any indoor cat, so owners should weigh their cat regularly and ensure that it does not exceed its body weight.

Life expectancy

Of 12 to 15 years


The Peterbald cat it is easy to care, but it requires more attention than you think. In effect, their lack of fur prevents brushing sessions, but her bare skin perspires, and the tallow retains the dust. To avoid the accumulation of dirt that can cause the appearance of bacteria, body odor and possibly skin problems, it is necessary to bathe your cat every week with a special shampoo.

But, this bathroom shouldn't be a problem, since at Peterbald he likes to be bathed in hot water, especially if you have gotten used to it since childhood.

To end this weekly grooming session, you have to inspect your teeth, eyes and ears to make sure they are clean, and possibly clean them with a damp cloth.

Last, if natural wear and tear is not enough, you need to trim your cat's nails.


The Peterbald cat can be fed with industrial cat food available in specialized stores. Whether it's croquettes or food, it must be a good quality diet, adapted to your age and activity level. This ensures that your cat receives all the nutrients it needs and remains healthy..

The risk of obesity is low in this hyperactive cat, and can be left with food on hand at all times, since it is capable of self-regulation. But, care must be taken that the weight of the cat remains stable, and you should consult your vet to establish an adequate diet if you deviate from your ideal weight.

For sale "Peterbald cat"

To adopt a kitten Peterbald, you will have to pay some 1250 euros if it is a male, and 1100 euros if it is a female.

Who wants to adopt a Peterbald by his character and not by his appearance “without hair” may turn to a straight-haired individual. These kittens with longer or shorter coats are born to pedigreed parents and, therefore, are recorded as Peterbalds, but they cannot be shown in cat shows. Thus, its price is usually much more affordable, since it is possible to find them around the 600 or 700 EUR.


oscar peterbald cat

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Federations: TICA, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC

Even in america, the distribution of Pixie-bob is still limited, since the number of breeders does not exceed twenty.
Photo: © Natalie Bent - Pixie-bob.info


Characteristics "Pixie-bob"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Pixie-bob" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The origins of the Pixie-bob they are dyed with fantasy. There is a legend that it is the result of the mating between female domestic cat and male bobcat. This is surely due to the fact that the Pixie-bob looks like “Lynx“, but it has no foundation.

What is known is that Carol Ann Brewer, a Washington state breeder, in the northwestern United States, was the creator of the race.

In 1985, through a newspaper ad, adopted and appointed Keba, a male kitten that resembled a bobcat: large, with spots and with a short tail. The owners told him that the father was a bobcat (Lynx rufus).

Carol Ann Brewer I already had a female, call Maggie, which had the same characteristics. Decided to pair them. In the resulting litter, a little kitten was born with features identical to those of her parents. He called Pixie.

Pixie looked like a wild cat, but he was tame and he was loving. Carol Ann Brewer was delighted with this original mix and decided to breed it.

He toured the Cascade Mountains and found 23 males with the same characteristics: short tail, spotted fur, short or long hair. Like this, had enough specimens to start breeding what he decided to call the Pixie-bob: Pixie in reference to the little cat from which all representatives of the breed descend, and Bob by “bobcat“, that means Lynx.

Carol Ann Brewer He then gathered around him other breeders who were passionate about the cat and who wanted to contribute to its development.. He exercised strict control over his breeding work, so that together they managed to maintain both the wild appearance of the cat and its domestic temperament.

In 1989 Carol Ann Brewer wrote the first rule for the Pixie-bob. She and her colleagues worked hard to get the International Cat Association (TICA) recognize the breed. One of the ways to do this was to silence the rumor that the animals were hybrids of the bobcat, that is to say, who descended from that species. They knew that it was highly unlikely that the official authorities would agree to register a hybrid cat. Thus, performed genetic tests on the different litters, who scientifically proved that there was no relationship between their cats and wild animals.

In 1993, the organization took a decisive first step in allowing the Pixie-bob will be presented in exhibitions organized under the aegis of the organization, although unable to compete. In 1996, officially granted the Pixie-bob new breed status, and in 1998 the breed received full recognition, allowing your representatives to participate in contests.

At the same time, the “Pixie-bob” began to spread internationally.

This was the case, in particular, from France: a first copy was presented in 1997 in the Festival of the Gato de Pontoise. The reference body of the country, the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), recognized the breed barely 5 years later, in 2002.

Not everyone has done the same. These may include, the request for recognition made to the Cat Fanciers’Association (CFA) still not successful to this day, contrary to what happened in 2005 with the one carried out at American Cat Fanciers’ Association. In general, few official bodies have accepted the breed. These may include, not even Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), neither him Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), not even Association Féline Canadienne (CCA), they have taken the step.

Distribution of "Pixie-bob"

Although the Pixie-bob began to be exported outside its country of origin in the years 90 (Canada, France, Italy, etc.), most of its population is still concentrated in the United States. It is still rare and little known abroad.

Even in america, its distribution remains limited, since the number of breeders does not exceed twenty. in Canada, there are less than a dozen.

In France, there are hardly more than a handful of breeders. The number of annual records of Pixie-bob in the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) around twenty between 2006 and 2008, and then drop to a dozen in the following years, before peaking again at 2018, with more than 30 births per year. In any case, whatever the time, records Pixie-bob shorthair are 2 to 3 times more than those of Pixie-bob longhair.

The breed is also present in Belgium, but there are only a few breeders there.

Physical characteristics

Pixie-Bob – Simone Johnsson from Curitiba, Brazil, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Pixie-bob is a long and powerful cat with a wild look.

The body it is medium to large size, with strong bones and powerful muscles. The rib cage is broad and well developed. The shoulders are prominent and form a hole in the center, which gives the impression that the Pixie-bob roll when walking. Lower body has a belly pocket. The back forms a slight hollow that goes up to the hips, that are slightly taller than the shoulders.

The tail must have at least 5 cm length, but must not extend beyond the hock when the leg is fully extended.

The legs they are long and powerfully muscular, ending in feet large, wide and almost round. The latter have meaty fingers.

