▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Donskoy (Don Sphynx)
Federations: LOOF, TICA, FIFé, WCF

The Donskoy they are very loyal; in fact, their loyalty is often compared to that of dogs.

Don Sphynx


Characteristics "Donskoy (Don Sphynx)"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Donskoy (Don Sphynx)" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


Until the end of the years 80, the Canadian sphynx it was the only known hairless cat. The discovery of Donskoy in Russia this situation changed. This cat is also known as Don Sphynx or Don Hairless, in reference to the place where it first appeared and its resemblance to the Sphynx cat.

The history of the appearance of Donskoy It is worthy of a children's story: in 1987, in the city of Rostov-on-Don, located in southwestern Russia, near the Sea of ​​Azov and the Black Sea, a teacher named Elena Kovaleva took in a kitten that had been mistreated by children who had used it as a soccer ball. Called her Varvara. As the kitten grew, he started to lose his hair, suggesting skin diseases or parasitic infections such as ringworm. Various treatments were administered to try to fix the problem, But it was in vain. When Varvara gave birth to her first litter of kittens a few years later, some were born with hair and others without hair.

As the kittens grew, those born with hair also began to lose it, as his mother had done. This particularity caused a strong rejection by its owners, that most of them decided to abandon them because they considered that they were in poor health. It was then that a breeder named Irina Nemikina, seduced by these original looking cats, decided to recover one of them and start a breeding program to make it a breed in its own right. The cat in question and its descendants then interbred with the Persian cat, European shorthair cat and the Siberian cat to expand the range.

The gene responsible for the hairlessness of Donskoy (Don Sphynx) is dominant, meaning both parents don't have to be hairless for their offspring to be. For this reason, the cats obtained from these crosses kept the particularity of their ancestor Varvara, although they also had the blood of long-haired cat breeds in their veins, like persian. This genetic characteristic distinguishes the Donskoy of the Sphynx, that it can only transmit its hairless appearance to its offspring if both parents have this characteristic: en el Donskoy, the gene that causes this morphological characteristic is recessive.

The Donskoy also crossed with him Oriental shorthair cat to create a hairless oriental: that's how he was born Peterbald cat in 1994 in St. Petersburg, the city that gave it its name.

The Don Hairless It was recognized in 1997 by the World Cat Federation (WCF), and then in 2005 by the The International Cat Association (TICA). But, was not up 2016 when the latter allowed him to participate in cat shows organized under its auspices. The International Feline Federation (FIFé) also recognized the breed in 2011. On the other hand, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) y el Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) they have not yet taken the step.

Hereinafter, some organizations will not allow any crossing of the Donskoy with other breeds. This is the case of the WCF and the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) French. The TICA allows crossing with street cats.

Despite its recognition by some leading organizations, the Don Sphynx still one of the rarest cat breeds. These may include, in France, only 126 cats have registered in the LOOF between 2003 and 2019. More broadly, worldwide, currently there are only about fifty breeders of Donskoy (Don Sphynx), while there are more than 1500 for him Sphynx.

Donskoy – Nickolas Titkov from Moscow, Russian Federation, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Physical characteristics

The Donskoy (Don Sphynx) is a midline cat with a semi-foreal subtype. He has an unusual physique, compact, elegant and athletic. His muscular form, strong bone structure and relatively broad torso and rump give an impression of strength. Groin area and abdomen are well defined, so that the abdomen resembles a "belly" where fat is stored during the winter. In fact, despite the impression of vulnerability given by the absence of fur, the Don Sphynx is actually a robust breed.

They have skin dotted with "wrinkles", but very pleasant to the touch, as it is warm and velvety. These numerous wrinkles are characteristic of the breed and are due to its great elasticity.. They are mostly seen on the head, cheeks, the double chin and under the chin, as well as on the top of the head, with vertical pleats on the forehead, that separate the ears and then spread out in horizontal folds around the eyes. In the body, hug the base of the neck, the chest, the base of the tail, the back and the side of the legs, and then they go from the flanks to the lower abdomen and groin.

There are four varieties of Donskoys: one is born and remains hairless (the Rubber Bald), another is born with hair that is losing as it grows (the Flocked), a third keeps hair only in some places on the body (the Velour), and the latter retains much of its fine fur as an adult (the Brush).

In all four cases, the lightest coat of the Donskoy (Don Sphynx) makes it a hypoallergenic cat breed, which means that the risk of cat allergy is much lower than with other breeds. But, you have to know that there is no zero risk and that all cats can cause an allergic reaction, even the ones who are completely naked.

It also, it is the only breed that potentially acquires winter fur. During this time of year, a soft fur may appear on the chest, as well as hair on the tips of the legs. When the weather heats up, this fur disappears again, and the cat returns to its usual appearance.

In addition to this feature, the skin of the Don Hairless has original similarities with that of humans: sweat in hot weather and can even tan in the sun.

Their Paws they are shorter than the rear ones, but they are still well proportioned to the rest of the body. At the end of the Paws there are surprisingly long fingers separated by membranes, with large inward curved foot pads. The set does not differ from the fingers of a monkey. The tail is moderately long, fine and sharp from base to tip.

The head is V-shaped and angular. The eyes are almond-shaped and the ears they are very big.

Last, this breed is characterized by a certain sexual dimorphism. Males tend to be longer and more muscular than females. It also, have stronger cheeks and a neck, wider shoulders and head.

Size and weight

  • Male size: 20-25 cm.
  • female size: 20-23 cm.
  • Male weight: 3-7 kg
  • female weight: 3-7 kg

Varieties of "Donskoy (Don Sphynx)"

Contrary to what his hairlessness as an adult might lead you to believe, actually exist 4 varieties of Donskoy (Don Sphynx), 3 of which have fur at birth, before it disappears totally or partially:

  • The Donskoy Rubber Bald completely hairless from birth and remain so throughout their lives;
  • The Donskoy Flocked is born with a light down that is similar to that of a Siamese cat touch. This may go away over time and the cat may bald.;
  • The Donskoy Velour is usually born bald on the top of the head and with a soft, wavy coat all over the body. During the first year of life, the hair becomes progressively stiffer and disappears, except for the hair on the head, legs and tail. Some individuals lose their hair completely and go hairless like the Donskoy Rubber Bald;
  • The Donskoy Brush retains part of its fur as an adult. The coat is usually smooth, but it can also be wavy. Baldness usually appears on the head, upper neck and back.
Cat Sphynx
Cat Sphynx – Dmitry Makeev, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Character and skills

If the appearance of Don Sphynx can arouse surprise, and even some negative preconceptions for their originality, worth going further. In fact, this cat is not only distinguished by its appearance: he is also endowed with immense qualities that make him an especially appreciated life partner.

