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The first written records of the Burmese cat date back to the 14th century. El Tamra Maew, a manuscript of poems and illustrations found in Ayutthaya, the capital of the Kingdom of Siam (current Thailand), date of this period. This "treatise on cats" describes, among other things, to the Rajah, a round-headed cat, slightly chunky body and very silky chocolate coat: a description that corresponds in all respects to the Burmese what do we know today. According to legend, it was one of the 16 races that lived with Buddhist monks, who considered them sacred.
For centuries confined to his homeland, the cat began to spread internationally when in 1930 a US Navy medic, Joseph Thompson, brought a chocolate coated female from Thailand, Wong Mau. As the fur of this one was almost black at the tips (ears, legs and tail) and chocolate-colored in the rest of the body, guessed it was a Siamese cat. But, genetic testing disproved this assumption and established that it was a different breed. Fascinated by the beauty of this animal, Joseph Thompson decided to start a breeding program with other enthusiasts. Thus was born the American Burmese cat, a round-headed cat with a slightly chunky body.
The Burmeses did not arrive in Britain until later. It was not until the end of World War II that soldiers returning from Burma brought some brown cats.. Breeders who learned about the development of the American Burmese cat in the United States and Canada were interested in these cats and started a breeding program.
They contacted the American breeders so that they could send them some specimens. Among 1949 and 1956 some imports were made that allowed to expand the gene pool, which otherwise risked being insufficient due to the small number of subjects.
The program was a success: from the third generation, and more specifically in 1952, the breed was recognized by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the british feline organization. It was distinguished from Burmese Raised in America for his more triangular head and less stocky body.
The first standard only specified one layer color: chocolate. But, as time passed and more cats were raised, other colors appeared in the litters and lines. Like this, the first blue guy was born in 1952, and others with red fur followed in the following years, cream, tortoiseshell or even lilac in 1971. Breeders continued to develop the breed incorporating these additional colors, that were recognized in the successive updates of the breed standard.
But, until the end of the decade 1960, the gene pool of European Burmes cat remained very small, what limited its development. In 1969 imports could be reorganized, this time from canada, that contributed greatly to the development of the breed.
It also, the breed spread fairly quickly to most of western Europe. so it happened, for example, already in 1956 in France and in 1970 in Germany.

The breeding of Burmese has developed in parallel, but in a somewhat different way, in the United States and Great Britain, respectively. This explains a certain divergence between the North American and European lines..
Like this, the American Burmese cat, also called Contemporary Burmese, has a rather round head, a rather short nose and a somewhat stocky body.
The European Burmes cat, also known as Traditional Burmese, has a more triangular head, a longer nose and slimmer body.
This heterogeneity divides breeders and institutions. These may include, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) has refused to register specimens from the United States since 1980, to preserve traditional English lines.
The controversy is amplified by the existence of serious cranial deformities in some kittens from North American lines. These may include, some have two noses or just one cheek. Most affected kittens are stillborn., and those who are born are immediately euthanized. But, due to the limited size of the breed's gene pool, not even Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) not even Asociación Canadiense de Gatos (CCA) require routine sterilization of breeders with these defects. This decision is left to the discretion of each breeder..
The English Burmese lines are not entirely free from these problems.. But, the prevalence of these problems is much lower than on the other side of the Atlantic.
Physical characteristics

The Burmese it is a medium size cat, muscular and of strong stature, tending to weigh between 4 and 6 kg.
The legs they are long and delicate, with delicate oval feet. Overhead wedge-shaped, with one forecrown wide, some settle ears wide and of medium size and a straight nose.
The Greats eyes are golden yellow to amber in color and have an oriental curved upper eyelid. The fur of the Burmese, dense and silky, has a very fine undercoat, so it is attached to the body.
Officially, ten different coat colors are recognized, no pattern allowed. The Burmese comes in ten generally recognized colors. As a common feature, they all have so-called spiky coloration, why the face, the ears, legs and tail are darker than the rest of the body. The most common coat color is nut brown..
As a result of separate breeding programs, the English Burmese are different from americans. European tends to be more eastern, with a more triangular face, while the American Burmese cat it is plump and rounded in the body, head, eyes and feet; with full cheeks and a short muzzle.
Character and skills
The Burmeses they are curious cats, energetic and loving. They especially like to play and are very people-oriented. You should not leave them alone for a long time, as they quickly feel lonely. Not in vain, These affectionate cats are called "people's cats".
They need close physical contact and cannot do without daily caresses. The friendly cats remain active and attentive until old age. They do not show any fear towards strangers and are usually quite "talkative".
Indoor or outdoor cat?
The "Burmese cat" it is an active animal that needs a lot of space. You are not comfortable in a narrow flat. So that they are happy, must have at least one secure balcony or, even better, a fenced garden. If the conditions are good, the Burmeses they can also go abroad. The only problem is that these friendly cats are not afraid of the neighbors or other strangers.. So, They can easily fall victim to "cat thieves".
How much activity does he need? "Burmese cat"?
The Burmeses They are great cats for the whole family. They need a lot of activity and are reluctant to be alone. In fact, They consider themselves so affectionate that they would rather come on vacation with you than wait home alone. If you have to leave your loving cat alone more often, you should get a second cat to keep each other busy.
Especially if cats can't go outside, you must provide them with a suitable substitute occupation. Even outdoor cats are not averse to playing regularly with their humans. With his attentive and curious character, to the Burmese loves to play and chase toys. It is best to provide this clever cat puzzle games or encourage him to seek and chase with hidden treats..

Grooming and feeding
The coat of the Burmese cat it is very easy to care for and does not need any special treatment. Just brush the silky fur from time to time to remove dirt. This will not only guarantee a well-groomed and silky appearance, it will also do your cat a favor with extra petting.
A varied and healthy diet also contributes to the well-being of the cat.
For sale "Burmese cat"
Before buying a Burmese cat, you must be sure that you can dedicate the necessary time. The Burmeses they are considered one of the breeds with the longest life expectancy. You can't leave, often, to this cat only for the next 12 to 18 years and you will have to take care of it daily. If you have discovered this oriental cat for yourself, looking for a trusted breeder. There is currently no independent breeding club for the breed and you will have to turn to amateur breeders.. When you choose a kitten, make sure both the kittens and the parents appear healthy.
The price of a "Burmese cat" ranges between 800 and 1300 EUR.

Characteristics "Burmese cat"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Burmese cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
Joy5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Activity level4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to other pets3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to children3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Grooming requirements1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Vocality4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for attention4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection towards its owners5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Docility1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Intelligence4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Independence2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Hardiness3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Videos "Burmese cat"
Cat Who Lives On A Boat Loves Visiting New Places – MISS RIGBY | The Dodo
Gato Burmés – Características, Comportamiento y Origen