Some individuals have a normally long tail or feet polydactyls. In France, the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) authorizes its registration and reproduction, but they cannot participate in contests organized under the auspices of the organization. The International Cat Association accepts the Pixie-bob with long tail, as long as the queue does not exceed more than 2 cm from hock when leg is extended, as well as those who are polydactyls (7 fingers maximum).

The head of the Pixie-bob rests on a powerful and muscular neck. It is medium to large in size and has the original shape of an inverted pear.. The forehead is slightly rounded and ends in a slight stop.

The ears they are medium in size and wide at the base, with rounded tip. Subtly leaning out, have feather-shaped tufts of hair at the tip, which gives them an air of resemblance to the Lynx.

The eyes they are widely separated in the shape of a rectangular triangle and their color varies between gold and hazelnut. They are surrounded by a line of creamy white makeup that highlights their contours., and are topped by bushy eyebrows. The eyelids are quite heavy and cover a small part of the eyes, giving to Pixie-bob a slightly indolent and half-asleep appearance. It also, on each side, a black line runs from the outer corner of the eye to the cheek, which is prominent.

The nose it is quite big and wide. It is also slightly arched, forming a small hump, and ends with a brick-colored nose.

Last, the chin is well developed and covered with dense fur.

The Pixie-bob it comes in two varieties, that are differentiated by the length of their fur – all other physical and mental characteristics are identical. There are individuals of shorthair and Longhair. On this last case, However, hair does not exceed 5 cm length.

Both short-haired and long-haired cats have soft fur, woolly and dense, especially on the head, where it is thicker.

The Pixie-bob is a tabby cat whose coat can only have a spotted tabby pattern, that is to say, is stained with small round spots, randomly distributed throughout the body. Undercoat is mouse gray, and the upper one is brown, or of all its lighter or darker shades. The belly contrasts with the rest of the body, as it is creamy white. The same goes for the chin and lower neck, which are lighter in color. On the other hand, the back of the legs, the pads and the tip of the tail are brownish-black or black.

The fur mottled Pixie-bob changes with the seasons. In winter, the fur is very dense, allowing it to withstand very low temperatures. In summer, the coat is less dense and shorter, allowing the spot pattern to be seen. The molt takes place in spring and autumn.

Last, regardless of the variety, there is a certain sexual dimorphism: the male is not much larger than the female, but it's heavier.

Size and weight


Pixie Bob
Pixie-Bob – Simone Johnsson from Curitiba, Brazil, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
  • Size: 30 cm.
  • Male weight: Of 6 to 10 kg
  • female weight: 3 to 4 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Pixie-bob to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:


The Pixie-bob it comes in two varieties:

  • the Pixie Bob shorthair;
  • the Pixie Bob longhair.

The only difference between them is the length of the hair.: their other physical characteristics are identical, like his temperament. But, the Pixie Bob shorthair it is more common than the long-haired.

It also, although they are not considered varieties in the strict sense, there are both Pixie Bobs short-tailed (the majority) like those with a much longer tail. Both can be short or long hair.

Character and skills


The Pixie-bob it is a surprising and remarkable cat. In fact, its wild appearance could be misleading, but don't be fooled: this cat has an affectionate and docile character, which is even similar to that of a dog in many respects.

In fact, this outgoing animal, affectionate and easy to carry is ideal for a family. Not an individual cat, but wait - and offer- affection to everyone around him on a daily basis. They like to be the center of family activities and participate in some way. A little talkative, does not hesitate to communicate to demonstrate, for example, that he needs to be caressed.

You can even talk to strangers this way. In fact, the Pixie-bob he is not shy with strangers or guests who come into his house. On the other hand, he stays in the middle of all those people and wants to participate.

If this cuddly feline enjoys cuddling up on the couch with his humans, it is because it is calm and relaxed by nature. A bit addicted to the couch sometimes, he likes the tranquility of his home and being surrounded by his family.

They are able to cope with the excitement of the youngest: loving their company and showing infinite patience with them, without ever being aggressive, It is clearly a recommended breed of cat for children.

But, the fact that it is a good company should not make us forget that a small child and a cat - whatever the breed- they should never be alone together, without adult supervision.

The Pixie-bob is also sociable with other cats, dogs and even small animals like rodents and birds. In fact, tends to easily accept sharing their territory, especially if you have gotten used to it since childhood. But, if another animal enters the family circle when it is no longer a kitten, it is preferable to adapt gradually to minimize the risk of problems. In any case, if you are going to live under the same roof as a dog, it is better to choose a breed of dog that gets along well with cats and can live with them.

Without being destructive, the Pixie-bob is playful, and sometimes even exuberant. So, need space. But, as long as it is a respectable size and its owners allow it to exercise, you can live both in a flat and in a house with a garden. On this last case, it is a good idea to install a cat flap, so you can come and go as you please, both inside and outside.

Regardless of where your cat lives, it is possible to teach him to walk on a leash, especially if you start early enough. This is an interesting option if letting your cat roam freely is not possible or is too dangerous.. The Pixie-bob he also enjoys car rides, but care must be taken to ensure your safety and that of the occupants of the vehicle by placing it in a cat carrier. Either way, He is very fond of family walks and curious, enjoying observing their surroundings.

When your owners can't take you with them, for example to work during the day, It's not too hard for him to face loneliness, as long as he feels safe at home and has interactive toys to keep him busy and stimulate his faculties. This prevents you from finding other objects to entertain yourself with., such as paper towels or toilet paper, that unwinds and grinds with infinite pleasure.

He also likes to chase an object, bring it back and thus interact with the people around you, like a dog would. This can be an easy way to play with him at home.. His intelligence also allows him to learn little tricks and exercise his skills.

like most of his peers, he also likes to climb, so a cat tree is also an essential investment. Last, to complete the package, a scratching post is essential so you can scratch all you want. You better meet this natural and compelling need in this item., than in the furniture or the curtains.

Last, the Pixie-bob it is one of those rare breeds of cats that love water. A leaky faucet is a real source of fun for him: enjoy not only observing the phenomenon, but also playing with the dripping water, even staining in the sink to get wet. He also likes to jump in the bathtub if there is a bottom to play.