The Don Sphynx not only is he a smart cat, but also has a temperate and affectionate character. The absence of fur does not prevent him from enjoying the caresses. It also, its soft and warm fur is very pleasant to the touch. It also, with his good character, grooming your cat will not become a test of strength, since it is easy to handle.

Being active, especially curious and lively, explores its environment with enthusiasm and is very prone to inventing all kinds of games in search of new stimuli.

The Donskoy it is also a very sociable breed of cat. Enjoy the company of its owners and the visitors that pass by, whose attention you would like to have.

His sociability is not limited to humans, since he is also willing to share his space and time with other animals. It is, Therefore, of a breed of cat suitable to live with a dog or other pet, which may simply be one of your companions. It is even especially advisable to offer him a playmate in case of long and frequent absences, to avoid being isolated at home too often and for too long. In the end, he is in great need of company, whatever form it takes.

It must be said that this cat has plenty of affection, and is particularly loyal to its owners. He deserves the nickname "dog cat", since it likes to follow its owners in all their daily activities. This closeness to its owner also means that it is possible to teach your cat commands or tricks., that you will probably gladly carry out.

The other side of the coin of his kindness and his total lack of aggressiveness is that he is not very suspicious of the danger that possible attacks from other cats or other animals could represent.. For this reason, it is a recommended cat for life in a flat rather than for life outdoors.

Care "Donskoy (Don Sphynx)"

Due to the lack of hair, the care of Donskoy they are somewhat more complex. It is recommended to bathe the animals every fortnight approximately. There is no consensus on the exact procedure for bathing. The use of a mild body soap or mild facial soap is often recommended.. It is important to use a neutral pH soap. Too frequent baths should be avoided. If the correct pH is not respected, skin problems may occur.

With the time, a thin film of sebum forms on the skin because there is no fur to absorb the oil produced. The film provides some protection, but it looks unsightly. It can be cleaned in the shower or with the help of a damp cloth.. If a cloth is used, cleaning is done quickly. But, the effect is less durable than in the shower. You can use a microfiber cloth and water to clean. Soap should not be used. How animals are used to bathing from an early age, showering is usually not a problem. The water should be lukewarm.

You can place your Donskoy in the shower tray and have a towel spread out. Spread some washing lotion on the cat's back. Now you have to run a little water down your back and then you can massage the lotion. Avoid getting water into the nose, mouth, ears or eyes. Rinse the water well and place the cat on the prepared towel. It is important that you dry the cat well.

It also, as with any other race, it is important to check the condition of your ears at least once a week. Dirt or excess earwax can accumulate in the cartilage folds and cause discomfort or even infection.. Cleaning your cat's ears whenever they look dirty will go a long way in preventing this from happening..

Similarly, it is advisable to check your cat's eyes once a week to detect any abnormalities or infections, and clean them when necessary.

Male donskoy/don sphynx – ooznu, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Indoor or outdoor cat?

Keep your Don Sphynx inside. These cats are not only susceptible to problems with extreme temperatures, but also, because they are rare, someone may be tempted to steal them.

It also, Your cat's friendly nature means she may not assess dangers properly.

How much activity does he need? "Donskoy (Don Sphynx)"?

To the Donskoy they love to be manipulated by humans and will always want to be the center of attention when you are at home. It is vital to understand that the breed needs company, so this is not the best cat to adopt if you are away for long periods of the day due to work commitments or if you travel a lot.

The Donskoy es an intelligent and inquisitive gato, so you'll also want to provide an environment where the breed can explore and seek new adventures on their own. The strategic use of smart and interactive toys can help keep your cat stimulated and satisfied..

Health and nutrition

The Donskoy have an elevated body temperature and, Therefore, is better protected against infection.

The Donskoy adults are relatively immune to many diseases. But, make sure that the cat does not stay in a drafty place. They suffer much less from heart disease than their peers. The heart is healthy and strong in many representatives of the breed.

People with allergies to cats or cat hair do not usually react allergic to it. Donskoy. But, it has been observed that people who did not previously have an allergy may have allergic reactions specifically to Don Sphynx.

Since when buying a cat you commit to the animal, you must exclude the possibility that it is allergic. Maybe you know a cat of this breed in your circle of acquaintances and you can try to get in touch with him. Or you can ask a breeder or animal shelter to check the cat's reaction..

The Donskoy they have no eyelashes, so dust can quickly build up around the eyes. It is usually discharged through tear fluid., which is present in large quantities. In cats of this breed, eye slits are narrower, which means that tear fluid can collect in the corners of the eyes.

Donskoy Sphinx
Kitty of the sort Donskoy Sphinx – Alex Rave, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Life expectancy

Of 12 to 15 years


The Donskoy has no particular sensitivity to food: is quite happy with industrial cat food.

But, due to its lack of fur, has more difficulty than other breeds in regulating its body temperature and, Therefore, you should eat more at low temperatures to compensate. So, your diet should not only be of good quality, but also rich. Having said that, despite your greed, it is not a breed of cat with a pronounced risk of being overweight.

For sale "Donskoy (Don Sphynx)"

The price of a kitten Donskoy ranges between 1200 and 1500 EUR. This high price compared to most other breeds is largely due to their great rarity..

There does not appear to be any significant price difference between the two breeds, nor between males and females. But, the number of representatives of the breed and transactions is reduced, so it remains uncertain to extract any general rule.

Videos "Donskoy (Don Sphynx)"

Cats 101 Animal Planet - Don Sphynx ** High Quality **
Cats 101 Animal Planet – Donskoy
Donskoy cat or Don Sphynx or Russian Hairless.

Alternative names:

  • Don Hairless, Don Sphynx, Russian Hairless, Donskoy

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Desert lynx cat
Records: IPCBA, REFR

The Desert lynx cat is called many times Caracal. This is wrong, since the Caracal does not belong to the genus Lynx nor is it closely related to lynxes. In fact, is more related to the serval, with which it is often crossed while in captivity.

desert lynx



The cat Desert lynx is originally from the United States and is the result of crosses between the American shorttail lynx (bobcat) with domestic cats.
The races used to create the Desert lynx at first are the Maine Coon cat, the Manx cat, Pixie Bob cat and the Bobcat (Lynx rufus).

You do not need a license to own a Desert lynx cat.

Crossbreeds with unregistered or purebred cats are allowed until 1 in January of 2013. But, such crosses must be chosen carefully to complement the general type of the breed group Desert Lynx, It includes Desert Lynx, Highland Lynx, Mohave Bobs and Alpine Lynx. After the 1 in January of 2013, external crossings are not allowed, except with cats listed in the breeding book or in the foundation book of the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry (REFR) or from another record.

