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Black-cheeked Lovebird
Agapornis nigrigenis

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Inseparable Cachetón


Description Inseparable cachetón:

Among 13-14 cm long and 40 g. of weight.

Inseparable Cachetón

The Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis) they have the forecrown, lores and ear-coverts blackish brown with dark brown discoloration on the crown, sides neck and nape, and forming a dark mask.

Mantle, scapulars, rump and uppertail-coverts green. Upperwing-coverts green with bluish suffusion in outer feathers, including alula; vane outside of primaries and secondaries green with bluish suffusion, darker and more green tips; vane grey internal, black at the tips. Underwing-coverts green yellow and green. Chin and front of the throat discoloration to blackish with oxidized orange patch located at the bottom of the throat and top of the chest (bright orange during playback); rest of underparts mostly pale, slightly yellowish, green, bright emerald on flanks and around the thighs.

The tail green, except for four outer feathers which show patch of red: Subterminal point dark green in all feathers, except central feathers.

Bill coral red, white at base; irises brown; eye ring white (about 2mm wide); legs grayish brown.

Both sexes similar.

The immature they have the underparts with a wash of dark green; feathers chest and the belly with dark margins. Base bill blackish.

Inseparable habitat cachetón:

The Black-cheeked Lovebird It is found in woods Mopane (Colophospermum mopane) and acacias, in the valleys of the rivers altitude between 600 and 1.000 m, adjacent forests Baikiaea plurijuga, on which they are dependent during the wet season. They are also distributed in coastal forests, attracted by the higueras.
Avoid groves miombo Brachystegia.

Generally it is within walking distance of reliable water sources, in small flocks of up to a few dozen birds. You can settle in the community as Lilian's Lovebird.

Inseparable play cachetón:

Breeding of this species is only known in captivity., but I think you may be similar to the Lilian's Lovebird. Breeding takes place in the months of November-December, perhaps September, in the Victoria Falls.

It is less sociable than other Lovebirds, and he dislikes reproduced in Cologne. The female usually puts four eggs, they are incubated for 24 days. The chicks leave the nest to the 40 days of life.

Inseparable Power cachetón:

The need to drink water at least twice a day is a critical determinant of the daily and seasonal activities of the Agapornis nigrigenis. In the non-breeding season, this species congregate in large flocks of up to 800 birds, reaching peak levels in the early mornings and evenings, when birds drink and feed.

The diet of the Black-cheeked Lovebird It includes seeds, cereals, flowers, buds and berries. Known foods include seeds Amaranthus, Rottboellia high, Rhus quartiniana, Albizia anthelmintica, Combretum massambicense, Syzygium guineense and grasses Hyparrhenia and Eragrostis, also young leaves Pterocarpus antunesii.


The Black-cheeked Lovebird they have a very restricted distribution area (maybe just 6.000 km2), from south Kafue National Park, to the south-west Zambia (only very small numbers), along the valley Zambezi up to the Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

Some birds, possibly, also they distributed in the Zambezi region, adjacent to the northeastern end Namibia, for example, Isla Impalila at the confluence of rivers Zambezi and When; possibly also in the northernmost tip Botswana.

In the dry season, the core areas of forests Mopane totaling only 2.500km2, but the birds are introduced into the fields when crops ripen (causing some damage).

There are some Local movements seasonal.

Many Black-cheeked Lovebird maintained in captivity, above all in South Africa.


• Current Red List of UICN: Vulnerable

• Population trend: Decreasing

The population of Black-cheeked Lovebird, based on surveys 1994, It was estimated at about 10,000 individuals, however due to alleged declines in population since then, Today the population can vary within a range between 3,500 and 15,000 birds.

It is believed that three factors have caused the loss of population Black-cheeked Lovebird in the last century:

    – A strong exploitation for cage bird trade from 1920 until the Decade of 1960 (Moreau 1948, Dodman 1995c)

    – The progressive desiccation of their habitat (Moreau 1948, Dodman 1995c), probably the main threat given the highly localized range of the species (Warburton 2003).

    – The partial substitution of crops sorghum and millet, (an attractive source of food).

There is evidence that trade in wild species is currently at a very low level, with isolated incidents and export trade (Dodman 1995c, Warburton y Perrin 2005c), although it is clear that any international demand is met with enthusiasm (Warburton y Perrin 2005a, d).

Some birds are captured for consumption and also pursued as pests. Farmers take steps to mitigate the damage to crops, but they are largely ineffective.

Current levels of hunt It is not likely to have a serious long-term impact on the population, but it could endanger local populations that suffer from the effects of desiccation.

Recently there may have been local declines due to loss of water supplies shallow in the dry season, perhaps due to climate change in the long term. The number of permanent water sources in forests of Mopane It has decreased since the beginning of the century 20. The low availability of water in the dry season It is probably the main factor in the disappearance of permanent populations Bovu and Sinde Rivers, and changes in the population in the ngweze river. This is compounded by a decrease in annual precipitation in habitat of the species, on average, of about 5 mm per year between 1950 and 1995, causing an increase in the dependence of the kind of artificial water sources. The recent creation of hand-pumping wells along the river basins Ngweze, Not chifulo and Machile can lead to a decrease in surface water availability.