Young pixie-bob longhair – VanWagn, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Pixie-bob It, in general, a healthy dog, which is a testament to the good work that breeders have been doing since the decade of 1980, especially to avoid inbreeding and the problems it causes.

It also, their fur, very dense and waterproof, allows it to withstand quite cold temperatures and bad weather. On the other hand, makes you suffer from the heat when the mercury rises. So, it is more suitable for temperate or cold climates. In any case, if you live in a Mediterranean climate, for example, it is essential that you have an airy and shady place to rest in the cool of the sun, as well as fresh water at your disposal at all times.

Despite your overall good health, the Pixie-bob It, like all races, more prone to certain ailments. In this case, is about:

  • cryptorchidism, which corresponds to the fact that one or two testicles have remained in the abdomen instead of descending into the sac. The animal must then be operated, since the genital gland that is left in the abdomen can become cancerous with age. It also, this prevents the cat from behaving like a non-neutered cat, that is to say, to run away and fight more. But, this condition is still very rare;
  • Dystocia, what is the difficulty to give birth. This may be due to an abnormal position of the fetus., to an excessive weight of the same or to an insufficient dilation or diameter of the pelvic canal. If the cat has more than 12 hours with contractions and they are not effective and, Therefore, has not started to give birth, it is urgent to call the vet. In most cases, the vet performs a cesarean section and then advises neutering the animal, so as not to endanger her life again with another pregnancy.

It also, the Pixie-bob has a tendency to overweight, yes no to obesity. This has consequences for the state of the Pixie-bob: can both aggravate pre-existing health problems and cause new ones to appear.

In any case, the fact that this cat is generally in good health does not mean that you should not turn to a serious breeder of Pixie-bob to have the best chance of having a healthy and well-adapted feline. In effect, a professional worthy of the name goes out of his way not only to socialize kittens from their first weeks, but also to rule out any hereditary disease by having various genetic tests performed on the proposed reproducers and excluding those who present a risk. It also, does not hesitate to carry out several tests on the kittens to confirm their good health. So, can provide the results of the various tests, in addition to a certificate of good health drawn up by a veterinarian and a list of the vaccinations received by the kitten, registered in your health or vaccination card.

Once the adoption is done, it is the owner's responsibility to take care of his partner's health throughout his life. As such, it is essential to carry out a complete health check-up at the vet at least once a year, and even more when the dog gets older. In this way, the professional has the opportunity to diagnose as soon as possible any problems that are not yet visible, to be able to treat it in the best conditions. These regular visits are also an opportunity to remember the cat's vaccinations..

So that the cat is always protected, the owner must make sure to renew the antiparasitic treatments throughout the year, whenever necessary. This applies even to indoor pets.: even if they are less exposed to the risk of parasites, they are not completely safe.



Pixie Bob
Pixie-Bob Female puppy, long tail, short coat, active and very playful – Flickr

The maintenance needs of the Pixie-bob depend on the length of their dense, woolly fur, especially when molting in spring and fall.

In the case of a long-haired cat, brushing twice a week is necessary to remove dead hairs. during moulting periods, in spring and autumn, a quick daily brushing is necessary.

For the Pixie-bob shorthair, brushing once a week is enough, except during the molting period, when it is better to brush twice a week.

Regardless of the length of your hair, you also need to check and clean your ears weekly. This prevents moisture or dirt from accumulating and becoming infected.

You should also take the opportunity to examine the eyes. If required, a damp cloth should be rubbed in the corner of the eyes to remove dirt and prevent possible infection.

Neither should you neglect the maintenance of the cat's teeth, as it can cause the accumulation of dental plaque, which can cause more or less serious diseases if it turns into tartar. Brushing at least once a week with cat toothpaste is the best way to prevent plaque buildup., but it is best to brush more often, or even daily.

It is also a good idea to check your nails every month.. If you have access to the outside, natural wear and tear should be enough to file them down, but it is still essential to check that they are not too long. Yes they are, manual trimming is essential to prevent them from getting in the way, break or even injure the dog. For an individual living in a flat, this should generally be done once a month, even if it has a scratching post.

Maintaining a Pixie-bob not particularly complex. But, either its fur, his ears, his eyes, their teeth or claws, the different steps are not always easy to follow: do not hesitate to ask a specialist for help the first time. In effect, learning them from a veterinarian or professional cat groomer allows you to be effective and not risk harming your pet, or even injure her.

It also, as soon as the proper gestures are mastered, grooming sessions can be privileged moments between the master and his partner, especially because Pixie-bob loves to receive attention and caresses. The sooner you get used to it, more easily accept it and even ask for more.


Like all its fellow men, the Pixie-bob requires a diet perfectly adapted to your nutritional needs, both in terms of quality and quantity. The latter depend mainly on your age, activity level and health status.

Your daily rations must be rigorously defined, since he has an unfortunate tendency to be overweight. For this reason, unlike most cats, it is better to accustom him to fixed meals instead of leaving him food all day, since he is not able to regulate his own intake.

Good quality industrial food can be quite suitable to feed you. But, unless you are sure it meets your needs, you should avoid offering food intended for humans. Especially since giving leftovers can cause tension and damage the relationship with its owner. They may come to see this as a habit or even an obligation., and they will stubbornly demand it, meowing and expressing their discontent if they don't get it. It also, a cat needs a diet that varies little: any sudden change in your diet can alter your digestion. Last, remember that some foods that are very tasty for humans are toxic to cats.

The owner must always check the weight of his cat every month, but this is even more important for the Pixie-bob, given its tendency to obesity. In case a slip is confirmed or even accentuated in the following measurements, a visit to the vet is essential to see more clearly and know how to remedy the problem. In fact, only a professional can make a reliable diagnosis, as the weight gain may not be related to the diet or activity level of the animal: It can be, for example, a side effect of a medication or a symptom of a disease.

Last, as in the case of any other cat, it is important to keep fresh water available to your Pixie-bob at all times.

For sale "Pixie-bob"

The price of a kitten Pixie-bob usually oscillates between 900 and 1500 EUR.