The Desert Lynx, Highland Lynx, Mohave Bobs and Alpine Lynx they can be raised together, with an offspring registered as follows:

  • All the white kittens (including straight and curly hairs and straight or curly ears) are recorded as Alpine Lynx.
  • All non-white kittens with curly fur are recorded as Mohave Bobs.
  • All non-white kittens with straight hair and straight ears are registered as Desert Lynx.
  • All non-white kittens with straight fur and curly ears are recorded as Highland Lynx.

The curly ears of the Highland Lynx are due to a dominant gene that curls the ears and reduces their size. When these races interbreed, the resulting smooth-eared kittens do not carry any curly-eared genes.

Non-white kittens do not carry the gene for the color white. So, breeders who wish to work only with Desert Lynx they wouldn't have to worry about getting recessive curly-eared genes in Desert Lynx have a cat Highlander cat in his ancestry. Breeders who do not wish to work with Alpine lynx would not have to worry about white kittens as long as neither parent is an Alpine lynx. Alpine Lynx.

Curly coat is caused by a dominant gene. Breeders who do not wish to work with him Mohave Bobs they don't have to worry about this as long as neither parent has curly fur.

These breeds are identical in body type.

*There are several breeds of cats whose origins are speculated to be intertwined with the European wildcat (Felis silvestris). The most common are gato Pixie Bob and the races of the group of Desert Lynx (Desert Lynx, Highlander cat, Mohave Bobs and Alpine Lynx). It is important to note that DNA testing of these cats has not yielded positive results for the presence of DNA from European wildcat. There is no evidence that these cats have feral ancestry.

Physical characteristics

It is a big cat, strong and muscular. The head it's big and round, the males have the jaws more developed and wide. The snout It is square and the nose is wide. The ears are large, with tufts of hair long in the tips and along the inner edge. The eyes they are large, almond-shaped, its color varies between green and gold (They can be blue in the colors of "snow"). The neck he is thick and muscular, strong and muscular body, straight and with a very powerful lower train. The legs they are strong and straight, the feet large with tufts of hair between the fingers. The tail is short or may not be.

They can be short or long hair, its fur is soft to the touch. You can have three types of patterns in the drawing of his fur:

  • Spotted (type Leopard): snow, Silver, blue, coal, Lavender, chocolate, red, copper, Beige and black.
  • Marble: just like the previous ones are but the pattern with rosettes instead of spots.
  • Clouded leopard: stains can become very large and in different ways.

Character and skills

They have a calm temperament, they are playful, affectionate and very loyal to their owners. They are intelligent and love to family life, they are also very social with other animals.

Although the Desert Lynx it is a cross between domestic and wild cat breeds, some owners say it behaves more like a domestic dog than a cat. While some cat breeds are distant, this cat loves spending time with his humans.

Evidence shows that the Desert Lynx it is a good option if you have children, since it adores its humans and is a loving race. But, it is vital that socialization begins early so that boundaries are established by both parties. It is important to keep in mind that each cat is an individual, so not everyone will react in the same way with children.

For sale "Desert lynx cat"

If you are looking for a Desert lynx cat, ask the breeder that cat or kitten is registered in the IPCBA.
If not and the cat is registered with REFR or other record, then what you are buying is probably a Highlander cat.

Videos "Desert lynx cat"

A wild Desert Lynx CAT
A wild Desert Lynx CAT
Desert Lynx

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Elf cat
Federations: TICA

The Elf cat, a new and extremely rare hybrid breed, is a playful and intelligent cat that combines the physical and personality traits of cats Sphynx and American Curl.


Characteristics "Elf cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Elf cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


Since the Elf cat it is such a new and extremely rare breed, its history is somewhat limited. Cat breeders and enthusiasts Karen Nelson and Kristen Leedom are considered the creators of the breed; in 2004 Nelson and Leedom came together with a vision to breed a curly-eared cat that retained the personality and physical attributes of their beloved cats. Sphynx cat.

The Elf cat developed successfully from the crossing of cat breeds Sphynx and American Curl. Each of these two races has a distinctive trait, and the Elf cat was designed to combine them. The most distinctive features of this cat are the appearance of curly ears, taken from American Curl, and the absence of hair, taken from Sphynx cat. But, similar to the Sphynx, the Elf cat not completely hairless; their skin may be covered with a very fine fur that is practically imperceptible both to the eye and to the touch.

Any of the Elf cat is now found in generations exhibiting the traits that were originally conceived, and they are beginning to be introduced in the halls of the International Cat Association (TICA). Once the required numbers were reached, the original creators and enthusiasts of the breed gained acceptance of the Elf cat as a new feature of the Sphynx cat; the Elf cat has been accepted for registration in the TICA, and they are shown as Sphynx with new features in cat shows.

Physical characteristics

"Elf cat"

The Elf cat it seems like a Sphynx, except that their ears they are small and curved, like those of American Curl. This is one of the most striking features of this cat.

The other striking feature is that it is a naked cat, or covered only with a fine down on the legs, the ears, nose and tail. The vibrisas are short or absent, and there is no hair in the ears. Skin feels like a peach or suede. At birth, it is heavily wrinkled. This appearance diminishes in adulthood, but there are still deep wrinkles on the shoulders, ears and muzzle.

Its body, similar to the of the Sphynx, it is semi-linear, well built, with an athletic silhouette and legs long and thin. The tail it's long and thin. The head is elongated, with prominent cheekbones and short or absent vibrissae. Last, big ones eyes ragged lines complete the portrait of this elegant cat.

The male is on average a 25% larger than female.

Last, all coat colors are allowed, with or without marks.

Size and weight

  • Size: 30 cm.
  • Weight: Of 3,6 to 6,8 kg

Character and skills

The Elf cat was bred to perpetuate the best personality qualities of Sphynx and American Curl cats, like kindness and affection. They are also considered one of the most intelligent breeds of cats. Being so outgoing and sociable, want more contact and interaction with humans than the average cat and, therefore, are better suited to homes where they are not left alone for long periods of time. They will also be happier sharing their home with a feline companion to play with..

The Elf cat they are active and friendly cats who love to be the center of attention, and they are also extremely curious and playful (and they are known to get into some mischief). Prospective cat owners Elf cat they should be aware that these cats love to climb and will want to play with just about anything in their reach, so it is essential that they have plenty of play time and lots of toys, as well as high shelves or other safe spaces where they can climb.

Grooming and care

The Elf cat is generally regarded as a low-maintenance breed of cat. Due to the fact that the Elf cat Does not have hair, potential owners won't have to worry about moving. But, these cats will need a bath or routine cleaning. Regular grooming is important to remove secretions from the skin, otherwise a Elf cat can become sticky to the touch or even develop skin problems. Many Elf cat tolerant (and they even enjoy) an occasional bath.

The Elf cat it is a very sociable and friendly breed, meaning it can easily fit into most home environments and family structures. They also adapt well to other pets in the home. But, their lack of hair means that they must remain indoors for their comfort and safety.