In some areas, pools of water are poisoned to kill the fish and this may affect the species.

The species may also be threatened by the decrease in water in the dry season of temporary rivers in the south-west of Zambia, due to decreased levels of rainfall.

Wooded Mopane exploited for firewood and wood, although the habitat is being regenerated and invading other habitats in some areas.

Disease virus beak and feathers They are present in the wild population, but there is no evidence that this is a serious threat.

Conservation actions underway CITES Appendix II.

– The catch birds for trade is prohibited (T. Dodman in a bit., 2000), although a number of captive populations still exist.

– In Zambia, the trade ban was implemented in wild birds 1930 (Warburton y Perrin 2005d).

– Approximately the 35% their habitat lies within the Kafue National Park and around Game Management Areas (P. Leonard in a bit., 1999, T. Dodman in a bit., 2000), while most of the main array is included within the Machile and the IBA Kafue National Park (Leonard 2005).

– Detailed research programs on this species is being undertaken in the early 1990 (1995b Dodman, Warburton 1999a, b, Dodman et al., 2000, T. Dodman in some. 2000) of which they have been published reports.

– One education project It focused on the species was held in southwest Zambia in September of 2001, the participation of local schools, settlers and explorers Wildlife Authority of Zambia (Warburton, 2003).

Source: Birdlife

Conservation Actions Proposed:

– Regular Conduct (for example, monthly) What monitor selected sites (such as water sources during the dry season) to control their population, concentrating on core distribution (Dodman 1995c, Dodman et al. 2000, Warburton 2003, Warburton y Perrin 2005d ).

– Conduct a Annual monitoring areas such as rivers mid Machile and Not chifulo and pools of the region Followers South Kafue National Park and monitor the availability of surface water in the dry season (Warburton y Perrin 2005d).

– Investigate your state in Caprivi Eastern (Dodman (1995c, Dodman et al., 2000).

– Encourage their return to the old areas of the range (Warburton 1999b).

– Follow a program environmental education that involves schoolchildren in visits and meetings with agricultural communities (Dodman 1995c, Dodman et al. 2000, Warburton 2003) to reduce the capture and disturbance in water sources (Warburton y Perrin 2005d).

– Provide training in ornithology and in the conservation of the local potential of guide birds and hold meetings with the inhabitants on the protection of resources, such as trees and water (Dodman 1995c).

– Maintain and create water resources with minimal disturbance (Warburton 2003).

– Continue to enforce the ban on trade in wild birds of this species (Warburton 2003, Warburton y Perrin 2005d) and further develop the captive breeding programs.

– Investigate the effect of burning grass seeds (Warburton y Perrin 2005b). – Management of water sources to encourage their use by species, and evaluate the impact of pumping wells in surface water supplies (Warburton y Perrin 2005d).

– Identify a selection of reasonably accessible sites where visitors can go to see the species, and guarantee options for generating income through ecotourism, In colaboration with BirdWatch Zambia (T. Dodman in some. 2012).

Source: Birdlife

The Inseparable cachetón in captivity:

Rare in aviculture. Not easy to find these birds in stores, However, It is quite common among poultry farmers in the surrounding area., and always present in ornithological exhibitions.

The Black-cheeked Lovebird They are less noisy than other species of birds Lovebird; enjoy bathing, They are biting hard, lively and social; They adapt well to life in Cologne, can coexist with birds of the same species and the Lilian's Lovebird (Agapornis lilianae); if space is limited sharing, They can fight each other, although it is generally more peaceful than other Agapornis species; both adult and immature newly imported, They are susceptible first duarnte 10 months; more resistant after acclimatization.

No leaves never completely tame. They do not like the noise, so it is less suitable than others Lovebirds life in close contact with man.

Alternative names:

Black-cheeked Lovebird, Black cheeked Lovebird, Blackcheeked Lovebird, Black-faced Lovebird (English).
Inséparable à joues noires (French).
Rußköpfchen, Erdbeerköpfchen (German).
Inseparável-de-faces-pretas (Portuguese).
Inseparable Cachetón, Inseparable de Cara Negra, Inseparable de Mejillas Negras (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Lovebirds
Scientific name: Agapornis nigrigenis
Citation: Sclater, WL, 1906
Protonimo: Agapornis nigrigenis

Black-cheeked Lovebird images:

Species of the genus Agapornis

Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife
– Arkive


(1) – Black-cheeked Lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis) – San Diego Zoo By DickDaniels (http://carolinabirds.org /) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Black-cheeked Lovebird at London Zoo, England By Gediminas (Picasa Web Albums) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Black-cheeked Lovebird with visible pin feathers on head, Birmingham Nature Centre, West Midlands, England By Simon Redwood (originally posted to Flickr as Parrot) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Birds-pet-wallpapers – link
(5) – back to childhood – link
(6) – By Gonzalo Blanco – Linx

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