In all countries, the amount required to adopt a Pixie-bob differs based on the reputation of the kennel, of the lineage from which the animal is descended and, of course, its intrinsic characteristics, especially physical. This last point explains why there are significant price differences within a litter..

Pixie Bobs

How to care for a Pixiebob cat Updated 2021 || Pixie bob cat kittens

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Traditional Persian cat
Federations: WCF, SACC

Photo: petsforsale.co.za



The Traditional Persian cat, also called persian “doll face” for her sweet, doll-like expression, it is one of the most popular purebred cat breeds in the world. Like most domestic cats, his story is shrouded in myths and rumors, but the first recorded cases of its appearance in Iran (then called persia) they were produced in the 16th century. From there, the breed burst onto the international feline scene and became one of the most popular breeds in the world.
But, what makes these cute balls of fur so special? And what difference to a Persian cat “traditional” from any other Persian?

Physical characteristics

"Traditional Persian cat"

Gato Persa tradicional
Doll face silver Persian cat – Andrey, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

When he hears the word “Persian cat”, you may immediately think of a flattened face and a short nose. Although he is not mistaken, the more pug-like variants of Persians have been specifically bred to exaggerate those traits. The traditional Persians, for its part, they have also been bred to have small, rounded heads and short noses, but not to the same extent as their exposure counterparts. Instead of the flat faces of the show Persians, traditional Persians have cute and innocent expressions reminiscent of children's dolls, hence its common nickname of “doll-faced persians”.

The Traditional Persian cat, just like their show cousins, has chubby cheeks and a short body. They are medium sized cats, that usually weigh between 2,5 and 4,5 kilos when they are adults. Y, like the persian show, traditional Persians also have long, flowing fur that requires daily combing to remove and avoid carpets and tangles. Their fur comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns, that go from white to black and from red to lilac, and can be found in calico, striped, flamed and many other patterns.

Character and skills

Like people, cats have their own personality, so not all persians are exactly the same. Having said that, as he Traditional Persian cat like show cats they tend to be very calm and docile cats that enjoy little naps on the sofa or on another favorite perch. They are affectionate and often enjoy the attention of their human family., but they don't usually make an effort to get it. They like peace and quiet, so they do not adapt well to homes with noisy children or extremely playful dogs.

Although they are not as energetic as other races, enjoy a good play session from time to time. And although they are happy to give you their space, they also like to be paid attention to and treated like royalty, and if they feel that he has neglected them, they will let you know that it is time for you to give them some good back rubs and scratch their ears.

Doll Face Persian, Chinchilla Silver

Doll Face Persian Kittens Class Clown Line - Persiankittens.com

Alternative names:

Doll Face Persian, Classic Persian, Old Fashioned Persian, Long-nosed Persian, Old-style Longhair, Traditional Longhair, Original Longhair.

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

American shorthair cat
Recognized by the CFA, TICA, AACE, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC

An especially famous representative of the breed was the lady short hair blazer “India”, who lived in the White House as “first cat” of US President George W. Bush.

American Shorthair



The American shorthair cat, the “british shorthair” and the “european shorthair” they have common ancestors. All of them, direct descendants of “european domestic cat”.

It is not known with certainty when the latter arrived in the United States., but it is very likely that European settlers brought it between the 16th and 17th centuries; in fact, the domestic cat that we know today in the United States clearly shows the traits of their European ancestors. They were excellent hunters and were carried aboard ships during long Atlantic crossings to help protect grain and other food from rodents.. Although some say he came to America on the Mayflower in 1620, others claim that it was already present a few years before. A document of 1609 mentions his presence in Jamestown, the first permanent British settlement in the New World. Other historians claim that it was already there in the first part of the 16th century, since he arrived with the Spanish in Florida. Last, some consider that it arrived much earlier through the island of Newfoundland, where it was introduced by the Vikings around the year 1000.

American shorthair
American shorthair cat showing the effects of the white spot gene. Dustin Warrington, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In any case, the specimens imported to America fulfilled the same functions there that they had on the ships, protecting farms and barns from rodents. Its morphology and color did not matter too much, as long as they fulfilled their mission. In fact, the American shorthair cat we know today is the result of strong natural selection: even before the establishment of breeding programs, already had a robust constitution, a muscular body and strong jaws. So, the selection work that began in the late 19th century had a very healthy starting point and brought them from the barn to the home as pets. They soon became very popular as pets, so some breeders began to study their case. His goal was to create a more refined model; a breed of cats in its own right.

Already in 1895, when the first cat show in American history was held at Madison Square Garden in New York, the call was exposed to the public “domestic shorthair”.

11 years later, in 1906, the Cat Breeders Association was founded (CFA). The Domestic shorthair cat was one of the first five breeds recognized by what is still the leading feline organization in the country. Buster Brown, a smoky male with British shorthair blood, was the first recorded individual and, Therefore, the first official representative of the breed.

At the same time, other breeds began to be imported from Western Europe and Turkey, especially Persian and Angora. With their original features that distinguish them strongly from the more cats “classics”, these cats overshadowed the Domestic Shorthair. Some breeders began to cross these three breeds. But, a group of enthusiasts who didn't want to hear this and who wanted to keep the Domestic Shorthair in its original form, they started a breeding program to preserve the breed as it was originally. They imposed themselves: crossbreeding of domestic shorthairs was soon frowned upon and breeders tried to preserve the breed's original pattern and temperament.

Years passed, but in the middle of the 20th century, many continued to blame the Domestic Shorthair for its similarity to stray cats, considering it too common. The breed was still struggling to establish itself, especially in the face of the popularity of Persian and Angora. Some breeders and hobbyists then became involved so that the distinction between the domestic shorthair cat and the feral cat would be recognized by the general public., while arguing that it was in the interest of the race to maintain its own characteristics. In particular, rightly pointed out that it is not possible to compare them: as the latter has not been subjected to any selection work, the physical and mental traits of kittens at birth are much more random and unpredictable than those of a “true” race like him Domestic Shorthair, whose lines are carefully selected by breeders.