Elf cat
Elf cat – HTTPS://petsfeed.co/elf-cat-information-cat-breed-facts/


As with their ancestors American Curl, the ears of these cats must be treated carefully so as not to damage the cartilage. With or without soft cover, the Elf need protection against UV rays. It also, without hair, they react to heat and cold just like we do. If your need a sweater, he also needs it Elf cat.

Health and nutrition

Because of her hairless body, sunburn, Sensitivity to cold and heat and other skin problems are potential concerns for owners of the Elf cat. Your delicate skin can also be easily injured, for example, when playing with a feline companion.

The Elf cat is considered a healthy cat and, being a new breed, Genetic health problems have not yet been determined. But, may be susceptible to health conditions that affect their parent breeds, such as heart and gum problems.


Like all races, the Elf cat may be susceptible to weight-related problems, such as obesity or heart disease, so you should eat a high-quality, protein-rich diet, and get plenty of exercise in the form of games with your family.

The potential owners of the Elf cat they should know how much the race Sphynx as the American Curl tend to have a robust appetite (and they have a bulging belly to prove it), so it is much more important to feed these cats a proper and balanced diet.

Dwelf. Pros and Cons, Price
Elf Cat

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

European Burmes cat
Federations: GCCF, LOOF, FFH

burmes europeo



The European Burmes cat has the same origins as the American Burmese cat, that goes back to Wong Man, led cat of Burma to America in 1930. Imported American cats, descendants of Wong Mau, to Great Britain, and the Brown was recognized in 1952, but after the race was divided to take different forms in both sides of the Atlantic. In Europe, breeders preferred a more typically oriental look, and they were also interested in a wider color scale.

The Cat Fanciers Association began registering Burmese in 1936, but suspended records on 1947 because breeders continued to use conjoined twins in their breeding programs. Records resumed in 1953, after this practice was discontinued.

In Europe, However, the development of Burmese took a different path. In Great Britain, where the broodstock shortage was even greater than in the United States, the Siamese Red Point and the British Shorthair cat were used in breeding programs, and his genetic contribution included additional colors: red, cream, brown-turtle, chocolate-turtle, blue-turtle and lilac-turtle. With the time, they met as European Burmes cat.

The color blue, a recessive trait carried by cats imported from America, accepted a few years. The reddish colors and the turtle, It resulted from an accidental crossing, they were recognized in the Decade of 1970. Great Britain cats were exported to Europe, Africa, Australia and New Zealand in the Decade of 1950. Therefore, the breed in these countries follows the European type. The FIFé allows green eyes, but the GCCF considers it a defect.

On both sides of the Atlantic, the Burmese cat still listed among the most popular breeds, but looks better in Europe, where short hair cats prevail over copies of long hair.

Physical characteristics

European Burmese
Share Alois de Arkhitekton, European Burmese male presented at a cat show in Siilinjärvi, Finland – Heikkisiltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The European Burmes cat, as the American Burmese cat, characterized primarily by the sepia pattern of fur, which gradually transforms into dark, uniform tips at the roots, without markings striped cat.

The coat is short and thin, glued to the body and do not need daily care. Thin legs hold a fairly weak body, but muscular, surprisingly heavy for its size.

The head is the feature in which the European Burmes cat differs more than the American type. It has a wedge and the snout is blunt; the eyes are separated, they are round and just ripped.

It is a medium-sized cat that usually weighs between 2 and 3 kg, sometimes more.


Most organizations that recognize the European Burmes cat they do not allow the crossing with other races in the framework of their breeding.

This is the position taken by the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) and the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF).

The Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) French is an exception, since it authorizes the mating with the Burmilla cat, to expand the genetic background of this breed.

It also, the European Burmes cat is itself the origin of two races:

the Burmilla cat, resulting from mating with the Persian cat;
the Gato Tiffanie, resulting from a cross with the Himalayan cat.

Popularity of "European Burmes cat"

The European Burmes cat is quite successful in Europe, and this is especially true in the country where it was developed: Great Britain. Since 2004, ranks fifth in the breed ranking based on the number of annual registrations at the country's leading feline institution, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF). But, is in clear decline: while at the end of the 90 more than 3.000 kittens per year in the organization (which allowed him to occupy the fourth position in the ranking), this figure has been divided by three since then, and now around a thousand.

In France, the European Burmes cat not as successful as in Great Britain and ranks 35 (of about 70) in the breed classification of the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) based on the number of births registered each year. This number is around fifty, what, just like in britain, reflects a certain decline: in the decade of 2000, it was rather on the order of 60 to 80. The American Burmese cat not far behind, since it occupies the position 40, nails on 30 or 40 registrations per year.

In Switzerland, the European Burmese occupies the tenth place in the statistics of the Fédération Féline Helvétique (FFH) since the years 90. But, while in the decade of 2000 there were some 70 registrations per year, this figure has dropped in the following decade and is now more of 40.

Character and skills

European Burmese
European Burmese – asi02, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

When it comes to personality, the European Burmese and the Burmese cat are aligned. The European Burmese is energetic and friendly. Has the charm and determination of his ancestors Siamese, and enjoy the conversation as much as that breed, but her voice is soft and sweet, which contradicts his tendency to run the home with an iron paw sheathed in velvety fur. He is very intelligent and seeks human company., so it is not the most suitable for a home where you will be alone most of the day. If there are no humans around to stimulate your intellect, make sure he has another pet for company. Get along well with other cats and dogs, but, of course, other Burmese (of any type) will be your best friend.

The European Burmese he is a very curious cat. It is hoped that you will explore your home thoroughly and get to know all its corners. He is playful and remains so into adulthood. Stimulate their smart mind with interactive toys and teach them tricks that allow them to show off in front of the public. Besides sitting, turn around, say hello and come, can learn to reach for a small toy or walk on a leash. With proper early conditioning, car rides and vet visits will be a breeze.

One European Burmes cat it is a good choice if you are not opposed to total loss of privacy. This cat will want to participate in everything you do, from reading the newspaper and working on the computer to preparing meals and watching television. Of course, will sleep in bed with you and can even snuggle under the covers. When i'm sitting, will be on your lap or right next to you, waiting expectantly for me to caress you. Yes, he ignores them, will scold you. Guests will receive your undivided attention, and those who say they don't like cats are likely to win.

A female of European Burmese is the very definition of queen status. Likes attention and likes to be in command. Males are calmer and are content to fill the lap. Whatever your choice, you may soon find yourself longing for another.

Children and other pets

The European Burmese, active and sociable, It is a perfect option for families with children and for dogs that accept cats.. Play fetch as well as any retriever, learns tricks with ease and loves the attention he receives from children who treat him with politeness and respect. Live peacefully with cats and dogs that respect your authority. Always introduce pets slowly and under controlled circumstances so that they learn to get along.


