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Characteristics "Highlander cat (Highland Lynx)"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Highlander cat (Highland Lynx)" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
Joy5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Activity level5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to other pets4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to children4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Grooming requirements3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Vocality2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for attention3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection towards its owners4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Docility4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Intelligence4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Independence3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Hardiness4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
The Highland Lynx, better known today as Highlander cat, it was created in 1993 by crossing two hybrid cat breeds, the Jungle Curl and the Desert lynx. But, despite its exotic name, This breed of cat does not have an iota of blood from its distant wild cousin, the Lynx. The desire to create a Domestic cat with the appearance of a wild cat with curved ears was the main reason for its creation and for the choice of its name.
Since the appearance of the breed, the breeders of Highland Lynx they have continued to select and perfect the physical features of this very special cat to distinguish it from its parent, the Desert lynx cat.
Your efforts are beginning to pay off. Like this, although the highland lynx is still considered by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry as a subgroup of the Desert lynx cat, as the Alpine Lynx and the Mohave Bobs, is starting to emerge at feline shows as a breed in its own right. The name change in 2005 to Highlander was seen by the breeder community as a strong sign of demarcation.
The 1 in May of 2008, the breed was recognized by the International Cat Association (TICA) to participate in the feline shows organized under his auspices in the preliminary class of new breeds, reserved for new breeds that can enter competitions, but do not participate in them. Eight years later, in 2016, rose to the category of New Advanced Race, which means that he could compete but not win any official prize. The application of the breed to participate in presentations as a competition breed (final status which means official recognition) is being considered in 2019. It should be noted that the TICA divides the Highlander in two varieties: the Highlander Shorthaire for short-haired specimens, and the Highlander Longhair. Other international feline associations, as the Fédération Internationale Féline (Fife), the Cat Fanciers Association wave Word Cat Federation they still don't recognize the breed.
Despite TICA approval and resulting visibility, the Highlander not yet widely distributed outside its country of origin, United States. There are some breeders of Highland Lynx in Canada and Europe (France and UK), but your number remains confidential.
Physical characteristics

Bigger than the average cat, the Highlander has a body powerful, with well-defined muscles that show in every movement. Its torso is quite developed and its long hind legs end in large feet with prominent joints.
The polydactyly in cats, that is to say, having more "toes" on each paw than normal, It is very common in Highlanders, regardless of kinship. This feature does not pose any risk to the animal's health.. On the other hand, it can even be an advantage, as it provides more stability in your movements.
Another physical feature of Highlander is your tail naturally shortened, to the point of having only between 5 and 15 centimeters in length. It also, it is thick and can be straight or curly. This anomaly does not influence the cat's daily behavior or its health either.. He even tends to wag his tail to express his mood, like a dog.
Last, the head and the face of Highlander are generally longer than wide. Its forecrown long, their nose wide and its chin deep and pronounced form a rather rectangular face. The Greats eyes oval and flattened can vary in color between gold, blue and green, and they are especially expressive. The ears, with wide bases and curved tips, are placed high on the skull, alerts and open. This last characteristic develops in the first months after the birth of the kittens., who initially have straight ears.
Last, a wide variety of coat colors and patterns are accepted. Those with short hair tend to have a softer and denser coat than those with long hair..
Size and weight
- Size: 25 to 40 cm.
- Male weight: 5 to 11 kg
- female weight: 4 to 7 kg
Varieties of "Highlander cat (Highland Lynx)"
The standard of the Highland Lynx accepts all feline coat colors: ebony, blue, Brown, leonado, chocolate, lilac, Red and cream, as well as all silver variants, sepia, snow, mink and cameo.
But, the breeders of Highlander They currently prefer three coat patterns to maintain the "wild" look of the breed.:
- It consists of a tabby with dark spots on the flanks and belly of the cat. The size of the spots can vary, but they must be evenly distributed. Rosette-shaped spots are preferable (almost full circle, with a center lighter than the edges). A dark dorsal line, ideally made up of small spots, should travel the length of the cat's spine to the tail. The face has brindle markings. Ghost spots (marks that fade as the cat sheds and ages) are preferred for snow colors, cuttlefish and mink.
- The coat is brindle all over the body, with more pronounced brindle markings on the legs, tail and face. Collar markings are usually present on the neck and chest, but they are not essential.
- It is a variation of the brindle brand, but with horizontal guidelines instead of vertical. Colors must be contrasted, with well-defined shapes and contours. The belly is stained.
Accepted Highlanders smooth or brindle, but they are less desirable, as they are closer to the look of a Domestic cat.
Character and skills

A giant with a kind heart, quickly becomes familiar with his new surroundings and soon demands a lot of attention and caresses from everyone who enters his home. This applies even to strangers, those who do not hesitate to touch, if you are encouraged to do so. Sometimes he even goes out to party with his master and follows him around when he comes back from work., without the noise and the drool. In other words, not a suitable breed of cat for a master who is away often, that you would do better to opt for an independent cat.
On the other hand, unlike other affectionate cat breeds, the Highlander not talkative: shows your affection through your movements and attitude, not through your voice.
This personable and patient character makes them ideal for a family with children., provided they are not too agitated in your presence. Moderating the ardor of the youngest is all the more necessary since the mountaineer has an excellent memory and, Therefore, tends to run away from people with whom the first exchanges have been random.
It is possible to have more than one cat at home, since the Highlander is generally sociable with other cats. But, it is important to avoid bringing two unsterilized males together.
Cohabitation of your cat with a dog should not be a problem either, since they also get along very well with dogs, sharing the same devotion to their master. In fact, It is not uncommon to see that they quickly start playing together once they have been introduced..