But, their efforts did not bear fruit. Over the years 50, a group of breeders started a new selection job, trying to improve the morphology of the Domestic Shorthair to clearly and definitively differentiate it from the street cat. Some chose to improve and distinguish the breed by crossing it with cats Persians. If the tests carried out in this sense at the beginning of the century did not last long because they were not accepted by the majority of breeders, those of this time met a very different fate, and constituted a decisive turning point for the Domestic Shorthair, that many breeders then tried to develop under new characteristics. In fact, his appearance was profoundly modified: his head widened and flattened, his eyes were rounded and his ears were shortened. It also, crossbreeding allowed the development of new coat colors.

In 1966, the Domestic Shorthair Happened to be called American Shorthair. This new name was intended to signify even more clearly the departure from the alley cat and the creation of a specifically American breed.. In fact, the metamorphosis of the American shorthair has earned him the appreciation of many cat lovers, to the point that it is now one of the 10 America's Most Popular Cat Breeds.

In addition to the CFA, the American Shorthair is recognized, of course, by the TICA (The International Cat Association), another American reference organization, and has been since 1979.

Outside your country of origin, the story is different. These may include, en el Reino Unido, not yet recognized by the Cat Fancy Governing Council (GCCF). In France, where it is recognized by the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), still a rare breed and at the bottom of the list. The number of people registered annually in the organization is less than 10, and even zero in some years.

Physical characteristics

American shorthair
American shorthair – Facebook page, www.facebook.com/SomewhereInLife

The American shorthair cat is a medium-sized cat that can reach a shoulder height of 30 to 35 centimeters. The cats can weigh between 3 and 5 kg, the males between 4 and 7 kg.

It is a cat semi-cobby. Natural selection has given you a strong body with a pronounced bone structure. Muscular, Atlético, balanced and powerful, gives an impression of strength and harmony. This is the main criterion for judging this breed in feline shows..

His strong chest and shoulders allow him to take big, quick jumps. In fact, the evolution of this cat over the centuries has allowed it to be better and better at hunting.

The legs they are strong and parallel and the legs are well rounded. The tail is thick at the base, medium length and rounded at the tip.

The mandible of the American shorthair cat is strong. The ears are medium in size, slightly open at the base and wide apart. The head is medium in size and well rounded, with a short, slightly sloping nose and plump cheeks. The eyes are large, round and widely spaced, also slightly inclined. They are usually gold or green in color, but in the case of a white coat they are blue, golden or light brown.

The fur it is short but very dense. All cat coat colors are accepted, except for the colourpoint, the lilac, the fawn and the chocolate. Most cats are tabbies, Calico, partial, bicolor and tortoiseshell. The classic silver tabby pattern is the most popular of all.

The American shorthair cat it is also late growing. They end up developing between 3 and 4 years of age. But, puberty is early and the first signs are visible from the 7 u 8 months, with the appearance of the first heat in the female cat and the development of the testicles in the male.

Last, the sexual dimorphism is quite pronounced in this breed: males are clearly heavier than females, weighing almost twice as much as these.

Character and skills

The American shorthair cat is known for its great adaptability. They are very sociable and get along well with other cats and dogs, as long as they accept them. Is always fair, relaxed and not very aggressive, and is very close to its owner.

American Shorthair
American Shorthair de 14 years, shaded silver, female – Ocdp, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It is also quite a playful animal, who always finds an opportunity to have fun. This makes them a perfect breed for children., and generally have no problems with other people's entry into their home. Exemplary companion for the whole family, they are also very suitable for the elderly, as long as they can satisfy your need for activity. But, although they always enjoy a place on the couch with their owner, some individuals do not like to be worn.

But, but the American shorthair cat is very close to humans, it is also a very independent breed of cats: he likes to have time to be alone, to rest or to escape, and it's not uncommon for it to disappear for a whole day. They remain active well into old age.

It also, you have to be very careful if you have to live with a rodent or a bird, as you are likely to consider it prey. So, it is advisable to ensure that these animals do not come into contact with each other, or even avoid such coexistence. In effect, even if you are used to rodents and / or birds since you are young, still has a strong hunting instinct.

Because of his ability to take care of himself, prolonged absences of their owners are unlikely (for example, when they are at work) make you unhappy or cause separation anxiety. In fact, it's perfectly possible to go on vacation without your cat without feeling guilty or worried, since he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. It is only necessary to organize from time to time that a friend, a neighbor or a cat visitation service come check that everything is fine, to fill their bowls and change their litter tray.

On the other hand, although its closeness to its owners makes it unlikely that it will escape, However, is very attracted to the outside world, which can lead you to get a long way from home. Thus, it is essential that your cat is identified with a microchip or a tattoo, which is mandatory in many countries, like france, Belgium and Switzerland. It also, It may be wise to invest in a GPS cat collar, that lets you know where your cat is at all times, and thus avoid worrying absences.

Smart and savvy, they understand very quickly the rules imposed by their owners, which makes them an easy breed of cats to train. It is also a silent cat breed, that meows very little.

Care "American shorthair cat"

Indoor or outdoor cat?

It is clearly a breed of cat made to live outdoors, and that is where he exercises his greatest talent, the one that for centuries earned him his popularity in his country of origin: the one of formidable hunter. Even today, still very popular on farms and in barns, both in the United States and in other countries. Even when you don't live in those places, he is likely to return regularly from his walks in the open air with dead prey as a gift for his dear master. In any case, a American shorthair cat living in a flat with no exit would be an unhappy existence, since it would be contrary to his true nature.

How much activity does he need? "American shorthair cat"?

The American shorthair cat it is a very active cat that needs a lot of exercise. It is advisable to regularly spend time playing with her, as she tends to be overweight so she can feel comfortable. Cat trees and toys are a must for him. He also likes intelligence toys, in which you have to fish for treats from the containers, for example, and that they pose a challenge not only physical but also mental. But, she also needs her rest periods and if she wants to retire, you must take it into account.

Health and nutrition

Most of the American shorthair cats they are usually healthy, resistant and long-lived.