Both pedigreed cats and catsmixed raceshave different incidences of health problems that may be genetic in nature.The European Burmes cat is generally healthy, although they can be prone to gingivitis and can be sensitive to anesthesia.The following diseases have also been observed in this breed:

  • Aqueous humor lipemia, a transient milky appearance of the eye during infancy, that usually resolves on its own.
  • Dermoide corneal, the presence of skin and hair on the surface of the cornea, that can be successfully corrected surgically.
  • Gangliosidosis, an enzyme deficiency A test has been developed to detect the disease.
  • Orofacial pain syndrome, indicated by exaggerated licking and chewing movements and pawing the mouth Discomfort may increase when the cat is excited or stressed, and cats are often reluctant to eat because the activity is painful. Some cats must wear an Elizabethan collar and have their paws bandaged to prevent injury. Some cases resolve on their own and then recur. The cause and outcome are unknown. mode of inheritance. Pain relievers and anticonvulsants may help, as well as consultation with a veterinary dentist to rule out dental disease.
  • Congenital peripheral vestibular disease causing head tilt, lack of balance, rapid eye movements and uncoordinated gait in kittens Some kittens with the condition can also be deaf.
  • Hypokalemic polymyopathy, muscle weakness caused by low levels of potassium in the blood, sometimes seen in Burmese kittens Signs include general weakness, stiff gait, reluctance to walk and head tremors. Can be treated with orally administered potassium supplements.
  • Flat chested kitten syndrome, a deformity that can range from mild to severe Kittens that survive to adulthood usually show no signs once they reach maturity.
  • twisted glue, usually as a result of a coccyx deformity; it does not cause pain or discomfort.
  • Osteoarthritis of the elbow, an early-onset arthritis in the elbow that limits the cat's activity or mobility.
  • Endocardial fibroelastosis, a heart condition in which the left ventricle of the heart thickens and stretches the heart muscle. The signs usually develop when a kitty has 3 SA week 4 months of age, a good reason to wait until 4 months to bring a kitten home.
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy, enlarged heart.
  • Mellitus diabetes, an endocrine condition caused by a defect in insulin secretion or insulin action that results in high blood sugar levels.
European Burmese
European Burmese

care and grooming

The soft, short coat of the European Burmese easily cared for with weekly brushing or combing to remove dead hair and distribute skin oil. A bath is seldom necessary.

Brush your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. The best is daily dental hygiene, but a weekly brushing is better than nothing. Clean the corners of the eyes with a soft, damp cloth to remove any discharge. Use a different area of ​​the cloth for each eye so as not to run the risk of spreading any infection. Check the ears weekly. If they look dirty, clean them with a cotton pad or soft cloth moistened with a mixture of cider vinegar and warm water at 50%. Avoid using cotton buds, that can damage the inside of the ear.

Keep the litter box spotless. As all cats, the European Burmese they are very demanding with bathroom hygiene.

It is a good idea to keep a European Burmes cat as an indoor cat to protect it from diseases transmitted by other cats, from dog attacks and other dangers faced by outdoor cats, like being hit by a car. The European Burmese who go abroad also run the risk of being stolen by someone who wants to have such a beautiful cat without paying for it.

Characteristics "European Burmes cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "European Burmes cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Videos "European Burmes cat"

European Burmese cat❤️ Breeding cattery Freya Way*RU
European Burmese cat❤️ Breeding cattery Freya Way*RU
Harvey lilac European Burmese Cat at Play
Harvey lilac European Burmese Cat at Play

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Egyptian Mau
Recognized by the CFA, FIFe, TICA, AACE, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC

The Egyptian Mau does not give his affection to everyone: to earn their trust, your family should give you all the attention you deserve.

Photo: Wikipedia.org


Characteristics "Egyptian Mau"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Egyptian Mau" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


Mau it is an egyptian word that means “cat”, and all existing races, the Egyptian Mau It is probably the one that has the most similarity to the domestic cats of Ancient Egypt. This appearance is not due to recreation detailed with various races or varieties, but to the descendants of the race of Egyptian Street cats that may have lived in the same region and have been essentially equal for millennia.

If the appearance of this variety is taken as the date of the race, It is by far the oldest in the world. More recently, the Egyptian Mau as a pedigree breed is the creation of Nathalie Troubetskoy, exiled Russian living in Italy since the second world war, it imported cats of Cairo. Reproduced them and showed the resulting kittens in Europe, and in United States recorded, where is installed in 1956. The full recognition of the breed took another twenty years, and much more in Great Britain, where it was delayed by confusion with similar spotted tabby cats: that used to be called maits and they were part of Oriental shorthair cat, and because of its similarity with the Ocicat cat.

Its international diffusion also continued, so that in the years 90 was present in both America and continental Europe, but also in more distant latitudes, like japan. The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) recognized her in 1992.

But, the United Kingdom, a country with a great feline culture, stayed a little behind, since it was not until 1998 When Melissa Bateson imported the first Egyptian maus to the country, and up 2006 When the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) granted the definitive recognition to the breed.

Today, the Egyptian Mau is well represented on all continents, but their popularity is still well below the new breeds of cats of wild origin, as the Bengal cat or the Savannah cat. In United States, is around the post 30 of the CFA breed ranking by number of registrations, and it even looks like it`s stagnating, since at the beginning of the decade of 2010 I was around the post 20. In the United Kingdom, the breed was quite popular after its recognition by the GCCF, With almost 200 specimens registered every year around 2010, but his popularity only decreased thereafter, to the point that since 2015 the number has dropped to less than 100 by year.

Physical characteristics

Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Mau – Pieter Lanser from The Netherlands, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Egyptian Mau it is a semi-linear cat. Its body he is both muscular and elegant, well settled on long legs (more in the front than in the back) and powerful, to the point of turning him into a speed champion. It is distinguished by an excess of skin between the flanks and the hindquarters, which forms a kind of ventral pouch called "bellows". The tail is medium in size and tapers towards the tip.

Seen from the front, the head of the Egyptian Mau is shaped like a rounded triangle, no straight lines. The forecrown has a very characteristic mark in the form of an M, called "beetle mark". The eyes are wide open and have a color specifically called "currant green.". The ears they are medium in size and have a rounded tip.

The fur of the Egyptian Mau It is of medium length, and its texture depends on the color of the coat. Like this, the black smoke (black marks on charcoal background) and the black (black marks on black background, only visible under certain lighting) they have fine, silky fur. The silver (black marks on silver background) and the bronze (dark brown markings on bronze background) have a dense and flexible coat.