It also, his intelligence and excellent memory make him a perfect student to teach your cat tricks and games, like the recovery of balls. An indoor cat perfectly adapted to life in an apartment and not to that of a garden cat, however requires distractions and activities between two naps. Playing with your cat on a regular basis will allow him to channel his energy while maintaining his powerful muscles, and it will prevent you from destroying everything in the house to get your attention.
Last, the Highland Lynx he is a water-loving cat, whether it's watching a faucet run for hours or getting sprayed during a gaming session.
The Highland Lynx is a new breed of cat and breeders have not yet identified any specific disease.
However, It's recommended that, before making any purchase, the cat's parental history and vaccination record is checked to ensure that all its vaccinations are up to date.
Depending on the hair length of the Highland Lynx, maintaining the cat's coat may require more or less work. The longer the coat, more regularly you will need to brush your cat (about twice a week), to help you groom. In any case, it is best to accustom your cat to being brushed from a young age, since older cats do not appreciate this type of attention if they are not familiar with it.
It is also important to monitor and maintain your cat's ears. Dirt or excess wax can collect in the cartilage folds, causing discomfort and infections. Cleaning your cat's ears regularly will go a long way in preventing this problem..
The Highland Lynx does not have a special sensitivity to food. It also, provided that the food is of good quality and is adapted to the dietary and energy needs of the cat, there is no risk of him becoming overweight.
However, keep in mind that the Highlander tends to drink more than other cats. So, it is even more important that they always have access to fresh water.
For sale "Highlander cat (Highland Lynx)"
The price of a kitten Highland Lynx ranges between 700 and 900 EUR.
Videos "Highlander cat (Highland Lynx)"
Highlander | Cats 101
Meet Gadget the Highlander Cat
Alternative names:
- Highland Lynx, Highlander Shorthair
Seeking a USA Highlander Katerchen
And where the answers are ? There hatchery Highlander in Argentina ?????
where can I get a cat of breed est
And as much cost highlander kittens ??? The berdad loved ????
I want to buy a cat breed
I love that kind of cat, where can you get??? Argentina, Uruguay or chile thank you hug!!!
I would like to know in Argentina where you get . Thank you
They can get in Uruguay?
Thank you
someone who tell me please how to import a pair of these cats to colombia and what are the requirements to comply with customs, Thank you very much in advance
I want unooo, Please if you know where I can get it to take care of it and wanting it and buy you thousand things hahaha alert
Hello my name is Franca and want to know if there are kittens highlander in chile
I would like a Highlander cat I am from Peru please let me know
I forgot to say q sooy of chile.
Hello, since the first time I met this breed (a couple of months ago) I fell in love with her and wanted to know where I could find one, If anyone knows of any part, please let me know..
Hello, I want to buy a cat, I live in Guadalajara if you know where they sell this breed can you let me know, Thanks a lot.
In Colombia a farm called mirringa or bengali angels
I love this type of race d Kitty
I'm from punta del este uruguay. in that country there are Kennel. not related genetically I'm interested in male and female to enter in my country
I wanted to know how do I get a highander cat, Moro em curitiba Brazil
Well, I need the information where to purchase a cat of this type, I would appreciate your answers. by the way live in bogota colombia.
I would like to know where you can get the highlander male short hair in Argentina? There are breeding here? from already thank you
to my I love cats hilander when q saw them hopefully and I can have one.
Hello viki of uruguay and since I saw a documentary on TV of the highlandr cats do not cease to ask my mother for a kitten from those! Haha… Well actually I would like to help me to get one.
Hola soy de Ecuador Quito, I would like to know how I can get one of these kittens
I am from the State of mexico, cdsatelite and quisera know where I can buy a kitten highlander? Grace,
My cat is the best is very cute
hello my name is andreina I live in Cucuta Colombia and I am interested in one of these kittens I would like to know here in Colombia where I can get it.. THANKS I HOPE I CAN HELP.
Hello, my name is karen and I'm from argentina. I love animals, I have 3 Boxer and a Siamese and I loved the highlander race but I can not find here in my country. I would like to know if you know where I can get it. from already thank you the information that I can bindar.
Hello, living in the city. I would like to purchase a cat
hihlander , can you tell me where I can buy. Thank you.
Hola que tal soy de mexico State and would like to know where I can get a cat Highlander, the truth makes me a cat outside the common and I would like to give one to my girlfriend.
I am from Argentina, Buenos Aires, yes, does anyone know where to get the Highlander, I appreciate the information!
Hi look I'm from argentina I would like to know where or how can I purchase a higlander in this country from
already thanks
Hello, Anyone know if there is of this race in chile? If anyone knows send me a message to my email:
Hello my name is carla and I am from Tucumán- argentina,I am a lover of cats and I would love to be able to have a highlander. They seem to be beautiful and with a personality someone could tell me how to get one I would be grateful. Thank you
Hello. I would like to know where I can get in argentina, BS As, a highlander cat. Thanks a lot.
Hello would like to know if this breed is located in Chile, Since I am very interested in having a cat of this breed!!! Please if you have any information or know how I can make it to be owner of one of them!!
Thank you!!!
The Highlander is a cat special calls me much its ears big coming to make curves and how strong is sensational.
I would like to purchase a Highlander would be fantastic having him as a pet,
Soy de colombia me Arley and heart's desire having this beautiful animal,
I would like to know how to get one because I saw a documentary of the Highlander and am quite interested in a cat from those,
someone who knows, to help me has to get one really appreciate it
Thank you
Hello, how are you doing. as you know my name is gaby I would like to have a cat hihlander but I could not count I'm from the State of Mexico. it and hopefully they can help me for your attention thank you
I found it in Canada and they sell litters, I am saving to buy just one that costs me a little more than $2000 dls