American Shorthair
American shorthair domestic cream colored kitten – Blueciel8, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

But, since the breed has undergone a certain selection work throughout its history, it's advisable, before buying a kitten from an American shorthair breeder, ask about the possible history of the line to which it belongs.

It is important to know that this cat has a predisposition to feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (MCH), a heart disease that involves poor ejection of blood from the heart. It leads to a slow death of the animal, and there is currently no real treatment for it.

Some individuals may also be affected by polycystic kidney disease. (PKD), a disease that causes cysts to form in the kidneys, causing its malfunction. There is no cure for this hereditary and deadly disease.

Last, the fact that he especially likes the outdoors and spends a lot of time in it implies that you have to be very careful with vaccinations and deworming the cat, as well as with your general veterinary care. This is essential to prevent -or, failing that, quickly detect- any form of disease that can be contracted by contact with other cats or the outside world.

Life expectancy

15 years


You will have to be a little careful with your food and watch what you eat, because as already said tends to be overweight. When choosing food, look for a high-quality composition with lots of protein and few carbohydrates. In no case should food contain sugar. Cats can also suffer from diabetes due to an excess of sugar and, Unfortunately, often used as a flavor enhancer in cat food.

For sale "American shorthair cat"

One American shorthair cat costs between 600 euros and 1.100 euros in a serious breeder. This may seem like a lot to a kitten at first glance., but keep in mind that responsible breeding involves many costs. A pregnant cat has to go to the vet regularly and, In addition, small cats have already been tested, dewormed and vaccinated when they move in with you. Before the twelfth week, the cat should not be separated from its family.

Characteristics "American shorthair cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "American shorthair cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Videos "American shorthair cat"

10 Things Your American Shorthair Is Thinking Right Now | Chewy
10 things that your American Shorthair is thinking right now

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon)
Recognized by the CFA, TICA, AACE, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC, GCCF, FIFe

The American Longhair Cat has a great addition to the stables, since it tends to be very fond of other animals such as horses, goats and cows, and tends to get along very well with dogs.

Amrican longhair



The American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon), was the result of breeders' attempts to infuse certain varieties of Persian color into the American shorthair cat. The longer coat and some of these colors appeared to be genetically related., and the result was a cat with a combination of traits from its Persian and American shorthair cats.

Unlike in the Domestic long-haired cat, that does not have a clear lineage, the American Longhair Cat comes from champion bloodlines, and some individuals are registered with multiple cat fancier associations, but the breed itself is not recognized by the larger organizations yet.

The main difference between American Longhair Cat and the Domestic long-haired cat is that the American Longhair Cat must have a pedigree that can go back as far as American shorthair cat as to the Persian cat.

Times, cats Maine Coon se denominan American Longhairs, because they were developed in the United States.

physical characteristics of the American Longhair Cat

Breed standard:

American Longhair Cat

  • Head: The head must be big, round, wide and well developed. Cheeks should be full and have a powerful appearance. The face should be slightly concave or “bulging”. The muzzle is square and may be somewhat compressed, with a strong, well-formed chin.
  • Ears: The ears should not be excessively large, but medians in proportion to the head, wide at the base with rounded tip and good space between them. It is very desirable that the ears have feathers.
  • Eyes: The eyes must be large and round, widely spaced, bright, clear and of any color. Strange eyes are allowed, as long as it is not accompanied by deafness.
  • Body and tail: Must be a medium to large size cat, slightly longer than tall, with a powerful, broad body and a deep, well-formed chest. A fat pad on the abdomen is common for this breed and completely acceptable.. The neck is short and robust. The legs are of medium length and have good bones with a fleshy quality.. Feet are medium to large in size and round, with five fingers in front and four behind. The tail should be of medium length, feather-shaped, and is usually carried at the level of the top line.
  • Fur: It has a full double coat with long, straight outer hairs. Any color, except tick or spike patterns.
  • General aspect: It must be a robust animal, broad and attractive face, with a natural appearance, only slightly refined, quiet, sometimes reserved, but not shy. It is a charming and classic domestic cat, with a full and double coat, and a very hairy tail, pen-like.
  • Most of the American long-haired cats they have a bit of the upturned nose of Persian cats, but this varies between individuals. Athletic, well-muscled body is the standard, along with the double coat, dense and abundant molt.

    Character and skills

    Personality American Longhair Cat it is usually quite peaceful, with a slightly independent vein.

    Can be a great choice for a busy home or a working single, since it does not require too much care, but its long coat requires some care, as it tangles easily without good brushing once or twice a week.

    American Longhair Cat

    The American Longhairs tend to be slightly more active than any of their parent breeds. They are more athletic than the Persian cat and, in general, friendlier than him American shorthair cat.

    These cats are a great addition to stables, since they are usually very affectionate with other animals such as horses, goats and cows, and they tend to get along very well with dogs. Big dogs don't have to be too picky about him American Longhair big boned, and small dogs often find a warm pampering partner.

    These kittens are not usually lap cats, but due to the influence of Persian cat they can be very pleasant and patient companions for the elderly or those who cannot leave the house, provided your grooming needs are met.

    The American Longhair enjoys the outdoors a lot and can spend a lot of time looking out the window. Fortunately, they are usually easy to train and quiet enough to fit into a harness and leash for a short walk outside.

    Although large animals and dogs are his friends, these cats tend to be cunning hunters, and the parakeets, small animals and even pet fish could be on the menu if their cages and tanks are not properly secured.

    These cats adapt well to various lifestyles, but they may not be the first choice for a family with many young children, not because they are aggressive, but because they can be elusive, choosing to avoid the fuss.

    Handsome, long-lived and resistant, the American Longhair Cat it can be a wonderful pet for the right home.

    Characteristics "American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon)"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon)" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Videos "American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon)"

    MAINE COON - The giant cat breed
    MAINE COON – The giant cat breed
    Maine Coon Cat 101 - Watch This Before Getting One (Full Guide)

    Maine Coon Cat 101 – Watch This Before Getting One (Full Guide)

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    American Polydactyl Cat
    Hemingway Cat

    The American Polydactyl Cat is specifically bred to have extra fingers, for his temper, your good health, and its color or size.
    American Polydactyl
    Photo: Wilkipedia



    One “polydactyl cat” is a cat with a physical congenital anomaly called polydactyly (or polidactilismo, also known as hyperdactyly), a type of genetic mutation that makes the cat born with more fingers than usual in one or more of its legs.