Whatever its color, the fur of the Egyptian Mau is always stained. The Egyptian Mau It is the only breed of domestic cat that has this peculiarity., since the other races in this case were all created by man.

Last, the sexual dimorphism it is well marked: the male is significantly larger and heavier than the female.

Size and weight

  • Male size: Of 28 to 32 cm.
  • female size: 25-28 cm.
  • Male weight: 4-7 kg
  • female weight: 2,5-4,5 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Egyptian Mau to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Character and skills

"Egyptian Mau"

Mau egipcio
Eyes of Egyptian Mau change colour according to mood, first pale green – Madame Diana, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Egyptian Mau does not give his affection to everyone: to earn their trust, your family should give you all the attention you deserve. He seems to like to be admired and the center of attention, as were their ancestors, who were considered deities in ancient Egypt. Once the link is established, he is completely devoted and loyal, and enjoy spending time playing with his master or being caressed.

But, they are much more wary of strangers and are quite shy and fearful in a noisy environment. To prevent the cat from becoming overly stressed, it is important to get him used to a certain level of activity at home from an early age, as well as the various noises you may face later: television or music at high volume, vaccum cleaner, fire siren, etc. This is especially true for those individuals who are destined to participate in feline shows., since the atmosphere and the agitation that reign in these events can be extremely stressful for a cat that until then has only known the calm of a quiet home.

Being playful, to the Egyptian Mau likes the company of children who know how to behave in the presence of an animal, but he quickly runs away from the little ones and / or those he finds too agitated for his liking. They enjoy the company of other dogs and cats, but they want to remain the center of their family's universe.

On the other hand, how is an excellent hunter, you have to avoid living with rodents, fish or birds, since it is very likely that it will end badly. It also, if you have access to the outside, it should come as no surprise that from time to time he brings a gift to his family, mouse or bird shape. He would not understand that his family was not happy to enjoy the fruits of his efforts, so it is advisable to congratulate him with lots of caresses and some treats, to let you know that your gift is appreciated.

Smart and active breed, the Egyptian Mau quickly learn to return a thrown object, to run after a plastic mouse or to open a door, either the one in the closet where the goodies are kept or the one that offers you the access to the outside that you like so much. However, can live in a flat, but then it is necessary to play with it daily and that the floor is large enough for this little car to run around.

They are also one of the few cat breeds that love water.. Although unlikely to join its owner in the shower, you can play with the water from your bowl or from an open tap for a while. He also likes to jump and position himself high to observe his territory., so it is quite possible that the top of a closet will become your favorite place.

Last, although it is not very vocal, the Egyptian Mau she does not hesitate to make her soft and melodious voice heard when her bowl is empty, or when he is especially happy. It is also capable of emitting clucking sounds quite specific to this breed., while wagging his tail in a rather unusual way.


The Egyptian Mau It is a very resistant feline breed and has hardly been shaped by the hand of man throughout its long history, making you less prone to genetic diseases.

But, are more prone to certain diseases:

  • Leucodistrofia, an extremely rare disease of the nervous system;
  • Umbilical hernias (organ that crosses the abdominal wall), that can be corrected by neutering the cat;
  • The pyruvate kinase deficiency, another rare disease, that affects an enzyme in the blood. Causes anemia in other breeds, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the Egyptian Mau: even if it is a carrier, does not seem to develop any particular symptoms.

It also, this breed is especially drug sensitive and anesthetics; therefore, before any treatment or operation, make sure that the vet is well aware of this specificity.

Last, the risk of Obesity in cats it is especially pronounced in the Egyptian Mau, especially if they live indoors. It is not a disease in itself, but it can be the cause or an aggravating factor of many health problems.

Life expectancy

Of 12 to 15 years


Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Mau – Flickr

The Egyptian Maue is an easy-care cat. In fact, a quick brushing once a week is enough to rid his coat of dead hairs.

This weekly grooming session is also an opportunity to check that your teeth, eyes and ears are clean and to clean if necessary, in order to avoid any risk of infection.

Last, if its claws are too long, you have to cut them with a nail clipper. This is more likely in the case of a person who lives indoors, since there is less natural wear.


The Egyptian Mau he is not picky about his meals and can be fed commercial cat food without any problem. But, These must be of good quality and adapted to your age and activity level, to provide you with everything you need for your health.

How they are quite gluttonous and prone to obesity, it is important to keep a close eye on your daily rations and not leave food available all the time as, unlike other cat breeds, are not capable of self-regulation.

For sale "Egyptian Mau"

The price of a kitten Egyptian Mau it is on average about 1400 EUR.

But, this figure hides great disparities between a subject with a prestigious pedigree and characteristics destined for feline exhibitions, whose price can easily amount to 1800 EUR, and another destined simply to become a pet, that can be found around the 1000 EUR.

In any case, there is no significant price difference between male and female kittens.

Taking a Walk With Egyptian Mau Cat Leo : Bad Egipcio

Talkative Egyptian Mau Cat Meow : Bad Egipcio

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Exotic Shorthair
Federations: CFA, FIFe, TICA, AACE

The Exotic Shorthair most famous is the red tabby Garfield.

Gato Exótico


Characteristics "Exotic Shorthair"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Exotic Shorthair" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Exotic Shorthair has its origins in the years 50 in United States. In fact, It is at this time that some breeders of the American Shorthair Cat, known at the time as Domestic short-haired cat, decided to cross it with silver Persians to introduce this color so sought after in the Persian cat, as well as the green eyes that accompany it. The resulting kittens did inherit this coat color and were beautiful., but they did not conform to the standard of the American shorthair cat: beefier, with a rounder head and thicker, longer coat, they had inherited part of the appearance of the Persian.

His existence was, in any case, very controversial, since most of the breeders of the American shorthair cat they feared that these crosses would distort the breed. The breed standard was revised to prohibit crosses with other breeds, so the future of these new cats was compromised.

Salvation came from the hand of some breeders of the Persian cat What, like Jane Martinke, judge of the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), saw the potential to develop a new breed. Initially called the race Sterling, for the beautiful silver color of the first specimens. At the same time, another persian breeder, Carolyn Bussey, proposed to develop a short-haired "Persian Cat" by crossing Persians with Burmese.

Little by little, other Persian breeders joined the program, also introducing the Russian Blue Cat.

In the Decade of 1960, like the short-haired "Persian Cat" already showed many colors, the name was dropped Sterling. In 1967, The CFA recognized the breed with the name «Exotic Shorthair» and allowed him to compete in the cat shows organized under its auspices.

It was also one of the breeds recognized by the International Cat Association (TICA) when it was founded in 1979. Refering to Fédération International Féline (FiFé), did not recognize her turn until 1983.

One of the CFA's Great Exotic Champions, a black male named Purrfun My Main Man, was imported to Britain in the early 1990s. 1980 and led to the development of the breed in Europe, including recognition by the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF). But, a large part of Britain's shorthair exotics are the result of crosses between the Persian Cat and the British Shorthair cat, unlike North American specimens, whose origins mix nothing less than 4 different races (Persian cat, American shorthair cat, Russian Blue Cat and Burmese cat).

The issue of authorized crossings has been debated for a long time, and the rules have evolved in this regard. Already in 1987, the CFA prohibited any crossing of the Exotic Shorthair with a race other than him Persian cat, and the GCCF did the same 13 years later, in 2000.

As a result, the Exotic Shorthair can be considered simply a short-haired version of the Persian cat, since it has the same physical characteristics, except for the length of its fur. The vast majority of feline associations have thus unified their criteria, so that both races share the same standard. The Exotic Shorthair It is often known as the "Lazy Persian" because it has all the qualities of the Persian cat, but without the inconvenience of having to maintain their long coat on a daily basis.

The Exotic Shorthair it is now one of the most popular breeds in its country of origin, and on average the second most popular cat breed in America in terms of CFA registrations.

They are also popular in Europe, although not as much as in North America. These may include, is in the Top 10 of the most popular cat breeds among the French, with about a thousand registrations a year in the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), that is to say, almost double than in the middle of the years 2000. So, represents around the 2,5% of the population of French cats.

The situation is quite different in Great Britain, although it also represents around the 2% of the cat population. In fact, at the end of the Decade of 2010, there were only a few 350 registrations per year in the GCCF, versus more than double in the previous decade. The cat is no longer one of the 10 most popular breeds in the country.

Exotic Shorthair
Witch boiler Bellatrix, Exotic shorthair female presented at feline exhibition in Helsinki in 2008. – Heikki Siltala or catza.net, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Physical characteristics

The Exotic Shorthair It is a medium-sized cat with an appearance identical to that of the Persian cat, whose standard shares: the only difference is that it has a short coat.

Its body it is solid, wide and muscular. Their legs, powerful and with a solid bone structure, they are rather short. The same goes for the tail, worn straight instead of curved.

The head it is solid and round, with a wide skull. Viewed from the side, the eyes, that can be of different colors depending on the fur that is worn, are clearly prominent, and forecrown, the nose and chin are vertically aligned. The nose upturned is short and wide, while the ears are rather small and rounded.

The fur of the Exotic Shorthair it is dense and silky, somewhat bristly due to the presence of a thick undercoat. The coat is slightly longer than that of most short-haired breeds..

The coat can be of any color, and all the patterns are also accepted by the breed standard.

Last, there is very little sexual dimorphism: there are no major differences in size or height between males and females.

Exotic Shorthair
Exotic Shorthair

Size and weight

  • Male size: 20-25 cm.
  • female size: 20-25 cm.
  • Male weight: 3 to 5 kg
  • female weight: 3 to 5 kg

Varieties of "Exotic Shorthair"

The numerous crosses with the Persian cat have left many long-haired recessive genes. When two short-haired “Exotic Cat” parents with this gene mate, each of their young has a one in four chance of being longhaired.

This variety divides the different organizations: are not allowed to compete for the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), its representatives are a breed apart for the American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA), while the International Cat Association (TICA) considers them Persians full-fledged.

Character and skills

The Exotic Shorthair it is a calm and serene cat, very affectionate with his family. They like to follow their owners around the house and jump on their knees when they sit down.. To the males, in particular, they like to snuggle and purr quietly with their owners, whether they are adults or children who have learned to behave with animals.

Due to its sociable and relaxed nature, does not pose problems of coexistence with other dogs or with dogs accustomed to cats. On the other hand, small rodents or reptiles can arouse their predatory instincts: you better not wait for this little world to live under the same roof, at the risk of being exposed to unpleasant surprises.

Even though they love their family, the Exotic Shorthair is more reserved with people they do not know. It takes them some time to get used to your presence, but once they've earned your trust, they are welcomed with unbridled affection.

Due to his closeness to family, this cat does not like to be left alone for a long time and can easily suffer from separation anxiety. The presence of other animals and/or the opportunity to play with different puzzles for cats that stimulate them intellectually are ideal for getting them through the day without difficulty when their owners are at work., but it is not a recommended cat breed for someone who is out and about often.

But, not an intrusive or attention seeking partner. They like their owners to be present and do their best to be as close to them, but they are perfectly content to sleep next to them without disturbing them if they are busy.

He is also capable of learning some simple commands such as "Sit!"!» y, unlike most other breeds, seems to understand the meaning of "No!"! If you are prohibited from going around the dining room table two or three times, is likely to remember and obey.

On the other hand, although they share the calm character of Persian cat, the Exotic Shorthair is generally a little more active than the Persian, having retained part of the playful character of the breeds of shorthair of which descend. They love to play, chase a ball, jump for a toy… They are also very curious and marvel at the simplest things: they can be seen standing for hours by the window watching the wind play with the leaves, or sitting on the edge of a sink counting the drips from a poorly closed tap.

Last, rarely heard, so it is not very noisy. In fact, his voice is quite soft and pleasant.

Grooming and caring for the "Exotic Shorthair"

"Exotic Shorthair"

Exotic Shorthair kitten
Brown Exotic Shorthair kitten profile – Charlyn Wee, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Exotic Shorthair Nickname "Lazy Persian" for good reason: It is a simple and easy-care breed of cats.

In fact, its short coat does not knot, and brushing the cat with a comb once a week is enough to keep its coat in good condition. But, during the fall and spring shedding periods, brushing should be more frequent to remove all dead hair.

Otherwise, just spend a few minutes after each brushing session to make sure his teeth and ears are clean and to wipe the corners of his eyes with a damp cloth, in order to avoid any accumulation of dirt. This last point is especially important since, because of the shape of her face, this cat is more likely than others to have crying eyes.

Last, claws should be trimmed when they get too long.

Indoor or outdoor cat?

Basically, the Exotic Shorthair is an ideal indoor cat who simply enjoy life with their humans and are quite frugal. But, like all cats, they are happy if they can be given access to the outside, Since, despite his calm nature and little need to move, they can enjoy a nature walk.

Unlike other races, the Exotic Shorthair usually have a small radius of movement when allowed to roam freely, so their forays never take them far from home, where the cozy sofa awaits you, the well-filled food bowl and, of course, their caregivers.

Thanks to his calm and caring nature, these purebred cats are not disturbed by a turbulent family life with lively children, and they can also enjoy life in a quiet individual apartment without any problem. Whether it is kept indoors or combined with the possibility of access to the outside, both are possible without complications, since it is only important that the Exotic Shorthair don't be alone for a long time, because he likes to socialize and, therefore, it's a good idea to provide a playmate so he doesn't have to be alone if you're away for a longer period of time. Whether it's a second cat or a dog, to the Exotic Shorthair he loves to have company.