    These cats are very hardy and can survive even in time of snow.

    They reached the United States on Board of ships in the colonial era. Stayed them for sailors who considered as the lucky pets when they were in the sea.

    Historically, polydactyly represented the 40% of the population registered among Maine Coon. Stated that the extra toes acted as snowshoes, to help these cats resistant to negotiate the snowfall in the harsh winters of New England.

    The cats polydactyls It can be found in any race, but the American Polydactyl Cat is specifically bred to have extra fingers, for his temper, your good health, and its color or size.

    Physical characteristics

    How many fingers can a cat have on one paw??


    Some american polydactyl cats they have up to seven. Perhaps the most famous American polydactyl cats were those that Ernest Hemingway wrote about., and as a result this breed is sometimes known as the Hemingway cat or mitten cat..

    The American Polydactyl Cat he is medium to large in size and has a strong and muscular body.

  • Their heads they are wide, with a modified and medium-sized stop.
  • Its nose and your snout they are medium in size and the chin has a square look.
  • The ears they are wide and have a pointed tip. Times, The american polydactyl cat used as a stallion has highly developed cheeks.
  • The rounded eyes of the American Polydactyls are set at an angle, and any color or combination of colors is acceptable.
  • The same goes for the color of the coat and the length of the coat., as long as the hairs are attached to the body.
    The american polydactyl cat long-haired must have a hair soft and silky.
  • The bodies of the American polydactyls they are rectangular in shape, well muscled on a medium bone structure. Their breasts are well rounded and wide.
  • Some american polydactyl cats have tail short, and these cats have shorter bodies than those with long tails.
  • The legs of the american polydactyls they are straight and robust, and cats with tails have significantly longer hind legs than front legs.
  • Of course, the characteristic feature of american polydactyl cat are their feet with extra fingers. One of the extra finger shapes looks like a thumb, and for this reason the american polydactyl cats they are also known as “cats with thumbs”. The other conformation is that of another three-toed foot attached to the cat's five-toed foot.. The extra toes can be found only on the front feet or only on the rear feet, or all feet may have extra toes.
  • Character and skills


    The american polydactyl cat It is very similar to any other cat in terms of its personality and care. But, many owners have observed that their american polydactyl cats seem to have a more relaxed and gentle personality than other cats that have had. These cats are quite hardy and can survive even in snowy climates.

    The American polydactyl cat adapts very well to life indoors or outdoors, or a combination of both. They are outgoing pets, and they are said to be loving and patient even with children.

    Alternative names:

    1. Hemingway Cat, Mitten Cat, Extra Toed Cat, Six-Toed Cat, Big Foot Cat (English).
    2. Chat d’Hemingway, Chat à moufles, Chat à orteils supplémentaires, Chat à six orteils, Chat à gros pieds (French).
    3. Hemingway-Katze, Handschuh-Katze, Katze mit zusätzlichen Zehen, Katze mit sechs Zehen, Katze mit großen Füßen (German).
    4. Gato de Hemingway, Gato com luvas, Gato com dedos dos pés extra, Gato com seis dedos dos pés, Gato com pés grandes (Portuguese).
    5. Gato Hemingway, Gato de manopla, Gato de dedos extra, Gato de seis dedos, Gato de pies grandes (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    British Shorthair cat

    The original base of the British Shorthair cat was extracted from the robust common cats of Great Britain, when competitions and breeding became popular in the late 19th century. It was the most popular race of the first contests of British cats.
    Británico de pelo corto
    Photo: Wilkipedia


    Characteristics "British Shorthair cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "British Shorthair cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The British Shorthair cat it is one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. The Romans brought their cats to the British Isles, where they spread and adapted to the harsh climate. In 1871, the first breeders exhibited their cats at the Crystal Palace in London under the name of British Shorthair.

    What, Unfortunately, the breeding stock was very small after the world wars, breeders crossed to persian cats with domestic cats not registered. This not only increased the variety of the breed, it also reinforced their friendly character.

    Due to the crossing with the Long-haired persians, today there are also some cats of this breed with long hair. Breeders used to give away long-haired cats, while today they sell them under the name of “British longhair cat” (BLH). The British Shorthair cat (BKH) It is presented in more than 300 recognized color varieties, the best known being the silver tabby and the blue fur color. This particular breed is also known as British bleu cat.

    Popularity of "British Shorthair cat"

    From the years 70, the breed began a successful internationalization: It was recognized by the Fédération Féline Internationale (FIFé) in 1977, by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 1979, and for the American Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) in 1980.

    In fact, the British Shorthair cat is currently one of the most popular cat breeds in the world. It's no wonder it's even the preferred breed in Britain, where, With almost 7.000 kittens registered per year, represents almost a quarter of the feline population, and more than double that of its direct competitor. Nor in the United States can its success be denied, since the CFA figures show that it is on the podium of the most popular cats in the United States. It is also one of the most popular cat breeds in France., and its population does not stop growing in the country: according to the statistics of Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), kitten records doubled in the second decade of the 21st century, reaching now about 2.500 copies per year.

    British shorthair
    Female British Shorthair cat. Feronia. 20 months old. 4,5 gr. – George E. Corona, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Physical characteristics

    The British Shorthair cat it is a medium to large size cat, of solid constitution and very round. The body is broad and muscular, and the legs are short and powerful. The tail is wide at the base and should have a rounded tip.

    The head is easily recognizable: it is solid and round, with a short nose, rounded cheeks and large round eyes that can be yellow, copper, blue or green. But it is above all to his whiskers and rounded snout that he owes his famous and enigmatic smile that gives the impression that he is always amused by what he sees.

    Short, dense and without undercoat, their fur is more often blue (and it is also the most sought after color in feline exhibitions), but the British Shorthair cat can have a coat of different colors (white, cream, black, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon…) and with various patterns (bicolor, striped, tortie…).