How much activity does he need? "Exotic Shorthair"?

Thanks to your barely pronounced need to move, the Exotic Shorthair it is also very austere in terms of activity. But, these intelligent purebred cats like to be challenged in an intelligent way. It also, as owner of a Exotic Shorthair you would do well to motivate them to exercise, since cats can tend to be overweight.

Due to your intelligence and patience, Clicker training is a good way to keep your child busy. Exotic Shorthair. Nor should there be a lack of climbing opportunities and toys, because even if it is a cat a little lazy, gratefully accepts play offers and climbing opportunities. Tame cats can be encouraged to be more active, especially with food.

Health and nutrition

Exotic Shorthair
Understanding Cat in a bag – Flickr
The Exotic Shorthair are relatively prone to developing certain diseases. So, more than with other races, breeder choice is especially crucial to minimize (although unfortunately not delete) most of these risks.

This cat is especially susceptible to the following conditions

  • The renal polyquistosis, a genetic disease that causes numerous cysts in the kidneys and that today can be detected with a DNA test;
  • Dermatitis seborreica, causing redness and blemishes on the skin;
  • The had, a skin disease caused by a fungus;
  • Respiratory problems due to their narrow nostrils;
  • Eye diseases like entropion, an inward turn of the eyelid, or the cherry eye, when the lacrimal gland pops out of its orbit and can become infected.

It also, the Obesity it is a risk to the health of any cat, especially if you live in a flat, and the Exotic Shorthair is no exception to the rule.

It must also be taken into account that the increasingly shorter nose and the associated deformation of the entire skull can become a real torment for animals. The result is severe respiratory and eye problems. So, the trend in the Exotic Shorthair is towards increasingly "natural" noses to avoid breeding by torture.

Last, it is a breed of cat sensitive to heat. So, it is important to ensure that the temperature in your cabin is never excessive. If the mercury goes up a lot in summer, the ideal is to put it in a room with air conditioning.

Life expectancy

14 to 16 years


The Exotic Shorthair is not picky about food, and can be fed commercial cat food without any problem. But, to keep your cat healthy, you should choose a quality food that is appropriate for your age and activity level and that provides you with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

But, the flat face of some cats makes it difficult for them to chew and swallow, depending on the shape of the food. So, do not hesitate to try different types of croquettes and foods until you find the one that suits you best.

For sale "Exotic Shorthair"

The average price of a Exotic Shorthair round the 1.000 EUR, regardless of gender.

But, this average hides great disparities, since the prices range from 500 euros from a kitten with defects compared to the standard up to 4.000 euros of a specimen with prestigious ancestry and physical characteristics intended for cat shows.

Videos "Exotic Shorthair"

Exotic short-haired cat - One of the most LOVING CATS breeds

Exotic Cat Care: a curious feline - TvAgro by Juan Gonzalo Angel

Gato exótico de pelo corto

Cuidados del Gato Exótico: Un Felino Curioso
Exotic Shorthair Cat Review after 5 years
Exotic Shorthair Cat Review after 5 years
7 Reasons Why You Should Own An Exotic Shorthair Cat

Alternative names:

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Celtic shorthair cat (Common european cat)
Federations: LOOF, ACF, FIFe, WCF

Céltico de pelo corto
Photo: Wilkipedia



The Celtic shorthair cat corresponds to a european domestic cat medium, It has developed course, without any breeding plan.

The celtic short hair has its counterparts in Great Britain ( British Shorthair cat ) and EE.UU. ( American shorthair cat ).

A breed from Central Europe, solemnly developed for aesthetic purposes. The modern European shorthair has its origin in common domestic animals. By creating a new breed, breeders strove to realize its usefulness, while reducing their desire to wander the streets and, in general, made them more emotionally stable. To get it, the domestic cats they crossed paths with Persians and, especially in France, with Carthusians. Contemporary British Celts were blue, and the Germans bred mostly silver and white.

The breeding process began at the beginning of the 20th century, and the first standard is dated in 1925. Even despite that, FIFe has given its official acclaim as late as in 1982, And they were treating the Celts like shorthaired Brits from before. According to the WCF standard, The "Celtic" in the name of the breed indicates its historical origin.

Physical characteristics

According to the World Cat Federation standard (WCF)

Body Medium to large in size, strong and muscular, not too compact, but agile.
The rib cage is round and well developed.
Strong and solid legs of medium length, tapering evenly to firm, round legs.
The tail is of medium length with a broad base and tapers slightly to a rounded tip..
Head Wide head gives a rounded impression, it is a little longer than it is wide.
The nose is straight, medium in length and equally wide throughout its length.
The profile is clearly curved, the neck is of medium length and muscular..
Ears The ears are medium in size with slightly rounded tips, that they can have tufts.
The ears are wide and almost erect. The ears are as high as their width at the base.
Eyes The eyes are round and open, well spaced and set at a slight angle.
The color of the eyes must be uniform and correspond to the color of the coat.
Shelter The fur is short, dense, firm and shiny.
Color varieties The colors chocolate and cinnamon, as well as its dilution (lilac and fawn) they are not recognized
in no combination (bicolor, tricolor, striped).The pointy pattern is also not recognized.
All other colors and patterns are recognized Any amount of white is allowed Description
of the colors is included in the general color list.
  • The Celtic shorthair cat equates to a European domestic cat medium, that has developed naturally, without any planned breeding goal.
  • The Celtic shorthair cat ideal is free from any crossing with other recognized breeds.

Character and skills

Celtic shorthair
Femelle European shorthair in Helsinki cat show – Heikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Since the breed was developed from domestic cats, they have very different temperaments, the character of the European or Celtic shorthair cat it is impossible to summarize.

The members of this breed can be very affectionate, but there are others who prefer to be outside and chase mice. Most of the European they are strong and healthy, and they are generally friendly. They get along well with other cats and tolerate dogs well. They are intelligent and playful, and most of them are experts in keeping houses and gardens free of mice.


They are known for their good health and resistance to infection.


These cats are very easy to care for, since their coat looks good when brushed periodically. But, during the hot season, their coat may require additional attention.

Alternative names:

  • Celtic Shorthair (WCF)
  • European Shorthair (FIFe)
  • ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    European shorthair cat (Common european cat)
    Federations: LOOF, ACF, FIFe, WCF

    Europeo de pelo corto

    The European short hair short hair corresponds to an average European domestic cat, It has developed course, without any breeding plan.

    European short hair has its counterparts in Great Britain ( British Shorthair ) and EE.UU. ( American Shorthair ).

    Was not up 1982, When the FIFE registered the European type of short hair as a breed apart with its own standard.

    It is also called Celtic short hair (Go to this link to see more features)