    The sexual dimorphism is moderately marked, the female being smaller than the male.

    Size and weight:

  • Male size: 32 – 36 cm.
  • female size: 30 – 34 cm.
  • Male weight: 4 – 8 kg
  • female weight: 3 – 6 kg

  • British shorthair cat
    British shorthair cat

    Varieties of "British Shorthair cat"

    There is a long-haired version of the British Shorthair, which is the result of crosses with Persians made at the beginning of the 20th century. But, is not considered by most international feline organizations (FIFé, TICA…) as a simple variety, but as a race in itself: the British longhair cat.

    Apart from the length of the coat, there is no difference between British Shorthair and the British Longhair.

    Character and skills

    "British Shorthair cat"

    Gato Británico de pelo corto
    A British Shorthair cat, grey in color, sits in a bookshelf, looking up and to the left from the camera. – George E. Corona, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The British Shorthair cat he is a calm and powerful cat who forms strong bonds with his entire family, without favoring any person. Patient and tolerant, they are ideal for children who have learned to behave with a cat. On the other hand, does not like emotions and prefers to stay away from overly active games or unruly children. So, not the ideal companion for a family with young children; it is better if they are already a certain age.

    They are rather reserved with strangers, but they quickly become affectionate once they meet and welcome close friends who visit often. Having said that, your affection is not overwhelming: not one of those who demand constant attention, neither from his family nor from visits. After a few pats, find a comfortable place in the immediate vicinity and are able to support themselves.

    Extremely sociable with other animals, he gets along very well with his companions and with dogs accustomed to cats. His past as a guardian cat was left behind, as it now easily coexists with rodents, birds and reptiles.

    Although he is very affectionate, he does not usually like to sit on his master's lap, instead he prefers to snuggle up next to him. in addition, once adult, does not appreciate being picked up and prefers to stay on the ground on all four legs.

    Independent and hassle-free spending time with himself, does relatively well to be left alone for a reasonable period of time. You don't suffer from separation anxiety when your family is at work, and can be left home alone for a long weekend without worry, provided their food and water needs are met. In general, easily adapts to different situations.

    Last, it is not a very noisy cat, but when he speaks, her soft voice contrasts with her teddy bear physique. His purr, on the other hand, it is powerful and strong, similar to the sound of a small motor.

    Care and grooming of the "British Shorthair cat"

    The British Shorthair cat it is a low maintenance feline breed: a weekly brushing is enough to remove dead hair and ensure a healthy, shiny coat. During the moulting season, in spring and autumn, brushing should be more frequent.

    Brushing sessions are the perfect opportunity to check your teeth, eyes and ears for signs of infection.

    They should also give the opportunity to look at their nails, that can be trimmed with nail clippers if they are too long. Obviously, this is more prevalent if you don't have a scratching post available.

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    The British Shorthair cat It is a breed of indoor cats, and can do without access to the outside. But, if they are allowed to go outside, their owners must ensure that they do not endanger themselves. In fact, calm and confident, may not recognize potentially dangerous situations, not running away when seeing an aggressive dog or staying calmly in the middle of the road despite an approaching car.

    How much activity does he need? "British Shorthair cat"?

    Little active, even if they have their moments of madness, the British Shorthair cat needs to be stimulated from time to time to avoid becoming lazy. Running after a ball, Chasing the point of a laser or catching a toy are activities that help strengthen the bond with its owner while helping to keep it healthy.

    It also, despite his calm and laid-back nature, the British Shorthair cat he is extremely intelligent, able to learn many tricks. They also love the different puzzles for cats, especially when they deliver a reward to enjoy.

    Health and nutrition

    The British Shorthair cat It, in general, a robust cat breed, but may be subject to certain conditions:

    • The polykinetic kidney disease, a genetic disorder that causes numerous cysts in the kidneys: thanks to the work of the breeders and the existence of a DNA test, this disease is now relatively rare;
    • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an enlargement of heart tissue that causes changes in its function: although the responsible breeding program that has been carried out has greatly reduced the risk, this disease is still a problem;
    • Hemophilia type B, a clotting problem that causes dangerous bleeding: this disease can be detected by DNA tests, and a conscientious British Shorthair breeder identifies both carrier and affected cats to rule them out;
    • Gingivitis, a relatively benign condition but in some cases may require veterinarian intervention.

    It should also be taken into account that the greater risk to the health of the British Shorthair cat It, with much, the obesity. Greedy and quite lazy, often pampered by his family, you are at great risk of watching your muscular body gradually turn to fat, what can be the cause of many diseases. The owner has a real responsibility to allow him to have a sufficient level of activity and thus prevent him from gaining weight, for example, taking the initiative to play with your cat.

    Life expectancy

    Of 12 to 15 years


    The British Shorthair cat He is a glutton who enjoys both industrial cat food and that consumed by his family. So they stay healthy, your diet should be adapted to your age and activity level.

    Obesity in cats is a real risk in this breed, but it is not inevitable: a cat that plays daily and is not given more rations than recommended by the manufacturer should not gain more weight than necessary. On the other hand, a lazy cat, who is given all the food he wants and is regularly pampered with treats, you are likely to gain weight and endanger your health.

    So, it is better not to rely too much on the cat's self-regulatory ability. To prevent you from eating more than you should, its owner must not leave food in its bowl, and you must make sure that your partner does not have access to the food left by your family.

    If, despite these precautions, the British Shorthair cat begins to overeat, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian to establish a suitable feeding program.

    For sale "British Shorthair cat"

    The average price of a British Shorthair cat is of 1.000 EUR, but the price range is very wide, from 500 up to more than 2.500 EUR.

    These differences are explained by the physical characteristics of the cat (especially its color) and its greater or lesser conformity with the breed standard, as well as for their more or less prestigious ancestry. On the other hand, there is no significant price difference between a male and female cat.

    Videos "British Shorthair cat"

    British shorthair cat - BRITISH SHORTHAIR
    British Shorthair Cat Review after 5 years: The worlds best cat? (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
    British Shorthair Cat Review after 5 years: The worlds best cat? (OFFICIAL VIDEO)